The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Sunday, May 31, 2015
When God Came Down!
'When God Came Down.'
Isaiah 64:3.
a) God was doing Awesome things.
b) God did things for which His People did not look.
c) God came down.
d) The mountains shook at His Presence.
(This QT reveals to me what happened When God Came Down)
'False Belief.'
Romans 11:3.
a) Here Apostle Paul is teaching from the life of Elijah.
b) Lord, he was still confessing God's Lordship.
c) They have killed Your Prophets.
d) They have torn down Your Altars.
e) I alone am left.
f) They seek my life.
(Through this Second one I see the negative influence of False Belief)
It is time for us, the Church in UK to Pray for, and expect, God to come down. When God comes down it is not a big mystical thing. When God comes down everyone knows that it is God manifesting Himself. It is the opportunity for us to be restored in the Holy Awe of God. Also the opportunity for us to share our Faith with other people around us.
God's Will - Step By Step!
'God's Will - Step By Step.'
Revelation 10:8-11.
a) Revelation 10:8. The Lord spoke from Heaven to John again.
b) Revelation 10:8. The Lord told John to Go!
c) Revelation 10:8. John was to take the little Book.
d) Revelation 10:8. This Book was open in the Hand of the Angel.
e) Revelation 10:8. This Angel stands upon the sea and upon the earth.
f) Revelation 10:9. John went to the Angel.
g) Revelation 10:9. John said to that Angel that He was to give him the little Book.
h) Revelation 10:9. The Angel told John that he was to take it.
i) Revelation 10:9. The Angel then told John that he was to eat it.
j) Revelation 10:9. The little Book would make his stomach bitter.
k) Revelation 10:9. The little Book would be sweet in his mouth.
l) Revelation 10:10. John took the little Book out of the Angel's Hand.
m) Revelation 10:10. John then ate it.
n) Revelation 10:10. The little Book was as sweet as honey in his mouth.
o) Revelation 10:10. After eating it John's stomach became bitter.
p) Revelation 10:11. The Angel said to John that he must prophesy again.
q) Revelation 10:11. He was to Prophecy before:-
1-People groups.
3-Differing language groups.
(This QT Teaches me that John knew God's Will - Step By Step)
'The Ultimate Prayer.'
Matthew 26:37-39.
a) Matthew 26:37. Jesus took with Him three Disciples to support Him in Prayer.
b) Matthew 26:37. Jesus began to be sorrowful.
c) Matthew 26:37. Jesus began to be deeply distressed.
d) Matthew 26:38. Jesus told these three Disciples three things:-
1-His Soul was exceedingly sorrowful, even unto death.
2-Stay here.
3-Watch with Me.
e) Matthew 26:39. Then Jesus:-
1-Went a little further.
2-Fell on His Face.
f) Matthew 26:39. Jesus' Prayer:-
1-Oh My Father.
2-If it is possible.
3-Let this cup (of suffering).
4-Pass from Me.
6-Not as I Will.
7-But as You - Heavenly Father - Will.
(Through this Second one I find The Ultimate Prayer)
Jesus began to be sorrowful. The old Hymn, following this Teaching of the Bible, goes like this: "He took my sins and my sorrows. He made them His very Own.". When we Pray, Praise and Worship with inspiration from the Word of God, and being led by the Holy Spirit., this really helps us to Pray the Ultimate Prayer, Praying in the Will of God.
Saturday, May 30, 2015
a) Esther 1:5; 2:18. Were given by kings.
b) Esther 1:9; 5:5 & 12. Were given by queens.
c) Esther 5:6. Were a place of communication.
d) Esther 5:14. Are to be enjoyed.
e) Esther 7:2, 7 & 8. Are sometimes banquet of wine.
f) Psalm 63:5. Are meant to be excited.
g) Daniel 5:1. Are given sometimes for high officials.
h) Matthew 22:4 & 8. Are given for weddings.
i) Matthew 22:9. Are sometimes open to anyone.
j) Luke 14:13: Also invited should be:-
k) Luke 14:17. Need to be prepared.
l) John 2:9. Can be a place of miracles.
(Through this QT I thank God for True Believers' Banquets)
John 17:25.
a) Jesus is praying to the Righteous Father.
b) He knows that the people of the World system do not know the Father.
c) Jesus knows the Father.
d) The People of the World system.
e) Know that the Father sent Him (Jesus).
(This Second one teaches me the importance of Knowing)
Banquets are sometimes open to anyone. It is something very special when we prepare a banquet and yet we do not fully know who the guests will be. In UK and USA and also many Western orientated Nations it is very difficult to understand this idea about not knowing who the guests are. It is different in many Asian cultures, sometimes folks have feasts and banquets and they have no idea who some of the attendee guests may be.
Rend The Heavens And Come Down!
'Rend The Heavens And Come Down.'
Isaiah 64:1-2.
a) Oh that You would rend the Heavens.
b) And come down.
c) Then the mountains will quake at Your Presence.
d) It is the same when fire sets twigs ablaze.
e) Then the fire causes water to boil.
f) Come down Lord.
g) Make your Name known to Your enemies.
h) Then the Nations will tremble in Your Presence.
(This QT records my Prayer: Rend The Heavens And Come Down)
'A Desire Of Jesus Christ.'
John 17:24.
a) He is Praying to the Father.
b) I want those people whom You have given to Me.
c) To be with me where I am.
d) And to see My Glory.
e) The Glory that You have given to me.
f) Because You have loved Me.
g) Before the Creation of the World.
(This Second one Reveals to me A Desire Of Jesus Christ)
One of the Prayers that we can join together with the Scripture is: 'Lord, Come Down.' This is a good Prayer for many different situations and circumstances. When the Lord comes down, He makes His Name known to His enemies. When the Lord comes down, His Name is always Glorified.
Friday, May 29, 2015
It Shall Be Accomplished!
'It Shall Be Accomplished.'
Revelation 10:7.
a) When the days arrive.
b) That the Seventh Angel is about to blow his trumpet.
c) The Mystery of God.
d) Will be accomplished.
e) Just as God announced.
f) To His Servants.
g) The Prophets.
(Through this QT I know that It Shall Be Accomplished)
'Complete Unity.'
John 17:22-23.
a) Jesus gave the same Glory that the Father gave to Him.
b) To the Disciples.
c) This was for a purpose.
d) That they would be one.
e) Just as the Father and the Son are one.
f) Christ in the Disciples.
g) The Father in Christ.
h) Then the Disciples will be brought to complete unity.
I) Then the people in the World system.
j) Will know that the Father has sent His Son.
k) Also that the Father has Loved the people.
l) This is in exactly the same way.
m) In which the Father Loved the Son.
(This Second one gives me understanding of the way to Complete Unity)
In History, as well as in these days, God both spoke and still speaks to His Servants the Prophets. A Prophet and a professional Pastor are not necessarily the same thing, although it may be so sometimes. We need to pray for Prophets to be raised up for the Church and to the Church. A Prophet is not a 'specialist in personal prophecies', rather a True Prophet is one who speaks the Prophetic Word from God for the Church.
The Truly Best Gifts!
'The Truly Best Gifts.'
Matthew 7:11.
a) Even though we are evil.
b) We know how to give good gifts to our children.
c) How much more will our Father in Heaven.
d) Give good gifts.
e) To those who ask Him.
(This QT teaches me the Source of The Truly Best Gifts)
'One In Christ.
John 17:20-21.
a) Jesus' Prayer is not exclusive.
b) Jesus Prays for all people who Believe in Him.
c) After hearing the Word of God Message.
d) Jesus Prays to the Father.
e) That all True Believers may be one.
f) This is the same unity that Christ shares with the Father.
g) Here is our Pattern for unity.
h) Jesus Prayed that the people would Believe in the Father and the Son.
i) When we are in the Father and the Son.
j) Then the people of the World will Believe.
k) In the Father and the Son.
(This Second one reveals True Believers' unity to me: One In Christ)
We need to consider the greatness of the generosity of our Heavenly Father. Jesus taught that the Gifts that our Heavenly Father gives to us are good. In fact they are the best, because His Ways are best. We should not passively wait for our Father, not even Praying, but Jesus tells us to ask in our Prayers.
Wednesday, May 27, 2015
The Holy Place Needs Restoration!
'The Holy Place Needs Restoration.'
Isaiah 63:18-19.
a) For a little while.
b) God's People possessed His Sanctuary.
c) But now their enemies have trampled it down.
d) We have become like the people.
e) Whom you have never Ruled over.
f) We are just like those people.
g) Who are not called by God's Name.
(This QT convinces me that The Holy Place Needs Restoration)
'Three Clear Facts About True Believers.'
John 17:16-18.
a) John 17:16. They are not of the World system.
b) John 17:16. Just as Christ is not of the World system.
c) John 17:17. We need to be Sanctified by God's Truth.
d) John 17:17. God's Word is God's Truth.
e) John 17:18. As the Father sent Jesus Christ into the World system.
f) John 17:18. So Jesus Christ has sent us into the World system.
(This Second one plainly contains Three Clear Facts About True Believers)
The People of the Holy Place had become like people whom God had never ruled over. That was a sad reflection of God's People in Isaiah's day. In many places over the Earth we can see the same situation about God's People, even the people of the Holy Place, Church attenders, today. Surely it is a time for Prayer and restoration for God's People.
No More Delay!
'No More Delay.'
Revelation 10:5-6.
a) The Angel whom John had seen.
b) Standing on the sea.
c) Also standing on the land.
d) Raised his right hand towards Heaven.
e) The Angel swore by Him Who lives for ever and ever.
f) He Who:-
1-Created the Heavens.
2-And all that is in them.
3-Created the Earth.
4-And all that is on it.
5-The Sea.
6-And all that is in it.
g) He said that there would be No More Delay.
(This QT reminds me that God's Timing Is Perfect. There will be No More Delay)
'The Lord Jesus Prays For Our Protection.'
John 17:15.
a) The Lord Jesus Prays.
b) Not that the Father would take us out of the World and its System.
c) But that He would protect us from the Evil One.
(Through this Second one I am so grateful that The Lord Jesus Prays For My Protection)
It is God Who Created the Heavens. There are several Scriptures that extol God - Maker of the Heavens. Even though, through modern science, we can see more of the Heavens and their splendour, we still know very little about them. They are still an unsolved mystery in many parts. The Heavens are the Lord's and we do well to respect His Ownership of them.
Tuesday, May 26, 2015
Wait For The Lord!
'Wait For The Lord.'
Psalm 27:14.
a) Wait for the Lord.
b) Let our hearts take courage
c) Wait for the Lord.
(This QT is a loud message for me: Wait For The Lord)
'Some Final Thoughts Of Jesus.'
John 17:13-14.
a) Jesus was going back to the Father.
b) Jesus spoke these things to His Disciples.
c) While He was still in the World.
d) Jesus wanted His Disciples to have the Full Measure of His Joy.
e) Jesus gave to the Disciples the Words of the Father.
f) The World system hates the Disciples.
g) They are not of the World system.
h) Just as Jesus Himself was and is not of the World System.
(Through this Second one I understand Some Final Thoughts Of Jesus)
When someone is giving their final thoughts before leaving somewhere, it is good and beneficial for the people around the departing person to listen to what that person has to say if they are leaving with a "right", and not a bitter spirit. The departing words are often significant. It also shows respect to that person if we listen to them.
Monday, May 25, 2015
Lord! Please Turn Back To Us!
'Lord! Please Turn Back To Us.'
Isaiah 63:17.
a) Why Lord?
b) Do You make us wander and stray from Your Ways?
c) Have You hardened our hearts.
d) So that we do not Fear or Revere You?
e) Return for the sake of Your Servants.
f) Return for the sake of the Tribes that are Your Inheritance.
(With this QT I echo the Prayer: Lord: Please Turn Back To Us)
'While Christ Was With His People On Earth.'
John 17:12.
a) Christ here is Praying to the Father.
b) He is Praying about His Time on Earth with the Disciples.
c) He Protected them by the Name He was given by the Father.
d) He kept them safe by the Name He was given by the Father.
e) Not one of them was lost.
f) There was only one destined to be lost and doomed to destruction.
g) That was so that the Scripture might be fulfilled.
(This Second one reveals to me about While Christ Was With His People On Earth)
When we ask the Lord to return to us there can generally be two specific reasons. The First Reason is that we are exhorted in the Bible to Pray for the Return of the Lord to us, opening the final chapter of our lives as True Believers. The Second reason is right here and now if we have spiritually "lost our way" and we are in some kind of spiritual desert. That is also a time for us to Pray for the Lord, as our Shepherd, to return to us and lead in the correct path.
A Time For Self Restraint!
'A Time For Self Restraint.'
Revelation 10:1-4.
a) Revelation 10:1. The Mighty Angel that John saw:-
1-Came down from Heaven.
2-Was robed in a cloud.
3-Had a rainbow over his head.
4-Had a face like the sun.
5-Had legs like pillars of fire.
b) Revelation 10:2. This Mighty Angel:-
1-Was holding a little scroll which lay open in His Hand.
2-Set his right foot on the sea.
3-Set his left foot on the land.
c) Revelation 10:3. The Mighty Angel:-
1-Gave a loud shout like a lion roaring.
3-Caused seven thunders to speak.
d) Revelation 10:4. When the seven thunders spoke.
e) Revelation 10:4. John was about to write.
f) Revelation 10:4. Then John heard a Voice from Heaven say:-
g) Revelation 10:4. Seal up what the seven thunders have said and do not write it down.
(This QT reveals to me A Time For Self Restraint)
'Well Protected True Believers Have Unity.'
John 17:11.
a) Jesus was about to leave this World physically.
b) His Disciples were to remain in the World.
c) Jesus was going to the Holy Father.
d) Jesus Prayed to the Father in the Name that was given to Him by the Father.
e) Jesus Prayed for the Disciples' protection.
f) That they would all be one.
g) In the same way that Jesus and the Father were, and still are, One.
(This Second one Teaches me that Well Protected True Believers Have Unity)
This Mighty Angel set His Right Foot on the sea. The sea figures much in both the Old and New Testaments of the Bible. It is often a place of miracles. It is a place that God opened up for His People to escape from their enemies. It is a place that Jesus miraculously walked on. It is a place where, even though there was a shipwreck accident, the True Believers were kept safe. When I stand and watch the sea, many times I am in awe of it.
I Am Confident!
'I Am Confident.'
Psalm 27:13.
a) I am confident with a remaining confidence.
b) I will see the Goodness of the Lord.
c) While I am here.
d) In the Land of the Living.
(With this QT I proclaim that I Am Confident)
'We Bring Glory To The Lord.'
John 17:10.
a) We bring Glory to the Lord.
b) Because we belong to Him and to the Father.
c) Glory can come to the Lord though us.
(This Second gives me the desire within that I Bring Glory To The Lord)
It is very helpful and beneficial for us spiritually if we can Proclaim That We Are Confident. Faith and Confidence are somewhat different. Confidence is in something or someone that we already know and trust. Faith is the evidence of unseen things. There is a big difference. Let us make this a Daily Proclamation: I Am Confident ... in, or that.
You Are Our Father!
'You Are Our Father.'
Isaiah 63:16.
a) Lord, You are our Father.
b) Although Abraham does not know us.
c) Although Israel does not acknowledge us.
d) You, Lord, are our Father.
e) Our Redeemer from ages past is Your Name.
(This QT gives me confidence to exclaim: You Are My Father)
'We Belong To The Father.'
John 17:9-10.
a) The Prayer of Jesus is not for the World System.
b) The Prayer of Jesus is for those people whom the Father has given to Him.
c) The Prayer of Jesus is for those people who belong to the Father.
d) All people who are Jesus Christ's belong to the Father.
e) The Father has given these people to Jesus Christ.
f) These people will bring Glory to Jesus.
(Through this Second one I Rejoice that I Belong To The Father)
The Bible tells us that Jesus Christ is the same: Yesterday, Today and Forever. This is undeniable Biblical Truth. A part of this Truth is that He is our Redeemer from ages past. We are living on a very wonderful foundation.... the foundation is Jesus Christ. God's Plan of Redemption for us is eternal. This is almost impossible to imagine. But... it is Truth. Let us always give Grateful Thanks to God for our Redeemer.
Sunday, May 24, 2015
They Would Not Repent!
'They Would Not Repent.'
Revelation 9:20-21.
a) There were men still living after the plagues.
b) They did not repent of the work of their hands.
c) They did not stop worshipping:-
2-Idols of gold.
3-Idols of sliver.
4-Idols of bronze.
5-Idols of stone.
6-Idols of wood.
d) None of these idols could:-
e) Nor did they repent of their:-
2-Magic arts.
3-Sexual immorality.
(This QT teaches me that They Would Not Repent)
'We Have Received The Word.'
John 17:8.
a) Jesus Christ gave us the Word.
b) Which the Father gave to Him.
c) We have received the Word.
d) We have accepted the Word.
e) We Know with certainty that Jesus Christ came from the Father.
f) We Believe that the Father sent Jesus Christ.
(This Second one confirms to me that I Have Received The Word)
Idols made of wood have not much financial value and are easily carved and made. In Bible Days, right until today, people often make wooden idols. Even they are of not much financial value, they are usually expensive to buy. Maybe we are tempted to buy one as a gift for someone, or even decorate (irreligiously) our home with them. Definitely not! We should not possess such abominations, nor pass them to other people.
Saturday, May 23, 2015
Prayer For Deliverance From False Witnesses!
'Prayer For Deliverance From False Witnesses.'
Psalm 27:12.
a) Do not hand me over.
b) To the desire of my foes.
c) Do not deliver me.
d) To the will of my adversaries.
e) False witnesses have risen up against me.
f) They breathe out malicious accusations.
(This QT is a Prayer For Deliverance From False Witnesses)
'The Heavenly Father's Love In Us.'
John 17:26.
a) Jesus Christ has made known to us the Father's Name.
b) He will continue to make it known.
c) So that the Love that the Father has for Jesus Christ.
d) May be in us.
e) And That Christ Himself may be in us.
f) This means that The Heavenly Father's Love may be in us.
(This Second one cause my desire for The Heavenly Father's Love In Me)
David said that false witnesses hade risen up against him. He was suffering because of this situation. One of the most painful things that any human being may suffer is when false witnesses rise up against us. This can sometimes cause us to have great pain and give us a desire to hide somewhere. God knows about these things - so it is wise to run to Him.
Lord We Need You!
'Lord We Need You.'
Isaiah 63:15.
a) Look down from Heaven.
b) And see us.
c) From Your Throne that is:-
d) Where is Your Zeal?
e) Where is Your Might?
f) Withheld from us is Your Tenderness.
g) Withheld from us is Your Compassion.
(This QT makes me Pray: Lord I Need You)
'Christ Reveals The Father.'
John 17:6.
a) It is clearly stated by Christ.
b) He has revealed the Father to us.
c) This Revelation is especially for those people whom the Father gave to Christ.
d) From out of the World System.
e) These people:-
1-Were the Father's.
2-Were given to Christ by the Father.
3-They have obeyed God's Word.
(This Second one reminds me that Christ Reveals The Father)
Lord, look down from Heaven and see us. This is sometimes a Prayer that is prayed in our desperation. It means that there are times in our lives when we may feel apart, or separated from, God. We actually do not need to Pray this Prayer because God surely sees all things. Surely, God will not reject this Prayer but He desires us to come to a deeper knowledge of Him and His Word.
Friday, May 22, 2015
Power In Their Mouths And Tails!
'Power In Their Mouths And Tails.'
Revelation 9:18-19.
a) A third of all mankind were all killed by these three plagues.
b) The plagues came out of the horses mouths.
c) The plagues were:-
d) The power of these horses.
e) Was in their mouths and tails.
f) Their tails were like snakes.
g) Having heads that could bite.
(This QT teaches about fearsome creatures: having Power In Their Mouths And Tails)
God Being Glorified.'
John 17:4-5.
a) Jesus brought Glory to the Heavenly Father on Earth.
b) By finishing the Work.
c) That the Father gave Him to do.
d) Jesus Prayed to the Father.
e) To Glorify Himself in the Father's Presence.
f) With the same Glory He had before the World began.
(This Second one reveals to me God Being Glorified)
These 'beings' that are to be manifested in the last days are very far from being natural beings and beasts. These 'horses' were far from the created beings - horses! These horses were very supernatural and had great power. This is one of the reasons why we need to carefully read the Book of Revelation. It is full of things that mankind has not yet seen.
Lord, Teach Me Your Way!
'Lord, Teach Me Your Way.'
Psalm 27:11.
a) We can ask the Lord to Teach us His Way.
b) We can ask the Lord to Teach us how He wants us to live.
c) We can ask the Lord to Lead us in a straight path.
d) We can do this especially because of those people who oppress us.
(Through this QT I can Pray: Lord, Teach Me Your Way)
'This Is Eternal Life.'
John 17:3.
a) This is Eternal Life.
b) It is knowing the Father.
c) He is the only True God.
d) It is also about knowing Jesus Christ.
e) Whom the Father has sent.
(Through this Second one I Believe the Words of Jesus Christ: This Is Eternal Life)
One of the most important prayers to Pray is: Lord, Teach Me Your Way, or, Lord, Teach Us Your Way! This is really important and yet we do not often hear this Prayer prayed in the Church or the Prayer group. One of the things that grieves my heart (and I also believe it grieves the Holy Spirit). Is when I hear Believers telling God what to do in their Prayer. To me this exposes the fact that the people praying in that way do not really know, or appreciate God.
Thursday, May 21, 2015
God Guided His People!
'God Guided His People.'
Isaiah 63:11-14.
a) Isaiah 63:11. God's People recalled the days of old.
b) Isaiah 63:11. The days of Moses and His People.
c) Isaiah 63:11. Where is He Who brought them through the sea with the Shepherd of His Flock?
d) Isaiah 63:11. Where is He Who set His Holy Spirit among them?
e) Isaiah 63:12. Where is He Who sent His Glorious Arm of Power?
f) Isaiah 63:12. To be at Moses' Right Hand.
g) Isaiah 63:12. Where is He Who divided the waters before them?
h) Isaiah 63:12. He gained for Himself everlasting renown.
I) Isaiah 63:13. Where is He Who led them through the depths?
m) Isaiah 63:13. Where is He Who led them like a horse in open country?
n) Isaiah 63:13. They did not stumble.
o) Isaiah 63:14. Like cattle that go down to the plain.
p) Isaiah 63:14. They were given rest by the Spirit of the Lord.
q) Isaiah 63:14. This is how God guided His People.
r) Isaiah 63:14. To make for Himself a Glorious Name.
(This QT clearly teaches me that God Guided His People)
'Clear And Easy To Understand.'
John 17:2.
a) The Father has granted to the Son.
b) All Authority over All People.
c) He might give Eternal Life.
d) To everyone who has been given to Him by the Father.
(The True Gospel is always Clear And Easy To Understand)
We are the Lord's Flock, the Good Shepherd's Flock. God's Flock. This means that we are not as stupid sheep that have no shepherd and wander all over the place both getting and giving wound and hurts. Being the Lord's Flock is indeed a very special privilege and we need to realise this every day. We also need to remember it especially in our relationships with others of God's Flock.
Wednesday, May 20, 2015
Horses And Riders!
'Horses And Riders.'
Revelation 9:17.
a) These are probably the most terrible and terrorising horses that I have ever read about.
b) They were seen in a Vision.
b) The horses and the riders looked like this:-
1-Their breastplates were fiery red, dark blue and sulphuric yellow.
2-The heads of the horses resembled the heads of lions.
3-Out of the horses' mouths came:-
(It was amazing that God revealed this to John. For me it is a terrifying Vision)
'The Prayer Of Jesus Christ.'
John 17:1.
a) Jesus Prayed after He had spoken.
b) Jesus Prayed with Words.
c) Jesus looked toward Heaven.
d) Jesus Prayed.
(This Second one reveals to me the simplicity of The Prayer Of Jesus Christ)
The horses and their riders wore these awesome breastplates. They seem to speak of Awesomeness and Power. Nobody with eyesight could miss them! They were coloured fiery red, dark blue and sulphuric yellow. Not only did this draw attention to them but it caused fear to be in the hearts of those people who saw them.
The Lord Will Receive Us!
'The Lord Will Receive us.'
Psalm 27:10.
a) Even though our Father forsakes us.
b) Or, our Mother forsakes us.
c) The Lord will receive us.
d) The Lord will take us up. Isaiah 40:11.
(This QT assures me that The Lord Will Receive Me)
'Christ Has Overcome The World.'
John 16:33.
a) Jesus spoke these things to His Disciples.
b) This is the Word of the Lord for us too.
c) In Christ we may have Peace.
d) In this World system we will have trouble.
e) We need to take heart.
f) We need to have courage.
g) Jesus Christ has overcome the World system.
(This Second one encourages my Faith: Christ Has Overcome The World)
I have assurance that the Lord will receive me. This is not because of some feeling or intuition. The reason is because of the Promises of His Word. Sometimes we lack confidence in God and His Promises because of our past painful experiences. These things happen in the World system, but we can take heart because the Lord Jesus Christ has overcome the World system.
Tuesday, May 19, 2015
When God's People Rebelled!
'When God's People Rebelled.'
Isaiah 63:10.
a) God's People rebelled.
b) God's People grieved His Holy Spirit.
c) God turned.
d) God became their enemy.
e) God Himself fought against His People.
(This QT reveals to me what happened When God's People Rebelled)
'Jesus Was Never Alone.'
John 16:32.
a) There was to be a time coming.
b) That time came.
c) When the Disciples would all be scattered.
d) Each to their own home.
e) They would leave Jesus all alone.
f) Jesus said that He was not alone.
g) Because the Father was with Him.
(This Second one reminds me that Jesus Was Never Alone)
There was a time (maybe more than once) when God fought against His People because they so outrageously turned against Him. They knew God's Way but they grieved the Holy Spirit - and that is no small matter. The lessons are there, in the Bible, for us to read. Let us never grieve the Holy Spirit.
Monday, May 18, 2015
An Awesome Army!
'An Awesome Army.'
Revelation 9:16.
a) They were all on horses.
b) There were 200,000,000 of them.
c) John did not count them.
d) He heard how many there were.
(This QT reveals to me An Awesome Army)
'Another Style Of Jesus' Speech.'
John 16:29.
a) This style was noticed.
b) By the Disciples of Jesus.
c) The Disciples said to Jesus:-
1-Now You are speaking clearly.
2-Now You are talking in plain words.
3-You are not using examples.
4-You are without figures of speech.
(This Second one teaches me Another Style Of Jesus Speech)
When I read about God's Heaven in the Bible the first impression I get is that of Holy and Majestic Hugeness. It is very obvious that in Heaven there is and still will be room for multitudes. It is not for us to judge who will be there and who will not. Our priority is preparing ourselves for Eternity in this Wonderful and Huge Holy Place.
Sunday, May 17, 2015
David's Earnest Plea!
'David's Earnest Plea.'
Psalm 27:9.
a) Lord, do not hide Your Face from me.
b) Do not turn your servant away in anger.
c) Lord, You have been my helper.
d) Lord, do not reject me.
e) Lord, do not forsake me.
f) You are God my Saviour.
(This QT exposes to me David's Earnest Plea)
'Our Merciful And Faithful High Priest.'
Hebrews 2:17.
a) Jesus had to be made like His brothers in every respect.
b) He became fully human in every way.
c) So that He could be a Merciful and Faithful High Priest.
d) In the Service of God.
e) That He might make Atonement for the sins of the people.
(Through this Second one I am so grateful to my Merciful And Faithful High Priest)
David, in His Despair prayed this Prayer to God. When the Lord puts it into our hearts to seek Him, we should do just that. Our Hope in Him should not be lost when we wait for the Lord. David, on several occasions and in differing circumstances found God as he cried out to Him.
A Loving Father God!
'A Loving Father God.'
Isaiah 63:9.
a) In all His People's affliction He was afflicted.
b) The Angel of His Presence.
c) Saved His People.
d) In His Love He Redeemed His People.
e) In His Mercy He Redeemed His People.
f) He lifted up His People.
g) He carried His People.
h) All the days of old.
(This QT reveals to me A Loving Father God)
'Jesus Fully Understands Us.'
Hebrews 4:15.
a) For we do not have a High Priest Who is unable.
b) To sympathise with our weaknesses.
c) He was in every sense tempted.
d) Just as we are.
e) Yet He did not sin.
(Through this Second One I am so thankful: Jesus Fully Understands Me)
In His Mercy our Father God Redeemed His People. We can Praise God and we should Praise God regularly because in His Mercy He has Redeemed His People - and that includes us. He paid the Redemption price for us through the sacrificial Blood of His Son Jesus Christ. Hallelujah! We are Redeemed!
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The Christian Life!
'The Christian Life.' a) Deuteronomy 7:11. Keep the Word of God. b) Deuteronomy 7:12. Listen to the Word of God. c) Deuteronomy...

‘Pharisees Always Question And Doubt.’ John 1:24-25. a) Now those who were sent were from the Pharisees. b) And they asked Him saying: c)...
'The Place Where Our Offerings Should Go.' Leviticus 3:7. a) If he offers a lamb b) For his offering, c) Then he shall offer i...
'Unusual Miracles' Acts 19:11-12. a) And God was doing b) Extraordinary miracles c) By the hands of Paul, d) So that even han...