The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Sunday, August 31, 2014
It Is Not Surprising!
'It Is Not Surprising.'
1 John 3:13.
a) We are told that we should not be surprised.
b) Father John is writing to the True Believer brothers and sisters.
c) If the World system hates you.
(This QT reminds me that It Is Not Surprising)
The Prophets' Ministry.'
Acts 15:32.
a) They Teach and Preach.
b) A Ministry of Encouragement.
c) A Ministry of Strengthening.
d) They are frequently a part of a team ministry.
(This Second one clearly shows me The Prophets' Ministry)
The Prophets' Ministry is sometimes neglected by the Churches today because they have been misled or misinformed by false "prophets". The very core ministries of the New Testament included Prophetic Ministry. The Bible tells us that the "Prophetic Gift" brings edification, exhortation and comfort.
God Acted Suddenly!
'God Acted Suddenly.'
Isaiah 48:3.
a) God foretold the former things long ago.
b) They went out from God's Mouth.
c) He announced them.
d) Then suddenly God did them.
e) They came to pass.
(Through this QT I find that God Acted Suddenly)
'An Encouraging Message.'
Acts 15:31.
a) Should be read first.
b) After reading it the people were glad and rejoiced.
c) It was an encouraging message.
(Because of this Second one I want to major on An Encouraging Message)
What God said came to pass. When God speaks, His Words always come to pass. When the words are purported to be God's but are not, they will not come to pass. God speaks clearly, God speaks spontaneously, God speaks according to His Word at all times. I am encouraged when God speaks, whatever He says is going to bring edification, exhortation, and comfort to His People.
Saturday, August 30, 2014
How Can My Light Shine?
'How Can My Light Shine?'
Matthew 5:16.
a) Our life should be like a light.
b) A light for other people.
c) Live in front of them doing good things.
d) Then they will Praise and Glorify God in Heaven.
(Through this QT I ask the question: How Can My Light Shine?)
'A Leadership Ministry Team.'
Acts 15:30.
a) The Leadership Ministry team consisted of:-
b) They went to Antioch.
c) They gathered the True Believers (Church) together.
d) They delivered the letter from the Jerusalem Church.
(This Second one gives me thoughts about A Leadership Ministry Team)
How can my light shine? This is my challenging question that I ask myself today. I know that I should never take for granted that my light is shining. Just like the light bulb on the desk in front of me, it is simply a bulb. It is only when the electric power goes to it that it shines. The same principle is with my life. The Light of Christ need to be shining in me, then my light will shine.
Righteousness Is Required Of Us!
'Righteousness Is Required Of Us.'
a) 1 John 3:12. Abel was Righteous, but it cost him his life.
b) Job 22:3. Being Righteous does not gain us "goodie points" with God.
c) Luke 1:6. Zechariah and Elizabeth were Righteous in the sight of God. Even though they were childless and very old.
(This QT reminds me clearly that Righteousness Is Required Of Me)
'God's Judgment On Rebellion.'
Numbers 16:32.
a) The Earth opened its mouth.
b) The Earth swallowed them up.
c) Going down into the Earth, were:-
1-All of Korah's men.
2-Their families.
3-Everything they own.
(This Second one shows me God's Heart And His Judgment On Rebellion)
I know and understand clearly that Righteousness is required of me. This is not self-righteousness, that is no good. It is not pretending to be Righteous - which is living a lie. Rather it is Righteousness that is rooted in the Fear of the Lord.
Friday, August 29, 2014
False Claims!
'False Claims.'
Isaiah 48:1-2.
a) The Children of Israel needed to listen to what Isaiah was saying to them.
b) They were taking oaths and swearing by the Name of the Lord.
c) They invoked the God of Israel:-
1-Not in Truth.
2-Not in Righteousness.
3-Not in Justice.
d) They called themselves "Citizens of the Holy City".
e) They claimed to rely on the God of Israel.
f) They called the Lord by the Name of The Lord Almighty.
(Through this QT I do not want to make False Claims)
'Congregational Insolence.'
Numbers 16:1-3.
a) Numbers 16:1. These are the ones who became insolent:-
b) Numbers 16:2. They rose up against Moses with a band of other Israelites.
c) Numbers 16:3. They came as a group to oppose Moses and Aaron.
d) Numbers 16:3. They made untrue accusations about the leaders, they were insolent.
e) Numbers 16:3. These were their insolent sayings:-
1-You have gone too far.
2-We are all Holy, all of us.
3-The Lord is with US.
4-Why do you set yourselves above the Lord's Assembled People?
(This Second one shows me a clear example of Congregational Insolence)
There are, until today, from Bible days, people who have spiritual pride. These people often make false claims about themselves or their churches. There is an atmosphere around them of spiritual pride. This spiritual pride is usually to do with their Bible Teaching or about their Life in the Holy Spirit. This is the exact opposite of what Jesus taught, He taught and ministered with great Humility.
The Church And Good Works!
'The Church And Good Works.'
Ephesians 2:10.
a) Apostle Paul was writing to the entire Church at Ephesus.
b) He wrote that we are God's Handiwork, Masterpiece and Workmanship.
c) We, the Church, are Created in Christ Jesus to do good works.
d) God has prepared in advance.
e) Good works for us to do.
(This QT challenges my thinking today: The Church And Good Works)
'Other People Should Not Influence Us Wrongly.'
Numbers 31:16.
a) These people followed the wrong advice, Balaam's advice.
b) They caused the Children of Israel to be unfaithful to the Lord.
c) They caused the Children of Israel to sin against the Lord.
d) After that a plague struck the Lord's People.
(This Second one reminds me that Other People Should Not Influence Me Wrongly)
God has prepared in advance good works for us to do. This applies to Every True Believer. If we want to know what good works God wants us to do, firstly we need to be a True Believer in God. Then we need to take initiative when we see things that need to be done which we can simply do, these things are usually practical. Finally, we need to take time in the Lord's Presence and in pure Fellowship with His People to establish any other ministries that He may want us to do. "God calls busy people" - true.
Thursday, August 28, 2014
We Should Love One Another!
'We Should Love One Another.'
1 John 3:10-11.
a) This is how we know the difference between the children of God and the children of the Devil.
b) Anyone who does not do the correct things is not God's Child.
c) 1 John 4:8 &21 Anyone who does not love their True Believer brother or sister in Christ is not God's Child.
d) John 13:34; 15:12. This is the Message that we have heard from the beginning, that we should love one another.
(This QT helps me understand God's Will: We Should Love One Another)
'Cain And Abel.'
Genesis 4:3-8.
a) Genesis 4:3. Cain brought some of his fruit as an offering to the Lord.
b) Genesis 4:4. Abel brought his offering, fat portions from the flock.
c) Genesis 4:4. The Lord looked with favour on Abel and his offering.
d) Genesis 4:5. For Cain:-
1-The Lord did not look with favour on his offering.
2-He was very angry.
3-He could not hide his feelings.
e) Genesis 4:6. The Lord asked Cain why he was very angry and had a downcast face.
f) Genesis 4:7. The Lord told Cain that if he did the correct thing, he would be accepted.
g) Genesis 4:7. The Lord said to Cain that if he did the wrong thing sin was waiting at the door to attack him and destroy him.
h) Genesis 4:8. After that Cain murdered his brother Abel.
(I am challenged by this Second one to offer correct offerings to the Lord: Cain And Abel)
We Should love one another. That is what God's Word tells us True Believers. This instruction is given in the New Testament and is relevant for the Church today. Jesus also gave this Teaching to the Disciples. When the Church is in the condition of Love one for another it will be an excellent testimony for the Lord.
Uselessly Wearying Themselves!
'Uselessly Wearying Themselves.'
Isaiah 47:12-15.
a) Isaiah 47:12. God is chiding His People.
b) Isaiah 47:12. He told them sarcastically to continue with their enchantments and many spells that they had committed since their childhood.
c) Isaiah 47:12. He told them that maybe they would succeed and maybe they would put terror in the hearts of their enemies.
d) Isaiah 47:13. They had become worn out by all of their consultations.
e) Isaiah 47:13. Let your astrologers who gaze at the stars come forward.
f) Isaiah 47:13. They predict what will happen at each new moon. Let them save you.
g) Isaiah 47:14. They are like stubble that will be burnt by the fire.
h) Isaiah 47:14. They will not be able to save themselves from the powerful flame.
i) Isaiah 47:15. God's People had wearied themselves with occult people like this since their childhood.
j) Isaiah 47:15. All these occultists are going their own way. Non of them can save God's People.
(This QT causes me to Pray for any of God's People who are Uselessly Wearying Themselves)
'They Took The Wrong Way.'
Jude 1:11.
a) They will be the recipients of woe.
b) Genesis 4:3-8; 1 John 3:12. They followed in the footsteps of Cain.
c) 2 Peter 2:15. They rushed for profit by giving themselves over to Balaam's error.
d) Numbers 16:3-5 & 31-35. They are destroyed in the rebellion of Korah.
(This Second one Teaches me clearly: They Took The Wrong Way)
Some of the things that we may learn from a childhood that is not in a True Believer family, especially a family that believes in traffic with the incorrect types of wrong spirit, can stay with us through to our adulthood. These are things that we need to renounce specifically when we receive Christ. Then we can have a good life that will Glorify Him.
Wednesday, August 27, 2014
Constructive And Edifying!
'Constructive And Edifying.'
1 Corinthians 14:26.
a) What shall we say? Apostle Paul wrote.
b) He was writing about the use of Spiritual Gifts in the assembled Church.
c) When the Corinthian Church gathered together.
d) Many Spiritual Gifts were manifest.
e) Each person was competing with the others - it had become abuse of Spiritual Gifts.
f) There were:-
2-Words of Instruction.
3-Revelations and disclosures of special knowledge or information.
g) Everything must be done in a way that is:-
2-To build up the Church.
(This QT reminds me that Spiritual Gifts should be Constructive And Edifying in the Church)
'Learning Attitudes From Jesus.'
Philippians 2:5-8.
a) Philippians 2:5. Christ is our Example of Humility.
b) Philippians 2:5. In His Life upon this Earth He was:-
1-Having a good attitude.
2-Having a good purpose.
3-Having a humble mind.
c) Philippians 2:6. Christ was:-
1-Essentially One with God.
2-In the Form of God.
3-Possessing of the attitudes that make God Who He is.
d) Philippians 2:6. He did not consider His Equality with God:-
1-Something to be used for His Own advantage.
2-Was a thing to be easily grasped.
3-Was a thing to be retained.
e) Philippians 2:7. Jesus Christ:-
1-Made Himself a nothing.
2-Matthew 20:28. Took upon Himself the form of a servant.
3-Was made in human likeness.
4-Stripped Himself of all privileges and rightful dignity.
f) Philippians 2:8. Jesus Christ:-
1-Appeared in human form.
2-Further abased and humbled Himself.
3-He was obedient to death, even to the death on a cross.
(By this Second one I am Learning Attitudes From Jesus)
It is very appropriate in these days if we can learn from the Word of God about the Life of Jesus on this Earth. If we do learn from the Life of Jesus on the Earth, I am sure that we shall be stimulated and encouraged to follow His Example. It is very clear that the Bible was not just written for us to learn, like a school text-book. The Bible also shows us how to live today.
Born Of God!
'Born Of God.'
1 John 3:9.
a) No one who is Born of God will continue to sin.
b) God's Seed remains in the person who is Born of God.
c) The People who are Born of God cannot go on sinning.
d) Because they are Born of God.
(This QT reminds me of the Blessing of being Born Of God)
'Abiding In Love.'
John 15:10.
a) We should keep the commands of the Lord.
b) Then we will abide in His Love.
c) The Lord Jesus kept the Father's Commands.
d) The Lord abode in the Father's Love.
(Through this Second one I desire to be Abiding In Love)
To be Born of God is a very wonderful privilege and Blessing from the Lord. We are told in the Scriptures that if we are Born of God we become a new creation in Christ. If we are Born of God we can live with a clear conscience. The Lord Promises that, if we come to Him, He will never cast us out.
Tuesday, August 26, 2014
What Do We Trust In?
'What Do We Trust In?
Isaiah 47:10-11.
a) The People of Babylon were trusting in their wickedness.
b) They said and claimed that no one sees them.
c) Their "wisdom" and "knowledge" perverted them.
d) They were saying in their hearts to themselves that there was no-one else besides them.
e) Evil was going to come upon them.
f) Disaster was going to come upon them.
g) They would not know how to conjure these things away.
h) Calamity was coming.
i) They would not be able to put it off.
j) A catastrophe that cannot be foreseen was to suddenly come upon them.
k) As also desolation.
(This QT challenges me: What Do I Trust In)
'Jesus - Sent By The Father.'
John 8:29.
a) The Father Who sent Him was with Him.
b) The Father never left Jesus alone.
c) John 5:30. Jesus did always the things that pleased the Father.
(This Second one teaches me about the Perfect Love in the Godhead: Jesus - Sent By The Father)
God will sometimes allow evil to come upon a people because He Loves them and yet they are far away from Him. It is sometimes possible that God may call people to Himself by allowing evil to happen. There will always be one of three responses in people when God sends evil, or allows evil to come. Firstly, they realise their need of God. Secondly, they become angry and bitter towards God. Thirdly, they become confused.
Want To Have Gifts Of The Spirit?
'Want To Have Gifts Of The Spirit?
1 Corinthians 14:12.
a) Be zealous for them.
b) With the correct motivation.
c) Try our best.
d) To use gifts that build up the Church.
(This QT asks an 'age-old' question: Want To Have Gifts Of The Spirit?)
'Jesus' Food.'
John 4:34.
a) Jesus said that His food was to do the Will of the Father.
b) The Father sent Jesus to do His Will.
c) Jesus wanted to finish His Work.
d) Jesus wanted to accomplish His Work.
e) Jesus wanted to make perfect His Work.
(This Second one inspires me: Jesus' Food)
The age-old question about Gifts of the Holy Spirit. I have been in many different Christian environments where people ask me to pray for them to receive Gifts of the Holy Spirit. Even, sometimes, people treated me like a fortune teller, wanting me to tell them what Gifts of the Holy Spirit they have! These Gifts spring out of two major things for our lives. Firstly, a clean and clear relationship with the Trinity of God and secondly, a love for God's Word.
Monday, August 25, 2014
Destroying The Devil's Work!
'Destroying The Devil's Work.'
1 John 3:8.
a) Those people who persist in sin.
b) Belong to the Devil.
c) They are just like the Devil, who has been sinning from the beginning.
d) The Son of God came to destroy the Devil's work.
(This QT encourages me: Destroying The Devil's Work)
'Pray To Do The Father's Will.'
Matthew 26:39.
a) We should follow the example set to us by Jesus Christ in doing the Will of God.
b) Jesus prayed first.
c) Jesus totally committed Himself to doing the Father's Will.
d) Jesus was willing to face the cup of suffering.
e) Jesus did what the Father wanted Him to do.
f) Jesus did not go His Own way.
(This Second one makes me Pray To Do The Father's Will)
The Son of God came to destroy the Devil's Work. This is one of the clear statements about the first coming of Jesus Christ. He certainly did not come to start another religion. He came to save, to heal and to restore people's lives. He came also to bring to Earth the Kingdom of God.
Lovers Of Pleasure!
'Lovers Of Pleasure.'
Isaiah 47:8-9.
a) God's People had begun to be lovers of pleasure.
b) They thought that they were safe and secure.
c) They were proud and thought that they were great like a god.
d) But the Lord said that they were going to lose their families.
e) Instead of trusting God, they were using powers of darkness:-
1-Evil magic.
2-Powerful spells.
(This QT teaches me what happens when God's People become Lovers Of Pleasure)
'When God's Word Is In Our Heart.'
Psalm 40:8.
a) This is personal ... my God.
b) We delight to do God's Will.
c) God's Word is in our hearts.
(This Second one reveals the outcome When God's Word Is In Our Heart)
Most people who dwell on this Earth realise that in themselves they do not have power to get Victory for themselves. Those people who truly belong to the Living God do not have this problem because they have the Victory through the Lord Jesus Christ. It is very wise to come to Him and to stay with Him rather than go looking for other powers.
Sunday, August 24, 2014
The Spiritual Gifts Are For The Church!
'The Spiritual Gifts Are For The Church.'
1 Corinthians 14:5.
a) Apostle Paul would like all members of the Corinthian Church to have the Spiritual Gift of Speaking in other languages.
b) But, even more, to have the Gift of Prophecy.
c) Those people who prophesy are more helpful than those people who speak in other languages.
d) If the Gift of speaking in other languages is accompanied by the interpretation of that gift, then it is acceptable.
(This QT reminds me that The Spiritual Gifts Are For The Church and not for me)
'Unselfish Believers.'
Philippians 2:4.
a) None of us.
b) Should just look after our own good.
c) Should look after only our own interests.
d) We should also look after the good of other people.
e) We should also look after the interests of other people.
(This Second one gives me the desire to be an Unselfish Believer)
The Spiritual Gift of speaking in other languages in the Church normally causes much controversy, why? I believe if we go back to the clear Teachings of Apostle Paul in the New Testament that there would be more clarity and the controversy can be "cleared up". The reason for the controversy is that we have sometimes wandered away from the clear teachings of 1 Corinthians chapters 12, 13 and 14.
Keep On The Correct Path!
'Keep On The Correct Path.'
1 John 3:7.
a) Father John is writing to his spiritual children in the Church.
b) They were not to let anyone lead them down the wrong path.
c) Those people who do what is correct are Holy.
d) Just as Christ is Holy.
(This QT urges me to Keep On The Correct Path)
'Look Out For The Interests Of Other People.'
1 Corinthians 10:33.
a) We are to follow the example set for us in God's Word.
b) By Apostle Paul.
c) Trying to please everyone in every way is not a sin - it is Grace.
d) Trying to please everyone in everything we do.
e) We should not just look out for what is good for us alone.
f) We should not seek our own advantage.
g) Look out for the interests of other people.
h) Then there is the possibility of them being Saved.
(This Second one calls me to Look Out For The Interests Of Other People)
We sometimes urge other people that we may have some kind of 'spiritual responsibility' for to keep on the correct path. This is good advice and very helpful for them. We should, however make sure that we keep on the correct path too!
Saturday, August 23, 2014
The Queen Of Kingdoms No More!
'The Queen Of Kingdoms No More.'
Isaiah 47:5-7.
a) Isaiah 45:5. This is what the Lord says.
b) Isaiah 45:5. Chaldea, City of the Babylonians:-
1-Sit in silence.
2-Go into a dark prison.
3-You will not be called the 'Queen of Kingdoms anymore.
c) Isaiah 45:6. God was:-
1-Angry with His People.
2-Treating His People as if they did not belong to Him.
3-Handing His People over to the Babylonians.
d) Isaiah 45:6. The Babylonians did not show God's People any pity, even the elderly people had to carry heavy loads.
e) Isaiah 45:7. Babylon, however:-
1-Said that they will continue to be queen forever.
2-Did not think about what they were doing.
3-Did not consider how things might turn out.
(This QT teaches me why Babylon became The Queen Of Kingdoms No More)
'Grace, The Gift Of God.'
2 Corinthians 9:14.
a) The people who Pray for the Corinthian Church.
b) Will have their hearts filled with longing for them.
c) The reason being the surpassing Grace of God that has been given to them.
d) This Grace is better than anything.
(Because of this Second one I thank Him for Grace, The Gift Of God)
It was that, many times in the history of both the Old and New Testaments, many people are recorded as being put (or thrown) into prison. These prisons were not nice places at all, there is no comparison with modern day prisons. Many did not survive their term of imprisonment and many were just forgotten about. The Lord reminds us today to Pray for the imprisoned people, especially those unjustly there because of persecution due to their Faith in God.
For The Good Of All!
'For The Good Of All.'
1 Corinthians 12:7.
a) The Holy Spirit is given to each True Believer in a special way.
b) The Holy Spirit manifests Himself in us through Gifts.
c) These Gifts are for the good of all in the Church.
(This QT reminds me that the Holy Spirit's Gifts are For The Good Of All)
'Peace And Edification.'
Romans 14:19.
a) Let us do all we can to live in Peace.
b) Let us pursue what makes for Peace.
c) Let us work hard to build each other up.
d) Let us pursue what makes for mutual Edification.
(This Second one encourages me in Peace And Edification)
Two great Assets and Blessings that should be in every Church are Peace And Edification. The Church that lives in the Peace of the Kingdom of God will be a very secure and good Church to be in. Peace is one of the Gifts From Jesus Christ. Edification is always the Will of God, He would that every Church be built up and Edified so the Church will become mature. Thank God for Peace and Edification.
Friday, August 22, 2014
We Do Not Keep On Sinning!
'We Do Not Keep On Sinning.'
1 John 3:6.
a) We do not keep on sinning because we abide in the Lord.
b) Because we remained joined to the Lord.
c) No one who keeps on sinning has seen or known the Lord.
(This QT reminds me that I Do Not Keep On Sinning)
'The Ministry Of Church Brothers And Sisters.'
1 Thessalonians 5:14.
a) Every Brother or Sister in the Church is included here.
b) The Brothers and Sisters in the Church are "the Beloved".
c) The Beloved are asked to:-
1-Warn those people who do not want to work.
2-Admonish the idlers.
3-Cheer up those people who are shy.
4-Encourage the faint-hearted.
5-Help those people who are weak.
6-Be patient with everyone.
(This Second one describes simply The Ministry Of Church Brothers And Sisters)
The Ministry of Church Brothers and Sisters should be an important part of the Life of the Church - which is the Body of Christ. There are so many ways in which Church Brothers and Sisters can encourage other people in the Church. The Church Brothers and Sisters can also help in practical works in the Church. Of one thing I am very sure, the Church Brothers and Sisters are not just in Church to fill seats.
The One Who Sets Us Free!
'The One Who Sets Us Free.'
Isaiah 47:4.
a) Our Redeemer.
b) He is the One Who sets us free.
c) He is the Lord of Heaven's Armies.
d) He is the Holy One of Israel.
e) His Name is the Holy One of Israel.
f) His Name is the Lord Who Rules over all.
(Through this QT I give thanks to The One Who Sets Me Free)
'Gentle Restoration.'
Galatians 6:1.
a) This is written to the Brothers and Sisters of the Galatian Churches.
b) If another Believer is overcome or caught in some sin.
c) Those people who are Godly and guided by the Holy Spirit.
d) Should correct that person.
e) Should humbly direct that person back to the correct path.
f) The Minister of Restoration should be gentle.
g) All the Church Leaders and Members should be careful not to fall into the same temptation themselves.
(This Second one shows me God's Heart manifested in Gentle Restoration)
His Name is the Holy One of Israel. We should always remember that God has more than a Name - He has Names. He is Holy, not partially Holy, not sometimes Holy, He is completely Holy. He is One God in three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. He was manifested physically as being of Israel. Before that manifestation He was the God of Israel. Now He is manifested as the God of the Whole World.
Thursday, August 21, 2014
Under The Spirit's Power!
'Under The Holy Spirit's Power.'
Revelation 1:10.
a) John was under the Power of the Holy Spirit.
b) It was on the Lord's day.
c) John heard a loud voice behind Him.
d) The sound was like that of a trumpet or horn.
(This QT reveals to me How John began the was Under The Holy Spirit's Power I long for more of the Power of the Holy Spirit in my life)
'In All Possible Ways.'
1 Corinthians 9:22.
a) Apostle Paul made himself weak.
b) For the weak people.
c) So that he could win the weak people for Christ.
d) Paul became all things to all people.
e) In all possible ways he wanted to win some.
f) He wanted to lead them to Christ.
(This Second one encourages me: In All Possible Ways)
John began to write the Book of Revelation under the Power of the Holy Spirit. This is a very wonderful and clear testimony. It is good for us to seek the Presence and Anointing of the Holy Spirit when we are writing in the Name of the Lord.
In Him There Is No Sin!
'In Him There Is No Sin.'
1 John 3:5.
a) We know that Christ came.
b) We know that Christ was manifested.
c) To take our sins away.
d) In Him there is no sin.
(This QT reminds me that In Him There Is No Sin)
'Those Who Are Weak In Faith.'
Romans 14:1.
a) We are to receive those people who are weak in Faith.
b) We should accept them.
c) We should not judge them when we have opinions that are different to theirs.
d) We should not dispute with them over doubtful things.
(This Second one reminds me how to relate to Those Who Are Weak In Faith)
We can trust God because of many justifiable reasons. One of these reasons is that in Him there is no sin. We find it difficult to trust people who sin against us. Some people find it hard to trust any other people, because all people are sinners. Whatever our experiences in life, we can declare that in God there is no sin.
Wednesday, August 20, 2014
Babylon's Shame Because Of Their Sin!
'Babylon's Shame Because Of Their Sin.'
Isaiah 47:2-3.
a) They were to become flour grinders.
b) They were to disrobe from their beautiful clothes.
c) They were to expose themselves.
d) They were to walk bare-legged through the streams.
e) Everyone would see their naked shame.
f) God was taking revenge on Babylon for what they have done.
(This QT teaches me about Babylon's Shame Because Of Their Sin)
'Important For Timothy Personally.'
2 Timothy 2:1.
a) Apostle Paul called Timothy his 'son'.
b) Timothy was to be strong in the Grace.
c) That is in Christ Jesus.
(Through this Second one I discover what was Important For Timothy Personally, and for me too!)
Babylon was shamed by God because of the sins which they never repented of. In fact, they called others to join them in their sin. We cannot inherit Everlasting Life if we remain in our sins. This is why we really need God's Forgiveness through Jesus Christ.
Tuesday, August 19, 2014
When We Are Weak Then We Are Strong!
'When We Are Weak Then We Are Strong.'
2 Corinthians 12:10.
a) Apostle Paul suffered for Christ.
b) Apostle Paul had learned contentment in:-
2-Hard times.
6-Times when people said bad things about him.
7-Times when things were difficult.
8-Times when people made him suffer.
c) Apostle Paul said that when he was weak, then he was strong.
(This QT causes me to pause and think: When I Am Weak Then I Am Strong)
'The True Source Of Strength.
Ephesians 6:10.
a) The final word in this letter from Apostle Paul to the Ephesians.
b) Let the Lord make you strong.
c) Then be strong in the Lord.
d) Be strong in the strength of the Lord's Power.
e) Depend on the Lord's Mighty Power.
(This Second one reveals to me The True Source Of Strength)
Apostle Paul was not only a great teacher through his letters, he was also a great teacher through his lifestyle. The fact that he was able to live in contentment when all around him was difficult is a very inspiring testimony. He faced many difficulties but he proclaimed that when he was weak then he was strong.
Sin Is Lawlessness!
'Sin Is Lawlessness.'
1 John 3:4.
a) Everyone who sins breaks the Law.
b) Sin is lawlessness.
c) Breaking the Law is sin.
(This QT reveals to me that Sin Is Lawlessness)
'Regular Giving Is The Correct Way.'
1 Corinthians 16:2.
a) On the first day of every week Apostle Paul asked the Corinthian Church to put aside some money for the Kingdom of God.
b) The money put aside should be appropriate in comparison with income or salary.
c) There should be no need for 'special collections' in the Church if the Church is giving properly.
(This Second one teaches me that Regular Giving Is The Correct Way.
Regular giving is the correct way. When I think of the time when Jesus saw the poor old lady giving her very small offering to the Synagogue His response to her was very interesting. He did not release her from the offering and tell her not to give because she was poor. He did not ask her to give more. Jesus saw her worshipful heart and fully accepted what she gave.
The City Of Babylon!
'The City Of Babylon.'
Isaiah 47:1.
a) The City of Babylon must go down and sit in the dust.
b) The people of Babylon are to get off their throne and sit on the ground.
c) Babylon will:-
1-Not be comfortable any more.
2-Not be easy.
3-No longer be called Soft.
4-No longer be called Gentle.
(This QT teaches me something of the fate of The City Of Babylon)
'Abraham's Faith.'
Romans 4:20.
a) Abraham kept Believing in God's Promise and did not doubt.
b) Abraham became strong in his Faith.
c) Abraham gave Glory to God.
d) Abraham gave Thanks to God.
(I am so Blessed by this Second one: Abraham's Faith)
There are certain times when God makes us uncomfortable because He is preparing us for something more. If we remained comfortable, we may miss what God has for us. So, when times change or become uncontrollably uncomfortable, that is the time when we need to come closer to God.
The Farewell Fellowship!
'The Farewell Fellowship.'
Acts 20:7.
a) This Farewell Fellowship was on the first day of the week.
b) The Disciples came together to eat bread.
c) They came together and ate together.
d) Apostle Paul spoke to the people until midnight.
e) The reason Paul did that was because this was a Farewell Fellowship, he was leaving the next day.
(This QT reminds me of the importance of The Farewell Fellowship)
'We Should Not Only Please Ourselves.'
Romans 15:1.
a) Those of us who have strong Faith.
b) Should help the weak with their problems.
c) We should not only please ourselves.
(This Second one is something that I should never forget: I should not only please myself)
A Farewell Fellowship is an important part of the life of the Church. Maybe it is a Mission team being sent out on a short term Mission or Vision trip. Maybe it is long term Missionaries being sent out, or returning to the Mission field. A visiting speaker who spends some time at the Church ministering. People leaving the Church and moving to another locality. Students going out or back to their Universities. Whoever it is, A Farewell Fellowship is important
Monday, August 18, 2014
A Holy Hope!
'A Holy Hope.'
1 John 3:2-3.
a) Father John writes to his friends in the Church.
b) John includes himself: Now we are Children of God.
c) God still has not let us know what we will be.
d) We know that, when Christ appears, we shall be like Him.
e) We will see Christ as He really is.
f) All True Believers who have this Hope in Christ.
g) Purify themselves, just as He is pure.
(Through this QT I have A Holy Hope)
'Our Light Will Shine.'
Isaiah 58:10.
a) We are to work hard and spend ourselves on behalf of the hungry people. This includes people who are:-
1-Physically hungry.
2-Spiritually hungry.
3-Emotionally hungry.
b) Then God's Blessing will light up our darkness.
c) Then our night will become as the noonday.
(This Second one gives me Hope that My Light Will Shine)
All True Believers have this amazing Hope, even though there are many times that we may forget about it. The base of the Hope is Hope in Christ. There may be many other hopes in our lives, but our Hope in Christ is really important. We are Hoping in the One Who gives us Life.
Sunday, August 17, 2014
Listen To God!
'Listen To God.'
Isaiah 46:12-13.
a) God's People were stubborn.
b) God called His People to listen to Him.
c) God's People had been refusing to do what was correct.
d) God is going to bring His Righteousness near.
e) It is not far away.
f) The time for God to Save His People will not be put off.
g) God will grant Salvation to Zion.
h) God will bring Honour to Israel.
(This QT exhorts me to Listen To God)
'Remember What We Have Heard.'
1 John 2:7.
a) Father John was writing to the Church as his friends.
b) He was not writing a new Command.
c) He was writing to them a Command that they had heard before.
d) They knew this Command from the beginning of the Teaching Programme of the Church.
(This Second one calls me to Remember What I Have Heard)
It is not far away! This was very good news from God for the Church from Father John. It had become the time for God to Save His People. He was going to bring His Righteousness near. He was going to Save His People! This Salvation is granted by God.
The Making Of The Sabbath Day!
'The Making Of The Sabbath Day.'
Mark 2:27.
a) Jesus was speaking to the Pharisees.
b) He told them that the Sabbath Day was made for man.
c) Man was not made for the Sabbath Day.
(This QT reminds me of the reason for The Making Of The Sabbath Day)
'The Character Of God's Chosen People.'
Colossians 3:12.
a) We are:-
1-God's Chosen People.
b) We are to clothe ourselves with tender Mercy and Kindness.
c) We should not be proud.
d) We should be:-
(This Second one teaches me what The Character Of God's Chosen People should be like)
Jesus was not afraid or ashamed to speak directly to the Pharisees. He did not ask His Disciples to "deal with them"! Jesus did not hate the Pharisees, even though some of them hated Him. Jesus even taught them practical things about Spiritual Truths. Even though at times, the majority of the Pharisees hated Jesus, He never hated them.
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The Christian Life!
'The Christian Life.' a) Deuteronomy 7:11. Keep the Word of God. b) Deuteronomy 7:12. Listen to the Word of God. c) Deuteronomy...

‘Pharisees Always Question And Doubt.’ John 1:24-25. a) Now those who were sent were from the Pharisees. b) And they asked Him saying: c)...
'The Place Where Our Offerings Should Go.' Leviticus 3:7. a) If he offers a lamb b) For his offering, c) Then he shall offer i...
'Unusual Miracles' Acts 19:11-12. a) And God was doing b) Extraordinary miracles c) By the hands of Paul, d) So that even han...