Wednesday, June 22, 2011

We Should Not Be Lazy!

‘We Should Not Be Lazy.’
a) Proverbs 18:9. A lazy person is a brother or sister to a waster or a destroyer.
b) Proverbs 6:9-11. A lazy person sleeps too much and then loses everything.
c) Proverbs 10:4; 21:25. A lazy person is soon poor.
d) Proverbs 13:4. Lazy people want much but get little.
e) Ecclesiastes 4:5. Fools fold their idle hands, leading them to ruin.
f) Ecclesiastes 10:18. Laziness causes the house condition to deteriorate.
(Through this QT I know that I Should Not Be Lazy)
‘The Future World.’
a) Hebrews 2:5. Will not be controlled by Angels.
b) Hebrews 6:5. We sometimes have a taste now.
c) 2 Peter 3:13. Will be filled with God’s Righteousness.
d) Revelation 11:15. Will be the Eternal Kingdom of our Lord and Christ.
(Through this Second one I look forward to The Future World)
Laziness causes the house condition to deteriorate. Sometimes in ministry situations in the past I used to visit people’s houses. This was never easy for me because I believe that unless there is some specific reason for a personal visit people should come to the Church, especially in cultures where there is freedom to express one’s religion. (Justifiable reasons of course call for visits.) A few houses that I have visited have been in very poor condition, not because of poverty, but because of neglect. True Believers should look after their houses well.

Unusual Miracles!

  'Unusual Miracles' Acts 19:11-12. a)  And God was doing  b)  Extraordinary miracles c)  By the hands of Paul, d)  So that even han...