‘Do Not Be Quick To Give An Answer.’
Proverbs 18:13.
a) It is a foolish thing to do.
b) It can bring shame upon us.
c) It reveals our pride.
d) It impairs our judgment.
e) It may be rude.
(This QT strongly reminds me: Do Not Be Quick To Give An Answer)
‘A Direct Answer To A Direct Question.’
Mark 10:51.
a) The Questioner was Jesus Christ.
b) The person He was questioning was a blind beggar whose only Hope was Jesus Christ.
c) Jesus asked him: “What do you want Me to do to you?”
d) The blind beggar called Jesus “Lord”.
e) He said that he wanted to receive his sight.
(This Second one shows me how to respond when the Lord asks me something: A Direct Answer To A Direct Question)
It may be rude when in conversation with other people to be quick to give an answer, especially in ministry or counselling situations where we are caring for people pastorally. Some people are very proud and always have a quick answer for everyone. Other people, as they get to know people they become presumptuous and do not listen to them, they also can hurt the people that they are supposed to be caring for. We should listen well before giving an answer.