The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Incorrect Words!
‘Incorrect Words.’
Proverbs 18:6-8.
a) Proverbs 18:6. A fool’s words get them into contention.
b) Proverbs 18:6. A fool’s mouth calls out for a beating.
c) Proverbs 18:7. A fool’s mouth is his ruin and destruction.
d) Proverbs 18:7. A fool’s words are a trap for him.
e) Proverbs 18:8. The words of a whisperer are as dainty morsels, they go down into the innermost parts.
(This QT makes me want to avoid and reject Incorrect Words)
‘A Challenge That We All Face.’
Matthew 5:43-48.
a) Matthew 5:43. The Jewish fathers were told to love their neighbours and to hate their enemies.
b) Matthew 5:44. Jesus tells us to love our enemies and pray for those people who persecute us.
c) Matthew 5:45. When we love like that it gives us assurance of being Children of our Heavenly Father.
d) Matthew 5:45. Our Heavenly Father makes His sun shine on good and bad people alike, and He sends rain to the Righteous people and the unrighteous alike.
e) Matthew 5:46. What reward will we get if we only love the people who love us? Even evil people can do that.
f) Matthew 5:47. If we are friendly to our friends are we doing anything out of the ordinary? Everyone does that.
g) Matthew 5:48. Jesus calls us into perfection, just as our Heavenly Father is Perfect.
(Through this Second One I find A Challenge That We All Face)
I am sure that every True Believer wants to avoid and reject incorrect words. These can cause so much pain and embarrassment. These words can break relationships. These words can spread malicious talk throughout a Church. These words can cause the person who speaks them out to come into some kind of bondage. Let us avoid and reject incorrect words.
The Christian Life!
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