‘Leave It To The Land Owner.
Matthew 13:24-30.
a) Matthew 13:24. This is a parable of Jesus Christ about the Kingdom of Heaven.
b) Matthew 13:24. The Kingdom of Heaven is compared to a man who sowed good seed in his field.
c) Matthew 13:25. While everyone was sleeping:-
1- His enemy came.
2- The enemy sowed weeds among the wheat.
3- The enemy left.
d) Matthew 13:26. When the plants sprouted and produced grain then the weeds also appeared.
e) Matthew 13:27. The servants of the land owner came to him and asked how this happened because they sowed good seed into the field.
f) Matthew 13:28. The land owner told his servants that an enemy had done this.
g) Matthew 13:28. The servants were willing to go and gather up the weeds.
h) Matthew 13:29. The land owner rejected the servants’ idea because in doing it they may spoil the harvest.
i) Matthew 13:30. The land owner wanted both the wheat and the weeds to grow together until the harvest time.
j) Matthew 13:30. At the harvest time the reapers were to gather the weeds first, tie them in bundles and burn them.
k) Matthew 13:30. Then the pure wheat could be stored in the barn.
(Through this QT: Leave It To The Land Owner, I realise that the Lord is in control of every situation, even weeds in the Church. He knows what to do and when to do it)
‘Heralding The Kingdom – The Eternal Reign Of Christ.
Revelation 11:15.
a) This is regarding the next dispensation.
b) The Angel will blow his trumpet.
c) The will confess that the kingdoms of this World have become the Kingdom of the Lord and of His Christ.
d) He will reign forever and ever.
(This Second one is Heralding The Kingdom – The Eternal Reign Of Christ)
The servants of the land owner were willing to gather up the weeds – this was their suggestion and their respect for the land owner. The land owner had another idea but he must have been so Blessed to have servants like this. In our sphere of life as True Believers are we willing servants who want to help and take initiative, or are we complaining and murmuring servants? These servants ultimately obeyed the land owner, are we willing to obey the Lord?