The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Monday, June 20, 2011
Amazing Parallel – Law And Promise!
‘Amazing Parallel – Law And Promise.’
Galatians 3:17-22.
a) Galatians 3:17. The Promise given to Abraham was not cancelled by the Law given to Moses 430 years afterwards.
b) Galatians 3:18. If we have to gain the inheritance by following Law then it is no more Promise.
c) Galatians 3:18. God freely gave the inheritance to Abraham through a Promise.
d) Galatians 3:19. The Purpose of the Law given to Moses was to identify what wrongdoing was.
e) Galatians 3:19. Moses’ Laws continued to function like this until the Descendant to Whom the Promise was given came.
f) Galatians 3:19. The Promise was put into effect through Angels using a Mediator.
g) Galatians 3:20. A mediator is not used when there is only one person involved, and God has acted on His Own.
h) Galatians 3:21. The Laws of Moses do not contradict God’s Promises.
i) Galatians 3:21. If these Laws could give us Life then we would surely receive God’s approval because we obeyed them.
j) Galatians 3:22. The Scripture states that the whole World is controlled by the power of sin.
k) Galatians 3:22. The Promise based on Faith in Jesus Christ can be given to those people who Believe.
(This QT teaches me an Amazing Parallel – Law And Promise)
‘It Is Time To Return.’
Hosea 12:6.
a) Return to God.
b) Be loyal and kind.
c) Be fair.
d) Always wait with Hope for God.
(This Second one calls me: It Is Time To Return)
There is no need for a mediator. God has already acted on His Own. He so Loved us that He sent Jesus Christ to die on the Cross as the punishment for our sins. We do not need a mediator, whether it be a priest or a charismatic minister, to bring us to God. The entire purpose in God’s sending Jesus Christ to die for us is that He, God the Son the Son of God is our Mediator to bring us to the Father.
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