‘No Need For The Tutor Any More.’
Galatians 3:23-25.
a) Galatians 3:23. Before faith came, Apostle Paul was kept in custody, under the Law of God. He was shut up to the Faith that afterwards was to be revealed.
b) Galatians 3:24. The Law of God became his tutor to bring him to Christ so that he could be Justified by Faith. (This is the same for every legalistic religious person whether Jew or Gentile.)
c) Galatians 3:25. After Faith came there was no longer any need to be under a tutor.
(This QT shows me clearly a great Truth from God’s Word. There is No Need For The Tutor Any More. We can have “mentoring” or “discipleship” in Church ministered carefully and caringly but control of other people should never be involved in that)
‘Our Bitter Root Judgement Of Other People Is Usually Hypocrisy.’
Matthew 7:1-5.
a) Matthew 7:1. We should not judge other people then we will not be judged.
b) Matthew 7:2. For with whatever judgment you judge, you will be judged; and with whatever measure you measure, it will be measured to you.
c) Matthew 7:3. We should not see the speck in our brother’s eye and neglect the beam that is in our own eye.
d) Matthew 7:4. If we have a beam in our eye it is impossible for us to help other people.
e) Matthew 7:5. We are hypocrites if we live like that. Firstly, if we are to help other people we are to remove the beam from our own eyes.
(This Second one reminds me strongly that My Bitter Root Judgment Of Other People Is Usually Hypocrisy)
The Word of God tells us that there is no need for a tutor any more. This Truth needs to prevail in every Church. To hold para-Church organisations together there is often need for a discipleship or mentoring system that is quite restrictive. This is because people are the leaders or the “heads”, and they need to shepherd and guide the people. The Church however is very different here. Jesus Christ is the Head of the Church which is His Body. The whole Church needs to be submitted to His Lordship and if that is so in reality then the Body of Christ grows very healthily and Biblically under ministers and ministries appointed by Him.