‘This Was Good.’
Acts 15:28.
a) It was good according to the Holy Spirit.
b) It was also good according to the New Testament Church Leaders in Jerusalem.
c) Not to put any heavy burden on the new Gentile Believers.
d) They only gave them some simple guidance rules.
(Through this QT: This Was Good. I can really find the Heart of God for simplicity and purity in the early Church. There were no confusing and complicated rules)
‘True Worshippers.’
Psalm 24:3-6.
a) Psalm 24:3. Who shall ascend the Hill of the Lord?
b) Psalm 24:3. Who may enter the Lord’s Holy Temple.
c) Psalm 24:4. These are those who may enter:-
1- Those people whose actions are pure.
2- Those people whose thoughts are pure.
3- Those people who do not worship idols.
4- Those people who do not make false promises.
d) Psalm 24:5. These people shall receive the Blessing from the Lord.
e) Psalm 24:5. God will declare these people Righteous.
f) Psalm 24:6. These are the people who can come to God.
(Through this Second one I can find God’s Heart for True Worshippers)
Confusing and complicated rules never existed in the New Testament Church. These rules have infiltrated some Churches because of the complicated minds of people and sin that causes the Church to protect itself. Confusing and complicated rules hinder Worship and Discipleship they also sometimes cause strife and division in the Church because of various interpretations of them. May God give Wisdom to those people responsible as Leaders to review these rules and to make them as simple as possible.