The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Thursday, June 30, 2011
A Healthy Quest For Knowledge!
‘A Healthy Quest For Knowledge.’
Proverbs 18:15.
a) The mind of a person with discernment gets Knowledge.
b) The heart of a person with good sense gets Knowledge.
c) The ear of the wise person is seeking and searching for Knowledge.
(Through this QT I find the reality of A Healthy Quest For Knowledge and I pray for all our friends studying in University programmes at this time)
‘Mature Handling Of Questions Of Doctrine.’
Acts 15:1-6.
a) Acts 15:1. These Jewish Bible Teachers were incorrect. They were saying to the Galatian Church that if one wanted Salvation in Jesus Christ they had to be circumcised.
b) Acts 15:2. Paul and Barnabas had a discussion with these Jewish Bible Teachers. It brought forth:-
1- Discord.
2- Dispute.
3- Argument.
c) Acts 15:2. The decision was made by the Church to send Paul, Barnabas and a team to Jerusalem to find out from the Church Leaders the correct decision about this matter.
d) Acts 15:3. As they journeyed to Jerusalem, they went through Phoenicia and Samaria sharing the Gospel and bringing Joy to the people there.
e) Acts 15:4. They came to Jerusalem and met the Church Leaders, giving them an account and testimony of all the things that the Lord had been doing through them.
f) Acts 15:5. Again, in Jerusalem, the circumcision question came up.
g) Acts 15:6. The Leaders of the Church all came together to look into and give thought to this matter.
(In this Second one I find Mature Handling Of Questions Of Doctrine)
The heart of a person with good sense gets Knowledge. Study is a stressful and serious thing for most students to face, it is challenging and meant to be so. The student should be encouraged to live a sensible life, not wasting time and money on weird or sinful activities that are actually going to harm their progress in study. Christian parents should be praying their children through University and Churches should be praying for the University students who are members or attendees of the Church.
Where Christ Is We Will Be Also!
‘Where Christ Is We Will Be Also.’
John 14:2-3.
a) There are many mansions and places to live in the Heavenly Father’s House.
b) Christ Jesus has gone there to prepare a place for every True Believer.
c) He has gone to prepare our place.
d) He will come again to take us to be with Him.
e) That where He is we may be also.
(Through this QT I am greatly comforted: Where Christ Is I Will Be Also)
‘Our Thinking Minds Kept In Christ.’
a) 2 Corinthians 11:3. They should not be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ.
b) 2 Corinthians 10:4-5. We need to use our weapons of spiritual warfare to bring them captive into obedience to Christ.
c) Ephesians 4:27. We are not to give any place to the Devil in our minds, especially by retaining anger.
(Through this Second one I want to experience My Thinking Mind Kept In Christ)
One of our strongest hopes if we are True Believers is that Where Christ Jesus is we may be also forever. This hope has a real keeping power in our lives. If we keep hold of this hope then we will keep ourselves pure. There is so much secularism in the Church today that the Church has began to see itself as being more important than its Head. This is really dangerous. The Church is not just an organisation that demands the loyalty of its members. The Church is the Body of Christ and He is its Head.
The Way That Heresies Operate!
‘The Way That Heresies Operate.’
Galatians 4:17.
a) They zealously seek weak and nominal Christians.
b) What they are doing is not good.
c) They desire to discredit and shut out the True Church.
d) They want these weak and nominal Christians to seek them and become zealous for them.
e) Their devious methods are often successful.
(This QT shows to me The Way That Heresies Operate, heresies can never win over True Believers)
‘A New Heavenly Body For Eternity.’
2 Corinthians 5:1-2.
a) We know that if this earthly tabernacle of ours is thrown down or dissolved.
b) We will have a building from God.
c) This building is:-
1-A house not made with hands.
3-In the heavens.
d) For this new habitation which is from Heaven we:-
1- Groan.
2- Long for.
3- Earnestly desire.
(Through this Second one I am really looking forward to A New Heavenly Body For Eternity)
The devious methods of heresies are often successful. They generally do not “target” non Christians, they normally seek weak and nominal Christians to come and join them. They give all kinds of promises that are not in accordance with God’s Word, even sometimes giving money to people to come and join them. Some of these heresies are well known as heresies. There are others that are pseudo-Christian. Their message sounds like the Gospel – but it is a false “gospel” they may practise so called “gifts” and “prophesies” but their fruit is always divisive in the True Church. We live in days when we need wisdom and discernment so that people will not get caught by heresies. We also live in days when the True Church needs a mighty revival of the Holy Spirit.
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
a) Proverbs 18:14. We need to endure our sickness with a healthy spiritual life.
b) Job 6:11. We need strength to endure life.
c) Job 20:3; Psalm 69:7. We have to endure insults sometimes.
d) 2 Timothy 2:3. There will be times that we have to endure suffering.
e) 2 Timothy 2:10. Endure anything if it will bring Salvation to other people.
f) 2 Timothy 2:12. If we endure hardship we will Reign with Christ.
g) Hebrews 12:7. We are to endure Divine Discipline.
h) James 1:12. God will bless us if we patiently endure testing and temptation.
i) 1 Peter 2:19. Sometimes we need to patiently endure wrong treatment.
j) Revelation 13:10; 14:12. There may be times when we have to endure persecution.
(Through this QT I find a lesson in Endurance)
‘A New And Glorified Body.’
1 Corinthians 15:42-44.
a) 1 Corinthians 15:42. There will be a Resurrection of the dead people.
b) 1 Corinthians 15:42 – 44. The old and the new:-
1- Sown in corruption – Raised in in-corruption.
2- Sown in dishonour – Raised in Glory.
3- Sown in weakness – Raised in Power.
4- Sown a natural body – Raised a spiritual body.
c) 1 Corinthians 15:44. There is a natural body and there is also a spiritual body.
(Through this Second one I know with confidence that I have A New And Glorified Body to look forward to)
If we endure hardship we will reign with Christ. All True Believers will endure some kind of hardship in their lives on this fallen Earth. When we face hardship then God will give us the Grace and Strength to endure it. I find the Teaching of the Bible very clear about our life on this Earth. We are to shine as lights in the dark World system.
A Lovely Calling!
‘A Lovely Calling.’
Galatians 5:13.
a) We are called to be free.
b) We do not use our freedom to indulge in the things of the flesh.
c) We use our freedom to serve one another humbly in Love.
(Through this QT I find A Lovely Calling)
‘We Are Not To Be Foolish.’
a) 1 Corinthians 15:36. Asking foolish questions.
b) Luke 12:20. In not being ready to die.
c) Luke 24:25. In not Believing the Scriptures.
d) Romans 1:22. Even though we claim to be wise.
e) Ephesians 5:15. But, rather, be careful how we live.
(This Second one reminds me that I Am Not To Be Foolish)
We are not to be foolish. Every day all of us have many opportunities to be foolish or act foolishly. As True Believers we are to refrain from such things. Foolish people waste a lot of time with meaningless conversations that make all the people around them tired. Foolish people may cause much distress to their family members because they are not ready to die. Foolish people do not Believe the Word of God even though they may be Church attendees. As we ponder on our lives we can realise and understand that we are not to be foolish.
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
a) Galatians 4:16. Is sometimes necessary and should always be based on the Truth.
b) Leviticus 19:17. We need to confront people directly, then we will not be held guilty for their sin.
c) Psalm 141:5. Can be a soothing medicine.
d) Proverbs 9:8; 15:5 & 31. Correct wise people and they will love you.
e) Proverbs 10:17. People who accept it are on the pathway to life.
f) Ephesians 5:11. Expose the evil deeds of darkness.
g) 1 Thessalonians 5:14. Warn those people who are lazy.
h) 2 Timothy 4:2. Patiently correct and rebuke.
i) Titus 1:13. Reprimand them sternly to make them strong in the Faith.
j) Hebrews 3:13. Warn each other every day while it is still today.
(This QT teaches me the value and necessity of Reproof)
‘Where Your Treasure Is.’
Matthew 6:19-21.
a) Matthew 6:19. We are not to lay up for ourselves treasures on the Earth. That is very selfish. If we do:-
1- Moth may consume it.
2- Rust may consume it.
3- Thieves may steal it.
b) Matthew 6:20. We are to lay up for ourselves treasures in Heaven. No bad thing can happen to these treasures.
c) Matthew 6:21. Where our treasure is there will our heart be also.
(This Second one has me checking Where My Treasure Is)
As True Believers a part of our lives necessarily will be to expose the evil deeds of darkness. Nobody enjoys doing such things but there are times that we need to do them for the Lord’s Glory and Testimony. The Bible clearly tells us how to live in all spheres of life: Government, Church, Workplace, Home, and even place of Education. All these spheres are taught about in the Word of God. When we come across evil deeds of darkness that need exposing we should not do this angrily but prayerfully and in consultation with our Spiritual Leaders.
Do Not Be Quick To Give An Answer!
‘Do Not Be Quick To Give An Answer.’
Proverbs 18:13.
a) It is a foolish thing to do.
b) It can bring shame upon us.
c) It reveals our pride.
d) It impairs our judgment.
e) It may be rude.
(This QT strongly reminds me: Do Not Be Quick To Give An Answer)
‘A Direct Answer To A Direct Question.’
Mark 10:51.
a) The Questioner was Jesus Christ.
b) The person He was questioning was a blind beggar whose only Hope was Jesus Christ.
c) Jesus asked him: “What do you want Me to do to you?”
d) The blind beggar called Jesus “Lord”.
e) He said that he wanted to receive his sight.
(This Second one shows me how to respond when the Lord asks me something: A Direct Answer To A Direct Question)
It may be rude when in conversation with other people to be quick to give an answer, especially in ministry or counselling situations where we are caring for people pastorally. Some people are very proud and always have a quick answer for everyone. Other people, as they get to know people they become presumptuous and do not listen to them, they also can hurt the people that they are supposed to be caring for. We should listen well before giving an answer.
Monday, June 27, 2011
Elowahh - Our God!
‘Elowahh – Our God.’
a) Psalm 18:31. He is a Rock.
b) Deuteronomy 32:15. He made us.
c) Job 3:23. Sometimes surrounds us with difficulties.
d) Job 5:17. Corrects us that we might have Joy.
e) Job 27:3. Gives us breath.
f) Job 31:6. Knows our integrity.
g) Job 33:12. Is greater than any human being.
h) Job 33:26. When we pray He Receives us and Restores us.
i) Job 37:15. Controls the weather storms.
j) Psalm 114:7. His Presence causes the Earth to tremble.
k) Isaiah 44:8. Is unique.
(Through this QT I am in awe of Elowahh – My God)
‘Sanctify In Our Hearts Christ As Lord.’
1 Peter 3:15.
a) Being ready always to speak up.
b) To tell anyone who asks us why we are living the way we are.
c) Always with:-
1- Utmost courtesy.
2- Meekness.
3- Fear.
(This Second one encourages and calls me to Sanctify In My Heart Christ As Lord)
Our God knows our integrity or our lack of it. The True Believer should be a trustworthy person of integrity. If we lack integrity we have no testimony for the Glory of God. The Kingdom of God is Righteousness, Peace and Joy in the Holy Spirit. The Kingdom of God is not about human competition rather it is about giving Glory to God and serving one another.
A Physically Weak But Respected Minister!
‘A Physically Weak But Respected Minister.’
Galatians 4:13-15.
a) Galatians 4:13. The first time that Apostle Paul ministered to the Galatians he was suffering weakness in his physical body.
b) Galatians 4:14. The Galatians did not reject Paul because of his physical condition, rather they received him as if he was Christ Himself or an Angel of God.
c) Galatians 4:15. They were deeply caring about Paul’s health condition, even willing to sacrifice their good health for him if it were possible.
(Through this QT I find a very good example both of Minister and Church: A Physically Weak But Respected Minister)
‘Use Active Initiative.’
Ephesians 4:3.
a) Be diligent.
b) Keep the Unity of the Holy Spirit.
c) In the uniting bond of Peace.
(This Second one reminds me and calls me to Use Active Initiative)
We should be deeply concerned about the health condition of those people who minister to us. We live in days of consumer minded “Christianity” where some people are only following Jesus selfishly for what they can get out of Him. This, frankly, is gross sin. Rather than receiving Grace and Truth from the Lord through the Minister some people are just looking to the Minister to “bless” them, “heal” them or “comfort” them. This inevitably will take its toll on the health of the Minister. The Church needs to repent of consumer minded “Christianity” and get back to the Biblical Principles of Church. If this is done Ministers will have much better health.
Humility Precedes Honour!
‘Humility Precedes Honour.’
a) Proverbs 18:12; 15:33; 1 Peter 5:5. It is what the Word of God says.
b) Job 42:10. Humility exercised in Praying for other people, even people who have hurt us.
c) Isaiah 6:5-9; Daniel 9:20 & 23. Humility exercised in repentance precedes Anointed Ministry.
(Through this QT I find that Humility Precedes Honour)
‘The Apostle’s Desire For The People He Serves.’
Colossians 2:2.
a) That through his Ministry their hearts may be comforted and encouraged.
b) That they be knit together in Love.
c) That they might have the riches of the full assurance of Understanding.
d) That they may know the Mystery of God – Christ.
(This Second one shows me The Apostle’s Desire For The People He Serves)
Not only Apostles, but I believe all the Ephesians mentioned Ministry Gifts of Christ have a strong desire to see the True Believers have hearts that are comforted and encouraged. This Book, the Book of Colossians, is an easy to understand and very clear challenge showing us how to live as True Believers. Comfort and encouragement do not just come from “feeling good”, they come from receiving Truth.
Sunday, June 26, 2011
The Promise Of The Holy Spirit!
‘The Promise Of The Holy Spirit.’
Acts 2:39.
a) Is for you.
b) Is for your children.
c) Is for generations afar off.
d) Is for all people whom the Lord shall call.
(Through this QT I thank God for The Promise Of The Holy Spirit)
‘The Temptation Of Jesus In The Wilderness.’
Matthew 4:1-11.
a) Matthew 4:1. Jesus was led by the Holy Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the Devil.
b) Matthew 4:2. After forty days and nights of fasting Jesus was hungry.
c) Matthew 4:3. The Tempter came and said unto Him, If Thou art the Son of God, command that these stones become bread. (Physical temptation)
d) Matthew 4:4. Jesus overcame with the Word of God.
e) Matthew 4:5. The Devil took Jesus to the Holy City, out of the wilderness to the Temple – God’s House.
f) Matthew 4:5. The Devil put Jesus on the pinnacle of the Temple.
g) Matthew 4:6. The Devil tempted Jesus in His Will, the temptation to throw Himself down from the pinnacle of the Temple and survive.
h) Matthew 4:7. Jesus again overcame with the Word of God.
i) Matthew 4:8. The Devil took Jesus to an exceedingly high mountain and showed Him all the Kingdoms of the World and their splendour.
j) Matthew 4:9. This was the cheekiest of all the temptations. The Devil told Jesus that he would give Him all these Kingdoms if Jesus would worship the Devil. This is spiritual temptation. This was a lie because Jesus already owned all the Nations of the World.
k) Matthew 4:10. Jesus then told The Devil to go away and again overcame Him with the Word of God.
l) Matthew 4:11. The Devil left and Angels came and ministered to Jesus.
(This Second one teaches me the importance of The Temptation Of Jesus In The Wilderness for me, because Jesus overcame for me)
We should thank God for the Promise of the Holy Spirit. This Promise is for every True Believer. God does not discriminate against any denomination or favour any either. The Church desperately needs to be filled with the Holy Spirit so that it can achieve the Great Commission that the Lord has for it to do. We should not be shaken or infatuated by some of the manifestations that are being attributed to the Holy Spirit by certain Charismatic groups the Holy Spirit is always orderly and Glorifies Jesus, He is never weird!
Keep Going In The Pure Way!
‘Keep Going In The Pure Way.’
Galatians 4:8-12.
a) Galatians 4:8. Before knowing God through Jesus Christ personally, we were slaves to other “gods”. (Even atheism and communism are “gods”. A special relationship can be a “god”.)
b) Galatians 4:9. Now we have come into a relationship with God, finding each other.
c) Galatians 4:9. We should not go back again into bondages of the World system.
d) Galatians 4:10. We should not be superstitious about certain days anymore.
e) Galatians 4:11. Going back into old ways means that our Spiritual Leader’s hard work on our behalf was all for nothing.
f) Galatians 4:12. It is very important that we live in purity and freedom.
(This QT urges me to Keep Going In The Pure Way)
‘A Simple Uniting Fact.’
I recently had a QT with this Scripture – but it is really important so I am looking at it again and pondering.
Galatians 3:26-29.
a) Galatians 3:26. We are all Children of God through Faith in Christ Jesus, we become True Believers.
b) Galatians 3:27. All of us who are united with Christ in Baptism are being made like Him.
c) Galatians 3:28. True Believers are brought into unity and oneness in Christ Jesus.
d) Galatians 3:29. Now that we belong to Christ we can be partakers of the Promises of God.
(Through this Second one I find A Simple Uniting Fact, the fact of being truly in Christ Jesus)
We should not go back again into the bondages of the World system. All of us know what sins and manner of life that the Lord has delivered us from. We should never go back into that lifestyle any more. If we are True Believers then the plain fact is that we do not want to go back into that system. There should be some kind of a fulfilment in our relationship with God through Jesus Christ that fills us and fulfils us.
Be Free From Self Confidence!
‘Be Free From Self Confidence.’
a) Proverbs 18:11; Jeremiah 49:4-5; Luke 12:19. In financial wealth.
b) Deuteronomy 29:18-19. In following the desires of our own stubborn hearts.
c) 1 Kings 20:11. In boasting before the battle begins.
d) 2 Kings 18:21; Isaiah 36:6; 31:1. In leaning on the World system.
e) Job 29:18. In our natural family.
f) Psalm 10:6. That nothing bad would ever happen and that no trouble would come.
g) Isaiah 5:21. In being wise in our own eyes and thinking of ourselves as clever.
h) Jeremiah 7:8. In trusting in a religious building.
i) Jeremiah 8:11; 23:17; Ezekiel 13:10. In giving assurances of Peace when there is no Peace.
j) Jeremiah 17:5; Zechariah 4:6. In trusting in mere humans and human strength.
k) Jeremiah 21:13; Obadiah 1:3. In saying that no one can touch us or invade us.
l) Hosea 10:13. In trusting in great armies.
m) Zephaniah 2:15. In saying “I am the greatest.”
n) Luke 18:9. In our own Righteousness.
o) Galatians 6:8. In living to satisfy our own human nature.
(This QT strongly urges and reminds me to Be Free From Self Confidence)
‘Only God’s Miracle Can Restore Fallen Believers.’
Hebrews 6:4-8.
a) Hebrews 6:4-5. It is impossible to renew to repentance people who have:-
1- Already been enlightened.
2- Tasted the Heavenly Gift.
3- Become partakers of the Holy Spirit.
4- Tasted the Good Word of God.
5- Tasted the powers of the Age to come.
b) Hebrews 6:6. If these people have fallen away they crucify again for themselves the Son of God and put Him to open shame.
c) Hebrews 6:7. When the cultivated Earth receives the rain it produces crops – this is the Blessing of God.
d) Hebrews 6:8. If it only produces thorns and thistles it is rejected and near to being cursed. It will be burned.
(This Second one is very clear in that Only God’s Miracle Can Restore Fallen Believers, humanly it is impossible)
Some people trust in the fact of being wise in their own eyes and think of themselves as clever. This is a very big mistake and an even bigger mistake if they are professing “Christians”. One of the fruit of the True Believer is the fruit of Humility and the True Believer puts their total confidence in God and not in themselves. It is God that gives both Wisdom and Success, so if we have those things we should really Glorify God with them.
Saturday, June 25, 2011
A Good Church Pattern!
‘A Good Church Pattern.’
Acts 2:46-47.
a) Day by day they met together in some form.
b) They met for spiritual activities in the House of God.
c) They met for food and fellowship in homes.
d) They met together with glad and sincere hearts, not complaining hearts.
e) They were frequently Praising God.
f) God gave them favour with the non-believers, because of their lives in front of them.
g) The Lord added to the Church daily those people who were being Saved.
(Through this QT I find A Good Church Pattern)
‘Our Response To The Kingdom Of God.’
Hebrews 12:28-29.
a) It is a Kingdom that we receive.
b) It is a Kingdom that cannot be shaken.
c) So let us:-
1- Receive Grace.
2- Be thankful.
3- Worship God acceptably with reverence and awe.
4- Serve God.
d) Our God is a Consuming Fire.
(Through this Second one I check My Response To The Kingdom Of God)
Because of the lives of the Believers in the New Testament Church, God gave them favour with the non-believers. Yes, there were times of persecution too but it was not the entire story. We live in days when certain “ministries” make a lot of money out of giving publicity to the “persecuted Church”, it should not be like that! The emphasis needs to be on the lives of Believers influencing the society in which they live through their character and their attitude to the society in which they have been placed by God.
A Wonderful Word Picture!
‘A Wonderful Word Picture.’
Galatians 4:1-7.
a) Galatians 4:1. As long as the heir is a child this heir differs in no way from a bondservant even though they are the future house and land owner.
b) Galatians 4:2. They are under the care of guardians and those who manage the property. They are under their care until the time when their fathers give them the property.
c) Galatians 4:3. When we were children, we were similar. We were slaves to the basic things that the people of the World system believe.
d) Galatians 4:4. At the correct time God sent His Son, born of a woman and born under the Authority of God’s Law.
e) Galatians 4:5. God’s Son came to Redeem those people who were under the Law. He wanted us to be adopted as children with all the rights that children have.
f) Galatians 4:6. Because we are God’s Children He has sent forth the Spirit of His Son into our hearts. The cry of the Holy Spirit in our heart is “Abba, Father.”
g) Galatians 4:7. We are no longer slaves but we are God’s Children and Heirs through God.
(Through this QT I discover A Wonderful Word Picture)
‘No Lasting City.’
Hebrews 13:14.
a) Here, on this Earth, we do not have a city that lasts.
b) But we are looking and seeking.
c) For the (Eternal) City which is going to come.
(This Second one convinces me that on this Earth I have No Lasting City)
At the correct time God sent His Son. This is something that every True Believer is convinced about. Jesus Christ came at the correct time, fulfilling all the Scriptures prophesying about Him. At the Correct time Jesus Christ will come again. This is something that we anticipate. We do not know when but we have assurance that this event will happen.
Friday, June 24, 2011
The Name Of The Lord!
‘The Name Of The Lord.’
Proverbs 18:10.
a) Is a strong tower.
b) The Righteous People can run into it.
c) They are safe there.
(Through this QT I thank God for The Name Of The Lord)
‘Our True Citizenship.’
Philippians 3:20-21.
a) Is in Heaven.
b) We are waiting for our Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ, to come from there.
c) He will refashion us to be conformed to His Glorious Body.
d) Through His working He will subject all things to Himself.
(This Second one reminds me of My True Citizenship)
Our True Citizenship is in Heaven and we should never forget or neglect this fact. We are living in days of conflict, war and human trafficking where people are very conscious (sometimes rightfully) of various situations in the Nations of the World and taking some kind of actions against injustice. As True Believers we surely have a part in these positive and merciful actions. We should not be burying our heads in religious sand like ostriches. Amidst all this righteous action we must keep our focus also balanced in that our True Citizenship is in Heaven.
Comforting Words!
‘Comforting Words.’
1 Thessalonians 4:13-18.
a) 1 Thessalonians 4:13. We should not be ignorant concerning those True Believers who die. We should not grieve as people who have no hope.
b) 1 Thessalonians 4:14. For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so God will bring with Him those who have fallen asleep in Jesus.
c) 1 Thessalonians 4:15-17. Here is the Word of the Lord:-
1- V15. We who are alive and remain until the Coming of the Lord will not precede those True Believers who have fallen asleep.
2- V16. The Lord Himself will descend from Heaven with:-
A-A shout.
B-The voice of the Archangel.
C-The Trumpet of God.
3- V16. The dead people in Christ will rise first.
4- V17. Then we who are alive and remain will:-
A- Be caught up together with them in the clouds.
B- Meet the Lord in the air.
C- Always be with the Lord.
d) 1 Thessalonians 4:18. With these words we are to comfort each other in the Church.
(This QT gives me very Comforting Words)
‘Be Eager.’
a) Romans 8:19. For the appearing of the sons of God.
b) Numbers 23:17; Acts 17:11. To find out what the Lord is saying.
c) Malachi 3:1. Looking for the Messenger of the Covenant.
d) Mark 3:10. When we are sick, to touch the Lord by Faith.
e) Romans 15:26. To take up an offering for poor Believers.
f) 1 Corinthians 1:7; Philippians 3:20; 2 Timothy 4:8. Waiting for the return of our Lord Jesus Christ.
g) 2 Corinthians 8:12. In giving.
h) Galatians 5:5. Waiting to receive by Faith the Righteousness that God has Promised to us.
i) Jude 1:3. To write Good News.
(Through this Second one I am encouraged to Be Eager)
To me this is a very comforting and wonderful thought that I will always be with the Lord. This thought is not a dream created in my own imagination but rather it is the True Promise of the Word of God. We should base our life expectations on the Word of God then we will never be disappointed. If we base our life expectations on other foundations or spiritual experiences we are really opening our lives to deception.
Thursday, June 23, 2011
What It Means To Become God’s Children!
‘What It Means To Become God’s Children.’
Galatians 3:26-29.
a) Galatians 3:26. We become God’s Children through Faith in Christ Jesus.
b) Galatians 3:27. If we are Baptised into Christ, we have put on Christ.
c) Galatians 3:28. We are all one in Christ Jesus. There is no difference in:-
1- Race.
2- Status.
3- Gender.
d) Galatians 3:29. If we are Christ’s then we are descendants of Abraham, heirs according to the Promise)
(Through this QT I understand What It Means To Become God’s Child)
‘How Church Progress Is Maintained.’
1 Thessalonians 4:11-12.
a) Through aspiring to live a quiet life.
b) Attend to our own business.
c) To do our work.
d) Live decently towards the people outside the Church.
e) Live without need.
(Through this Second one I find How Church Progress Is Maintained)
Christian Baptism is a very necessary step in our life as a True Believer. When we are Baptised into Christ then we have put on Christ. There is an assurance and confidence in our Faith when we have Christian Baptism. If we follow the pattern of the Ministry of Jesus Christ we can read that He took the little children and Blessed them. I find here that infant dedication and sometimes infant “baptism” can be undertaken as an expression of the Lord’s Blessing. They are, however, not a substitute for Christian Baptism which is taken when we become a True Believer.
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
We Should Not Be Lazy!
‘We Should Not Be Lazy.’
a) Proverbs 18:9. A lazy person is a brother or sister to a waster or a destroyer.
b) Proverbs 6:9-11. A lazy person sleeps too much and then loses everything.
c) Proverbs 10:4; 21:25. A lazy person is soon poor.
d) Proverbs 13:4. Lazy people want much but get little.
e) Ecclesiastes 4:5. Fools fold their idle hands, leading them to ruin.
f) Ecclesiastes 10:18. Laziness causes the house condition to deteriorate.
(Through this QT I know that I Should Not Be Lazy)
‘The Future World.’
a) Hebrews 2:5. Will not be controlled by Angels.
b) Hebrews 6:5. We sometimes have a taste now.
c) 2 Peter 3:13. Will be filled with God’s Righteousness.
d) Revelation 11:15. Will be the Eternal Kingdom of our Lord and Christ.
(Through this Second one I look forward to The Future World)
Laziness causes the house condition to deteriorate. Sometimes in ministry situations in the past I used to visit people’s houses. This was never easy for me because I believe that unless there is some specific reason for a personal visit people should come to the Church, especially in cultures where there is freedom to express one’s religion. (Justifiable reasons of course call for visits.) A few houses that I have visited have been in very poor condition, not because of poverty, but because of neglect. True Believers should look after their houses well.
Leave It To The Land Owner!
‘Leave It To The Land Owner.
Matthew 13:24-30.
a) Matthew 13:24. This is a parable of Jesus Christ about the Kingdom of Heaven.
b) Matthew 13:24. The Kingdom of Heaven is compared to a man who sowed good seed in his field.
c) Matthew 13:25. While everyone was sleeping:-
1- His enemy came.
2- The enemy sowed weeds among the wheat.
3- The enemy left.
d) Matthew 13:26. When the plants sprouted and produced grain then the weeds also appeared.
e) Matthew 13:27. The servants of the land owner came to him and asked how this happened because they sowed good seed into the field.
f) Matthew 13:28. The land owner told his servants that an enemy had done this.
g) Matthew 13:28. The servants were willing to go and gather up the weeds.
h) Matthew 13:29. The land owner rejected the servants’ idea because in doing it they may spoil the harvest.
i) Matthew 13:30. The land owner wanted both the wheat and the weeds to grow together until the harvest time.
j) Matthew 13:30. At the harvest time the reapers were to gather the weeds first, tie them in bundles and burn them.
k) Matthew 13:30. Then the pure wheat could be stored in the barn.
(Through this QT: Leave It To The Land Owner, I realise that the Lord is in control of every situation, even weeds in the Church. He knows what to do and when to do it)
‘Heralding The Kingdom – The Eternal Reign Of Christ.
Revelation 11:15.
a) This is regarding the next dispensation.
b) The Angel will blow his trumpet.
c) The will confess that the kingdoms of this World have become the Kingdom of the Lord and of His Christ.
d) He will reign forever and ever.
(This Second one is Heralding The Kingdom – The Eternal Reign Of Christ)
The servants of the land owner were willing to gather up the weeds – this was their suggestion and their respect for the land owner. The land owner had another idea but he must have been so Blessed to have servants like this. In our sphere of life as True Believers are we willing servants who want to help and take initiative, or are we complaining and murmuring servants? These servants ultimately obeyed the land owner, are we willing to obey the Lord?
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
No Need For The Tutor Any More!
‘No Need For The Tutor Any More.’
Galatians 3:23-25.
a) Galatians 3:23. Before faith came, Apostle Paul was kept in custody, under the Law of God. He was shut up to the Faith that afterwards was to be revealed.
b) Galatians 3:24. The Law of God became his tutor to bring him to Christ so that he could be Justified by Faith. (This is the same for every legalistic religious person whether Jew or Gentile.)
c) Galatians 3:25. After Faith came there was no longer any need to be under a tutor.
(This QT shows me clearly a great Truth from God’s Word. There is No Need For The Tutor Any More. We can have “mentoring” or “discipleship” in Church ministered carefully and caringly but control of other people should never be involved in that)
‘Our Bitter Root Judgement Of Other People Is Usually Hypocrisy.’
Matthew 7:1-5.
a) Matthew 7:1. We should not judge other people then we will not be judged.
b) Matthew 7:2. For with whatever judgment you judge, you will be judged; and with whatever measure you measure, it will be measured to you.
c) Matthew 7:3. We should not see the speck in our brother’s eye and neglect the beam that is in our own eye.
d) Matthew 7:4. If we have a beam in our eye it is impossible for us to help other people.
e) Matthew 7:5. We are hypocrites if we live like that. Firstly, if we are to help other people we are to remove the beam from our own eyes.
(This Second one reminds me strongly that My Bitter Root Judgment Of Other People Is Usually Hypocrisy)
The Word of God tells us that there is no need for a tutor any more. This Truth needs to prevail in every Church. To hold para-Church organisations together there is often need for a discipleship or mentoring system that is quite restrictive. This is because people are the leaders or the “heads”, and they need to shepherd and guide the people. The Church however is very different here. Jesus Christ is the Head of the Church which is His Body. The whole Church needs to be submitted to His Lordship and if that is so in reality then the Body of Christ grows very healthily and Biblically under ministers and ministries appointed by Him.
Incorrect Words!
‘Incorrect Words.’
Proverbs 18:6-8.
a) Proverbs 18:6. A fool’s words get them into contention.
b) Proverbs 18:6. A fool’s mouth calls out for a beating.
c) Proverbs 18:7. A fool’s mouth is his ruin and destruction.
d) Proverbs 18:7. A fool’s words are a trap for him.
e) Proverbs 18:8. The words of a whisperer are as dainty morsels, they go down into the innermost parts.
(This QT makes me want to avoid and reject Incorrect Words)
‘A Challenge That We All Face.’
Matthew 5:43-48.
a) Matthew 5:43. The Jewish fathers were told to love their neighbours and to hate their enemies.
b) Matthew 5:44. Jesus tells us to love our enemies and pray for those people who persecute us.
c) Matthew 5:45. When we love like that it gives us assurance of being Children of our Heavenly Father.
d) Matthew 5:45. Our Heavenly Father makes His sun shine on good and bad people alike, and He sends rain to the Righteous people and the unrighteous alike.
e) Matthew 5:46. What reward will we get if we only love the people who love us? Even evil people can do that.
f) Matthew 5:47. If we are friendly to our friends are we doing anything out of the ordinary? Everyone does that.
g) Matthew 5:48. Jesus calls us into perfection, just as our Heavenly Father is Perfect.
(Through this Second One I find A Challenge That We All Face)
I am sure that every True Believer wants to avoid and reject incorrect words. These can cause so much pain and embarrassment. These words can break relationships. These words can spread malicious talk throughout a Church. These words can cause the person who speaks them out to come into some kind of bondage. Let us avoid and reject incorrect words.
God And Our Times!
‘God And Our Times.’
Psalm 90:1-12.
a) Psalm 90:1. The Lord is our Dwelling Place in all generations. The problem is sometimes we do not want to stay at home!
b) Psalm 90:2. God is God:-
1- Before the mountains were brought forth.
2- Before He formed the Earth and the World.
3- From everlasting to everlasting.
c) Psalm 90:3. God turns man back to dust.
d) Psalm 90:4. In the Lord’s sight a thousand years are like one day and like a night watch shift.
e) Psalm 90:5. The Lord carries away like a flood we last no longer than a dream.
f) Psalm 90:5-6. We are like grass:-
1- It flourishes in the morning.
2- It grows up.
3- It dries up.
4- It dies.
g) Psalm 90:7. We are consumed by God’s anger and terrified by His fury. (We can see manifestations of this in natural disasters, these disasters are intended to call people to turn to God)
h) Psalm 90:8. God sets our sins before Him, even our secret sins are exposed by the Light of His Countenance.
i) Psalm 90:9. Our lives are cut short by God’s anger - they fade away like a whisper.
j) Psalm 90:10. For our life span we can expect seventy to eighty years if we are strong. Even in those years they can bring trouble and sorrow then life is gone.
k) Psalm 90:11. No one knows the full Power of God’s anger and fury.
l) Psalm 90:12. We should pray to God for Him to Teach us to number our days, then we can become wise.
(This QT makes me consider God And My Times)
‘We Are Not To Listen To False Prophets.’
a) Jeremiah 29:15. They are our idea and not God’s Prophets.
b) Deuteronomy 18:20. False prophets were to die in Old Testament Law.
c) Jeremiah 14:15; 20:6; 23:15. False prophets will be punished by God. (Usually through immoral relationships or shameful deaths)
d) Jeremiah 23:13. Are sometimes terribly evil people. (Spiritual despots)
e) Jeremiah 23:30-32. They are fragrant liars and have no message at all.
f) Ezekiel 12:24. God eventually gets rid of them.
g) Ezekiel 13:2-3. Sorrow awaits them.
h) Ezekiel 13:23. God will rescue His People from their grasp.
i) Zechariah 13:2. God removes them and the spirit of impurity that comes with them.
j) Zechariah 13:4. Eventually people will be ashamed of their false prophecies and not pretend to be prophets.
(Through this Second one I know very clearly that I Am Not To Listen To False Prophets)
No one knows the full Power of God’s Anger and Fury. This is something that is yet to be realised in an Eternity called Hell. Sometimes on this Earth God gives us glimpses of it and yet people are so slow to respond to God when He manifests this glimpse. When God just reveals a small part of His Anger Nations tremble, and sometimes even Governments change, usually lawlessness increases, we need to be praying for God’s Mercy for the Nations.
Monday, June 20, 2011
Amazing Parallel – Law And Promise!
‘Amazing Parallel – Law And Promise.’
Galatians 3:17-22.
a) Galatians 3:17. The Promise given to Abraham was not cancelled by the Law given to Moses 430 years afterwards.
b) Galatians 3:18. If we have to gain the inheritance by following Law then it is no more Promise.
c) Galatians 3:18. God freely gave the inheritance to Abraham through a Promise.
d) Galatians 3:19. The Purpose of the Law given to Moses was to identify what wrongdoing was.
e) Galatians 3:19. Moses’ Laws continued to function like this until the Descendant to Whom the Promise was given came.
f) Galatians 3:19. The Promise was put into effect through Angels using a Mediator.
g) Galatians 3:20. A mediator is not used when there is only one person involved, and God has acted on His Own.
h) Galatians 3:21. The Laws of Moses do not contradict God’s Promises.
i) Galatians 3:21. If these Laws could give us Life then we would surely receive God’s approval because we obeyed them.
j) Galatians 3:22. The Scripture states that the whole World is controlled by the power of sin.
k) Galatians 3:22. The Promise based on Faith in Jesus Christ can be given to those people who Believe.
(This QT teaches me an Amazing Parallel – Law And Promise)
‘It Is Time To Return.’
Hosea 12:6.
a) Return to God.
b) Be loyal and kind.
c) Be fair.
d) Always wait with Hope for God.
(This Second one calls me: It Is Time To Return)
There is no need for a mediator. God has already acted on His Own. He so Loved us that He sent Jesus Christ to die on the Cross as the punishment for our sins. We do not need a mediator, whether it be a priest or a charismatic minister, to bring us to God. The entire purpose in God’s sending Jesus Christ to die for us is that He, God the Son the Son of God is our Mediator to bring us to the Father.
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Depriving Other People Is Not Good!
‘Depriving Other People Is Not Good.’
a) Proverbs 18:5; Isaiah 29:21. We should not deprive the Righteous People of Justice.
b) Deuteronomy 24:17; Ezekiel 22:29; Malachi 3:5. We should not deprive the foreigner or fatherless of Justice.
c) Proverbs 22:23; Isaiah 10:2; Amos 5:12. We should not deprive the poor or afflicted people.
d) Proverbs 31:5. We should not deprive the oppressed people of their rights.
e) Isaiah 5:23; Lamentations 3:35. We should not deprive the innocent people of their rights.
f) Isaiah 32:6. We should not deprive hungry and thirsty people of food and drink.
g) Ezekiel 26:12-13. We should not deprive people of their children.
h) 1 Corinthians 7:5. Married couples should not deprive each other of physical sexual relationship.
i) Revelation 3:11. No one should deprive us of our crown.
(This QT simply and clearly teaches me that Depriving Other People Is Not Good)
‘The Person Who Is Protected By The Lord.’
Isaiah 33:15-16.
a) This person should walk uprightly.
b) This person should speak righteously.
c) This person despises the gain of oppressions.
d) This person rejects bribery.
e) This person does not want to hear about bloodshed.
f) This person shuts their eyes from looking at evil.
g) This person shall dwell in a safe place.
h) This person will be fed.
i) This person will not go thirsty.
(Through this Second one I really want to live as The Person Who Is Protected By The Lord)
There is a reward awaiting us in Eternity if we have lived the correct kind of life before the Lord. All of us have our “Light”, it means the understanding that we have of God and His Word. Because of our differing stages of spiritual growth it is so important that we do not judge each other but that we encourage each other to go on in the Word of God and grow as we apply it to our lives with the help of the Holy Spirit.
Perfect In God’s Eyes!
‘Perfect In God’s Eyes.’
a) Proverbs 11:1; Deuteronomy 25:15. Perfect weight – perfect business.
b) 1 Kings 8:61. Perfect walk before the Lord in Obedience.
c) 1 Kings 15:3; 2 Chronicles 15:2. The shame of not being perfect.
d) 1 Kings 15:14. A perfect heart but not perfect fulfilment of Obedience.
e) 2 Kings 20:3; 1 Chronicles 12:38; 28:9. Living in front of God with a perfect heart.
f) 1 Chronicles 29:9. With perfect hearts offering willingly to the Lord.
g) 2 Chronicles 8:16. The House of the Lord was perfected.
(This QT gives me the desire to be Perfect In God’s Eyes)
‘God Wants To Clean Up The Business World.’
Micah 6:10-12.
a) Micah 6:10. God knows that there are treasures of wickedness in the houses of wicked people.
b) Micah 6:10. Before God short measures are abominable.
c) Micah 6:11. Wrong scales and false weights will not go unpunished.
d) Micah 6:12. People who get wealth unjustly are:-
1- Cruel.
2- Violent.
3- Liars.
4- Deceitful.
(Through this Second one I know that God Wants To Clean Up The Business World)
This is a very good situation to be in when with perfect hearts we offer willingly to the Lord. He loves willing hearts. A complaining heart is offensive to the Lord because it means that we do not really know or understand Him. The Nature of God never changes, God is Good, God is Love and God is Faithful. If we know that our heart is not right with God we can pray for God to change our heart.
God’s Promises To Abraham And Christ!
‘God’s Promises To Abraham And Christ.’
Galatians 3:16.
a) God made His Promises to Abraham.
b) God made His Promises to Abraham’s descendant.
c) This was singular and not plural.
d) The descendant referred to here is Jesus Christ.
(This QT makes clear to me God’s Promises To Abraham And Christ)
‘We Should Not Envy.’
a) Proverbs 3:31. Violent people.
b) Proverbs 23:17. Sinners, rather we should fear the Lord.
c) Proverbs 24:1. Evil people.
d) Proverbs 24:19. The wicked people.
e) Psalm 37:1. Those people who do wrong.
f) Psalm 73:3. The proud people.
g) Galatians 5:21. Anyone, envy will hinder our enjoyment of God’s Kingdom.
(Through this Second one I know that I Should Not Envy)
God is not only a Promise Keeping God, He is also a Promise Making God. When God give us His Promise or His Promises we should hold on to them. What we should forsake and let go of is trying to make God do something through our prayers – that is really not God’s Way and is a sign of spiritual immaturity or being ill-taught in the area of Prayer.
Saturday, June 18, 2011
A Person's Words!
‘A Person’s Words.’
Proverbs 18:4.
a) Can be a source of Wisdom.
b) Can be as deep as the ocean.
c) Can be as fresh as a flowing stream.
(Through this QT I take note of the potential of A Person’s Words)
‘Do Not Be Shaken By The Sinful Wicked People.’
Psalm 37:14-15.
a) They draw out their swords.
b) They bend their bows to deceive and kill the poor people.
c) They want to slaughter the people who do right.
d) They will be killed by their own swords.
e) Their bows will be broken.
(This Second one is a comforting reminder for me: Do Not Be Shaken By The Sinful Wicked People)
As I read through the Book of Proverbs I am amazed at the clarity of the Wisdom of God and I am loving these Proverbs more and more. Proverbs is not just written as a lovely and wise book, it is also for us to put into action in our lives. We need Wisdom as True Believers. The Book of James encourages us to ask God for Wisdom and here in Proverbs some of the Wisdom of God is revealed.
Friday, June 17, 2011
Do Not Accept The Way Of Wicked People!
‘Do Not Accept The Way Of Wicked People.’
Job 21:14-16.
a) Job 21:14. Wicked people tell God to depart from them.
b) Job 21:14. Wicked people tell God that they do not want to know His Ways.
c) Job 21:15. Wicked people scoff at the Almighty God.
d) Job 21:15. Wicked people will not Pray to God.
e) Job 21:16. Wicked people claim to succeed by their own strength but it is not true.
f) Job 21:16. We should not accept the way of thinking and of life of the wicked people
(This QT strongly reminds me: Do Not Accept The Way Of Wicked People)
‘We Should Not Murmur Against God.’
a) Psalm 73:14. It can give to us much pain in our heart.
b) Exodus 5:22-23. About God’s Way for His People.
c) Numbers 14:26-30. It can stop us inheriting the Promises of God.
d) Numbers 17:10. God wants it to be stopped.
e) Philippians 2:14. We are to do everything without complaining and arguing.
f) James 5:9. We are not to complain about each other or we will be judged.
g) Jude 1:16. Complainers just want to satisfy themselves.
(This Second one gives me clear reasons why I Should Not Murmur Against God)
Wicked people scoff at the Almighty God. When they do such things we need to restrain ourselves. The Bible teaches us that all revenge belongs to God. If we start trying to “do something” about the wicked people we are actually doing wrong because God tells us to leave them in His Hands. What we should be doing is Praying, if we Pray much positive result can come because God Loves us and He can establish His Will more clearly in our lives when we Pray.
Our Everyday Life!
‘Our Everyday Life.’
a) Galatians 3:15. Can give us an example from human covenants.
b) Matthew 6:25; Luke 12:22. Is something that Jesus tells us not to worry about.
c) Romans 6:19. Apostle Paul uses its example because of our human limitations.
(Through this QT I thank God for My Everyday Life)
‘The Lord Is Our Helper.’
a) Psalm 18:2-3. The Lord:-
1- Is our Rock.
2- Is our Fortress.
3- Is our Deliverer.
4- Is the One in Whom we take refuge.
5- Is our Shield.
6- Is the Horn of our Salvation.
7- Is our Stronghold.
8- Is the One Who Saves us from our enemies.
b) Psalm 138:7, Though we walk in the midst of trouble the Lord will revive us.
c) Psalm 138:7. The Lord will stretch forth His Hand against the wrath of our enemies.
d) Psalm 138:7. The Lord’s Right Hand will Save us.
e) Psalm 138:8. The Lord will perfect that which concerns us.
f) Psalm 31:23. The Lord preserves the Faithful people.
g) Philippians 1:6. God, who began the good work within us, will continue His work until it is finally finished on that day when Christ Jesus comes back again.
(This Second one reminds me that The Lord Is My Helper).
The Lord is our Deliverer. He is Good and He is Love, He is a Faithful God Who cares about our lives in a real and a meaningful way. There are times when we need His Deliverance in our environment when things are really difficult. There are other times when we have personal issues that we may need deliverance from. The Lord is our Faithful Deliverer.
Thursday, June 16, 2011
When Contempt Comes!
‘When Contempt Comes.’
The dictionary meaning of contempt in this context is:
1. The feeling that something is mean, vile or worthless.
2. The state of being despised, dishonoured or disgraced.
3. Disapproval tinged with disgust.
a) Proverbs 18:3. When we lose our honour contempt will come in its place.
b) Numbers 14:11; 16:30. Sometimes people even treat the Lord with contempt.
c) Numbers 14:23. If we treat the Lord with it we will never receive His Promises.
d) Numbers 15:31. Sometimes people treat the Lord’s Word with it, they will be cut off.
e) 1 Samuel 12:17. To treat the Lord’s Offerings with contempt is a very serious sin.
f) Psalm 123:4. Arrogant people easily have it towards other people.
(This QT shows me the difficulties that happen When Contempt Comes)
‘Be Positive In Relationships.’
1 Corinthians 2:1-2.
a) Apostle Paul made up his mind that when he was going to visit Corinth again he would not make the Believers sad and heavy.
b) When we sow sorrow we reap heaviness.
c) We should not make other people unnecessarily sorrowful.
(This Second one reminds me that Ministers who are True Believers should Be Positive In Relationships)
Sometimes people even treat the Lord with contempt. In the World system there are some people like this, I cannot and will not agree or sympathise with them but I often understand their reason. These people actually need the Lord very much. When Christians treat the Lord with contempt I have no sympathy for them. These people are in sin and spiritual danger. They do not need “healing” but, rather, they need to repent.
This Was Good!
‘This Was Good.’
Acts 15:28.
a) It was good according to the Holy Spirit.
b) It was also good according to the New Testament Church Leaders in Jerusalem.
c) Not to put any heavy burden on the new Gentile Believers.
d) They only gave them some simple guidance rules.
(Through this QT: This Was Good. I can really find the Heart of God for simplicity and purity in the early Church. There were no confusing and complicated rules)
‘True Worshippers.’
Psalm 24:3-6.
a) Psalm 24:3. Who shall ascend the Hill of the Lord?
b) Psalm 24:3. Who may enter the Lord’s Holy Temple.
c) Psalm 24:4. These are those who may enter:-
1- Those people whose actions are pure.
2- Those people whose thoughts are pure.
3- Those people who do not worship idols.
4- Those people who do not make false promises.
d) Psalm 24:5. These people shall receive the Blessing from the Lord.
e) Psalm 24:5. God will declare these people Righteous.
f) Psalm 24:6. These are the people who can come to God.
(Through this Second one I can find God’s Heart for True Worshippers)
Confusing and complicated rules never existed in the New Testament Church. These rules have infiltrated some Churches because of the complicated minds of people and sin that causes the Church to protect itself. Confusing and complicated rules hinder Worship and Discipleship they also sometimes cause strife and division in the Church because of various interpretations of them. May God give Wisdom to those people responsible as Leaders to review these rules and to make them as simple as possible.
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
The Reason Why We Can Receive The Holy Spirit!
‘The Reason Why We Can Receive The Holy Spirit.’
Galatians 3:14.
a) Christ went to the Cross for us.
b) So we can receive the Blessing which God Promised to Abraham.
c) By means of Jesus Christ.
d) By Faith.
e) We can receive the Spirit Promised by God.
(This QT teaches me The Reason Why I Can Receive The Holy Spirit)
‘A Silencing Time.’
Acts 15:12.
a) The entire leadership of the Church at Jerusalem were gathered, of course they were Jews.
b) They were completely silent as they heard the mission report of Barnabas and Paul.
c) They spoke of the miracles and wonders that God had performed through them.
d) This had all been done amongst the Gentiles.
(Through this Second one I thank God for A Silencing Time, the time or times when I hear wonderful and exciting news about people groups who do not commonly respond to the Gospel responding to it in Faith)
We can receive the Blessing which God Promised to Abraham. We receive this Promise by Faith. I very much believe that the Gifts of the Holy Spirit are for the Church today. They are distributed at His Will and not our will. Because of Jesus Christ, and His Death and Resurrection, we can receive the Holy Spirit by Faith. There are so many different aspects of the Holy Spirit in the Bible, especially regarding our Faith life. There is the “Baptism” with the Holy Spirit, “Gifts” of the Holy Spirit, “Fruit” of the Holy Spirit, “Sanctifying work” of the Holy Spirit in our lives and the “Power” to witness that comes from the Holy Spirit. All these aspects are made possible for us because we have received the Holy Spirit by Faith.
We Are Not To Be Fools!
‘We Are Not To Be Fools.’
a) Proverbs 18:2. Fools have no interest in Understanding.
b) Proverbs 1:7. Fools despise Wisdom and Discipline.
c) Proverbs 1:22. Fools hate Knowledge.
d) Proverbs 17:16. Fools have no heart for learning.
(This QT reminds me that I Am Not To Be A Fool)
‘The Sovereign Work Of The Holy Spirit.’
Acts 10:44-48.
a) Acts 10:44. While Peter was speaking the Holy Spirit came down upon the people listening to his Message.
b) Acts 10:45. The Jewish Ministry team that were with Peter were amazed that the Holy Spirit had come down upon the Gentiles.
c) Acts 10:46. Everybody heard these Gentiles speaking out with new languages from the Holy Spirit, Praising God’s Greatness.
d) Acts 10:46-47. Peter then spoke up on behalf of these Gentile Believers, they could and should surely be Baptised in Water too.
e) Acts 10:48. Peter ordered them to be Water Baptised in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ and they responded by asking Peter to stay with them for some days.
(Through this Second one I can see The Sovereign Work Of The Holy Spirit)
Fools despise Wisdom and Discipline. These are two of the most valuable things that we can have in life, Wisdom and Discipline. We are not born with Wisdom but we gather it in through our experiences of Life. We should listen to people that we respect as being wise and we should learn from them. Discipline is something that is fast becoming a forgotten virtue. Many families and institutions struggle because of a lack of Discipline. Restoration of Discipline through the Church is very important.
The Reign Of King Jesus!
‘The Reign Of King Jesus.’
Isaiah 16:5.
a) His Throne is established in steadfast Love.
b) He will rule the people with Faithfulness.
c) He will rule the people with Love.
d) He will be quick to do what is correct.
e) He will see that Justice is done.
(This QT makes me look forward to The Reign Of King Jesus)
‘When Restoration Comes.’
Amos 9:11-12.
a) It comes to God’s House.
b) People and places are repaired.
c) There is Restoration.
d) There is rebuilding.
e) There is Victory.
f) The Nations will return to the Lord.
g) This is all the Lord’s Work and for His Glory.
(This Second one shows me what happens When Restoration Comes)
The Lord is always quick to do what is correct. He never does wrong and He never makes a mistake. God is Good, God is Love and God is Faithful. God is not a God of compromise, He is Truth. Jesus Christ said that He is the Way, the Truth and the Life. He is the only way to Father God. We live in days of confusing ministry and theology (or lack of it). The only way in which we can come to Father God is through Jesus Christ, there is no other way. There are now certain ministries where male ministers are playing “father” to heal people in “father’s love”. This is a deception and a dangerous teaching.
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Strong And Clear Words For Us To Heed!
‘Strong And Clear Words For Us To Heed.’
Galatians 3:10-13.
a) Galatians 3:10. Those who depend on obeying the Old Testament Law live under a curse.
b) Galatians 3:10. It is written, "Cursed is everyone who does not observe and obey all the things written in the book of the law.”
c) Galatians 3:11. Now, it is clear that no one is put right with God by means of the Law, because the Scripture says that only the person who is put right with God through Faith shall live.
d) Galatians 3:12. The Law has nothing to do with Faith.
e) Galatians 3:12. Regarding the Law, the Scripture says that whoever does everything that the Law requires will live.
f) Galatians 3:13. Christ has Redeemed us from the curse of the Law by becoming a curse for us. It is written that anyone who hangs on a tree is under God’s curse.
(Through this QT I find Strong And Clear Words For Me To Heed)
‘Jesus – Our Prophet, Priest And King.’
John 4:19-20.
a) The woman at the well recognised Jesus first as a Prophet. (This was her first step in understanding Who Jesus was.)
b) She spoke about her own Samaritan ancestors.
c) She recognised the conflict between the Samaritans and Jews regarding Worship.
d) She obviously thought about God in this conversation but she did not know or understand anything apart from the fact she was meeting a Prophet. (This was her initiation into Faith)
(Through this Second one I thank God for Jesus Christ His Son Who is Jesus – My Prophet, Priest And King)
The Law has nothing to do with Faith. Sometimes I meet proud Christians who are so happy with themselves because they are living lives according to their own “laws” and consider themselves right with God because they are living their own “good” lives. This is not Salvation – it is pride. We are Redeemed from the curse of God’s Old Testament Law and we are Redeemed from self righteousness. We need to follow Jesus, living gratefully in the Abundant Grace of God.
People Who Do Not Get Along With Other People!
‘People Who Do Not Get Along With Other People.’
Proverbs 18:1.
a) These people are unfriendly.
b) These people only care about themselves.
c) These people are self indulgent.
d) These people will disagree with what everyone else knows is right.
e) These people snarl at every sound principle of conduct.
f) These people lash out at common sense.
(Through this QT I can understand the predicament of People Who Do Not Get Along With Other People)
‘The Right Message.’
1 Corinthians 2:4-5.
a) Is taught or preached.
b) Is not made with skilful words of human wisdom or with persuasive speech.
c) Comes with the convincing Power of God’s Spirit.
d) Creates Faith that does not trust in human wisdom.
e) Rather this Faith trusts in the Power of God.
(This Second one gives me the desire to bring The Right Message)
People who do not get along with other people are usually incredibly selfish. They only care about themselves. The necessity of fellowship was taught and demonstrated with Jesus and His Disciples and then it was continued into the early Church in the Book of Acts where the Believers continued steadfastly in Fellowship as a part of Church life. As True Believers we should value Church Fellowship as a part of our normal Faith life.
Revelation 7:9-10.
a) Here is a great multitude of people whom no person could number.
b) They come from every:-
1- Nation.
2- Tribe.
3- People group.
4- Language group.
c) They stand in front of the Throne and before the Lamb of God.
d) They are dressed in white robes.
e) They are holding palm branches in their hands.
f) They cry out with a loud voice.
g) Salvation belongs to our God Who sits upon the Throne and to the Lamb.
(Through this QT I simply cry out “Hallelujah”)
‘The Place We Need To Come To In Our Worship.’
Hebrews 12:22-24.
a) Hebrews 12:22. We have come to:-
1- Mount Zion.
2- The City of the Living God.
3- The Heavenly Jerusalem.
4- An innumerable company of Angels.
b) Hebrews 12:23. We have come to:-
1- The joyful gathering of God’s firstborn whose names are registered in Heaven.
2- God the Judge of all people.
3- The spirits of just people made perfect.
c) Hebrews 12:24. We have come to Jesus the Mediator of the New Covenant and the Blood of sprinkling that speaks of better things than the blood of Abel.
(Through this Second one I realise The Place I Need To Come To In My Worship)
There are many Christians today who want to visit Israel. That is fine, a tour of the Holy Land, it can make a good vacation with a spiritual emphasis. We need to keep our spiritual understanding and our Bible understanding clear though. When we come to God in Worship we come to the Heavenly Jerusalem which is much much better.
Monday, June 13, 2011
All Nations!
‘All Nations.’
Galatians 3:8-9.
a) The Scriptures predicted that God would put the Gentiles right with Himself by Faith.
b) The Scripture announced the Gospel in advance to Abraham.
c) God said that All Nations would be Blessed through him.
d) Abraham Believed God and was Blessed.
e) So all those people who have Faith are Blessed along with him.
(This QT reminds me that the Gospel is for All Nations)
‘Jesus Prays For Us To Be One.’
John 17:20-23.
a) John 17:20. This Prayer of Jesus Christ is for all people in all generations who Believe in Him.
b) John 17:21. He Prayed for us True Believers to be one just as He and the Father are one.
c) John 17:21. Jesus Christ prayed for us to be one in Him so that the World could believe the Father God sent Jesus Christ.
d) John 17:22. Christ has given us His Glory to enable us to become one.
e) John 17:23. I in them and You in Me, so that they may be completely one, in order that the world may know that You sent Me and that You love them as You love Me.
(Thank you Lord, in this Second one Jesus Prays For Us To Be One)
God said that All Nations would be Blessed through Abraham. Abraham gives us the fine example of Faith. Without Faith, the Bible says, it is impossible to please God. The Gospel is for all Nations – no Nation has a monopoly on Christianity. We all need Faith wherever we may be from.
Controlling The Way We Speak!
‘Controlling The Way We Speak.’
Proverbs 17:27-28.
a) People who are sure of themselves do not talk all the time.
b) Anyone who has Knowledge controls their words.
c) People who stay calm have real insight.
d) A person who has understanding is not easily upset.
e) Even fools may be thought wise and intelligent if they stay quiet and keep their mouths shut.
(Through this QT I see that it is important to be Controlling The Way We Speak)
‘How Will They Know?’
Psalm 145:11-12.
a) Tell them about God’s Glorious Kingdom.
b) Speak about God’s Power.
c) Then everyone will know about the mighty things that God has done.
d) They will know about the Glorious Majesty of His Kingdom.
(This Second one answers my question: How Will They Know?)
Many times it is better for us to remain quiet than to try to give an answer if we do not really have one. The Bible tells us that we should weep with those who weep – not try to give them an answer if we do not know the answer. If we stay quiet and keep our mouths shut we can be a great help simply by listening and being present. If people desire to be counselled let them go to the people who are trained to do it please.
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Are We Ready To Be Disciples Of Jesus?
‘Are We Ready To Be Disciples Of Jesus?’
Matthew 10:37-39.
a) Matthew 10:37. We should love Jesus more than we love our own family.
b) Matthew 10:38. We should be willing to take up our Cross and follow after Jesus.
c) Matthew 10:39. We should be willing to lose our life for Christ’s sake.
(This QT challenges me: Am I Ready To Be A Disciple Of Jesus)
‘Generation To Generation.’
Psalm 145:4.
a) What God has done and His Works.
b) Should be Praised from one generation to the next.
c) One generation shall declare God’s Mighty acts to the next generation.
(Through this Second one I can see what should pass from Generation To Generation amongst True Believers)
Generation to generation God wants to Bless our families. How can this happen if parents who are True Believers do not care about their children properly with love and discipleship (discipline)? In the New Testament we do not read about “generational blessings and curses”, rather we read that parents should be good stewards of the children that God has given to them. Looking after children is not God’s responsibility it is the parents’ until the child has grown up.
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The Christian Life!
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