The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Saturday, December 31, 2011
Loving And Trusting!
‘Loving And Trusting.’
a) Matthew 1:24-25. Joseph loved his wife and trusted and obeyed the Lord.
b) John 13:34. We are to Love one another even as Christ Loved us.
c) John 15:13. The greatest Love is that we give up our life for our friends.
d) Galatians 5:6. In Christ Jesus the only thing that profits is Faith working through Love.
e) Romans 12:10. Be kind to one another with brotherly Love.
(Through this QT I see the importance of Loving And Trusting)
‘Blessed By Trusting The Lord.’
Psalm 34:10.
a) The young lions maybe in need.
b) The young lions may have no food.
c) But those people who are looking to and Trusting the Lord.
d) Will have every good thing.
(This Second one reminds me that I will be Blessed By Trusting The Lord)
Faith works through Love. If a person says that they have Faith but they do not have Love then their Faith is dysfunctional. Kindness works through Love. If a person shows Kindness but does not have Love then their Kindness is artificial.
Christ Did Something In His Life!
‘Christ Did Something In His Life.’
Philippians 3:4-7.
a) Philippians 3:4. Humanly, before he knew Christ, Apostle Paul could have had strong confidence in his own efforts.
b) Philippians 3:5. Apostle Paul:-
1- Was circumcised when he was eight days old.
2- Was a pure blooded citizen of Israel.
3- Was a member of the Tribe of Benjamin.
4- Was a real Hebrew if ever there was one.
5- Was a member of the Pharisees, They demand strictest obedience to the Jewish Law.
c) Philippians 3:6. He was so zealous that he harshly persecuted the Church.
d) Philippians 3:6. As for Righteousness Apostle Paul obeyed the Law without fault.
e) Philippians 3:7. Formerly Apostle Paul thought these things were valuable.
f) Philippians 3:8. Something changed! Apostle Paul was now able to say that all these things were worthless because of what Christ had done in and for him.
(Through this QT I am greatly encouraged by the testimony of Apostle Paul that Christ Did Something In His Life)
‘A Defeated Foe.’
a) Matthew 4:10-11. When Jesus told Satan to get out he had to go.
b) John 12:31. Jesus said that Satan will be cast out.
c) Colossians 2:15. Jesus shamed the spiritual rulers and authorities by His Victory over them on the Cross.
d) 1 John 3:8. The Son of God came to destroy the works of the Devil.
e) Hebrews 2:14. Through Christ’s death, the power of the Devil, who had the power of death, was broken.
(Through this Second one I know that Satan, our spiritual enemy, is broken because he is A Defeated Foe)
Our enemy Satan is a defeated foe. Even though he still tries to trouble both the Nations and us the reality is that he is defeated by the Death of Jesus at the Cross. The Bible Promises us Victory over every temptation. The Bible Promises us Peace for our hearts and homes because Satan is a defeated foe.
Only The Lord Can Transform A Whore!
‘Only The Lord Can Transform A Whore.’
Proverbs 23:7-8.
Dictionary definitions of the word whore:-
1. A prostitute.
2. A person who is considered sexually promiscuous.
3. A person considered as having compromised principles for personal gain.
a) A whore is a deep ditch.
b) A promiscuous woman is as dangerous as falling into a narrow well.
c) A whore lies in wait as for a prey.
d) A whore increases transgressors among men.
(Through this QT I know that Only The Lord Can Transform A Whore)
‘Stronger Than The Strong Man.’
Matthew 12:22-29.
a) Matthew 12:22. They brought to Jesus a man:-
1- Possessed with the Devil.
2- Blind.
3- Dumb.
b) Matthew 12:22. Jesus healed this man so that he could both see and speak.
c) Matthew 12:23. All the people were amazed and said that this was the Son of David.
d) Matthew 12:24. The Pharisees accused Jesus of casting out devils by Beelzebub the prince of the devils.
e) Matthew 12:25. Jesus knew their thoughts and replied that any kingdom divided by civil war is doomed. A town or family splintered by feuding would fall apart.
f) Matthew 12:26. If Satan were to cast out Satan his house would be divided against itself. Like that how could Satan’s kingdom stand?
g) Matthew 12:27. Jesus asked the Pharisees about their own ministering exorcists. These people also attempted to cast out demons. They would also condemn the Pharisees for what they said.
h) Matthew 12:28; Romans 14:17-18. If Jesus was casting out demons by the Spirit of God then the Kingdom of God was amongst the people.
i) Matthew 12:29. Bind the strong man first then his house can be entered.
(Through this Second one I Praise Jesus Who is Stronger Than The Strong Man)
It is impossible for Satan to cast out Satan. Some religious people make the same accusations today about the ministry of deliverance from evil spirits as the Pharisees did in the days of Jesus Christ. All ministries should be both Biblical and balanced. If this ministry is necessary it should be executed in such a way that the Kingdom of God is extended. That means more Righteousness, more Peace and more Joy.
Friday, December 30, 2011
The Nature Of Our Enemy!
‘The Nature Of Our Enemy.’
Revelation 12:9.
a) He is a great dragon.
b) He is an ancient serpent called the Devil.
c) He is Satan.
d) He is the deceiver of the whole World system.
e) He and all his “angels” are defeated through and by the Blood of Jesus Christ.
(This QT gives me confidence in the Lord’s Victory and my victory in Him: The Nature Of Our Enemy)
‘Our Authority In Jesus Christ.’
Luke 10:19.
a) Authority to defeat and tread on serpents. (Environmental safety)
b) Authority to defeat and tread on scorpions. (Environmental safety)
c) Authority over all the power of the enemy. (Spiritual and environmental safety)
d) Nothing from the enemy need (emotional, spiritual and environmental):-
1- Hurt us.
2- Damage us.
3- Injure us.
(Through this Second one I am reminded of My Authority In Jesus Christ)
We need not be afraid of the great dragon. Rather we should have the Fear of the Lord. Our lives are not dictated to by a calendar or a fortune telling system which would tell us our “fate” at a certain time. Our lives are in the Hands of God and no one can take us out of His Hands.
The True Circumcision!
‘The True Circumcision.’
Philippians 3:2-3.
a) The people whom we should look out for and avoid:-
1- Dogs.
2- Evil workers.
3- Those people who mutilate the flesh.
b) True Believers are the True Circumcision.
c) True Believers:-
1- Worship God in Spirit.
2- Glory in Christ Jesus.
3- Put no confidence in the flesh.
(This QT reveals to me who are The True Circumcision)
‘Biblical Power.’
a) Luke 10:17. The Power of the Lord’s Name expels demons.
b) Exodus 9:16. God’s People can be Witnesses of His Power.
c) Exodus 15:6. God’s Right Hand is Glorious in Power.
d) Deuteronomy 32:39. No one can be rescued from God’s Powerful Hand.
e) 1 Chronicles 29:11-12. Power is in the Lord’s Hand.
f) Job 26:13-14. Who can understand the thunder of God’s Power.
g) Job 36:22. God is all Powerful.
h) Psalm 63:2. In the Sanctuary we can gaze upon the Lord’s Power.
i) Psalm 65:6; Jeremiah 10:12. God formed the mountains by His Power.
j) Psalm 66:7. By His Great Power God Rules forever.
k) Psalm 79:11. God’s Great Power saves people who are condemned to die.
l) Micah 3:8; 2 Timothy 1:7. The Spirit of the Lord fills us with Power.
m) Nahum 1:3. The Lord’s Power is Great.
n) Acts 10:38. God Anointed Jesus Christ with Power.
o) Romans 1:16; 1 Corinthians 1:18. The Good News about Christ is the Power of God, Saving everyone who Believes.
p) Romans 1:20. Through His Creation we can clearly see God’s Eternal Power.
q) Romans 15:19. The convincing Power of:-
1- Miraculous signs.
2- Miraculous wonders.
3- God’s Spirit.
r) 1 Corinthians 6:14; Colossians 2:12. God will raise us from the dead by His Power.
s) Ephesians 3:20. God is able, through His Mighty Power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we can ask or think.
t) Ephesians 6:10. Be strong in the Lord’s Mighty Power.
u) 2 Thessalonians 1:9. In Hell people are separated from the Lord’s Glorious Power.
v) 1 Timothy 6:16. All Power belongs to Jesus forever.
w) Hebrews 1:3. Jesus Christ the Son of God sustains everything by the Mighty Power of His Command.
x) Hebrews 6:5. In Church we taste the Power of the Age to come.
(This Second one has me in awe of Biblical Power)
God will raise us from the dead by His Power. The Resurrection of Jesus Christ is not just something of historical nature. Yes! This Resurrection did happen. The Resurrection of Jesus Christ is the First fruit of God’s Harvest. All True Believers will be Resurrected if they died in the Lord before His Coming.
Thursday, December 29, 2011
A Good Way For Father And Son Relationships!
‘A Good Way For Father And Son Relationships.’
Proverbs 23:26.
a) My son! This indicates a healthy personal relationship. The father is so happy to call his son ‘my son’ and not just ‘son’.
b) This son can safely give his heart to his father.
c) This son’s eyes take delight in his father’s ways, he learns from the good example set by his father.
(In this QT I find A Good Way For Father And Son Relationships)
‘The Disciples Together Were A Ministry Team.’
Luke 9:1.
a) Jesus called the twelve Disciples together. He did not instruct them individually.
b) He gave THEM Power.
c) He gave THEM Authority.
d) Their Power and Authority was:-
1- Over all evil spirits.
2- Over all diseases.
3- To make people well. (In all ways)
(This QT greatly encourages me about the Team Ministries of the Church: The Disciples Together Were A Ministry Team)
Healthy personal relationships within a family are very important and helpful for all family members. This does not just mean parents together and children together. It means the whole family. Everyone belongs to the family and should be able to relate to one another well.
God Really Made A Plan!
‘God Really Made A Plan.’
a) Genesis 3:15. We see a picture of God’s Plan of Salvation for people back in Genesis.
b) Acts 2:23. God knew all about the Cross before it happened.
c) Romans 8:29. God knew His People in advance and chose them to become like His Son.
d) 1 Corinthians 2:7; 2 Timothy 1:9. God made His Plan before the World began.
e) Titus 1:2; Revelation 13:8. God Promised Eternal Life before the World began.
f) 1 Peter 1:2. God Knew us and Chose us a long time ago.
(This QT gives me Assurance that God Really Made A Plan.
‘Jesus The Son Of God Totally Identified With Us.’
Hebrews 2:14.
a) We are human beings made of flesh and blood.
b) The Son (Jesus) also became flesh and blood.
c) Only as a human being could Jesus die.
d) Only by dying could Jesus break the power of the Devil.
e) The devil had the power of death but that power is now broken by Jesus.
(This Second one reveals to me and reminds me that Jesus The Son Of God Totally Identified With Us)
God’s Salvation is not like the New Year sales. At this time, here in Aberdeen, where my wife and I now live, it is New Year sales time. People are hunting and jostling for bargains in the big stores. Many of them have no real shopping plan but are just bargain hunters. God’s Salvation is not like that. First of all, God’s Salvation is free, purchased for us at the Cross by Jesus Christ. Secondly, God’s Salvation Plan for us has been made since before the World began.
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Heed The Advice Of God’s Word!
‘Heed The Advice Of God’s Word.’
Philippians 3:1.
a) This begins a conclusion to Apostle Paul’s letter to the Church of Philippi.
b) Delight yourselves in the Lord.
c) This advice is being repeated because it is necessary and important.
d) If this advice if followed it will be a great safeguard for your souls.
(Through this QT I understand how important it is to Heed The Advice Of God’s Word)
‘No More Lawlessness.’
a) 2 Thessalonians 2:8. The “man of lawlessness” will be defeated by Jesus Christ.
b) Psalm 119:150. Lawless people may try to attack us but they cannot win.
c) Acts 2:23. The Gentiles at the time of Jesus Christ were lawless people. Now many of them have become True Believers.
d) 1 Timothy 1:9. God’s Law is intended for lawless people.
e) Hebrews 10:17. When God forgives us our sins He will never again remember them or our lawless deeds.
(This Second one reminds me that it is possible for there to be No More Lawlessness in my life)
God’s Word is very clear and not difficult to understand for the mature True Believer. God’s Word gives us wonderful and practical advice if we would only heed it. To appreciate God’s Word we need to be able to delight ourselves in the Lord. As we do this the Scripture also Promises us that God will give us the desires of our heart.
A Wise And Righteous Child Is A Blessing!
‘A Wise And Righteous Child Is A Blessing.’
Proverbs 23:24-25.
a) The father of such a child will greatly Rejoice.
b) It is a great pleasure to have children who are Wise.
c) Father and mother will be glad.
d) Mother also will Rejoice.
(This QT teaches me that A Wise And Righteous Child Is A Blessing)
‘Jesus Christ The Victor.’
a) John 12:31. When the World is judged the ruler of the World system will be driven out.
b) John 14:30. The ruler of this World system has no power over Jesus Christ.
c) John 16:11. The ruler of this World system has already been judged.
d) Luke 10:19. Disciples have authority over all the power of the enemy.
e) Colossians 2:15. Through the Cross of Jesus Christ spiritual rulers and authorities are disarmed.
f) Hebrews 2:14. Through the Death of Jesus Christ the power of the Devil is broken.
g) 1 John 3:8. The Son of God came to destroy the works of the Devil.
(Through this Second one I Praise and Thank God for Jesus Christ The Victor)
The father of a Wise and Righteous child will greatly Rejoice. This is an established fact where there is a normal and healthy relationship between the father and his child. In these days of family breakdown there are many reasons (which I will not list here) that children feel rejected because of lack of proper attention from pure and godly fathers. This breakdown of relationship can sometimes affect the child both in the area of wisdom and also righteousness.
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
A Prayer For Cleansing And Recommitment!
‘A Prayer For Cleansing And Recommitment.’
Psalm 51:9-13.
a) Psalm 51:9. Oh God, let Your Face be turned away from my wrongdoing.
b) Psalm 51:9. Oh God, take away all my sins.
c) Psalm 51:10. Oh God, make a clean heart in me.
d) Psalm 51:10. Oh God, give me a right spirit again.
e) Psalm 51:11. Oh God, do not put me away from before you.
f) Psalm 51:11. Oh God, do not take your Holy Spirit from me.
g) Psalm 51:12. Oh God, give me back the Joy of Your Salvation.
h) Psalm 51:12. Oh God, sustain me in a willing spirit.
i) Psalm 51:13. Then I will make Your Ways clear to wrongdoers.
j) Psalm 51:13. Sinners will be turned to you.
(This QT is simply A Prayer For Cleansing And Recommitment)
‘The Key Is Indicative Of Authority.’
Revelation 20:1.
Even to these days, when figuratively someone is “given the keys” of the city it means that they have freedom and authority in the city. This meaning goes right back to Bible History days.
a) Revelation 20:1; 9:1. The Angel from Heaven had the key of the bottomless pit.
b) Matthew 16:19. Believers have the keys of the Kingdom of Heaven in their Prayers.
c) Revelation 1:18. Jesus Christ has the keys of hell and death.
d) Revelation 3:7; Isaiah 22:22. Jesus Christ has the key of the house of David. The key that opens and no person can shut and the key that shuts and no person can open.
(This Second one reminds me that The Key Is Indicative Of Authority)
Oh God, give me back the Joy of Your Salvation. This a very simple but meaningful Prayer to Pray for the person who is going through a season of recommitment to the Lord. The Joy of the Lord’s Salvation is very important for us because the Joy of the Lord is our Strength.
Philippians 2:25-30.
a) Philippians 2:25. He was a servant in the Church of Philippi.
b) Philippians 2:25. He had been spending time with and serving Apostle Paul.
c) Philippians 2:25. He was a:-
1- True Brother.
2- Co-worker.
3- Fellow soldier.
d) Philippians 2:26. He was longing to see his Church of Philippi brothers and sisters again.
e) Philippians 2:26. He was distressed that the Church of Philippi had heard that he was ill.
f) Philippians 2:27. He was very ill but God had Mercy on him.
g) Philippians 2:27. God also had Mercy on Apostle Paul in that situation so that he would not have one sorrow after another.
h) Philippians 2:28. It was going to benefit the Church of Philippi and also Apostle Paul that Epaphroditus was going to return there.
i) Philippians 2:29. The way to treat him when he arrived in Philippi:-
1- Welcome him with Christian Love.
2- Welcome him with great Joy.
3- Give him the Honour that people like him deserve.
j) Philippians 2:30. He risked his life for the Work of Christ.
k) Philippians 2:30. He was at the point of death while doing for Apostle Paul the things that the Church of Philippi could not do from far away.
(This QT about the life of Epaphroditus teaches me what is really a servant heart)
‘When God Sends Personal Anguish.’
Isaiah 38:17.
a) The anguish is good for us.
b) God rescues us from death.
c) God forgives all of our sins.
(Through this Second one I discover how to respond When God Sends Personal Aguish. I should respond with a grateful heart for all the good that He has done in my life)
There are times, usually times that we do not understand at all, when God sends personal anguish to us. To respond at such times by blaming God is just going to leave us in a dry spiritual desert. We need to respond in ways of Faith and Courage, especially with a grateful heart for all the good that He has done in our lives.
Monday, December 26, 2011
Wisdom For Sons!
‘Wisdom For Sons.’
Proverbs 23:15-23.
a) Proverbs 23:15. Be wise hearted, then father’s heart will rejoice.
b) Proverbs 23:16. Say what is correct and bring cheer to your father.
c) Proverbs 23:17. Fear the Lord and do not let your heart envy sinners.
d) Proverbs 23:18. Fear the Lord and you will have a future, then your Hope will never fade.
e) Proverbs 23:19. Listen to your father and be wise, keep your mind on the correct course.
f) Proverbs 23:20. Do not associate with those people who drink too much wine or who gorge themselves on meat.
g) Proverbs 23:21. Remember that the drunkard and the glutton will become poor and grogginess will clothe them in rags.
h) Proverbs 23:22. Listen to your father who gave you life and do not despise your mother when she is old.
i) Proverbs 23:23. Get and do not forsake:-
1- Truth.
2- Wisdom.
3- Instruction.
4- Understanding.
(Here, in this QT is Wisdom For Sons, inspired by the Holy Spirit in the Word of God)
‘God’s Faithful Love And Memory.’
Psalm 25:7.
a) Lord, do not remember the sins of my youth.
b) Lord, do not remember my acts of rebellion.
c) Lord, in keeping with your Faithful Love please remember me.
d) I ask all this because of Your Goodness Lord.
(Through this Second one I ponder upon God’s Faithful Love And Memory)
We need sometimes to remember the condition of other people and learn from them. The glutton and the drunkard will end up in poverty and be humiliated. God is Good to His People and we need to respond to the Goodness of God not only with our words but also with our lifestyles.
None Of Us Can Boast About It!
‘None Of Us Can Boast About It.’
Ephesians 2:8-9.
a) God Saved us.
b) By Grace.
c) Through Faith.
d) We cannot take credit for this.
e) It is the Gift of God.
f) Salvation is not a reward for the good things that we have done.
g) None of us can boast about it.
(This QT assures me that None Of Us Can Boast About It)
‘Focus Our Energies Correctly.’
Philippians 3:13-14.
We can learn so much here from Apostle Paul about living out our life in Christ.
a) Brothers and sisters of the Church, I am still not all that I should be.
b) I am focusing all my energies on this one thing.
c) I am forgetting the past.
d) I am looking and reaching forward to the things that lie ahead.
e) I strain to reach the end of the race.
f) I strain to receive the prize for which God, through Christ Jesus is calling us up to Heaven.
(This Second one calls me to Focus My Energies Correctly)
God Saved us! What an amazing testimony of Salvation! It is God Who forgives our sins through Jesus Christ. It is God Who gives us confidence about our Salvation. It is God Who Sanctifies us. It is God Who gives us assurance about Eternal Life. Hallelujah! God Saved us.
Sunday, December 25, 2011
I Have Faith In The Lord!
‘I Have Faith In The Lord.’
Philippians 2:24.
This is a very positive statement of Faith: I have Faith in the Lord. Some other translations are also very positive here. Let’s be encouraged to have Faith in the Lord.
a) I have confidence from the Lord.
b) I am convinced in the Lord.
c) I trust in the Lord.
d) I am confident in the Lord.
(This QT encourages my Faith so much: I Have Faith In The Lord)
‘Faith And Works.’
James 2:18-25.
a) James 2:18. Our Faith is made clear to other people by our works.
b) James 2:19-20. Faith without works is useless.
c) James 2:21. Faith and works, the example of Abraham.
d) James 2:22. Abraham’s Faith was helping his works and was made complete by them.
e) James 2:23. The Old Testaments says:-
1- Abraham had Faith in God.
2- God put it to Abraham’s account as Righteousness.
3- Abraham was named “The Friend of God”.
f) James 2:24. A person’s Righteousness is judged by their works and not by their Faith only.
g) James 2:25. The example of Rahab.
(Through this Second one I understand more about the relationship of Faith And Works)
I trust in the Lord! Every True Believer should be able to say that. Trusting the Lord is something that is very personal and silent and yet it makes our lives as True Believers strong in the Lord. The word “trust” is not a word that has to be often expressed, it is simply there in our hearts.
Compassionate Physical Discipline Of Children!
‘Compassionate Physical Discipline Of Children.’
Proverbs 23:13-14.
It is never correct to discipline children when we are angry. That can do them immense emotional and even physical harm. The discipline of children needs to be done in gentleness and with good communication. Undisciplined children are also living confused and wounded lives, always having to find their own way, even from a young age.
a) Do not fail to discipline our children.
b) They will not die if we lovingly spank them.
c) Physical discipline now may save them from death later.
(This QT reminds me that the Bible recommends Compassionate Physical Discipline Of Children)
‘God’s Working Within Us.’
Philippians 1:6.
a) Can be trusted.
b) Has begun in the life of every True Believer.
c) Will continue in our lives.
d) Will be finally finished on the Day when Christ Jesus returns.
(This Second one gives me great hope: God’s Working Within Me)
Children need to be cared for well by their parents. One of the reasons why God allows us to have children is that He might be Glorified in the next generation. Parents are stewards of their children until their children are old enough to take full responsibility for their own lives.
Saturday, December 24, 2011
Thank You Lord!
‘Thank You Lord.’
Psalm 138:1-3.
a) Psalm 138:1. I thank you Lord with all my heart.
b) Psalm 138:1. I sing Praise to You before all the gods.
c) Psalm 138:2. I:-
1- Face Your Holy Temple.
2- Bow down.
3- Praise Your Name.
d) Psalm 138:2. Because:-
1- Of Your constant Love.
2- Of Your Faithfulness.
3- You have shown that Your Name is supreme.
4- You have shown that Your Commands are supreme.
e) Psalm 138:3. You answered me when I called to You.
f) Psalm 138:3. With Your Strength You strengthened me.
(This QT causes me to proclaim: Thank You Lord)
‘Who Are The Happy People?’
Matthew 5:1-12.
a) Matthew 5:1-2. This was Jesus’ Teaching especially for His Disciples.
b) Matthew 5:3. Happy are those people who are spiritually poor because the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to them.
c) Matthew 5:4. Happy are those people who mourn because God will Comfort them.
d) Matthew 5:5. Happy are those people who are humble because they will receive what God has Promised.
e) Matthew 5:6. Happy are those people whose greatest desire is to do what God requires because God will satisfy them fully.
f) Matthew 5:7. Happy are those people who are merciful to other people because God will be Merciful to them.
g) Matthew 5:8. Happy are the pure hearted people because they will see God.
h) Matthew 5:9. Happy are those people who work for Peace because God will call them His Children.
i) Matthew 5:10. Happy are those people who are persecuted because they do what God desires because the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to them.
j) Matthew 5:11-12. Happy are those people who are the Followers of Jesus and yet get:-
1- Insulted.
2- Persecuted.
3- Lied against.
4- These people can be happy and glad because a great reward is kept for them in Heaven. This is not a new experience, the Prophets of old suffered in the same way.
(Through this Second one my question is answered: Who Are The Happy People?)
Happy are those people who are persecuted. The Word of God encourages us to Pray for the persecuted True Believers because their suffering is usually so great and unique. Many persecuted True Believers never tell other people about their persecution. They suffer alone in silence. If these True Believers are doing what God wants and are Followers of Jesus then they are surely going to receive a great reward when they meet Jesus Face to face.
Friday, December 23, 2011
Sincere Timothy!
‘Sincere Timothy.’
Philippians 2:19-23.
a) Philippians 2:19 & 23. He was a Faithful messenger for Apostle Paul.
b) Philippians 2:20. He was unique in his relationship with Apostle Paul and sincerely caring about the state of the Church at Philippi.
c) Philippians 2:21-22. He was so unselfish and a good spiritual son for Apostle Paul.
(This QT reveals to me Sincere Timothy)
‘Prayer From The Fish’s Belly.’
Jonah 2:1-10.
a) Jonah 2:1. God had prepared a big fish to save Jonah from drowning because of his disobedience. In the belly of the fish Jonah prayed.
b) Jonah 2:2. Jonah’s Prayer from the fish’s belly:-
1- He cried out to the Lord in his great trouble.
2- God answered him.
3- God heard his voice.
c) Jonah 2:3. Jonah’s experience from God:-
1- God had cast him into the deep.
2- God had cast him into the heart of the seas.
3- The floods surrounded him.
4- All God’s billows and waves passed over him.
d) Jonah 2:4. Jonah Prayed with Hope.
e) Jonah 2:5. Jonah’s difficult experience was both emotional and physical.
f) Jonah 2:6. The Lord heard Jonah’s Prayer of Faith and rescued him from the pit.
g) Jonah 2:7. When Jonah’s soul fainted within him:-
1- He remembered the Lord.
2- His Prayer went up to the Lord.
3- His Prayer went into the Lord’s Holy Temple.
h) Jonah 2:8. Jonah rejected the worship of idols.
i) Jonah 2:9. Jonah’s determined proclamation:-
1-I will sacrifice to the Lord with the voice of Thanksgiving.
2-I will pay what I have vowed.
4- Salvation is of the Lord.
j) Jonah 2:10. So the Lord spoke to the fish and it vomited Jonah on to dry land.
(Through this Second one I am amazed by the Prayer From The Fish’s Belly)
Jonah’s soul fainted within him. This experience was because he was in the belly of the fish. Jonah’s response to this situation is a great lesson to all of us. He remembered the Lord and he Prayed to the Lord. Many times in my life my soul has fainted within me. Usually, like Job, because of the difficult situation I was in. Through these situations and times I have learned to remember the Lord and also I have learned to make decisions well so that I do not become a victim to my situation.
Take Heed To What The Teacher Teaches!
‘Take Heed To What The Teacher Teaches.’
Proverbs 23:12.
a) We should give our hearts to teaching and our ears to the Words of Knowledge.
b) We should apply our hearts to instruction.
c) We should pay attention to our teachers and learn all that we can.
d) We should commit ourselves to instruction.
(This QT: Take Heed To What The Teacher Teaches, is a good reminder to me about the Bible studies that I study but also is a timely reminder to every True Believer student of whatever subject)
‘Apostle Paul’s Prayer For The Church At Ephesus.
Ephesians 1:15-21.
a) Ephesians 1:15. Apostle Paul Prayed for the Church at Ephesus based on the news that he had received of their Faith in the Lord and on their Love for fellow True Believers.
b) Ephesians 1:16. Apostle Paul Praised the Lord for the Church at Ephesus and often prayed with them in his mind.
c) Ephesians 1:17. Apostle Paul Prayed that God would give the Church at Ephesus a Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation in the Knowledge of Him.
d) Ephesians 1:18. Apostle Paul Prayed for the Church at Ephesus that:-
1- The eyes of their understanding would be enlightened.
2- They would understand the confident Hope that God has given to those people whom He has called.
3- They would know that they are God’s Holy People who are His rich and glorious inheritance.
e) Ephesians 1:19-20. Apostle Paul Prayed for the Church at Ephesus that they would know how unlimited is God’s Power to the people who have Faith, according to the working of His Mighty Resurrection Power.
f) Ephesians 1:21. Apostle Paul Prayed for the Church at Ephesus that they would understand that Christ, in this age and in the age to come, is far over:-
1- All rule.
2- All authority.
3- All power.
4- Every name that is named.
(Through this Second one I am in awe at Apostle Paul’s Prayer For The Church At Ephesus and I realise that this is a good Prayer to Pray for every local Church)
God’ Power is unlimited to the people who have Faith. This Power is the same Power as the Power of the Resurrection. Apostle Paul’s Prayer here was definitely a Prayer of and for Blessing upon the Church at Ephesus. Even though they were mostly first generation new Believers, Paul was able to Pray for them in such a positive way.
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Pray With Humility!
‘Pray With Humility.’
James 4:2-10.
a) James 4:2. Pray and do not fight.
b) James 4:3. Pray with the correct motives.
c) James 4:4. Renounce friendship with the World system before we Pray.
d) James 4:5. Pray with the Holy Spirit.
e) James 4:6. Pray with the Word of God.
f) James 4:7-10. Praying with humility:-
1-4:7. Resisting the devil from ourselves.
2-4:8. Come close to God.
3-4:8. Be pure in body and heart.
4-4:8. Be totally loyal to God.
5-4:9. In a spirit of repentance.
6-4:10. If we humble ourselves before the Lord, He will lift us up.
(This QT encourages me to Pray With Humility)
‘Go On Ask Him.’
Matthew 7:9-11.
a) Matthew 7:9-10. Parents know how to feed their children well.
b) Matthew 7:11. Even sinful parents know how to give good gifts to their children.
c) Matthew 7:11. Our Heavenly Father will give good gifts to those people who ask Him.
(This Second one is a further encouragement to Pray: Go On Ask Him)
To pray with the correct motives is really important. Our hearts need to be cleansed before we pray. Sometimes our “prayers” are angry and jealous prayers, this is not the kind of prayer God will hear. Nor will He listen to our prayers that would try to control or manipulate other people. God knows the Truth, He is the Truth. Pray the Truth.
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Sacrificial Joy!
‘Sacrificial Joy.’
Philippians 2:17-18.
a) Apostle Paul’s life was being poured out as a sacrifice.
b) He was doing so as service that he offered to God for the Faith of the Church at Philippi.
c) Yet he was still filled with Joy.
d) He shared this Joy with the Church also.
e) He encouraged them also to be filled with Joy and to share the Joy with him.
(This QT is a perfect example to me of Sacrificial Joy)
‘A Great And Real Prayer Request.’
Nehemiah 2:4-5.
a) Nehemiah brought his desire to the king of the people that held his people captive.
b) The king asked Nehemiah how he, the king, could help him.
c) Nehemiah Prayed to God.
d) Nehemiah politely asked the king if he would be willing to grant his request.
e) He asked:-
1- Let me go back to Judah.
2- To the City where my ancestors are buried.
3- So that I can rebuild it.
(Through this Second one I find a selfless man, Nehemiah, who came to God first with A Great And Real Prayer Request and then came to the king with it)
What is our Service that we offer to God for the Faith of the Church wherever we are? Are we willing to make some sacrifice for the sake of our fellow Believers, using our gifts and abilities selflessly? Apostle Paul had Joy in this Service and other True Believers had Joy because of it. What a great example for us.
Respect Other People’s Physical Boundaries!
‘Respect Other People’s Physical Boundaries.’
Proverbs 23:10-11.
a) We are not to remove other people’s established boundaries.
b) We are not to try to take over the properties of children whose fathers have died.
c) God is strong and He guards the boundaries and the children.
d) God will stand up in court for people whose boundaries have been removed.
e) God will stand up in court for those children who are taken advantage of.
(Through this QT I know that I must Respect Other People’s Physical Boundaries)
‘When God Seems Silent Even Though He Is Not.’
Job 30:20-23.
a) Job 30:20. God, I cry out to You but You do not seem to answer.
b) Job 30:20. God, I stand up to respect You but all You seem to do is look at me.
c) Job 30:21. God, it seems that You are mean.
d) Job 30:21. God, it seems that Your Mighty Hand attacks me.
e) Job 30:22. God, You pick me up and blow me away with the wind.
f) Job 30:22. God, You seem to toss me around in the storm.
g) Job 30:23. God, I know that You will bring me down to death.
h) Job 30:23. You have appointed death for everyone.
(Through this Second one I find the reality of the times When God Seems Silent Even Though He Is Not)
We are not to remove other people’s established boundaries. Firstly, and obviously, there is the matter of physical boundaries of property owned. Secondly, there are also emotional boundaries that we all have. Especially when we are living with other people or within communities, we need to respect their emotional boundaries.
God Understands Our Hard Times!
‘God Understands Our Hard Times.’
Job 16:7.
a) Times of weariness.
b) Times of fear.
c) When we are in the grip of trouble.
d) When we are worn out.
e) When it seems our family is being destroyed.
f) When our supporters support us no more.
(Through this QT I have total and complete Trust in God because I know that God Understands Our Hard Times)
‘Job Answers His Accusers.’
Job 18:8 & 19:6.
a) Job 18:8. Bildad falsely accused Job.
b) Job 18:8. Bildad accused Job of being wicked and that he was punished in the net.
c) Job 19:6. Job said that it was God’s Plan.
d) Job 19:6. Job said it was God Who had put him in the net.
e) Job 19:6. Job did not know the reason why.
(Through this Second one Job Answers His Accusers, I know that it is right to Trust God in all circumstances and at all times and not listen to the voice of the accuser)
Those of us who are supported by people who pray for us and encourage us in many different way understand the preciousness and also the love of those supporters. Supporters are vital in and for the Work of the Lord. Job went through some very difficult times when his supporters supported him no more. Let us always pray for, respect, value and love those people who support us, even when they sometimes cannot support us.
Monday, December 19, 2011
The Word Of God Is Life!
‘The Word Of God Is Life.’
a) Philippians 2:16. Hold firmly to it.
b) John 6:63. The Words of Jesus are Words of Life.
c) John 6:68; 1 Peter 1:23. Jesus has the Words of Eternal Life.
d) Hebrews 4:12. The Word of God is alive.
e) 1 John 1:1. Jesus Christ is the Word of Life.
(Through this QT I am sure that The Word Of God Is Life)
‘God’s Eyes.’
a) Job 10:4. Are not like the eyes of human beings.
b) Mark 7:19. Accept every kind of food.
c) Luke 1:6; Ephesians 1:4. See when human beings are Righteous.
d) Acts 7:20. Behold babies.
e) 2 Chronicles 6:40. Are open to our Prayers.
f) Job 16:9. May pierce us.
g) Isaiah 37:17. Are on those people who defy Him.
h) Daniel 9:18. Behold the despair of His People.
i) Hebrews 4:13. Nothing in all Creation is hidden from them.
j) Revelation 2:18. Are like flames of fire.
(Through this Second one I understand more about God’s Eyes)
We need to hold firmly to the Word of God. This means we are to strongly believe it without doubting. The Word of God is the Foundation and Source of our Faith. The Word of God is the Measure by which we live. If we neglect the Word of God we may soon go astray from His Way.
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Keep Quiet When We Need To!
‘Keep Quiet When We Need To.’
Proverbs 23:9.
a) Do not speak in the hearing of a fool.
b) The fool will despise.
c) The good sense.
d) Of your words.
(This QT reminds me to Keep Quiet When I Need To)
‘The Almighty.’
a) Job 6:4. Has arrows.
b) Genesis 17:1. Calls for His People to be blameless.
c) Genesis 28:3; 48:3; 49:25. Is able to Bless us.
d) Genesis 43:14. Grants us Mercy.
e) Ruth 1:20. Sometimes deals with us in ways we do not like.
(Through this Second one I am in Awe of and have the Fear of The Almighty)
It is wise to keep quiet when we need to. There are times when all of us need to learn to be quiet, whoever we are. In balance with this Truth there are also times that we need to speak out. This is why the Lord asks us in both the Old and the New Testaments to Pray for Wisdom.
It Is Not Good To Complain To God!
‘It Is Not Good To Complain To God.’
Jeremiah 20:7.
a) About His Leading in our lives.
b) About His Strength.
c) About our situation.
(This QT reminds me that It Is Not Good To Complain To God)
‘When Life Is Difficult.’
Psalm 73:13-14.
a) We are angry because we tried to keep our heart in good condition.
b) We are angry because we have done no wrong with our hands.
c) We are suffering all the day long.
d) We feel like we are being punished when we wake up in the morning.
(This Second one shows to me some of the common complaints people have When Life Is Difficult. In such circumstances we really need to come to God)
When life is difficult we need to turn to God instead of turning away from Him. Too often I hear Christians complaining about God and this really troubles me because I know that in reality they are cutting themselves off from God and going further into the spiritual desert. Turn to God and not away from Him.
Saturday, December 17, 2011
Holy And Gentle Children Of God!
‘Holy And Gentle Children Of God.’
Philippians 2:14-15.
a) Do everything without protests.
b) Do everything without arguments.
c) So that we may be Holy and Gentle.
d) So that we can be Children of God without sin in a twisted and foolish generation.
e) We should be shining as lights in the World system.
(Through this QT I can find out how I can be a Holy And Gentle Child Of God)
‘Which Category Are We In?’
Luke 18:9-14.
a) Luke 18:9. Jesus told of this incidental story for the sake of some people who were certain that they were good and had a low opinion of other people.
b) Luke 18:10. Two men went up to the Temple to pray. One was a Pharisee, the other a lowly tax collector.
c) Luke 18:11. The Pharisee was so self righteous.
d) Luke 18:12. The Pharisee fasted twice a week and tithed regularly.
e) Luke 18:13. The lowly tax collector:-
1- Kept far away.
2- Could not lift his eyes toward Heaven.
3- Beat on his chest because of grief.
4- Prayed for God to have Mercy on him because he was a sinner.
f) Luke 18:14. Jesus said that the tax collector went back to his house with God’s approval.
g) Luke 18:14. The Pharisee did not have God’s approval.
h) Luke 18:14. Every person that makes themselves high will be made low.
i) Luke 18:14. Whoever makes themselves low will be made high.
(This Second one causes me to ask myself the Question: Which Category Am I In? It also is a good preparation for the new stage in my life that is taking place now)
When we read of these Words of Jesus then surely, as True Believers, the Words should touch us. God hates religious self righteousness and it is so easy for us to become like that if we are regular “Church attendees”, even sometimes involved in ministry too. Let us keep humble and fresh in God’s sight. Let “vision” “position” and “gifts” fade into the background and let us concentrate on God Himself.
Friday, December 16, 2011
We Are Not To Eat With Stingy People!
‘We Are Not To Eat With Stingy People.’
Proverbs 23:6-8.
(This does not refer to the obvious poor or incapable people, it refers to stingy people)
The dictionary definition of stingy:- “reluctant to give or spend; not generous; niggardly; penurious:”
a) Proverbs 23:6. We are not to eat with stingy people.
b) Proverbs 23:6. We are not to desire the delicacies of stingy people.
c) Proverbs 23:7. Stingy people are always thinking about how much it costs.
d) Proverbs 23:7. Stingy people do not mean it when they welcome us to eat and drink with them.
e) Proverbs 23:8. The food of stingy people can make us physically sick.
f) Proverbs 23:8. We are not to waste our compliments on stingy people.
(Through this QT I know that I Am Not To Eat With Stingy People)
‘Our Victory Comes From God.’
a) Psalm 62:1. As we quietly wait before Him.
b) Jeremiah 3:23. In the Lord is our Salvation.
c) Psalm 121:2. Our help comes from the Lord.
d) Psalm 50:23. If we keep to God’s Path, He will reveal to us His Salvation.
e) Psalm 62:6. The Lord is our Fortress where we shall not be shaken.
f) Psalm 62:7. Our Victory comes from God alone.
(This Second one reminds me that My Victory Comes From God)
Even though we go into the original Greek, Hebrew or Aramaic languages of the Bible sometimes we do not fully understand the meaning of the word in its translated form. It is good for every student of the Bible to also use a dictionary when they are not sure of the meaning of a word.
Pleasing God!
‘Pleasing God.’
Hebrews 11:6.
a) With Faith.
b) Drawing near to Him.
c) Believing that He exists.
d) Believing that He rewards those people who seek Him.
(Through this QT I want to be Pleasing God)
‘Jesus Teaching Principles Of Prayer.’
Luke 11:1-13.
a) Luke 11:1. Jesus taught Prayer through His attractive style of Prayer.
b) Luke 11:2. Jesus taught the Disciples to Pray to and Revere the Heavenly Father.
c) Luke 11:3. Jesus taught the Disciples to Pray about their daily needs.
d) Luke 11:4. Jesus taught the Disciples in their Prayers to deal with:-
1- Their sins.
2- Forgiveness.
3- Victory over temptation.
e) Luke 11:5-8. Jesus taught the Disciples about persistent Prayer.
f) Luke 11:9-10. Jesus taught the Disciples about:-
1- Asking.
2- Seeking.
3- Knocking.
g) Luke 11:11-13. Jesus taught the Disciples to Pray to the Heavenly Father for the Holy Spirit.
(This Second one helps me so much: Jesus Teaching Principles Of Prayer)
To want to be pleasing to God is a very noble desire. The Word of God teaches us that if we exercise Faith in a Biblical way that is pleasing to God. Romans tells us that we can all have Faith. It says that Faith comes as we hear the Word of God. As we receive Faith from God we then need to exercise in an appropriate way that is in obedience to Him.
Working Out Our Salvation!
Working Out Our Salvation.’
Philippians 2:12-13.
a) Apostle Paul affirms his love for the Church in Philippi.
b) He encourages them to continue to live in obedience.
c) They were to work out their Salvation with fear and trembling.
d) God was at work in them and amongst them.
e) To will and to work for His good pleasure.
(This QT reminds me that I am to be Working Out My Salvation)
‘The Testing Of Our Faith.’
James 1:2-3.
a) As Brothers and Sisters in the Lord.
b) We are to consider it all Joy when we encounter various trials.
c) We know that the testing of our Faith.
d) Produces endurance.
(Through this Second one I can understand why the Lord sometimes gives me The Testing Of My Faith)
God surely wants to work in us for His good pleasure. As we continue to live in Obedience to Him and follow His Way for our lives surely He will do His Work in us. We are also called to work out or “out work” our Salvation by living and serving in such a way that is pleasing to Him. Definitely God wants to do His Work in us, in our families and in our Churches.
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Avoid The Money Trap!
‘Avoid The Money Trap.’
Proverbs 23:4-5.
a) We should not weary ourselves to get wealth.
b) Give careful thought to what is to be done.
c) If we set our eyes on wealth it disappears.
d) Wealth has wings, it can fly away.
e) It can become like a soaring eagle that flies towards the heavens.
(This QT reminds me to Avoid The Money Trap)
‘Oh God I Need You.’
Psalm 27:9.
a) Do not cover your Face from me.
b) Do not turn me, Your servant, away in wrath.
c) You have been my Help.
d) Do not give me up.
e) Do not take Your support from me.
f) Oh God of my Salvation.
(Through this Second one I am free to pray: Oh God I Need You)
Wealth can become like a soaring eagle that flies towards the heavens. Who can train an eagle? The hawk can be trained, but not the eagle. We need to realise that all that we have comes from God. We should give thanks to God for it and we should be good stewards of it.
We Need An Outpouring!
‘We Need An Outpouring.’
a) Zechariah 12:10. Of a Spirit of Grace and Prayer on the Church.
b) Malachi 3:10. Of God’s Blessing that will be so great that we will not be able to take it in.
c) Acts 2:17-18 & 33. Of God’s Spirit.
d) Genesis 7:4. Of rain on the ground when it is dry.
(Through this QT I know that I Need An Outpouring)
‘I Am Who I Am.’
Exodus 3:13-14.
a) Moses, God’s Chosen Leader was in fear and unbelief.
b) He was struggling with the fact that he was Chosen to go and take God’s Message to the Jewish people.
c) If the Jewish people were to doubt and question who God was, what should Moses do?
d) God said to Moses: I Am Who I Am.
e) Tell the Jewish people that I Am has sent me to you.
(This Second one causes me to remember that God’s Name is I Am Who I Am)
He is the Great I Am. Years ago in my early days as a new Believer in Jesus I would enjoy singing a Praise song that included these Words: He is the Great I Am. It was a joyful and a powerful song. In those days I never considered the real meaning of the song, I simply enjoyed it. Today I fully understand, we were singing of the One Who calls Himself I Am Who I Am. I thank God today that He is the Great I Am.
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Every Person Will Bow Down!
‘Every Person Will Bow Down.’
Philippians 2:10-11.
a) Because of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ.
b) Every person will bow down to Honour the Name of Jesus Christ.
c) Everyone will bow:-
1- In Heaven.
2- On Earth.
3- Under the Earth.
d) Everyone will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.
e) This will bring Glory to God the Father.
(Through this QT I am reminded that Every Person Will Bow Down)
‘God Can Make Us Grow.’
Ezekiel 36:37.
a) This is what the Lord God says.
b) I will let the family of Israel come to Me.
c) They will ask Me to do these things for them.
d) I will make them grow and become many people.
e) They will be like flocks of sheep.
(Through this Second one I have confidence about Church growth: God Can Make Us Grow)
The Cross of the Lord Jesus Christ can change everything in our lives and these changes become realities to us because of the Resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ. We should frequently thank God for the Reality and Power of the Resurrection of Christ.
Consider When Eating With Leaders!
‘Consider When Eating With Leaders.’
Proverbs 23:1-3.
(When invited to eat with leaders they are often watching us. Something is revealed in the way that we eat)
a) Proverbs 23:1. When we sit to eat with a leader we should consider diligently what is put before us.
b) Proverbs 23:2. If we are given to appetite we should really have self control.
c) Proverbs 23:3. We should not be desirous of the leader’s dainty food, they are deceitful meat.
(This QT reminds me to Consider When Eating With Leaders)
‘Believing God’s Promises In Fearful Times.’
Genesis 32:9-12.
a) Genesis 32:9. The first thing we need to do in such situations is to pray.
b) Genesis 32:9. We can remind God in our prayer of the Promises that He has given to us.
c) Genesis 32:10. We should pray with humble hearts and words.
d) Genesis 32:11. We should pray about the specific fear that we have.
e) Genesis 32:12. We can again remind God in our prayer of the Promises that He has given to us.
(Through this Second one I know that I can be Believing God’s Promises In Fearful Times)
When invited to eat with leaders they are watching us. I remember hearing the story of a Christian leader who owned a large chain of stores in the USA. When interviewing for managers he would take the candidate for a meal. If the candidate put salt and pepper on their food before tasting it they would never get the job. We should bear this in mind, when invited to eat with leaders they are watching us.
Of Great And Special Value To God!
‘Of Great And Special Value To God.’
1 Peter 2:3-5.
a) 1 Peter 2:3. We have had a taste of the Grace of the Lord.
b) 1 Peter 2:4. We come to the Lord:-
1-As a living stone.
2-Not honoured by men.
3-But of great and special value to God.
c) 1 Peter 2:5. We:-
1-Are also of great and special value to God.
2-We are being made into a house of the Holy Spirit.
3-We are being made into a Holy order of priests.
4-We are offering up spiritual sacrifices which are pleasing to God through Jesus Christ.
(This QT has me pondering upon the phrase: Of Great And Special Value To God)
‘The Son Of Man Is Coming.’
Matthew 24:29-30.
a) After the trouble and tribulation of those days:-
1-The sun will be made dark.
2-The moon will not give her light.
3-The stars will come down from Heaven.
4-The powers of Heaven will be moved.
b) The sign of the Son of Man will be seen in Heaven.
c) All the Nations of the Earth will have sorrow.
d) The Nations of the Earth will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of Heaven with Power and great Glory.
(Through this Second one I have no doubt that the Son of Man is coming)
The Lord Jesus is of great and special value to God and because of all that He has done for us True Believers, we are also of great and special value to God. God is so good, faithful and loving. God’s plans for us are the best plans. How ever difficult our lives may have been, we can still trust God for His Plans for our lives.
The Humble Christ!
‘The Humble Christ.’
Philippians 2:6-9.
a) Philippians 2:6. Christ was and is God yet He did not think that equality with God was something to cling to.
b) Philippians 2:7. Christ:-
1-Gave up His Divine privileges.
2-Took the humble position of a slave.
3-Was born as a human being and appeared in human form.
c) Philippians 2:8. Christ humbled Himself in obedience to death and died a criminal’s death on the Cross.
d) Philippians 2:9. Therefore God has elevated Christ to the place of highest Honour.
e) Philippians 2:9. God gave Him the Name above all other Names.
(Through this QT I can clearly see The Humble Christ)
‘The Spirit Of The Lord Upon Jesus Christ.’
Isaiah 11:1-2.
a) Jesus Christ is a Branch that bears fruit from the old root.
b) The Spirit of the Lord will rest upon Jesus Christ.
c) He is the Spirit of:-
6-The Fear of the Lord.
(This Second one helps me to fully understand The Spirit Of The Lord Upon Jesus Christ and how He exclaimed in Luke’s Gospel that the Spirit of the Lord was upon Him)
The humble Christ took the humble position of a slave. This is an amazing Truth and a great lesson for all of us who serve Him. If we serve Jesus Christ as our Lord and Master then we will surely be serving Him with humble hearts. Pride is the pathway to downfall for all who serve Jesus Christ. We are to hate pride and avoid pride if we are to serve Jesus Christ effectively and sincerely.
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
A Diligent Worker!
‘A Diligent Worker.’
Proverbs 22:29.
a) Is someone to be observed.
b) A diligent worker will stand before kings and leaders.
c) A diligent worker will not be working for mean and ordinary people.
(This QT teaches me about A Diligent Worker)
‘Pour Out Our Hearts To God.’
Job 23:3-4.
a) The deep desire to find God.
b) The deep desire to come to His Seat.
c) Then we can lay out our hearts before Him.
d) We can express our arguments.
(Through this Second one I know that I can Pour Out My Heart To God)
Pour out our hearts to God. This phrase is also used by God’s Servant King David. When we pour out our hearts to God it helps us to Trust Him. So many of us internalise our problems and difficulties and just endure, we need to stop that pattern and learn to Pour out our hearts to God.
Watch And Be Ready!
‘Watch And Be Ready.’
Matthew 24:36-42.
a) Matthew 24:36. Only the Heavenly Father knows the day and the hour of the coming of the Son of Man – Jesus Christ.
b) Matthew 24:37. As in the days of Noah so shall the days be at the coming of the Son of Man.
c) Matthew 24:38. Right up to the time when Noah entered his boat in those days before the flood, people were enjoying:-
d) Matthew 24:39. People did not realise what was going to happen until the flood came and swept them all away. That is the way it will be when the Son of Man comes.
e) Matthew 24:40. Two people shall be working in a field, one is taken and the other is left behind.
f) Matthew 24:41. Two women will be grinding flour at the mill, one is taken and the other is left behind.
g) Matthew 24:42. We must keep watch because we do not know in what day or hour the Lord Jesus Christ – the Son of Man - will come.
(Through this QT I am urged to Watch And Be Ready)
‘The Time Is Near.’
a) Revelation 1:3. The Time is near for the fulfillment of the Book of Revelation to begin.
b) Revelation 1:3. We will be Blessed if:-
1-We read the Words of the Prophetic Book of Revelation – especially to the Church.
2-If we listen to the Message of the Prophetic Book of Revelation.
3-If we obey what the Message of the Prophetic Book of Revelation says.
c) Revelation 22:6 & 10. We know from God what will happen soon.
d) Revelation 22:12. When the Lord comes again He will bringing His Reward with Him to repay all people for their deeds.
e) Revelation 22:20. Our response to the potential Coming of should be that we exclaim: Amen! Come Lord Jesus.
f) Romans 13:11. This is all the more urgent, for you know how late it is; time is running out. Wake up, for our Salvation is nearer now than when we first believed.
g) James 5:8. We must be patient and take courage for the Coming of the Lord is near.
h) 1 Peter 4:7. The end of the World is coming soon. Therefore, be earnest and disciplined in your Prayers.
(This Second one is a wake up call: The Time Is Near)
People did not realise what was going to happen until the flood came in Noah’s Day and swept them all away. When we think of the tsunami tragedy in Japan it really should be a wake up call to all True Believers, especially in the areas of spiritual alertness and evangelism. Through such disasters we are reminded that the Lord Jesus is coming again soon.
Our Good Attitudes That Help Other People!
‘Our Good Attitudes That Help Other People.’
Philippians 2:3-5.
a) Philippians 2:3. Doing nothing out of rivalry.
b) Philippians 2:3. Doing nothing out of conceit.
c) Philippians 2:3. In humility consider other people as more important than ourselves.
d) Philippians 2:4. We do not look out only for our own interests.
e) Philippians 2:4. We also look out for the interests of other people.
f) Philippians 2:5. We endeavour to have an attitude like that of Jesus Christ.
(Through this QT I can see the potential of My Good Attitudes That Help Other People. I need to adopt these attitudes)
‘The Lord Himself Will Come Down From Heaven.’
1 Thessalonians 4:16-17.
a) The Lord Himself will descend from Heaven:-
1-With a shout.
2-With the Archangel’s voice.
3-With the Trumpet of God.
b) The dead people in Christ will ride first.
c) Then we who are still alive will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air.
d) Then we will always be with the Lord.
(Through this Second one I am convinced that The Lord Himself Will Come Down From Heaven)
We do not look out only for our own interests. Sin creates selfishness. This World system is filled with an evil competitive spirit. This spirit drives people into making themselves selfish, only considering themselves. This is really not correct. The Life that Christ calls us to is totally opposite. It is a completely different way of living, we consider other people and we follow Christ.
Monday, December 12, 2011
Right And Wrong Ways To Act!
‘Right And Wrong Ways To Act.’
Proverbs 22:24-28.
a) Proverbs 22:24. Do not make friends with an angry person.
b) Proverbs 22:24. Do not be a companion of hot tempered people.
c) Proverbs 22:25. We may learn their ways and entangle ourselves in a snare.
d) Proverbs 22:26. Do not be one of those people who enter agreements and who put up security for loans.
e) Proverbs 22:27. If we cannot pay the security even our bed will be snatched from under us.
f) Proverbs 22:28. Do not cheat our neighbour by removing the ancient boundary markers set up by previous generations.
(This QT clearly shows me Right And Wrong Ways To Act)
‘We True Believers Shall All Be Changed.’
1 Corinthians 15:51-52.
a) This is a Mystery.
b) We will not all fall asleep (in death).
c) We shall all be changed.
d) In a moment.
e) In the twinkling of an eye.
f) At the last trumpet.
g) The trumpet will sound.
h) The dead people will be raised incorruptible.
i) We shall be changed.
(Through this Second one I am reminded that We True Believers Shall All Be Changed)
We should be very careful about entering agreements with other people that may bind us. These agreements may be simply to do something or they may be more complicated and involve financial issues. Agreements can be very binding and difficult to get out of once we get into them. Especially when they involve incurring a debt this kind of agreement can cause much misery.
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Hoping And Waiting!
‘Hoping And Waiting.’
Hebrews 10:35-36.
a) We should not give up our Hope.
b) It will be greatly rewarded.
c) What is right in God’s Eyes we:-
1- Have done.
2- Do now.
3- Will do.
d) We need:-
1- To wait.
2- To endure.
3- To be patient.
e) So that His Word can have effect for us.
f) So that we can receive what He Promised us.
(This QT has me Hoping And Waiting)
‘God, I Need You.’
Psalm 70:5.
a) I am poor.
b) I am in need.
c) Come to me quickly Oh God.
d) You are my Help.
e) You are my Saviour.
f) Let there be no waiting Oh Lord.
(Through this Second one I find a very simple and effective Prayer: God I Need You)
What is right in God’s Eyes? Firstly, this is a question. We need to discover and to do what is right in God’s Eyes. We can establish the answer to this question as we read His Word. Secondly, this is a statement. We need to carry out and do what is right in God’s Eyes, it means choosing the correct way to live whilst making correct decisions.
A Good Response To The Apostle’s Questions!
‘A Good Response To The Apostle’s Questions.’
Philippians 2:1-2.
a) First question: Is there any encouragement from belonging to Christ?
b) Second question: Is there any comfort from Christ’s love?
c) Third question: Is there any fellowship together in the Holy Spirit?
d) Fourth question: Are our hearts tender and compassionate?
e) If so the Apostle is made truly happy by:-
1- The Philippi Churches agreeing wholeheartedly with each other.
2- Their loving one another.
3- Their working together with one mind.
4- Their working together with one purpose.
(Through this QT I find A Good Response To The Apostle’s Questions)
‘Vain Imagination.’
Matthew 10:34.
a) Jesus said that we are not to imagine that He has come to bring Peace to the Earth. (He is talking about the Earth and not our hearts)
b) Jesus came not to bring Peace.
c) He came to bring a sword.
(This Second one reminds me that as a True Believer I am not to have Vain Imaginations)
Is there any encouragement from belonging to Christ? There is and there should be. The most encouraging fact for the True Believer is that they belong to Christ. This is a statement of life and fact: We belong to Christ, if we can say this we know that God is for us and we are in His Hands.
Saturday, December 10, 2011
Care For The Poor People!
‘Care For The Poor People.’
Proverbs 22:22-23.
a) We should not take advantage of the poor people.
b) We should not cheat the poor people in court.
c) The Lord is the Defender of the poor people.
d) What we do to the poor people the Lord will do to us.
(This QT reminds me that both individually and as Church we should Care For The Poor people in some meaningful way)
‘We Need To Keep Our Mind On Jesus.’
Hebrews 12:3.
a) We are to keep our minds on Jesus.
b) He put up with many insults from sinners.
c) Then we will not get discouraged.
d) Then we will not give up.
(Through This Second one I am reminded that I Need To Keep My Mind On Jesus)
Both individually and as a Church we should care for the poor people. Many of them are in hopeless and helpless condition. Some of the poor people, when their lives are transformed by Jesus Christ become anointed Servants of the Lord and Missionaries. When we realise our own spiritual poverty then we can serve the poor people very effectively.
A Good Brother And Faith Partner!
‘A Good Brother And Faith Partner.’
Revelation 1:9.
a) John was a good Brother to the Churches.
b) John also had a part in:-
1- The oppression that the Churches suffered.
2- The Kingdom of God.
3- The Churches perseverance in Jesus Christ.
c) John was on the Island of Patmos because of God’s Word and the Testimony of Jesus Christ.
(This QT shows me A Good Brother And Faith Partner)
‘Do Not Be Surprised.’
Luke 21:16.
a) Do not be surprised.
b) If we are handed over to our opponents by even our own:-
1- Parents.
2- Brothers.
3- Relatives.
4- Friends.
c) Some of us may even be put to death.
(Here is a clear warning for these last days: Do Not Be Surprised)
The Testimony of Jesus Christ! This is the most powerful Testimony. Sometimes I hear Christians telling their “testimonies” and they are not necessarily glorifying to God at all. Just a story! Other times I hear Christians competing with each other to tell the best or most sensational story, that is really not good at all. Every testimony that is told should be the Testimony of Jesus Christ.
Do Not Fear Them!
‘Do Not Fear Them.’
Philippians 1:28-30.
a) Philippians 1:28. We should not be afraid of:-
1-Those people who are against us.
2-Our adversaries.
3-Our enemies.
b) Philippians 1:28. They are going to be destroyed and we are going to experience Salvation from God Himself.
c) Philippians 1:29. We have been given, in the Cause of Christ, not only to have Faith in Him but also to have pain and suffering on His Account.
d) Philippians 1:30. Our sufferings are not unique. True Believers have suffered since the days of Apostle Paul.
(Through this QT I am exhorted: Do Not Fear Them)
‘Forever With The Lord.’
John 14:2-3.
a) In Heavenly Father’s house there are rooms enough and many mansions.
b) If it were not so Jesus would already have told us.
c) Jesus has gone to prepare a place for us.
d) As sure as He has gone to prepare a place for us Jesus will come back again.
e) Jesus will take us to be with Him.
f) So that we shall be where He is.
(Through this Second one I greatly rejoice because I have confidence that I am Forever With The Lord)
God is going to destroy our enemies. We do not know when and how but we have this assurance that our enemies will not eternally be with us. Our responsibilities are: firstly, to forgive our enemies and to pray for them. Secondly, to bless them and not curse them. Thirdly, to trust God to deal with them eternally in the ways that He chooses.
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The Christian Life!
'The Christian Life.' a) Deuteronomy 7:11. Keep the Word of God. b) Deuteronomy 7:12. Listen to the Word of God. c) Deuteronomy...
‘Pharisees Always Question And Doubt.’ John 1:24-25. a) Now those who were sent were from the Pharisees. b) And they asked Him saying: c)...
'The Place Where Our Offerings Should Go.' Leviticus 3:7. a) If he offers a lamb b) For his offering, c) Then he shall offer i...
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