'The Lord Our God Brought Us Out.'
Joshua 24:17.
a) It was the Lord our God Himself.
b) He brought us up from the Land of Egypt.
c) He also brought up our:-
d) Egypt was a land of slavery.
e) The Lord our God Himself performed signs.
f) These signs were great and spectacular.
g) He did this in the eyesight of His People.
h) He protected and guarded His People for the entire length of their journey.
I) Even when they passed through other Nations.
(This QT reminds me that The Lord My God Brought me Out)
'Following In The Footsteps Of Christ.'
1 Peter 2:1.
a) We are called to endure suffering.
b) Because Christ suffered for us.
c) Christ has left us an example.
d) So we should follow in His Footsteps.
(Through this Second one I know I should be Following In The Footsteps Of Christ)
God has always been a Faithful God - not only in this generation but also in former generations. Jesus Christ has come to bring the Message of the Gospel to the entire World. God is a Faithful God and Jesus Christ teaches us about His Faithfulness. We should not be like the Scribes and Pharisees and reject this Gospel Message.
The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
The Christian Life!
'The Christian Life.' a) Deuteronomy 7:11. Keep the Word of God. b) Deuteronomy 7:12. Listen to the Word of God. c) Deuteronomy...
‘Pharisees Always Question And Doubt.’ John 1:24-25. a) Now those who were sent were from the Pharisees. b) And they asked Him saying: c)...
'The Place Where Our Offerings Should Go.' Leviticus 3:7. a) If he offers a lamb b) For his offering, c) Then he shall offer i...
'Unusual Miracles' Acts 19:11-12. a) And God was doing b) Extraordinary miracles c) By the hands of Paul, d) So that even han...