The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Sunday, August 9, 2015
a) Psalm 102:12; 135:13. We remember the Lord for all generations.
b) Exodus 3:15. The Lord wanted the Children of Israel to remember Him for all generations.
c) Psalm 30:4; 97:12. We are to give thanks at the memory of God's Holiness.
d) Isaiah 26:8. The desire of our soul is to remember the Lord.
e) Matthew 26:13. The remembrance of the woman who washed the feet of Jesus.
f) Acts 10:4. Prayers that come up for a memorial before God.
g) Proverbs 10:7. The memory of the Just People is Blessed.
(This QT teaches me the importance of Remembrance)
'Do Not Believe In Vain.'
1 Corinthians 15:1-2.
a) We need to be reminded of the Gospel.
b) The Gospel's Way:-
1-It is Preached.
2-It is Received.
3-It is Stood In.
c) We are being Saved by the Gospel.
d) We need to hold fast to the Word that is and was preached to us.
e) Then we will not believe in vain.
(Through this Second one I receive this Word from the Lord: Do Not Believe In Vain)
Here is Prayer as it is supposed to be: Prayer that comes up for a Memorial before God. Prayer is not just something that True Believers are meant to do. Prayer is not supposed to be reserved for 'emergency situations'. Prayer is supposed to be something higher and more beautiful than this. Yes, there is the pouring out of our heart before the Lord that we read about in the Bible. That is very necessary at times. There is also Worshipful Prayer, Prayer in the Fear of the Lord and Prayer that is Heavenly in its motivation and intention. May our Prayers come up for a Memorial before God!
The Christian Life!
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