Tuesday, October 8, 2013

True Wisdom Flows From A Pure Heart!

‘True Wisdom Flows From A Pure Heart.’
James 3:13-17.
a)   James 3:13. If any of us have:-
1-  Wisdom.
2-  Insight.
3-  Understanding.
b)   James 3:13. If we have these things we should be living the correct type of life with humility and gentleness.
c)    James 3:14. If we have bitter envy and selfish ambition in our hearts, we should not be boastful and false to the Truth.
d)   James 3:15. Ambitious and jealous ‘wisdom’ does not come from above. It is:-
1-  Earthly.
2-  Unspiritual.
3-  Devilish.
e)   James 3:16. Wherever there is jealousy and rivalry there is disorder and every kind of evil.
f)    James 3:17. The Wisdom that comes from above is:-
1-  Pure.
2-  Peaceful.
3-  Gentle.
4-  Obedient.
5-  Filled with Mercy.
6-  Filled with good fruit.
7-  Impartial.
8-  Sincere.
(This QT teaches me that True Wisdom Flows From A Pure Heart)
‘Important Daily Prayer Subject.’
Matthew 6:13.
a)   Heavenly Father!
b)   Do not allow me (or us) to be tempted.
c)    Rescue us.
d)   From the evil one.
(This Second one is an Important Daily Prayer Subject)

God’s Wisdom is totally sincere. When God manifests His Wisdom there are no hidden issues behind it. This Wisdom from God is so pure. God’s Wisdom is not calculative, it is not manipulative. We can always Trust the Wisdom of God because it is totally sincere.

Unusual Miracles!

  'Unusual Miracles' Acts 19:11-12. a)  And God was doing  b)  Extraordinary miracles c)  By the hands of Paul, d)  So that even han...