Monday, October 28, 2013

They Camped!

‘They Camped.’
a)      Isaiah 29:1. David at Ariel.
b)     Genesis 13:3. Abram between Bethel and Ai.
c)     Genesis 13:12. Lot near Sodom.
d)      Genesis 26:17. Isaac in the Valley of Gerar.
e)     Genesis 28:11. Jacob at a Holy Place.
f)      Genesis 33:18. Jacob in front of Canaan.
g)     Exodus 13:20. Moses and God’s Children at Etham.
h)     Exodus 14:9. The Israelites by the Red Sea near Pi Hahiroth.
i)       Exodus 15:27. The Children of Israel at Elim.
j)      Exodus 18:5. Moses at the Mountain of God.
(Through this QT I know that wherever I lived I Camped happily)
‘Praying For Forgiveness And Restoration.’
Psalm 51:1-6.
a)      Psalm 51:1. Praying for God’s Mercy because of His:-
1-     Faithful Love.
2-     Abundant Compassion.
3-     Constant Love.
b)     Psalm 51:2. Praying for being washed from guilt and cleansed from sin.
c)     Psalm 51:3. I recognise my faults and am always conscious of my sins.
d)      Psalm 51:4. Praying about the fact that sin is firstly committed against God.
e)     Psalm 51:5. Praying about sinfulness from birth.
f)      Psalm 51:6. God wants us to have these attributes in our lives through His Restoration of us:-
1-     Integrity.
2-     Wisdom.
3-     Sincerity.
4-     Truth.
(Through this Second one I discover how to be Praying For Forgiveness And Restoration)
Integrity is something that every True Believer should have. We should be a people of Integrity. To have Integrity means that we have the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles. A person of Integrity is a person of good character.

Unusual Miracles!

  'Unusual Miracles' Acts 19:11-12. a)  And God was doing  b)  Extraordinary miracles c)  By the hands of Paul, d)  So that even han...