The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Thursday, November 10, 2011
We Need To Keep Standing!
‘We Need To Keep Standing.’
Ephesians 6:10-13.
a) Ephesians 6:10. Apostle Paul is “summing up” his Epistle to the Ephesians and he tells them to be strong with the Lord’s Strength. (God tells us too)
b) Ephesians 6:11. They, and we, need to put on the things that God gives us to fight with.
c) Ephesians 6:11. If we put on what God gives to us we will not fall into the traps of the Devil.
d) Ephesians 6:12. Our fight is not with people.
e) Ephesians 6:12. Our fight is against the:-
1- The leaders of darkness in this World.
2- The powers of darkness in this World.
3- The spirits of darkness in this World.
4- The demon world that works in the Heavens.
f) Ephesians 6:13. Because of this fight we need to put on all the things God gives us to fight with. Then we will be able to stand on the sinful day.
g) Ephesians 6:13. Then, when the fight is over, we will still be standing.
(This QT reminds me that I Need To Keep Standing)
‘God Did It.’
Joshua 24:1-13.
a) Joshua 24:1. Joshua brought before the Lord all the Leaders of Israel:-
1- National Leaders.
2- Heads of families.
3- Judges.
b) Joshua 24:2. Joshua reminded all these Leaders that they came from a heathen god worshipping background there was nothing to be proud about.
c) Joshua 24:3. God reminded them about His Hand upon the life of Abraham.
d) Joshua 24:4. God reminded them about Jacob and his children going down to Egypt.
e) Joshua 24:5. God reminded them that He sent Moses and Aaron to them to deliver them out of Egypt.
f) Joshua 24:6-7. God reminded them of the Exodus through the sea and how He made it possible for His People to cross on dry land but all the army of Pharaoh were drowned.
g) Joshua 24:8. God gave His People victory over the Amorites in their land so the land became theirs.
h) Joshua 24:9. Balak hired Balaam to curse God’s People.
i) Joshua 24:10. God did not listen to Balaam but rather led him to pray for His People instead of cursing them.
j) Joshua 24:11. God’s People fought many battles and won, they gained much land step by step.
k) Joshua 24:12. God sent hornets to help them. God’s People won no battle in their own strength.
l) Joshua 24:13. God gave to His People:-
1-A land that they did not work for.
2-Cities that they did not build.
4- Vines and olive trees that they did not plant.
(Through this Second one I realise that God Did It)
Balak hired Balaam to curse God’s People but this plan did not work because God had His Hand upon His People. When we are in Obedience to God we have no need to fear the enemy. No curse put over our life can work if we are living in Obedience to God. We need to Trust God and walk in Obedience to Him.
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