‘Nothing Can Avail Against The Lord.’
Proverbs 21:30.
a) No wisdom can avail against the Lord.
b) No understanding can avail against the Lord.
c) No counsel can avail against the Lord.
(This QT shows me clearly that Nothing Can Avail Against The Lord)
‘True Worship Produces Victorious Life.’
Romans 12:1-2.
a) This appeal is to all True Believers.
b) By the Mercies of God.
c) We present our bodies as a living sacrifice.
d) Holy and Acceptable to God.
e) This is our Spiritual Worship.
f) Then we need not be conformed to the World system.
g) We can be transformed by the renewal of our thinking mind.
h) We can test and discern what is the Will of God which is:-
1- Good.
2- Acceptable.
3- Perfect.
(Through this Second one I see that True Worship Produces Victorious Life)
True Worship produces Victorious life. This is a very wonderful principle of the Word of God. Sometimes we only associate “Worship” with the Song and Praise Service at the beginning of a Christian meeting. That is only a part of it. The entire meeting is supposed to be Worship and even outside of the meeting environment, our lives are meant to be Worship too.