The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Always Be Grateful!
‘Always Be Grateful.’
Philippians 4:14-23.
a) Philippians 4:14. The Philippi Church did well to share with Apostle Paul in his difficulty.
b) Philippians 4:15. The Philippi Church was the only Church to help Apostle Paul financially as he travelled preaching the Gospel.
c) Philippians 4:16. The Philippi Church supported Apostle Paul even when he was far away from them.
d) Philippians 4:17. Apostle Paul wanted the Philippi Church to receive a reward for their kindness.
e) Philippians 4:18. All of Apostle Paul’s needs were met, generously supplied by the Philippi Church.
f) Philippians 4:18. This generosity was seen by God as a sweet smelling sacrifice acceptable and pleasing to Him.
g) Philippians 4:19. The same God Who takes care of Apostle Paul would supply all the needs of the Philippi Church from His Glorious Riches which are given through Christ Jesus.
h) Philippians 4:20. Always they were to give the Glory to Father God forever and ever. Amen.
i) Philippians 4:21-22. There was grateful and loving fellowship between Apostle Paul and his team with the Philippi Church.
j) Philippians 4:23. The Grace of the Lord Jesus Christ was to be with the Philippi Church.
(Through this QT I am reminded to Always Be Grateful)
‘Do Not Worry But Seek God’s Kingdom.’
Matthew 6:31-34.
a) Matthew 6:31. We should not be worried about what we:-
1- Eat.
2- Drink.
3- Wear.
b) Matthew 6:32. The thoughts of unbelievers are dominated about:-
1- Eating.
2- Drinking.
3- Wearing.
c) Matthew 6:32. Our Heavenly Father already knows all of our needs.
d) Matthew 6:33. We should seek the Kingdom of God above all else and live Righteously and Heavenly Father will give us all that we need.
e) Matthew 6:34. Do not worry about tomorrow. Tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today’s trouble is enough for today.
(This Second one encourages me: Do Not Worry But Seek God’s Kingdom)
Drinking should be a very normal part of our lives. Even when fasting food most people drink water. When coming to the end of a fast people usually drink fruit juice before eating a meal. My wife always encourages me to drink more water. Jesus described being filled with the Holy Spirit as drinking. Students drink their books and notes into their thinking minds. Drinking is a very important part of our lives, and, yes, drink more water.
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