The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Good Foundation For Biblical Fellowship!
‘Good Foundation For Biblical Fellowship.’
Philippians 1:7-8.
a) It is heart Fellowship.
b) It has special meaning.
c) It shares the Grace of God with one another.
d) It reaches into hardships.
e) It defends the Truth of the Good News.
f) It confirms the Truth of the Good News.
g) It is loving.
h) There is a longing for each other with the tender compassion of Jesus Christ.
(This QT teaches me a Good Foundation For Biblical Fellowship)
‘Pray For Our Nations.’
a) Ezekiel 20:11-13. That they will not rebel against God and therefore lose their peace.
b) Isaiah 1:5. For their healing.
c) Jeremiah 5:1-5. Because the Lord is searching for honesty.
d) Jeremiah 6:13. For repentance from greed.
e) 1 Kings 12:26-33. To avoid false worship.
f) 1 Kings 14:16; Micah 2:10; Haggai 2:14. For repentance from sin.
g) 2 Chronicles 21:11-13. For the Leaders to follow God’s Way.
h) Proverbs 29:12. For purging of wicked and lying advisers of the Leaders.
i) Leviticus 18:24-25; Numbers 35:34. For defiling of the land to cease.
j) Numbers 35:33; Psalm 106:38. That murder will cease. (Including abortion)
k) Isaiah 24:5. That they will stop:-
1- Twisting God’s instructions.
2- Violating God’s Laws.
3- Breaking God’s Everlasting Covenant.
l) Amos 5:21. For repentance from:-
1- Show.
2- Pretence.
3- Hypocrisy.
m) Amos 2:4. That they will not be led astray by lies.
n) Joel 2:12. To come to God whilst there is still time. They should:-
1- Turn to God.
2- Give God their hearts.
3- Come with fasting.
4- Come with weeping.
5- Come with mourning.
o) Leviticus 26:40. For confession of sin.
(Through this Second one I realise that I must Pray For My Nation)
The breaking of God’s Everlasting Covenant has become commonplace amongst the Nations. We are surely living in the “last times” according to the Scriptures and this may go on for some generations, we have no idea when the end will be. If we are True Believers we should certainly be praying for our Nations and also praying for the Nations where we reside if we are living overseas.
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