‘Be Alert In Prayer.’
Ephesians 6:18-19.
a) Pray always in the Holy Spirit, prayers that are led by the Holy Spirit.
b) Pray with prayers and supplications.
c) Keep alert with all perseverance.
d) Make supplication for God’s People.
e) Pray for the Servants of the Lord that they will boldly proclaim the mysteries of the Gospel.
(Through this QT I am urged to Be Alert In Prayer)
‘Resolve The Issues And Keep Rejoicing.’
Philippians 4:1-4.
a) Philippians 4:1. Apostle Paul loved the Philippians Church. He:-
1- Loved them.
2- Longed for them.
3- Said that they were his joy and crown.
4- Encouraged them to stand firm in the Lord.
b) Philippians 4:2. Apostle Paul entreated Euodia and Syntyche to be in agreement in the Lord.
c) Philippians 4:3. They needed help from other Servants of the Lord to resolve their disagreement issues.
d) Philippians 4:4. Then everyone could Rejoice in the Lord. It was and is so difficult to Rejoice when we are in conflict.
(Through this Second one I find God’s Way: Resolve The Issues And Keep Rejoicing)
Pray always in the Holy Spirit prayers that are led by the Holy Spirit. This is a Biblical injunction to all True Believers and Churches. Much time and effort is wasted in fleshly prayers, these kind of prayers are never heard and answered by God. We need to pray prayers that are led by the Holy Spirit with the Word of God.