The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Understanding Our Sinfulness!
‘Understanding Our Sinfulness.’
Psalm 51:5.
a) We were born guilty.
b) We were sinners.
c) From the moment our mother conceived us.
(This QT helps me simply to be Understanding My Sinfulness)
‘Those People Who Are In Iniquity.’
Job 15:16.
a) They are:-
1- Not pure.
2- Loathsome.
3- Corrupt.
b) They are human beings.
c) But they drink iniquity like water.
(This Second one reveals the reality of Those People Who Are In Iniquity)
We were born guilty. Whoever we are and whatever our family back ground we were born guilty. This is why there is a universal need for God’s Salvation to be manifest in all Nations. The work of the Church and Missions is still very much a part of God’s Plan.
As Ministers Of The Gospel!
‘As Ministers Of The Gospel.’
a) Philippians 1:15. We should preach Christ with pure motives.
b) Isaiah 6:5-7. We should have clean lips.
c) 2 Corinthians 3:5. We know that our sufficiency is of God.
d) 2 Corinthians 3:6. We are able ministers of the New Testament and filled with the Holy Spirit.
e) Matthew 28:19. We go and baptise people in the Name of the Father.
f) 2 Corinthians 13:10. We minister edification.
g) Romans 1:1; 1 Thessalonians 2:4. We are sent out to preach the Good News.
h) 2 Corinthians 5:20. We are Ambassadors for Christ.
i) 1 Corinthians 4:1. We are Servants of Christ.
j) Romans 10:15. We are sent to Preach the Gospel of Peace.
k) 2 Corinthians 4:7. We have Treasure in our earthen vessels.
l) Acts 20:19. We should have a humble mind.
m) 1 Peter 5:2. We should feed God’s flock willingly.
n) 1 Timothy 5:21. We should not be partial.
o) 1 Thessalonians 2:7. We should be gentle.
p) 2 Timothy 2:24. We should:-
1- Not strive.
2- Be gentle towards all people.
3- Be apt to teach.
4- Be patient.
q) Acts 20:24. We should be immovable and joyful in the Will of God.
r) 1 Corinthians 9:27. We should have self control.
(This QT reminds me how I should live As A Minister Of The Gospel)
‘The Lord Our God Gave Them Up.’
Psalm 81:12.
a) To the desires of their hearts.
b) That they might go after their evil purposes.
c) To live by their own plans.
d) To follow their own stubborn desires.
e) To live according to their own ideas.
(This Second one shows me how The Lord My God Gave Them Up)
The Lord our God gave them up. These are terrible words to be spoken or written over anyone’s life. There are people who served the Lord and yet ended up in this terrible situation. Let us serve Him with humility and sensitivity to His Word and His Holy Spirit.
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Principles And Facts About People!
“Principles And Facts About People.’
Proverbs 22:7-9.
a) Proverbs 22:7. The rich people rule the poor people.
b) Proverbs 22:7. The borrower is servant to the lender.
c) Proverbs 22:8. Those people who plant injustice will harvest disaster, their reign of terror will come to an end.
d) Proverbs 22:9. Blessed are those people who are generous because they feed the poor.
(This QT teaches me some Principles And Facts About People)
‘When God’s People Stray Away From Him.’
Jeremiah 18:12.
a) They reject His Word.
b) They are rude towards the Servants of the Lord.
c) They continue to live self-centred lives.
d) They stubbornly follow their own desires and do not follow the Lord.
(This Second one shows me what happens When God’s People Stray Away From Him)
The reign of terror of people who plant injustice will come to an end. I would never use God’s Word or God’s Ministry to put forth political views – I believe that is most displeasing to God. I can, however agree with God’s Word which says that those people who plant injustice and who rule with a reign of terror will come to an end.
Those People Who Reject The Lord!
‘Those People Who Reject The Lord.’
Ephesians 4:19.
a) They have lost all sensitivity.
b) They have given themselves over to sensuality.
c) They indulge in every kind of impurity.
d) They are full of greed.
(This QT reveals to me about Those People Who Reject The Lord)
‘The Realisation Of Our Need Of God.’
Romans 7:9.
a) Firstly, living apart from the Word of God, contentedly in sin.
b) Secondly, the Word of God came.
c) Thirdly, sin sprang to life.
d) Fourthly, we died.
(Through this Second one I see my past experience: The Realisation Of My Need Of God)
People who reject the Lord have lost all sensitivity. Their hearts become hardened because of the decision they make to reject Him. As True Believers, if we have family members or friends who have rejected the Lord we need to be praying for them.
Monday, November 28, 2011
Good Can Come Out Of Bad!
‘Good Can Come Out Of Bad.’
Philippians 1:12-14.
a) Philippians 1:12. Apostle Paul wanted to encourage the Philippi Church brothers and sisters.
b) Philippians 1:12. The bad things that happened to Apostle Paul actually served to advance the spread of the Gospel.
c) Philippians 1:13. Everyone knew that Apostle Paul was in chains only for the sake of Christ.
d) Philippians 1:14. Because of Apostle Paul’s chains most of the brothers and sisters became confident in the Lord, they all the more preached the Gospel without fear.
(This QT teaches me that Good Can Come Out Of Bad)
‘Holiness Brings Fear To The Unholy People.’
Acts 25:24.
a) Apostle Paul talked and reasoned about:-
1- Righteousness.
2- Self control.
3- The Judgment to come.
b) Felix, the Provincial Governor was terrified.
c) Felix told Paul to go away.
d) Felix told Paul that he would call him at a “more convenient” time.
(This Second one shows me that Holiness Brings Fear To The Unholy People)
One of the effects of the Gospel on people’s lives is self control. If a person is not generally exercising self control then we have just reason to doubt their Salvation. The Holy Spirit that God gives to us is a Spirit of Self Control.
Train Children Well!
‘Train Children Well.’
Proverbs 22:6.
a) Train up a child in the correct way.
b) Even when the child grows up and becomes old.
c) They will not be turned away from the correct way.
(This QT stimulates me to encourage all parents to Train Children Well)
‘Great Freedom.’
Hebrews 2:15.
a) Some people suffer all their lives because of fear of death.
b) These people need freedom and deliverance.
c) Jesus Christ, through His Death and Resurrection can give these people freedom and deliverance.
(Through this Second one I thank God for Great Freedom)
Train up a child in the correct way. There are more and more people in the World living with hang ups in these days. More and more addicted people as well as more and more immorality and crime such are the great and obvious needs that we see. Some of these problems need never have happened if the child had been trained up in the correct way.
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Our Motives Must Be Correct!
‘Our Motives Must Be Correct.’
a) Proverbs 21:27. The sacrifice of an evil person is detestable, especially when it is offered with wrong motives.
b) Psalm 50:8. God should have no complaint about our sacrifices and offerings.
c) Isaiah 66:5. Even when other people oppose or mock us.
(This QT reminds me that My Motives Must Be Correct)
‘The Fate Of The Greedy People Who Have No Compassion.’
Matthew 25:41.
a) They will eternally be sent away from the Presence of the Lord.
b) They will be cursed.
c) They will be thrown into the Eternal fire prepared for the Devil and his demons.
(This Second one shows me The Fate Of The Greedy People Who Have No Compassion)
Our motives in giving to and helping other people are important. We need to have godly and not selfish motives. Our lives need to be motivated by the Word of God and the Holy Spirit. If we give with a godly motive we will surely be Blessed in our giving.
True Believer's Character!
‘True Believer’s Character.’
Philippians 1:9-11.
a) Philippians 1:9. Means that Love overflows more and more.
b) Philippians 1:9. Keeps growing in Knowledge.
c) Philippians 1:9. Keeps growing in Understanding.
d) Philippians 1:10. Understands what really matters.
e) Philippians 1:10. Lives a pure life until the Day of Christ’s Return.
f) Philippians 1:10. Lives a blameless life until the Day of Christ’s Return.
g) Philippians 1:11. Is filled with the Fruit of their Salvation.
h) Philippians 1:11. Is a Righteous Character produced in their life by Jesus Christ.
i) Philippians 1:11. Brings much Glory and Praise to God.
(Through this QT I find the True Believer’s Character)
‘It Is Wise To Listen To The Lord Our God.’
Deuteronomy 28:15-18.
a) Deuteronomy 28:15. If we refuse to listen to the Lord our God.
b) Deuteronomy 28:15. If we do not obey all the Commands that are given by the Lord our God.
c) Deuteronomy 28:15. If we do not obey all the Decrees that are given by the Lord our God.
d) Deuteronomy 28:15. Disobedience means that curses come and overwhelm us.
e) Deuteronomy 28:16. Our towns will be cursed.
f) Deuteronomy 28:16. Our fields will be cursed.
g) Deuteronomy 28:17. Our fruit baskets will be cursed.
h) Deuteronomy 28:17. Our breadboards will be cursed.
i) Deuteronomy 28:18. Our children will be cursed.
j) Deuteronomy 28:18. Our crops will be cursed.
k) Deuteronomy 28:18. The offspring of our herds and flocks will be cursed.
(This Second one makes it very clear that It Is Wise To Listen To The Lord My God)
I have visited some Nations where obviously their fruit baskets are cursed. I have also read testimonies and stories of Nations where the people’s fruit baskets are cursed. For the most part they have been cursed because of their disobedience to God. These Nations only remained as True Believers for one or two generations and then turned their back on God. The curse is the effect of this.
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Keep Watch Over Our Souls!
‘Keep Watch Over Our Souls.’
Proverbs 22:5.
a) In the paths of wicked and twisted people.
b) There are thorns.
c) There are nets.
d) We will be far from thorns.
e) We will be far from nets.
f) If we keep watch over our soul.
(This QT reminds me to Keep Watch Over My Soul)
‘God Has Done It.’
Romans 8:3.
a) The Law of God became powerless to change a human being.
b) It became feeble and weak because of the flesh and human nature.
c) God sent His Son in the likeness of human flesh.
d) God sent His Son as an offering for sin.
e) God gave His Decision against sin in the flesh.
f) God condemned sin in sinful man.
(This Second one makes me Rejoice because God Has Done It)
There are thorns in this World system. These thorns have the potential to wound and frustrate the True Believer. We need to keep a watch over our own soul. We need to have the Fear of the Lord. If we have the fear of the Lord we are wise.
Thank God For Saving Grace!
‘Thank God For Saving Grace.’
a) Psalm 130:3. If the Lord kept a record of our sins who could ever survive?
b) Psalm 143:2; Job 9:2; Romans 3:23. No one is innocent before the Lord.
c) Job 9:20. We sin so easily though our mouths.
d) Job 15:14. Can any mortal be pure?
e) Job 15:14. Can anyone born of a woman be just?
f) Isaiah 53:6. All of us, like sheep, have strayed away. We have left God's paths to follow our own. Yet the LORD laid on Him the sins of us all.
g) John 8:7-9. All accusers have sinned.
h) Romans 3:20. No one can ever be made right with God by doing what the Law commands.
i) Romans 3:22. We are made right with God by placing our Faith in Jesus Christ. And this is true for everyone who Believes, no matter who we are.
j) Romans 3:24. God declares that we are righteous. He did this through Christ Jesus when He freed us from the penalty for our sins.
(Through this QT I thank God For Saving Grace)
‘Our Fellow Servants.’
a) Matthew 18:28-33; 24:49. We should never treat them badly but always have Mercy on them.
b) Colossians 1:7. Are also Christ’s Faithful servants.
c) Colossians 4:7. Should serve together with us in the Lord’s Work.
d) Revelation 6:11. Are sometimes martyred.
e) Revelation 19:10; 22:9. Are sometimes Heavenly Angels.
(This Second one also causes me to thank God, this time for My Fellow Servants)
Our fellow servants are very important and significant because we serve the Lord together with them. As fellow servants we need to cooperate with our fellow servants so that our service becomes meaningful and effective. There is a Holy bond between people who are truly fellow servants.
Good Foundation For Biblical Fellowship!
‘Good Foundation For Biblical Fellowship.’
Philippians 1:7-8.
a) It is heart Fellowship.
b) It has special meaning.
c) It shares the Grace of God with one another.
d) It reaches into hardships.
e) It defends the Truth of the Good News.
f) It confirms the Truth of the Good News.
g) It is loving.
h) There is a longing for each other with the tender compassion of Jesus Christ.
(This QT teaches me a Good Foundation For Biblical Fellowship)
‘Pray For Our Nations.’
a) Ezekiel 20:11-13. That they will not rebel against God and therefore lose their peace.
b) Isaiah 1:5. For their healing.
c) Jeremiah 5:1-5. Because the Lord is searching for honesty.
d) Jeremiah 6:13. For repentance from greed.
e) 1 Kings 12:26-33. To avoid false worship.
f) 1 Kings 14:16; Micah 2:10; Haggai 2:14. For repentance from sin.
g) 2 Chronicles 21:11-13. For the Leaders to follow God’s Way.
h) Proverbs 29:12. For purging of wicked and lying advisers of the Leaders.
i) Leviticus 18:24-25; Numbers 35:34. For defiling of the land to cease.
j) Numbers 35:33; Psalm 106:38. That murder will cease. (Including abortion)
k) Isaiah 24:5. That they will stop:-
1- Twisting God’s instructions.
2- Violating God’s Laws.
3- Breaking God’s Everlasting Covenant.
l) Amos 5:21. For repentance from:-
1- Show.
2- Pretence.
3- Hypocrisy.
m) Amos 2:4. That they will not be led astray by lies.
n) Joel 2:12. To come to God whilst there is still time. They should:-
1- Turn to God.
2- Give God their hearts.
3- Come with fasting.
4- Come with weeping.
5- Come with mourning.
o) Leviticus 26:40. For confession of sin.
(Through this Second one I realise that I must Pray For My Nation)
The breaking of God’s Everlasting Covenant has become commonplace amongst the Nations. We are surely living in the “last times” according to the Scriptures and this may go on for some generations, we have no idea when the end will be. If we are True Believers we should certainly be praying for our Nations and also praying for the Nations where we reside if we are living overseas.
Friday, November 25, 2011
Have Humility And The Fear Of The Lord!
‘Have Humility And The Fear Of The Lord.’
Proverbs 22:4.
a) If we are humble we will be rewarded.
b) If we have the Fear of the Lord we will be rewarded.
c) The reward is:-
1- Riches.
2- Honour.
3- Life.
(This QT encourages me to Have Humility And The Fear Of The Lord)
‘All Souls Belong To God.’
Ezekiel 18:4.
a) We are to behold that they belong to Him.
b) The soul of the father belongs to God.
c) The soul of the son belongs to God.
d) The soul who sins shall die.
(This Second one reminds me that All Souls Belong To God)
God is a God Who rewards His People in different ways. He is a good Father to His Children. Here we read about humble people who Fear the Lord. God will reward them with riches, honour and life. The Word of God does not only give us information, the Word of God teaches us how to live.
Thursday, November 24, 2011
At The Correct Time!
‘At The Correct Time.’
Romans 5:6.
a) When we were still without Strength.
b) At the correct time.
c) Christ gave His Life for:-
1- Evil doers.
2- Ungodly people.
3- Sinners.
(Because of this QT I thank God that Christ died At The Correct Time)
‘Live Free From Legalism.’
Galatians 3:10.
a) All people who are of the Works of the Law are under a curse.
b) This is written in the Scriptures.
c) A curse is on everyone who does not keep on doing all the things which are ordered in the Book of the Law.
(This Second one exhorts me to Live Free From Legalism)
Here is one of the greatest challenges for the Church today. This is so hard for many Churches that reach out to “friends” and “nice people” because Christ gave His Life for evil doers too. We should never reject ministry to prisoners, the poor and addicted people. Christ gave His Life for them.
God Will Finish It!
‘God Will Finish It.’
Philippians 1:6.
a) This is something that we can be sure about in God.
b) God has begun a good Work within us.
c) He will continue His Work until it is finally finished.
d) It will be finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns.
(This QT convinces me that God Will Finish It)
‘Before Taking Holy Communion.’
1 Corinthians 11:28-29.
a) We should examine ourselves before eating the bread and drinking the cup.
b) If we eat the bread and drink the cup without honouring the Body of Christ.
c) We eat and drink God’s Judgment on ourselves.
(This Second one gives me something to think about Before Taking Holy Communion)
God has begun a good work in us and He is Faithful to finish the good work that He has begun. This fact should make us grateful to God for His Grace and Kindness to us. God is also very patient. This work within us continues until the Day when Jesus Christ returns.
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Be Wise Not Foolish!
‘Be Wise Not Foolish.’
Proverbs 22:3.
a) A wise person sees sin.
b) They hide themselves away from sin.
c) A foolish person goes on into sin.
d) They will be punished for it.
(This QT reminds me to Be Wise And Not Foolish)
‘The Only Way To The Father.’
John 14:6.
a) Jesus is the Way.
b) Jesus is the Truth.
c) Jesus is the Life.
d) Jesus is the exclusive Way to the Father.
(This Second one shows me The Only Way To The Father)
We need to be wise and not foolish especially regarding sin. Sometimes we compromise with sin simply because we live in an environment that is compromising with sin. This can be in our home, our school, our workplace and even sometimes our Church. We need to be wise and make good choices so that we do not compromise with sin.
The Power Of The Blood!
‘The Power Of The Blood.’
Exodus 12:13.
a) The Blood was to mark the houses where God’s People lived.
b) When God saw the Blood He would pass over the house. The Angel of death would not visit the house.
c) No trouble would come upon the house to destroy inside it because it was covered by the Blood.
(Through this QT I understand The Power Of The Blood)
‘Purchased By The Blood Of Jesus.’
1 Peter 1:18-19.
a) We know that we were not bought or made free from sin by paying gold or silver which comes to an end.
b) We were not Saved from the punishment for sin by the way of life that we were given by our earthly fathers, no matter how good they were or are.
c) The human way of life is worth nothing.
d) The Blood of Christ Saved us.
e) The Blood of Christ is of great worth and no amount of money can buy it.
f) Christ was given for us as a Lamb without sin and without spot.
(Through this Second one I thank God that I am Purchased By The Blood Of Jesus)
The Blood has great meaning to do with Redemption and Protection in the Bible. We can find this in both the Old and New Testaments. Jesus Christ made and paid the ultimate Sacrifice for us when He gave His Life for us on the Cross. We should be continually grateful to God for the shed Blood of His Son.
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Being Grateful For Our Fellow Workers!
‘Being Grateful For Our Fellow Workers.’
Philippians 1:3-5.
a) Philippians 1:3. Apostle Paul thanked God for all his memories of the Philippi Church. (Remember that the Church is people and not buildings)
b) Philippians 1:4. Apostle Paul in all his Prayers for the Philippi Church had a heart of Joy when he prayed.
c) Philippians 1:5. Apostle Paul was so thankful to God and to the Philippians for their partnership in the Gospel.
(This QT reminds me to keep on Being Grateful For My Fellow Workers)
‘Remember The Power Of Christ’s Blood.’
Matthew 26:27-28.
a) Jesus took the cup first.
b) He gave Thanks to the Father for it.
c) He told all the Disciples to drink from it.
d) The meaning of the cup:-
1- The Blood of the Covenant.
2- It is not exclusive it is poured out for many people.
3- It is for the forgiveness of sins.
(This Second one helps me to Remember The Power Of Christ’s Blood)
Apostle Paul often positively communicated with the Churches that he wrote to. He was so thankful to God and to the Philippians for their partnership in the Gospel. Similar themes can be seen in most of his letters. We need to concentrate on remembering the positive things about fellowship and let go of the negative things.
God Created All Humanity!
‘God Created All Humanity,’
a) Proverbs 22:2. The Lord made both the rich people and the poor people.
b) Proverbs 14:31; 17:5. Those people who oppress the poor people insult their Maker.
c) Proverbs 17:5. Those people who rejoice at the misfortunes of other people will be punished.
(This QT reminds me that God Created All Humanity)
Always Remember The Passover Feast.’
Exodus 13:8-9.
a) The Jewish people were to eat bread without yeast for seven days.
b) No yeast or breads made with yeast should be found in the land during the time of the Passover Feast.
c) The seventh day of the Feast was a special family day for the instruction of the children.
d) They were to remember what the Lord did for them when they left Egypt.
(Through this Second one I can see the clear instruction for the Jewish people to Always Remember The Passover Feast)
Those people who oppress the poor people insult their Maker. This is a very important fact for the Church to remember today. Many Churches are caught up with Building Projects, some of them necessary and others not. These Churches often take on huge financial burdens which cannot be from the Lord. Because of these problems the rich people in the Church who can afford to contribute generously to these Building Projects are sometimes treated with much more respect than the poor people. This is insulting the Maker of the poor people.
Monday, November 21, 2011
Morning Prayer And Praise!
‘Morning Prayer And Praise.’
Psalm 5:3.
a) The Lord should hear our voice in the morning.
b) In the morning we should direct our voice to Him.
c) We will look up to Him in the morning.
(This QT reminds me about Morning Prayer And Praise)
‘The First Holy Communion.’
Matthew 26:17-30.
a) Matthew 26:17. The Disciples had initiative, they wanted to celebrate the Passover and they asked Jesus what to do.
b) Matthew 26:18. Jesus knew the house in which the Passover was to be celebrated and He sent the Disciples forward to that place.
c) Matthew 26:19. The Disciples obeyed Jesus in this matter.
d) Matthew 26:20. When the evening time to celebrate the Passover arrived Jesus sat down together with the Disciples.
e) Matthew 26:21. Jesus spoke of His betrayal.
f) Matthew 26:22. All the Disciples were sorrowful about the betrayal and asked the Lord if it were them, each one did this.
g) Matthew 26:23. Jesus said that the person who dipped his hand in the dish with Him would be the one who betrayed Him.
h) Matthew 26:24. Jesus spoke about the suffering of His betrayer.
i) Matthew 26:25. Both Judas and Jesus knew that the betrayer was to be Judas.
j) Matthew 26:26. As they were eating the Passover Jesus:-
1- Took bread.
2- Blessed bread.
3- Broke bread.
k) Matthew 26:26. Jesus gave the bread to His Disciples and told them to take it and eat it because it was His Body.
l) Matthew 26:27. He did the same thing with the cup of wine, Jesus gave thanks for it and then gave it to the Disciples, encouraging them all to drink from it.
m) Matthew 26:28. Jesus spoke about the wine being the Blood of the New Covenant which was shed for many people for the remission of sins.
n) Matthew 26:29. Jesus spoke about the next time that the Disciples would share communion with Him being the day when He would drink new wine with them in His Father’s Kingdom.
o) Matthew 26:30. Then they sung a hymn and went out to the Mount of Olives.
(Through this Second I treasure the meaning of The First Holy Communion and I wish that Holy Communion could be so pure and relevant today)
Jesus Blessed the Bread before they ate it. The communion service is a very special memorial service in which we remember what the Lord Jesus did for us on the Cross. It is truly Bread and Wine that is Blessed by the Lord. We should follow the same style of Holy Communion that the Lord instituted, a Holy and sombre time. We should remember that Jesus allowed Judas to take the Holy Communion. It makes me think why are we so particular about not letting “non Believers” take Holy Communion? Maybe they can even become Believers through the experience.
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Grace And Peace For Us!
‘Grace And Peace For Us.’
Philippians 1:2.
a) Grace to us from God our Father.
b) Grace to us from the Lord Jesus Christ.
c) Peace to us from God our Father.
d) Peace to us from the Lord Jesus Christ.
(Through this QT I find the Source of Grace And Peace For Me)
‘Jesus Christ As The Messenger To The Churches.’
Revelation 22:16.
a) He sends His Angel (the Angel of the Lord)to Testify Truth to the Churches – even until today)
b) He is the Root and Offspring of David.
c) He is the Bright and Morning Star.
(In this Second one I revere Jesus Christ As The Messenger To The Churches)
Grace to us from God our Father. God is a God of Grace. We are saved due to the Grace of God. What great Love that our Father God has for us in sending His Own Son to die on the Cross for the punishment of our sins. We now can live daily in the Grace of God and should be able to thank God for His Grace.
A Good Reputation!
‘A Good Reputation.’
Proverbs 22:1.
a) Better is a good name than many riches.
b) Good Grace is above silver or gold.
c) A good reputation is more valuable than silver or gold.
d) Being held in high esteem is better than silver or gold.
(Through this QT I see the value of A Good Reputation)
‘It Is Time To Wake Up.’
Ephesians 5:14.
a) This is what the Lord says.
b) Awake you that sleep.
c) Arise from the dead.
d) Christ will give you Light.
(This Second one calls out to me that It Is Time To Wake Up)
Better is a good name than many riches. I really value a good name, not for me to boast about or for any prideful reason. I really value a good name for the Glory of God. During my lifetime, and not only mine I am sure, there have been people who have tried to annihilate my good name and cause me shame, through gossip, lies and stories. After some struggles I was able to forgive those people in my prayers. As True Believers let us value, hold on to and protect our good name.
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Light Came!
‘Light Came.’
Genesis 1:3.
a) God said.
b) Let there be Light.
c) There was Light.
(Through this QT I can clearly see how Light Came)
‘Christ Will Shine In Our Hearts.’
2 Peter 1:19.
a) We have the sure Prophetic Word of God.
b) We do well to pay attention to it.
c) It is a lamp shining in a dark place.
d) This lamp will shine until the Day dawns.
e) Christ the Morning Star will then shine in our hearts.
(This Second one gives me strong Hop of Eternal Life: Christ Will Shine In My Heart)
God said. When we read these Words in the Bible they are totally permanent and unchangeable. When God says something it is said and done. God’s Word is powerful, amazing and wonderful. When we say something it is not necessarily said and done because God may overrule it or it may be incorrect. We should always Trust what God said.
Friday, November 18, 2011
If We Are True Servants Of Christ!
‘If We Are True Servants Of Christ.’
a) Philippians 1:1. We should love other Churches as well as our own. (We are not parochial)
b) Luke 15:22. We help the people who want to come back to God.
c) Luke 17:9-10. We simply do our duty.
d) Luke 19:13. We should be trustworthy.
e) John 15:15. We can also become His friends.
f) John 15:20. We may have to face persecution.
g) Acts 2:18. We can experience the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on our lives.
h) Acts 4:29; Titus 1:1. We may have opportunity to boldly preach the Word of God.
i) Romans 6:16 & 19. We should live righteously.
j) 2 Corinthians 4:5. We serve other people for Christ’s sake.
k) Galatians 1:10. We are not “people pleasers”.
(This QT helps me to examine my life, checking If I Am A True Servant Of Christ)
‘Simeon – The Lord’s Anointed.’
Luke 2:27-35.
a) Luke 2:27. He was sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit.
b) Luke 2:28. He took the infant Jesus in his arms and Praised God.
c) Luke 2:29-32; 34-35. He prophesied over the infant Jesus.
d) Luke 2:33. Joseph and Mary were amazed at what was being said.
e) Luke 2:34. Simeon Blessed Joseph and Mary.
(Through this Second one I am so Blessed to read of the Ministry of Simeon – The Lord’s Anointed)
Simeon was sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit. As True Believers we have the indwelling Holy Spirit. The moment that we Confess and Believe that Jesus Christ is our Lord and Saviour the Holy Spirit comes and dwells within us. We begin to fulfil our purpose in life because we are created for the Glory of God. One of the things that I am sure God wants us to learn is to be sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit in our lives.
Trust In The Lord And Not In Horses!
‘Trust In The Lord And Not In Horses.’
a) Proverbs 21:31. He is the One Who gives the Victory, not the horses.
b) Psalm 20:7. We boast in the Name of the Lord our God and not in horses.
c) Psalm 33:17-18. We do not boast about our horses, the Lord watches over those people who Fear Him.
d) Psalm 147:10. The Lord takes no pleasure in the strength of a horse or human might.
e) Isaiah 31:1. If we trust in horses instead of looking to the Lord sorrow comes to us.
(This QT reminds me to Trust In The Lord And Not In Horses)
‘The Powerful And Lovely Words Of The Lord.’
Psalm 19:7-8.
a) The Law of the Lord is Perfect, reviving the soul.
b) The Statutes of the Lord are Trustworthy, making Wise the simple people.
c) The Precepts of the Lord are right, giving Joy to the heart.
d) The Commands of the Lord are radiant, giving Light to the eyes.
(Through this Second one: The Powerful And Lovely Words Of The Lord, I give thanks to Him for His Words)
We boast in the Name of the Lord our God and not in horses. God is all powerful, the Almighty God. He never changes and He cares very much for His People. We need to Trust God and Fear Him. We can delight in Him because He delights in us. It is wise to always Trust the Lord.
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Calm In God's Presence!
‘Calm In God’s Presence.’
Psalm 119:76-77.
a) God’s Loving Kindness may Comfort us.
b) God’s Word gives us the Promise of Comfort.
c) God’s tender Mercies may come to us that we may live.
d) We can delight in the Words of God.
(This QT gives me a desire to be continually Calm In God’s Presence)
‘A Strong Desire For God’s Word.’
Psalm 119:17-19.
a) Psalm 119:17. God does good to us that we might Live and Obey His Word.
b) Psalm 119:18. We need to pray to God for Him to open our eyes that we can see wonderful things from His Word.
c) Psalm 119:19. We are strangers on the Earth, we need the Commandments of the Lord so that we know how to live and experience life.
(Through this Second one I have A Strong Desire For God’s Word)
God does good to us that we might live and obey His Word. As True Believers we have many experiences on this Earth. We can thank God during the times when we really experience good times and we can pray when the going is sometimes tough. Both thanking God and praying are parts of normal life for the True Believer. God is able to keep us from falling. Let us continually Trust Him.
Blessings For True Believers!
‘Blessings For True Believers.’
Ephesians 6:23-24.
a) From God the Father.
b) From the Lord Jesus Christ.
c) Peace.
d) Love with Faith.
e) For all those people who love our Lord Jesus Christ with incorruptible Love.
f) Grace.
(Through this QT I discover Blessings For True Believers)
‘The Power And Reality Of God’s Word.’
a) Psalm 119:11. Hidden in our hearts so that we will not sin against Him.
b) Psalm 119:16. It is not to be forgotten.
c) Psalm 119:17, 57 & 67. It is to be obeyed.
d) Psalm 119:25 & 50. It can revive us.
e) Psalm 119:28. It can strengthen us.
f) Psalm 119:49. It brings Salvation.
g) Psalm 119:58. It promises to us Mercy.
h) Psalm 119:65. It tells us that it will do us good.
i) Psalm 119:74 & 81. We can put our Hope in it.
j) Psalm 119:89. It is settled in Heaven forever.
k) Psalm 119:101. It is to be observed.
l) Psalm 119:105. It is a Lamp for our feet and a Light to our path.
(Through this Second one I know The Power And Reality Of God’s Word)
God’s Word brings Salvation. It is impossible to be Saved without reading or hearing God’s Word. Although some people may be “Christians” from their mother’s womb, and that should make for a commendable upbringing, it is impossible to be Saved from the mother’s womb. The only way in which we can be saved is through an encounter with God which comes from hearing or reading the Word of God.
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Nothing Can Avail Against The Lord!
‘Nothing Can Avail Against The Lord.’
Proverbs 21:30.
a) No wisdom can avail against the Lord.
b) No understanding can avail against the Lord.
c) No counsel can avail against the Lord.
(This QT shows me clearly that Nothing Can Avail Against The Lord)
‘True Worship Produces Victorious Life.’
Romans 12:1-2.
a) This appeal is to all True Believers.
b) By the Mercies of God.
c) We present our bodies as a living sacrifice.
d) Holy and Acceptable to God.
e) This is our Spiritual Worship.
f) Then we need not be conformed to the World system.
g) We can be transformed by the renewal of our thinking mind.
h) We can test and discern what is the Will of God which is:-
1- Good.
2- Acceptable.
3- Perfect.
(Through this Second one I see that True Worship Produces Victorious Life)
True Worship produces Victorious life. This is a very wonderful principle of the Word of God. Sometimes we only associate “Worship” with the Song and Praise Service at the beginning of a Christian meeting. That is only a part of it. The entire meeting is supposed to be Worship and even outside of the meeting environment, our lives are meant to be Worship too.
Always Be Grateful!
‘Always Be Grateful.’
Philippians 4:14-23.
a) Philippians 4:14. The Philippi Church did well to share with Apostle Paul in his difficulty.
b) Philippians 4:15. The Philippi Church was the only Church to help Apostle Paul financially as he travelled preaching the Gospel.
c) Philippians 4:16. The Philippi Church supported Apostle Paul even when he was far away from them.
d) Philippians 4:17. Apostle Paul wanted the Philippi Church to receive a reward for their kindness.
e) Philippians 4:18. All of Apostle Paul’s needs were met, generously supplied by the Philippi Church.
f) Philippians 4:18. This generosity was seen by God as a sweet smelling sacrifice acceptable and pleasing to Him.
g) Philippians 4:19. The same God Who takes care of Apostle Paul would supply all the needs of the Philippi Church from His Glorious Riches which are given through Christ Jesus.
h) Philippians 4:20. Always they were to give the Glory to Father God forever and ever. Amen.
i) Philippians 4:21-22. There was grateful and loving fellowship between Apostle Paul and his team with the Philippi Church.
j) Philippians 4:23. The Grace of the Lord Jesus Christ was to be with the Philippi Church.
(Through this QT I am reminded to Always Be Grateful)
‘Do Not Worry But Seek God’s Kingdom.’
Matthew 6:31-34.
a) Matthew 6:31. We should not be worried about what we:-
1- Eat.
2- Drink.
3- Wear.
b) Matthew 6:32. The thoughts of unbelievers are dominated about:-
1- Eating.
2- Drinking.
3- Wearing.
c) Matthew 6:32. Our Heavenly Father already knows all of our needs.
d) Matthew 6:33. We should seek the Kingdom of God above all else and live Righteously and Heavenly Father will give us all that we need.
e) Matthew 6:34. Do not worry about tomorrow. Tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today’s trouble is enough for today.
(This Second one encourages me: Do Not Worry But Seek God’s Kingdom)
Drinking should be a very normal part of our lives. Even when fasting food most people drink water. When coming to the end of a fast people usually drink fruit juice before eating a meal. My wife always encourages me to drink more water. Jesus described being filled with the Holy Spirit as drinking. Students drink their books and notes into their thinking minds. Drinking is a very important part of our lives, and, yes, drink more water.
Tychicus A Beloved Messenger!
‘Tychicus A Beloved Messenger.’
Ephesians 6:21-22.
a) He was a dear Brother.
b) He was a Faithful servant in the Lord.
c) He was a truthful and reliable witness.
d) He was concerned to give the news about other people that was not gossip but the reality of their situation.
e) He was sent with a purpose.
f) He was an encouraging messenger.
(This QT gives me much inspiration from Tychicus A Beloved Messenger)
‘We Should Not Deceive Ourselves.’
Revelation 3:17.
a) We say that we are rich.
b) We say that we have acquired wealth.
c) We say that we do not need a thing.
d) We do not realise that we are wretched.
e) We do not realise that we are pitiful.
f) We do not realise that we are poor.
g) We do not realise that we are blind.
h) We do not realise that we are naked.
(This Second one reminds me that I Should Not Deceive Myself)
Tychicus was an encouraging messenger. Are we encouraging messengers? It is really necessary for the Churches to have encouraging messengers. By this I do not mean just the pulpit ministry, I mean all the mature brothers and sisters in the Church. If there were more encouraging messengers I am sure that the Churches would be in better condition.
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
We Need To Choose The Correct Way!
‘We Need To Choose The Correct Way.’
Proverbs 21:27-29.
a) Proverbs 21:27. The sacrifice of wicked people is detestable.
b) Proverbs 21:27. It is even more detestable when it is brought with evil intent.
c) Proverbs 21:28. Those people who give false witness will perish.
d) Proverbs 21:28. A careful listener will testify successfully.
e) Proverbs 21:29. Wicked people put up a bold front.
f) Proverbs 21:29. Upright people give thought to their ways.
(Through this QT I know that I Need To Choose The Correct Way)
‘Peace And Contentment.’
Philippians 4:9-13.
a) Philippians 4:9. When we follow a Church Leader’s good example we begin to realise the God of Peace being with us.
b) Philippians 4:10. When we know that the God of Peace is with us we can care well for other people.
c) Philippians 4:11-12. We can learn Contentment when we know that the God of Peace is with us.
d) Philippians 4:13. When we experience this Peace and Contentment we realise that we can do all things through Christ Who strengthens us.
(Through this Second one I realise the importance of Peace And Contentment)
We need to choose the correct way. Many of us face major decisions that we need to make every year and smaller decisions very frequently. This is a part of normal life. God gives us the Holy Spirit, Truth and Wisdom to help us make the correct decisions, as we live in the Peace and Contentment that He gives us we can live in confidence about our decisions.
Monday, November 14, 2011
The Peace Of God!
‘The Peace Of God.’
Philippians 4:7.
a) The Peace of God.
b) Surpasses all understanding.
c) Guards our hearts.
d) Guards our thinking minds.
e) If we are in Christ Jesus.
f) Colossians 3:15. Should rule in our heart.
(Through this QT I value and esteem The Peace Of God)
‘The Things To Think About.’
Philippians 4:8.
a) Whatever is True.
b) Whatever is Honourable.
c) Whatever is Just.
d) Whatever is Pure.
e) Whatever is Lovely.
f) Whatever is Commendable.
g) Things of Excellence.
h) Things that are Worthy of Praise.
i) Things that are Noble.
j) Things that are Right (correct).
k) Things that are Admirable.
(Through this Second one I clearly understand The Things To Think About)
The Peace of God surpasses all understanding. That is a most wonderful statement. It means that we just simply have to accept and receive this Peace. It is totally different from the peace of the World system that demands a certain environment in which to function. The Peace of God is something that we can enjoy even right now. The Peace of God conquers difficult life situations.
Pray For The True Gospel Messengers!
‘Pray For The True Gospel Messengers.’
Ephesians 6:20.
a) They may be in very difficult circumstances.
b) They need to keep Preaching the Gospel Message.
c) They are God’s Ambassadors.
d) They need to speak boldly for the Lord.
(This QT calls me to Pray For The True Gospel Messengers)
‘A Powerful Healing Prayer.’
James 5:16.
a) Confess our sins to each other.
b) Pray for each other.
c) Specifically that we may be healed.
d) The earnest Prayer of a Righteous Person has great power.
e) The earnest Prayer of a Righteous Person produces wonderful results.
(This Second one teaches me A Powerful Healing Prayer)
Pray for the True Gospel Messengers. There are still some missionaries left who are actually Preaching the Gospel in very difficult circumstances. Most of them cannot send pictures of huge revival meetings with hundreds of people receiving Christ in one meeting, although possibly a few can send true reports like that. Most of the True Gospel Messengers are unheard of and are in remote places faithfully Preaching the Gospel. They need our Prayers!
The Goodness Of The Righteous People!
‘The Goodness Of The Righteous People.’
Proverbs 21:25-26.
a) The craving of a sluggard will be their death.
b) The sluggard’s hands refuse to work.
c) All day long the sluggard craves for more.
d) The Righteous People give without sparing.
(Through this QT I can see The Goodness Of The Righteous People)
‘We Should Be Grateful To The Lord.’
Luke 17:11-18.
a) Luke 17:11. Jesus was on His Journey, going towards Jerusalem.
b) Luke 17:12. As Jesus was about to go into a village ten lepers met Him but they stood at a distance away.
c) Luke 17:13. These lepers called out to Jesus in a loud voice for Him to have pity on them.
d) Luke 17:14. Jesus spoke the Word to them and they all were healed.
e) Luke 17:15. Only one of them came back to Jesus Praising God in a loud voice.
f) Luke 17:16. This man was a Samaritan, he threw himself at Jesus’ feet and thanked Him.
g) Luke 17:17. Jesus asked where the other nine who were healed had gone to.
h) Luke 17:18. The Jews never came back to Jesus and Praised God, only the Samaritan foreigner did so.
(This Second one reminds me that I Should Be Grateful To The Lord)
How clear the Teachings of the Proverbs are! We should really take note of the Book of Proverbs in the Bible. There is clear instruction in the Proverbs about how to live the Christian Life. Some friends of mine read one Chapter of Proverbs a day through the month and at the end of the month go back and read again and again.
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Be Reasonable And Prayerful!
‘Be Reasonable And Prayerful.’
Philippians 4:5-6.
a) To all people should be made known our:-
1- Reasonableness.
2- Moderation.
3- Gentleness.
4- Consideration.
b) The Lord is at hand.
c) Do not fret or worry about anything.
d) In everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving .
e) We should let our requests be known to God.
(This QT encourages me to Be Reasonable And Prayerful)
‘Heavenly Father Knows, Do Not Babble On.’
Matthew 6:7-8.
a) When we pray we should not use vain repetitions like the heathen people do.
b) Much babbling does not cause our prayers to be heard.
c) We should not pray like the heathen people do.
d) Our Heavenly Father knows what things we need before we ask Him.
e) Our prayers should be simple and clear.
(Through this Second one I have much assurance and confidence in prayer: Heavenly Father Knows, Do Not Babble On)
The Lord is at hand. There are two ways in which we may look at this short phrase. Firstly, as True Believers we believe that physically the Lord Jesus Christ is going return and appear on this Earth again and He will take all those people who love Him back to be with Him in Heaven forever. Secondly, invisibly the Lord is always near to us.
Be Alert In Prayer!
‘Be Alert In Prayer.’
Ephesians 6:18-19.
a) Pray always in the Holy Spirit, prayers that are led by the Holy Spirit.
b) Pray with prayers and supplications.
c) Keep alert with all perseverance.
d) Make supplication for God’s People.
e) Pray for the Servants of the Lord that they will boldly proclaim the mysteries of the Gospel.
(Through this QT I am urged to Be Alert In Prayer)
‘Resolve The Issues And Keep Rejoicing.’
Philippians 4:1-4.
a) Philippians 4:1. Apostle Paul loved the Philippians Church. He:-
1- Loved them.
2- Longed for them.
3- Said that they were his joy and crown.
4- Encouraged them to stand firm in the Lord.
b) Philippians 4:2. Apostle Paul entreated Euodia and Syntyche to be in agreement in the Lord.
c) Philippians 4:3. They needed help from other Servants of the Lord to resolve their disagreement issues.
d) Philippians 4:4. Then everyone could Rejoice in the Lord. It was and is so difficult to Rejoice when we are in conflict.
(Through this Second one I find God’s Way: Resolve The Issues And Keep Rejoicing)
Pray always in the Holy Spirit prayers that are led by the Holy Spirit. This is a Biblical injunction to all True Believers and Churches. Much time and effort is wasted in fleshly prayers, these kind of prayers are never heard and answered by God. We need to pray prayers that are led by the Holy Spirit with the Word of God.
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Haughty People!
‘Haughty People.’
a) Proverbs 21:24. Act with boundless arrogance.
b) Proverbs 6:17. Often tell lies and harm other people.
c) Proverbs 16:18. Are going to fall.
d) Proverbs 18:12. Are heading for destruction.
e) Esther 3:5. Demand respect from other people.
f) Ecclesiastes 7:8. Are unable to finish well.
g) Matthew 2:16. May become violent.
(Through this QT I desire to stay away from Haughty People)
‘Evil People.’
a) Matthew 12:34. Cannot speak good things because evil is in their heart.
b) Exodus 23:1. We should not cooperate with them.
c) 1 Samuel 24:13. Do evil deeds.
d) Job 24:2. Steal the land of other people.
e) Psalm 37:7. We should not worry about:-
1- Them.
2- Their prosperity.
3- Their evil schemes.
f) Psalm 94:23. God will turn their sins back on them.
g) Psalm 119:61. Try to drag us into sin.
h) Psalm 119:126. Violate the Lord’s instructions.
i) Psalm 119:134. Oppress other people.
j) Proverbs 2:12. Wisdom will save us from them.
k) Proverbs 24:20. Have no future.
l) Proverbs 28:5. Do not understand Justice.
m) Revelation 2:2. Should not be tolerated by the Church.
(Through this Second one I understand more about how God sees Evil People)
Haughty people may become violent. We, as True Believers, should have no fellowship or friendship with haughty people. Their secret goal may be to wound or harm us through their actions and words. Sometimes haughty people even manifest themselves in the Church, if this happens we need to avoid them until they change their attitude.
God Does Care About Us!
‘God Does Care About Us.’
a) Psalm 126:6. If we sow faithfully we will come back singing with Joy, bringing a new crop with us.
b) Job 23:10. God knows every step we take, after testing, we will come forth like gold.
c) Job 42:10. The Lord can restore us fully.
d) 2 Corinthians 1:3-5. God comforts us so that we can comfort other people too.
e) John 14:18. The Lord will not leave us like orphans.
f) Psalm 51:12. The Lord can restore to us the Joy of our Salvation.
g) Acts 2:28. The Lord will show us the path that leads to life and He will fill us with Joy.
h) Psalm 18:2. The Lord is:-
1- Our Rock.
2- Our Fortress.
3- Our Deliverer.
4- The One in Whom we take Refuge.
5- Our Shield.
6- The horn of our Salvation.
7- Our Stronghold.
i) Psalm 31:2-3. The Lord:-
1- Pays attention to us.
2- Comes quickly to help us.
3- Is the Rock we go to for safety.
4- Is the strong fort that saves us.
5- Is our Fort.
6- Leads us.
7- Guides us for the Honour of His Name.
(Through this QT I know that God Does Care About Me)
‘Be Careful About Fellowship.’
Proverbs 23:6-7.
a) We should not eat the food of anyone who does not freely share it.
b) We should not long for another person’s fancy food.
c) This person is the person who is always thinking about the cost.
d) This person says we are to eat and drink their food but they do not really mean it.
(Through this Second one I value true hospitality very much but I know I must Be Careful About Fellowship and never take it for granted. I could end up being very hurt and also hurt other people)
Be careful about fellowship. The reason why so many people get hurt in Churches is because they are not careful about fellowship. Sometimes we take other people for granted and we think that their concept is the same as ours. It is in fellowship that all this comes out. Fellowship is a part of Church life. It always has been from the days of the early Church. We need to fellowship well, considering other people, fellowship and friendship are different.
Friday, November 11, 2011
Put Them On!
‘Put Them On.’
Ephesians 6:14-17.
a) Ephesians 6:14. The Girdle of Truth.
b) Ephesians 6:14. The Breastplate of Righteousness.
c) Ephesians 6:15. The Shoes of the preparation of the Gospel of Peace.
d) Ephesians 6:16. The Shield of Faith.
e) Ephesians 6:17. The Helmet of Salvation.
f) Ephesians 6:17. The Sword of the Holy Spirit – The Word of God.
(This QT encourages me to Put Them On)
‘Have Confidence In God.’
a) Philippians 4:13. We can do all things through Christ Who strengthens us.
b) Philippians 1:6. Be confident about God’s Work in other people’s lives.
c) Habakkuk 3:19. The Lord God is our Strength.
d) Romans 8:37. We are more than conquerors through Him that loved us.
(Through this Second one I Have Confidence In God)
Put on the Helmet of Salvation. God’s Salvation protects our thoughts and plans. We need God’s “safety helmet” securely on our head as we do the Work of His Kingdom. We are told in this passage of Ephesians that there are spiritual forces and powers that are against us which we are to fight and have Victory over. The Helmet of Salvation is an important part of our armour.
Restraining Our Tongue!
‘Restraining Our Tongue.’
a) Proverbs 21:23. Helps us to stay out of trouble.
b) Proverbs 17:27. Can show that we are truly wise.
c) Ecclesiastes 3:7. There is a time to be quiet.
(This QT encourages me to be Restraining My Tongue)
‘The Source Of Every Blessing.’
Ephesians 1:3.
a) The God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.
b) He is the One Who has Blessed us in Christ.
c) He is the One Who Blesses us with every Spiritual Blessing.
d) These Blessings come from the Heavenly Places.
(Through this QT I find The Source Of Every Blessing)
Sometimes we are spiritually distracted by looking for people to Bless us. No Blessing from God comes solely or just from the initiative of people. The source of every Blessing in the Kingdom of God is God Himself. We need to walk with Him and commune with Him, we need to give thanks to Him and to Wait upon Him.
Thursday, November 10, 2011
We Should Give Thanks To God!
‘We Should Give Thanks To God.’
Ephesians 1:3-11.
a) Ephesians 1:3. Because He has Blessed us with every spiritual Blessing in the Heavenly realms because we are united with Christ.
b) Ephesians 1:4. Because even before He made the World God Loved us and Chose us in Christ to be Holy and without fault in His Eyes.
c) Ephesians 1:5. Because He decided in advance to adopt us into His Own Family by bringing us to Himself through Jesus Christ. This is what He wanted to do, and it gave Him great pleasure.
d) Ephesians 1:6. Because of the Glorious Grace He has poured out on us who belong to His dear Son.
e) Ephesians 1:7. Because He is so rich in Kindness and Grace that He purchased our Freedom with the Blood of his Son and forgave our sins.
f) Ephesians 1:8. Because He has showered His Kindness on us, along with all Wisdom and Understanding.
g) Ephesians 1:9. Because He has now revealed to us His Mysterious Plan regarding Christ, a Plan to fulfil His Own good Pleasure.
h) Ephesians 1:10. Because at the right time He will bring everything together under the Authority of Christ—everything in Heaven and on Earth.
i) Ephesians 1:11. Because we are united with Christ, we have received an Inheritance from God, for He Chose us in advance, and He makes everything work out according to His Plan.
(Through this QT I vividly understand that I Should Give Thanks To God)
‘Committed To Serve The Lord.’
Joshua 24:14-15.
a) If we Fear Him we will serve Him wholeheartedly.
b) If we want to serve Him we should get rid of every idol from our life.
c) If we want to serve Him we must serve Him exclusively. (No compromise)
d) We need to make a deliberate choice to serve the Lord.
(Through this Second one I can see it is so necessary to be Committed To Serve The Lord)
If we belong to Jesus then it is a clear Biblical fact, and not an emotional experience, that God has poured out His Glorious Grace on our lives. We are far from worthy of this great Blessing – it is all because of the Love of God! If we lose focus on this fact then we so easily forget being thankful to God. Belonging to Jesus is such a great privilege for us.
We Need To Keep Standing!
‘We Need To Keep Standing.’
Ephesians 6:10-13.
a) Ephesians 6:10. Apostle Paul is “summing up” his Epistle to the Ephesians and he tells them to be strong with the Lord’s Strength. (God tells us too)
b) Ephesians 6:11. They, and we, need to put on the things that God gives us to fight with.
c) Ephesians 6:11. If we put on what God gives to us we will not fall into the traps of the Devil.
d) Ephesians 6:12. Our fight is not with people.
e) Ephesians 6:12. Our fight is against the:-
1- The leaders of darkness in this World.
2- The powers of darkness in this World.
3- The spirits of darkness in this World.
4- The demon world that works in the Heavens.
f) Ephesians 6:13. Because of this fight we need to put on all the things God gives us to fight with. Then we will be able to stand on the sinful day.
g) Ephesians 6:13. Then, when the fight is over, we will still be standing.
(This QT reminds me that I Need To Keep Standing)
‘God Did It.’
Joshua 24:1-13.
a) Joshua 24:1. Joshua brought before the Lord all the Leaders of Israel:-
1- National Leaders.
2- Heads of families.
3- Judges.
b) Joshua 24:2. Joshua reminded all these Leaders that they came from a heathen god worshipping background there was nothing to be proud about.
c) Joshua 24:3. God reminded them about His Hand upon the life of Abraham.
d) Joshua 24:4. God reminded them about Jacob and his children going down to Egypt.
e) Joshua 24:5. God reminded them that He sent Moses and Aaron to them to deliver them out of Egypt.
f) Joshua 24:6-7. God reminded them of the Exodus through the sea and how He made it possible for His People to cross on dry land but all the army of Pharaoh were drowned.
g) Joshua 24:8. God gave His People victory over the Amorites in their land so the land became theirs.
h) Joshua 24:9. Balak hired Balaam to curse God’s People.
i) Joshua 24:10. God did not listen to Balaam but rather led him to pray for His People instead of cursing them.
j) Joshua 24:11. God’s People fought many battles and won, they gained much land step by step.
k) Joshua 24:12. God sent hornets to help them. God’s People won no battle in their own strength.
l) Joshua 24:13. God gave to His People:-
1-A land that they did not work for.
2-Cities that they did not build.
4- Vines and olive trees that they did not plant.
(Through this Second one I realise that God Did It)
Balak hired Balaam to curse God’s People but this plan did not work because God had His Hand upon His People. When we are in Obedience to God we have no need to fear the enemy. No curse put over our life can work if we are living in Obedience to God. We need to Trust God and walk in Obedience to Him.
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
If We Are Wise We Can Do It!
‘If We Are Wise We Can Do It.’
Proverbs 21:22.
a) Scale the City of the mighty people.
b) Cast down the strength of the city’s confidence.
c) Bring down the strong place in which the city trusts.
d) Level the fortress in which the city trusts.
(This QT makes me think of the necessity of wise Intercession ministry: If We Are Wise We Can Do It)
‘Desires That Are Correct To Have.’
Romans 12:2.
a) To not be conformed to this World system.
b) To be transformed by the renewing of our thinking mind.
c) To prove the Will of God that is:-
1- Good.
2- Acceptable.
3- Perfect.
(Through this Second one I find Desires That Are Correct To Have)
Wise Intercession ministry is an important part of the life of the Church. If we neglect this part the Ministry of the Church becomes ineffective and mechanical. Wise Intercession ministry is ministry that needs to be well and stably led. It needs to be based on factual prayer needs that are being brought to the Lord. If we go back into the New Testament, both the Prayers in the Book of Acts and the Prayers of Apostle Paul in the Epistles are excellent models for us.
We Do Not Have To Be Captivated!
‘We Do Not Have To Be Captivated.’
Colossians 2:8.
a) We are to see to this.
b) That no one takes us captive by philosophy.
c) That no one takes us captive by empty deceit.
d) That no one takes us captive:-
1- According to human tradition.
2- According to the elemental spirits of the World.
3- Not according to Christ.
(This QT strongly reminds me that I Do Not Have To Be Captivated)
‘Our Full Need Of New Life In Christ.’
Ephesians 2:1-2.
a) We were dead in our trespasses and sins. (All of us)
b) We once walked in trespasses and sins.
c) We were living according to the World system.
d) We were following the “prince of the power of the air”. (Most of us never really knew or understood this when we were still in darkness)
e) This “prince” is the spirit that is now at work in the sons of disobedience.
(This Second one clearly reveals to me My Full Need Of New Life In Christ)
Human tradition, which is sometimes called “culture”, is not something good. Sometimes people who are proud of their human tradition attempt to use it to preach the Gospel of Christ. Did Jesus Christ do such a thing? No, He rebuked Jewish tradition strongly even though He was a born Jew. We should be very careful and thoughtful before we use fallen culture as a Gospel tool.
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
A Good Employer!
‘A Good Employer.’
Ephesians 6:9.
a) Treats their employees well.
b) Does not threaten their employees.
c) Remembers that both employee and employer have the same Master in Heaven.
d) Our Master in Heaven has no favourites.
(This QT reminds me of how A Good Employer should be)
‘Farmers Need To Turn And Return To Christ.’
Amos 4:9.
a) The Lord struck their farms with blight and mildew.
b) The Lord struck their vineyards with blight and mildew.
c) Locusts devoured the fig trees.
d) Locusts devoured the olive trees.
e) Still the farmers would not return to the Lord.
(This Second one causes me to pray for the farmers because Farmers Need To Turn And Return to Christ)
Our Master in Heaven has no favourites. We should remember this very well. It will save us from a lot of pride and jealousy. God is no respecter of persons is what the Bible tells us. His Love for us all is great and gracious and we can all receive His Love if we open our hearts to Him. God so Loved this whole World that He Created that He sent His Son to die for the sins of the people of the World. Whoever believes in and receives God’s Son Jesus Christ to be their Lord and Saviour shall be Saved.
Pursue Righteousness And Loyalty!
‘Pursue Righteousness And Loyalty.’
Proverbs 21:21.
a) The person who pursues Righteousness and Loyalty.
b) Finds Life.
c) Finds Righteousness.
d) Finds Honour.
(This QT encourages me to Pursue Righteousness And Loyalty)
‘See To It.’
Hebrews 12:15.
a) That nobody comes short of the Grace of God.
b) That no root of bitterness springs up and causes trouble.
c) That no one be defiled by the root of bitterness.
(Through this Second one I will see to it)
It is important to pursue Righteousness and Loyalty. We live in days where people have many pursuits. Some of these pursuits can be damaging to our health. Other pursuits can be damaging to our relationships and yet other pursuits can be damaging to our emotions. As True Believers it is both wise and important to pursue Righteousness and Loyalty.
Monday, November 7, 2011
We Should Not Deceive Ourselves!
‘We Should Not Deceive Ourselves.’
a) Galatians 6:3. If any of us think that we are something when we are nothing, we deceive ourselves.
a) Philippians 2:3. We:-
1- Should not be selfish.
2- Should not try to impress other people.
3- Should be humble.
4- Should think of other people as better than ourselves.
b) Philippians 2:4. We should not look out only for our own interests. We should take an interest in other people too.
(Through this QT I know that I Should Not Deceive Myself)
‘They Are Enemies Of The Cross Of Christ.’
Philippians 3:18-19.
a) There are many people who are so called “Christians” who are taking the wrong paths.
b) These people are choosing wrong goals.
c) These people try to get other people to go along with them.
d) These people are enemies of the Cross of Christ.
e) The end of these people is destruction.
f) The god of these people is their own appetite.
g) They brag about shameful things.
h) Their minds are set on earthly things.
(This Second one clearly teaches me that They Are Enemies Of The Cross Of Christ)
Our selves do not come first in our lives. We all need to appreciate this fact. I knew a man in Malaysia who named his son Joy so that the son would always have the correct priority in his life: Jesus first, then other people and yourself last. If we put ourselves first inevitably we become selfish people. If we only put other people first then we live as “people pleasers”. If we put the Lord first in our lives then everything else comes into its proper place.
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The Christian Life!
'The Christian Life.' a) Deuteronomy 7:11. Keep the Word of God. b) Deuteronomy 7:12. Listen to the Word of God. c) Deuteronomy...
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