Monday, November 19, 2012

Jesus Has Compassion On Dysfunctional Families!

‘The Lord Has Compassion On Dysfunctional Families.’
Genesis 29:31.
a)    The problem came because in the early days in the history of God’s People men frequently had more than one wife.
b)    God’s original intention was one man having one wife.
c)    Leah was unloved, just sexually used, by Jacob.
d)    God gave Leah a child.
e)    At this time Jacob loved Rachel more than Leah, even though they had sexual relationship – she was barren.
(This QT shows me that The Lord Has Compassion On Dysfunctional Families)
‘God Is So Good.’
Romans 8:28-30.
a)    Romans 8:28. We know that God works all things together for good for the people who Love Him.
b)    Romans 8:28. These people are called according to His Purpose.
c)    Romans 8:29. God knew these people in advance and He decided in advance that they would be conformed to the Image of His Son.
d)    Romans 8:29. This way His Son would be the first among many brothers and sisters.
e)    Romans 8:30. The people whom God decided to be conformed to the Image of His Son He also Called.
f)    Romans 8:30. The people whom God Called He also made Righteous.
g)    Romans 8:30. The people whom God made Righteous He also Glorified.
(Through this Second one I confess that God Is So Good)
Dysfunctional families are always struggling in some way and find life together very difficult. It does not matter what religious background they come from, the plain fact is that dysfunctional families and their offspring really need healing and help. I strongly believe that they can be helped through knowing Jesus Christ and having access to the Love of Father God.

Unusual Miracles!

  'Unusual Miracles' Acts 19:11-12. a)  And God was doing  b)  Extraordinary miracles c)  By the hands of Paul, d)  So that even han...