The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Not Just Laws, But A Lifestyle!
‘Not Just Laws, But A Lifestyle.’
Exodus 20:14-17.
Through His Laws in the Old Testament God was, and still is, showing His People how He wants them to live.
a) Exodus 20:4. We are not to commit adultery.
b) Exodus 20:5. We are not to steal.
c) Exodus 20:6. We are not to tell lies or give false witness about our neighbour.
d) Exodus 20:7. We are not to covet the things belonging to our neighbour:-
1- His house.
2- His wife.
3- His male or female servant.
4- His donkey (or car).
5- Anything he possesses.
((Through this QT I find Not Just Laws, But A Lifestyle)
Husbands Give Place For Your Wives.’
Proverb 5:18.
a) God’s Word says “let” meaning “allow”. Some wives are so dominated and controlled by their husbands that they cannot function in the way that God intends them to function. They are not free to be the wives that God intends them to be.
b) If she is free, the wife can be a fountain of blessing to her husband.
c) Then the husband can rejoice in his wife. Husbands have a key for a happy marriage. It is giving his wife freedom to be who God wants her to be and to be herself in God.
(This Second one gives me a good reminder: Husbands Give Place For Your Wives)
God has a plan for every marriage of His People that is very sure. Also God has a plan for every husband and every wife. So often our marriages suffer because of wrong patterns we may have learned from other sources, wrong concepts, or just plain ignorance. As True Believers we have God’s Word and He tells us how we can improve our marriage and have a Blessed and good marriage.
The Christian Life!
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