‘The Greater Power Of The Cross.’
1 Corinthians 1:18-24.
a) 1 Corinthians 1:18. The Message of the Cross is foolishness for those people who are headed for destruction.
b) 1 Corinthians 1:18. We who are being Saved know that the Message of the Cross is the very power of Salvation.
c) 1 Corinthians 1:19-20. When Apostle Paul quotes Isaiah here he is not deriding Wisdom and Intelligence, rather he is saying that the Power of the Cross is so much greater.
d) 1 Corinthians 1:21. God can never be known merely through human wisdom. The only way to come to know God is to respond to the Message of the Cross, Believe it and be Saved.
e) 1 Corinthians 1:22. For those people who seek signs from Heaven and human wisdom, the Message of the Cross is meaningless.
f) 1 Corinthians 1:23. The Message of the Cross offends those people who do not want to Believe it.
g) 1 Corinthians 1:24. To all those people called by God to Salvation, Christ is the Power of God and Christ is the Wisdom of God.
(This QT shows me, and I thank God for, The Greater Power Of The Cross)
‘When God Our Saviour Restores Us.’
Psalm 85:4-7.
a) Psalm 85:4-5. He puts away His anger against us, even though it may have been for a long time.
b) Psalm 85:6. He revives us again so that we can rejoice in Him.
c) Psalm 85:7. He shows us His unfailing Love.
d) Psalm 85:7. He grants us His Salvation.
(Through this Second one I find the Mercy and Love of God: When God My Saviour Restores Me)
When God restores us He puts away His anger against us. The anger that God has is Righteous Anger. His anger is not unjust, scolding, fierce , violent or cursing. When God is angry with us the first person who knows it is us ourselves, for in His Mercy God is speaking to our hearts, telling us to repent of the things that have offended Him or made Him angry.