The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
'Learn Well!
‘Learn Well.’
Proverbs 17:16.
a) There are many young fools today.
b) These young fools have money, often big sacrifices are made for them by their parents.
c) These young fools do not want to learn.
d) Maybe it is good for the Government to have work programmes for these young fools so that they will learn responsibility through earning a low wage to help others rather than wasting their lives and their parents’ money.
(This QT teaches me that to have the opportunity to Learn Well is a privilege that should not be wasted)
‘Abraham Continues To Walk By Faith.’
Genesis 13:1-18.
a) Genesis 13:1-4. Abraham continues with his journey of Faith in the Blessing of the Lord. He continued to Worship as he made progress on the journey.
b) Genesis 13:5-7. Quarrelling broke out between Abraham’s herdsmen and Lot’s herdsmen because of the lack of available grazing land.
c) Genesis 13:8-11. There was no discussion or coming to an agreement. Simply in Faith Abraham gave Lot a choice and Lot chose the way that looked best.
d) Genesis 13:12-13. Lot’s choice was bad because he chose to walk into a sinful environment. It looked like a good way but it was a bad way.
e) Genesis 13:14-18. It was after Lot left that God spoke to Abraham and gave him a further promise. Abraham continued to walk and Worship.
(I am so Blessed through this Second one: Abraham Continues To Walk By Faith)
Our choices are very important. If we are not walking well with the Lord we make wrong choices easily, choices that are not the leading of the Holy Spirit but rather they are of the flesh. Making wrong choices so often leads us into a sinful environment and away from a good relationship with God.
The Christian Life!
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