‘Gospel Herald.’
a) Matthew 24:14; 26:13; Mark 13:10. The Gospel must be preached throughout the whole World, so that all Nations will hear it.
b) Mark 16:15. We need to “go” with the Gospel in some way.
c) Acts 8:25. In the villages too.
d) Isaiah 61:1; Luke 4:18. Poor people must be included amongst Gospel recipients.
e) Luke 9:6. Preaching the Gospel and healing sick people.
f) Luke 20:1. Preaching the Gospel and teaching.
g) Romans 1:15. We should be eager Gospel Heralds.
h) Romans 15:16. Should be accompanied by the work of the Holy Spirit.
i) Romans 15:20. Where the Name of Christ has never been heard.
j) 1 Corinthians 1:17. Not with clever speeches and high sounding ideas.
k) Ephesians 6:19. With boldness and confidence.
(This QT gives me high estimation of the Gospel Herald)
‘The Church That Desires Purity.’
a) Nehemiah 7:3. Has a good welcoming committee and doors that are not always open.
b) Nehemiah 7:1-2; 1 Corinthians 4:2. Has faithful and God fearing people in positions of responsibility.
c) Nehemiah 8:1-10; Psalm 30:5. Has a love for the Word of God and enjoys the freedom and joy that the Word brings after the deep work of the Holy Spirit in their hearts when they hear and respond to the Word of God.
d) 1 John 1:9. Will deal Biblically with any sin.
e) James 1:2. Learns to live in God’s victory through their trials.
f) Isaiah 61:1-3. Has a Vision from the Lord.
g) Hebrews 12:2; Romans 5:8. Looks to the Lord continually.
h) 2 Corinthians 9:7. Gives cheerfully.
(Through this Second one I find and desire to be a part of The Church That Desires Purity)
I am sure the early modern missionaries had a very good concept of mission. The Gospel records the preaching of the Good News accompanied by healing and teaching. This healing does not just mean miracle healing it means all healing. The early modern missionaries planted hospitals and schools before they ever thought of planting churches. The preaching of the Gospel should not be neglected, it is very important for it Saves people’s lives. The opening of hospitals and schools that offer good health services and good education are very good ways in which to open the door for the Gospel.