The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Saturday, September 18, 2010
The Answer Is The Same Today!
‘The Answer Is The Same Today.’
Acts 1:6-8.
a) Acts 1:6. The Disciples were misled into wanting to know about “times” and “prophecy”.
b) Acts 1:7. Jesus told His Disciples that these things were not their business. Heavenly Father had and has all things in control.
c) Acts 1:8. The correct priority for the Disciples:-
1- Be filled with the Holy Spirit and God’s Power.
2- Be witnesses for the Lord.
3- Have a planned missions strategy that is practical.
(This QT reminds me that in all the hubbub of the attraction of false religion that seems to have been parallel with the Church since the earliest days, The Answer Is The Same Today)
‘Christ’s Pathway To Glorification.’
John 12:23-27.
a) John 12:23. Jesus Christ knew that the time for His Glorification had come.
b) John 12:24. To produce much fruit the seed had to fall into the Earth and die first.
c) John 12:35. We are not to love this World system, if we love this world system we will die spiritually.
d) John 12:36. If we claim to serve Jesus Christ we should follow Him. Those people who purely follow Jesus Christ will be honoured by the Father.
e) John 12:37. There was pain and turmoil in His Soul nevertheless Jesus Christ committed Himself to God’s Plan, He was Glorified and God the Father was Glorified too.
(This Second one teaches me Christ’s Pathway To Glorification)
If we claim to serve Jesus Christ we should follow Him. The primary way to follow Him is obedience to His Word. We do not need some “special” spiritual experience in order to follow Him, simple obedience is enough. During the journey He may give us confirmations and times of waiting. Whatever the situation … Trust and Obey Him, keep following.
The Christian Life!
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