The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
This Corruptible Must Put On Incorruption!
‘This Corruptible Must Put On Incorruption.’
1 Corinthians 15:51-54.
a) 1 Corinthians 15:51. Not all of us will die but we will all be changed.
b) 1 Corinthians 15:52. The dead shall be raise incorruptible and we shall be changed:-
1- In a moment.
2- In the twinkling of an eye.
3- At the sound of the last trumpet.
c) 1 Corinthians 15:53. For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality.
d) 1 Corinthians 15:54. When these things happen it will be the fulfilment of the saying:- “Death will be swallowed up in Victory”.
(Through this QT I am persuaded that This Corruptible Must Put On Incorruption)
‘To Be More Like Jesus.’
a) 2 Corinthians 4:11. The life of Jesus can be manifested in our mortal flesh as we are delivered over to death for His sake. Remember that Apostle Paul said that he died daily.
b) 1 Peter 4:12-13. Fiery trials are not strange or extraordinary. They mean that we are suffering together with Jesus and in that fact we can Rejoice.
c) Hebrews 12:11. The pain that we go through should train us and if so it will produce in us the Peaceful fruit of Righteousness.
d) Romans 5:3-4. Good fruit:-
1- Troubles produce perseverance.
2- Perseverance produces character.
3- Character produces Hope.
(Through this Second one I affirm that I want To Be More Like Jesus)
The pain that we go through should train us. Yes, the pain is allowed and even sometimes sent by God. If we have no training the Bible says that we are like bastards, orphans or illegitimate children. In most Nations children like that have no hope. Even though in God’s training for us there may be pain we can still rejoice in His Love for us.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Good Stewards Of God’s Gift Of Money!
‘Good Stewards Of God’s Gift Of Money.’
a) Proverbs 17:18; 6:1-5. We are not to co-sign and become responsible for another person’s debts.
b) Proverbs 11:15. We need to refuse to get into financial promises if necessary. Do not be afraid of losing friends.
c) Proverbs 20:16. It is better to keep away from the culture of debt.
d) Proverbs 22:16. We should refrain from using money and trying to get ahead by the way we reach the rich or poor.
e) Proverbs 22:27. We should not buy things that we cannot pay for.
(This QT reminds me, as a True Believer, I should be a Good Steward Of God’s Gift Of Money)
‘Sing Praises To God He Is Good.’
Psalm 13:6.
a) It is a personal thing – “I”.
b) It is something that we choose to do – “will”.
c) Sing to the Lord. Praise Him, do not entertain Him. Sing to Him and not for Him.
d) He has been good to us.
(This Second one stimulates me to Sing Praises To God He Is Good)
Friendship is a very valuable part of life. We all need to have good friends. If our friendships are only built on a financial foundation then those friendships are very weak and can be easily broken. If we follow Biblical principles of finance and friendship we will never build friendships only on a financial basis they will end up in disaster. Some rejected people try to make friends by giving money to other people with a wrong motive. Their motive is not to Bless the people but to hold them in “friendship”. Do not be afraid of losing friends if the relationship with them is built only on a financial basis.
To Tell Or Not To Tell!
‘To Tell Or Not To Tell.’
Luke (9:20-21.
a) Jesus wanted to know how the Disciples saw Him. Who did they say that He was?
b) Peter answered to Jesus that He was the Christ of God.
c) Jesus strictly warned the Disciples not to tell this fact to anyone. Why? The time for this revelation was not yet.
(Through this QT I fully understand that there are times To Tell Or Not To Tell)
‘Keep Rejoicing.’
Habakkuk 3:17-18.
a) Habakkuk was a farmer prophet.
b) His farm was empty, there were no crops or animals.
c) Yet he learned to rejoice in the Lord and Joy in God his Saviour.
(This Second one encourages me that in my difficult times not only am I to pray but I am also to Keep Rejoicing)
Luke was a physician and doctors always want to help people by giving them useful answers. Christian ministers also want to do the same thing. This must have been an important lesson for Luke to learn as he was writing and also for us to learn as we read: that there are times to tell and times not to tell.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
True Believers Do Not Give Up!
‘True Believers Do Not Give Up.’
2 Corinthians 4:16.
When Apostle Paul wrote this he was not a young adult. He did not have an emotional problem either. When Apostle Paul wrote this he was a mature man who had an exhausting life of Mission and Ministry.
a) We do not give up.
b) Our bodies are heading for decay and getting weaker and weaker.
c) Our spirits are being renewed day by day.
(This QT gives me great comfort and Hope in God: True Believers Do Not Give Up)
‘An Evidence Of Belief In Christ.’
1 Thessalonians 5:18.
a) People who Believe in Christ give thanks in everything.
b) Giving thanks is what God wants us to do.
c) Why? Because we belong to Christ, He is the reason for our giving thanks, not the “everything” but Christ.
(This Second one shows me An Evidence Of Belief In Christ)
There is a place in the Church today for the ministry of older True Believers. Not old people for the sake of it but older people with a purpose. Older people who are True Believers should be able to share their experiences of God and what they have learned from Him. In practical ways older people can serve at City Information desks, in libraries – helping people to locate the books that they want and at schools on road crossing patrol for the students.
God’s Kingdom Is Spiritual And Pure!
‘God’s Kingdom Is Spiritual And Pure.’
1 Corinthians 15:50.
a) Apostle Paul was very emphatic in telling this to the Corinthian Church which had so many “fleshly” problems.
b) Flesh and blood cannot have a part in the Kingdom of God.
c) Something that decays cannot have a part in something that never decays.
(Through this QT I know that God’s Kingdom Is Spiritual And Pure)
‘Life In The Lord God Most High.’
Psalm 9:1-2.
a) We should give Thanks to Him and Praise Him.
b) We should tell other people of His Wonderful deeds.
c) We should be Glad and Exult in Him.
d) We should sing Praises to His Name.
(The Second one shows me how Life In The Lord God Most High should be)
Eternity never decays and the things of Eternity never decay. We should have confidence in the knowledge of Eternal Life through Jesus Christ. He wants us to live for His Glory on this Earth that He made but this Earth is not our Eternal Home – it is only temporary.
Saturday, September 25, 2010
A Real Friend!
‘A Real Friend.’
a) Proverbs 17:17. Is always loyal.
b) Proverbs 18:24. Sticks closer than a brother.
c) Proverbs 27:6. Wounds from a friend are better than many kisses from an enemy.
d) Proverbs 27:9. Gives heartfelt counsel.
e) Proverbs 27:17. Sharpens their friend.
f) John 15:13. Is willing to lay down their life for their friend.
(Through this QT I want to be A Real Friend)
‘Doing It God’s Way.’
Genesis 23:1-20.
a) Genesis 23:1-2. Sarah died and Abraham went to mourn for her.
b) Genesis 23:3-4. Abraham’s desire to have a burial site for his family.
c) Genesis 23:5-9. Abraham new exactly what he wanted – he was not looking for “freebies” or favours from the people. This was to be inheritance land.
d) Genesis 23:10-16. Abraham purchased the land, he paid the correct price for it. “Freebies” may never really be ours, we always owe some kind of favour.
e) Genesis 23:17-20. The land became Abraham’s.
(This Second one reminds me that we should be Doing It God’s Way)
Doing it God’s Way is really important. If we compromise, we may find ourselves in some kind of bondage. God’s way is always the best way. If we are not sure about God’s Way then we should look into God’s Word for ourselves before asking another person.
Great Promises From God!
‘Great Promises From God.’
Genesis 15:1-21.
a) Genesis 15:1. Come with Assurance from the Lord.
b) Genesis 15:2-3 & 8. We can pray through them.
c) Genesis 15:4-5. Come through the Word of the Lord and what the Lord actually shows to us. (Never through our imagination)
d) Genesis 15:6. Abraham Believed the Lord and the Lord counted it to him for Righteousness.
e) Genesis 15:7. The Word of the Lord again came to Abraham.
f) Genesis 15:9.-11. The Lord told Abraham what to do and he responded to it.
g) Genesis 15:12. Receiving them was not always easy – the same applies today. God is testing our Faith and Obedience.
h) Genesis 15:13-16. The Lord told Abraham what was going to happen in the future.
i) Genesis 15:17. God sent a miracle.
j) Genesis 15:18-21. God made a Covenant with Abraham.
(Through this QT I find Great Promises From God and the way that He leads us into them)
‘Wait For The Promise To Be Fulfilled.’
Genesis 16:1-16.
a) Genesis 16:1-2. This was the sin of both Abraham and Sarah, they could not wait for the Promise of God to be fulfilled. People who want everything quickly often miss out on the Blessing that God intends for them.
b) Genesis 16:3. Sarah became jealous of Hagar the maid servant.
c) Genesis 16:4. Hagar began to despise Sarah.
d) Genesis 16:5. Sarah began to blame Abraham for everything. What a relational mess, all because they could not wait for the Promise of God.
e) Genesis 16:6. Hagar ran away because Sarah became so cruel to her.
f) Genesis 16:7-12. The Angel of the Lord found Hagar and gave her the Promise too.
g) Genesis 16:13-16. Hagar had a real encounter with God and the Promise of God came to pass for Hagar before it did for Abraham and Sarah.
(Through this Second one we find a big lesson for all of us to learn: Wait For The Promise To Be Fulfillied)
Blame never solves any problem. Just like Sarah blaming Abraham, it only made the situation so much worse. I meet this problem many times in ministry: people blaming other people for problems. Blaming never resolves anything finding solutions is the way to solve our problems, even our relationship ones.
Friday, September 24, 2010
The Resurrection Body!
‘The Resurrection Body.’
1 Corinthians 15:42-49.
a) 1 Corinthians 15:42. The Resurrection of the dead is a body sown in corruption and raised in incorruption.
b) 1 Corinthians 15:43. The Resurrection of the dead is a body sown in shame and raised in Glory.
c) 1 Corinthians 15:43. The Resurrection of the dead is a body sown in weakness and raised in power.
d) 1 Corinthians 15:44. The Resurrection of the dead is a body sown that is natural and a body raised that is spiritual.
e) 1 Corinthians 15:45. The first man, Adam, was a living soul, the second Adam (Christ) a Life giving Spirit.
f) 1 Corinthians 15:46. That which is natural comes first, then that which is spiritual follows.
e) 1 Corinthians 15:47-48. The first man is earthy, the second man is heavenly.
f) 1 Corinthians 15:49. As we have borne the image of the earthly, we will also bear the image of the heavenly.
(Through this QT I thank God for The Resurrection Body that He has for me in the future)
‘Our Response To The Grace Of God.’
Titus 2:11-15.
a) Titus 2:11. The Grace of God has been revealed, bringing Salvation to all people.
b) Titus 2:12. Grace instructs us to turn from godless living and sinful pleasures.
c) Titus 2:12. Grace teaches us to live in this evil world with:-
1-Self Control.
2-Right Conduct.
3-Devotion to God.
d) Titus 2:13. Grace reminds us that we are looking forward to that wonderful event when the Glory of our Great God and Saviour Jesus Christ will be revealed.
e) Titus 2:14. Grace teaches us that Christ gave His Life:-
1-To free us from every kind of sin.
2-To cleanse us.
3-To make us His very Own People, totally committed to doing what is right.
f) Titus 2:15. Grace stimulates us with the Authority of the Word of God to:-
3-Correct when necessary.
(Through this Second one I am challenged to check My Response To The Grace Of God)
Jesus Christ is the Life Giver. The Bible tells us that the person who has Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour has Life. Jesus Himself tells us that He is the Life. Being a True Believer is not about a religious formula, it is about having the Life that Christ alone can give.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
'Learn Well!
‘Learn Well.’
Proverbs 17:16.
a) There are many young fools today.
b) These young fools have money, often big sacrifices are made for them by their parents.
c) These young fools do not want to learn.
d) Maybe it is good for the Government to have work programmes for these young fools so that they will learn responsibility through earning a low wage to help others rather than wasting their lives and their parents’ money.
(This QT teaches me that to have the opportunity to Learn Well is a privilege that should not be wasted)
‘Abraham Continues To Walk By Faith.’
Genesis 13:1-18.
a) Genesis 13:1-4. Abraham continues with his journey of Faith in the Blessing of the Lord. He continued to Worship as he made progress on the journey.
b) Genesis 13:5-7. Quarrelling broke out between Abraham’s herdsmen and Lot’s herdsmen because of the lack of available grazing land.
c) Genesis 13:8-11. There was no discussion or coming to an agreement. Simply in Faith Abraham gave Lot a choice and Lot chose the way that looked best.
d) Genesis 13:12-13. Lot’s choice was bad because he chose to walk into a sinful environment. It looked like a good way but it was a bad way.
e) Genesis 13:14-18. It was after Lot left that God spoke to Abraham and gave him a further promise. Abraham continued to walk and Worship.
(I am so Blessed through this Second one: Abraham Continues To Walk By Faith)
Our choices are very important. If we are not walking well with the Lord we make wrong choices easily, choices that are not the leading of the Holy Spirit but rather they are of the flesh. Making wrong choices so often leads us into a sinful environment and away from a good relationship with God.
Practical Application Of The Gospel!
‘Practical Application Of The Gospel.’
Titus 2:1-10.
a) Titus 2:1. This is sound teaching.
b) Titus 2:2. Teaching for the older men:-
1-Be temperate.
2-Be grave.
3-Be sober minded.
4-Be sound in Faith.
5-Be sound in Love.
6-Be sound in Patience.
c) Titus 2:3. Teaching for the older women:-
1-Be reverent.
2-Abstain from slander.
3-Not given to much wine.
4-Be teachers of what is good.
d) Titus 2:4-5. Young women are to be taught by the older women in the Church:-
1-To love their husband.
2-To love their children.
3-To be sober minded.
4-To be pure.
5-To be kind.
6-To be in subjection to their own husbands that the Word of God be not blasphemed.
e) Titus 2:6-8. Teaching for the young men:-
1-Be sober minded.
2-Be an example of good works.
3-Have pure doctrine.
4-Be grave.
5-Speak sound speech.
f) Titus 2:9-10. Teaching servants:-
1-Be in subjection to their masters.
2-Be well pleasing to their masters.
3-Not to steal.
4-Be good and steadfast workers.
5-Live a life that is a good testimony.
(Through this QT I find a Practical Application Of The Gospel)
‘God’s Sovereignty At Work.’
Esther 2:1-23.
a) Esther 2:1. King Ahasueras was struggling because of his broken marriage.
b) Esther 2:2-4. The king’s servants made a plan for him to choose a new wife.
c) Esther 2:5-6. Mordecai was one of those who served in the royal palace. He was a Jew who chose to stay in that Nation instead of returning to Jerusalem.
d) Esther 2:7-8. Mordecai had brought up his orphan niece Hadassah (Esther). She was an eligible person to be amongst those being selected to be the new queen.
e) Esther 2:9-11. Esther was well liked by the keeper of the brides to be and she was very well looked after. Mordecai had told her not to reveal that she was a Jew and he was waiting news to hear what had become of her.
f) Esther 2:12-16. Eventually Esther’s turn came.
g) Esther 2:17-18. Esther was chosen to be the next queen.
h) Esther 2:19-20. Esther acted so wisely in her new situation and environment.
i) Esther 2:21-23. Through Mordecai and Esther’s intervention the king’s life was saved.
(Through this Second one I hind that even right at the beginning of the life of Esther as queen I see God’s Sovereignty At Work)
It is good for young men who are True Believers to speak sound speech. Too often one can hear careless talk and gossip in Church – this must surely be grieving the Holy Spirit. If we are truly God’s People it must show in our behaviour, not simply because we call ourselves “Christians”.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
God's Wonderful Creation!
‘God’s Wonderful Creation.’
1 Corinthians 15:39-41.
a) 1 Corinthians 15:39. All flesh is not the same. There are:-
1- Human Beings.
2- Animals.
3- Fish.
4- Birds.
b) 1 Corinthians 15:40. There are Earthly bodies and Heavenly Bodies with their different beauties.
c) 1 Corinthians 15:41. These also have their own beauties:-
1- Sun.
2- Moon.
3- Stars.
(Through this QT I am in awe of God’s Wonderful Creation)
‘As We Go Forward Reject Fear.’
Genesis 12:1-20.
a) Genesis 12:1-3. The Promised Blessing for Abraham as he obeyed God by Faith.
b) Genesis 12:4-6. Abraham obeyed and went forth by Faith with his family.
c) Genesis 12:7. The Lord Promised the land to Abraham and Abraham Worshipped.
d) Genesis 12:8-9. Abraham journeyed and Worshipped again.
e) Genesis 12:10. Abraham began making mistakes, fear of famine began to influence his decisions.
f) Genesis 12:11-15. Because of fear Abraham got into more fear and even deception.
g) Genesis 12:17-19. Abraham’s fear and deception was revealed.
h) Genesis 12:20. Pharaoh, King of Egypt restored Abraham and sent him and all he had on his journey.
(Through this Second one I learn from Abraham’s mistake, As I Go Forward Reject Fear)
Because of fear of famine initially Abraham got into all kinds of other problems. These problems affected his marriage relationship, his honesty and his faith. When we face challenging situations we need to turn to God and not make decisions out of our fears. God keeps us in Freedom, fear brings us into bondage.
God Calls This Abominable!
‘God Calls This Abominable.’
a) Proverbs 17:15. When we justify wicked people and condemn righteous people.
b) Leviticus 18:22. Homosexuality amongst His People.
c) Deuteronomy 7:26. When we are the Believing head of the home and we bring an idol into the home.
d) Deuteronomy 17:1; 23:18. Cheap sacrifice to the Lord.
e) Deuteronomy 22:5. Transgender dressing amongst His People.
f) Deuteronomy 25:16. When His People act dishonestly.
g) Deuteronomy 27:15. Secret idolatry amongst His People.
h) Proverbs 3:32. Devious people.
i) Proverbs 6:16-19. He hates these things:-
1-Proverbs 16:5; Ezekiel 16:50; Luke 16:15. Pride.
2-Proverbs 12:22. A lying tongue.
3-Hands that shed innocent blood.
4-Proverbs 11:20; 15:26. A heart that devises wicked plans.
5-Feet that make haste to run to evil.
6-A person who sows discord amongst True Believers.
j) Proverbs 11:1; 20:10 & 23. Dishonest business.
k) Proverbs 15:8-9; 21:27; Isaiah 1:13. The sacrifices and ways of wicked people.
l) Proverbs 28:9. The prayer of a person who neglects God’s Word.
m) Malachi 2:11. Compromise.
(This QT surely calls me to examine my heart and ways: God Calls This Abominable)
‘Our Motivation To Love.’
1 John 4:10-11.
a) Love is not that we love God.
b) Love is that God loved us and sent His Son as the atoning Sacrifice for our sins.
c) We are beloved.
d) If God so loved us we also ought to love one another.
(Through this Second one My Motivation To Love is very clear)
The Laws of God in the Old Testament were given to God’s People. These Laws were given for the benefit and health of God’s People. In these days of the New Testament the Law is a school teacher to lead people to Christ. When people today hear the Law of God and the Gospel of Jesus Christ they know their need of God and also how to come to Him through Christ.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Pray And Obey!
‘Pray And Obey.’
John 14:13-15.
Sometimes our prayers are not answered because we fail to heed the Words of Jesus spoken about Prayer, which were many.
a) John 14:13. The ultimate purpose of Prayer is that God will be Glorified. With this purpose Jesus will do whatever we ask in His Name.
b) John 14:14. Jesus said again that if we ask for something in His Name He will do it.
c) John 14:15. If we love Jesus we will obey His Commandments. Obedience and answers to Prayer are linked.
(This QT reminds me to Pray And Obey)
‘The Purpose Of Jesus’ First Coming.’
Isaiah 61:1.
a) Jesus was anointed by and filled with the Holy Spirit to carry out His tasks.
b) He came to bring Good News to the poor people.
c) He has been sent to heal the broken hearted people.
d) He came to bring freedom to the captives.
e) He came to let out into the Light those people bound in the prison of darkness.
(Through this Second one I rejoice in The Purpose Of Jesus First Coming)
If we love Jesus we will obey His Commandments. Some people are intimidated by that word “obey” because of their past personal experiences or because of the way that their Nation has been bullied in its recent history by other Nations. These are justifiable needs and hurts to pray about but they are not an excuse for neglecting to obey God.
The Seed Comes First!
‘The Seed Comes First.’
1 Corinthians 15:36-38.
a) 1 Corinthians 15:36. Before new life can come the seed has to fall into the ground and die.
b) 1 Corinthians 15:37. We do not sow a plant, we sow a seed and God makes it grow and gives it a suitable body.
c) 1 Corinthians 15:38. God gives each the body that pleases Him. It is all God’s Creation.
d) This is also applied to the Resurrection body of the True Believer. God will give each person the Body that pleases Him.
(This QT reminds me that The Seed Comes First)
‘Contrary To The Good News.’
1 Timothy 1:10-11.
a) The Laws of Moses today are for:-
1-Sexually immoral people.
3-Slave traders and people involved in human trafficking.
5-Covenant breakers.
6-Those people who do anything else that contradicts right teaching.
b) Right teaching comes from the Glorious Good News.
c) The Good News is entrusted to His Servants by the Blessed God.
(Through this Second one I want to avoid living a life that is Contrary To The Good News)
God gives each person the Body that pleases Him. In the Resurrection of True Believers everyone will have a Glorious Eternal Body. On this Earth now many of us, yes even True Believers, have bodies with various degrees of imperfection. For some of us that are sick or handicapped life can be hard and there may even be times that we question God. God asks us to present our body to Him as a living sacrifice, whatever condition our body is in. If we are willing to do this God can be Glorified in our body now. However fragile or weak we are; physically, emotionally or mentally, let us give our bodies to God as a living sacrifice.
Monday, September 20, 2010
a) Proverbs 17:14. Is something that we should drop and not begin.
b) Genesis 45:24; 2 Chronicles 35:21. Is something we should avoid.
c) Exodus 21:18. May end up in physical damage.
d) Proverbs 17:19. Is sin.
e) 1 Corinthians 3:3; James 4:2. May come because of jealousy.
f) 2 Timothy 2:24. The Lord’s Servants must not quarrel.
(This QT teaches me that True Believers should actively avoid Quarrelling)
‘Powerful Personal Application Of God’s Word.’
Hebrews 4:12-13.
a) It is sharper than a two edged sword and cuts right through to where our soul and spirit meet.
b) It is quick to judge our:-
1- Inner Reflections.
2- Heart attitudes.
3- Thoughts.
4- Intentions.
c) It makes all things naked and open before God.
d) It convinces us that for all things we must answer to God.
(This Second one has me in awe of the Powerful Personal Application Of God’s Word)
If we are True Believers we should actively avoid quarrelling. Quarrelling is sin and cannot deal with or resolve any situation. Quarrelling may leave us in un-forgiveness or in bitterness and it can never be positive whether in family, church or government.
Keep The Gospel Pure!
‘Keep The Gospel Pure.’
Galatians 1:6-9.
a) Galatians 1:6. God in His Love and Mercy called us to share the Eternal Life that He gives through Christ.
b) Galatians 1:6. Apostle Paul was shocked that the Galatian Believers were turning away so soon from God to follow a different way.
c) Galatians 1:7. This different way pretends to be the good news but is not really the Good News at all.
d) Galatians 1:7. The Galatian Believers were being fooled by those people who twisted and changed the Truth concerning Christ.
e) Galatians 1:8-9. God’s curse will be upon anyone who preaches another “gospel”.
(Through this QT I am reminded to Keep The Gospel Pure)
‘Alcohol Can Be A Marriage Breaker.’
Esther 1:1-22.
a) Esther 1:1-2. King Xerxes reigned over a huge empire.
b) Esther 1:3-4. He gave a huge six month party to decadently celebrate his wealth.
c) Esther 1:5-8. After the big party King Xerxes gave another party for seven days especially for his staff.
d) Esther 1;9. At the same time Queen Vashti also gave her party.
e) Esther 1:10-11. In his drunken state King Xerxes called for Queen Vashti so that all the people there could look upon her beauty.
f) Esther 1:12-14. Queen Vashti refused to go.
g) Esther 1:15. The King wanted to punish Queen Vashti for humiliating him.
h) Esther 1:16-18. The National Leadership feared that Queen Vashti would start a big rebellion amongst women.
i) Esther 1:19. Vashti was to be banished forever from being Queen – it meant divorce. Another Queen would be chosen.
j) Esther 1:20-22. Al potential rebellion was crushed. Men were to rule their homes. These were man’s laws not God’s Law.
(Social disaster! Through this Second one I see that Alcohol Can Be A Marriage Breaker)
God in His Love and Mercy has called us to share the Eternal Life that He gives through Christ. We can and should have assurance of Salvation. We should know that our sins are forgiven through Christ’s sacrifice on the Cross for us. We should also have confidence about Eternal Life that is ours through Christ. Thank God for the Gospel.
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Good Questions!
‘Good Questions.’
a) 1 Corinthians 15:35. How are the dead people raised? With what kind of body will they come?
b) Malachi 3:7. How are we to return to the Lord?
c) Matthew 5:47. If we are kind only to our friends, how are we different from anyone else? Even pagans do that.
d) Matthew 23:33. How can snake like people escape from being sentenced to hell?
e) Mark 6:2. How can such mighty works be done by Jesus?
f) Mark 8:4. How can we find enough food to feed a multitude in the desert?
g) John 3:9. How are these things possible?
h) Romans 10:14. How can people call on the Lord when they have no Faith?
i) Romans 10:14. How can people Believe in the Lord when they have never heard of Him?
j) Romans 10:14. How can people hear the Gospel Message without a preacher?
k) Romans 10:15. How can a preacher preach unless they are sent?
(Through this QT I am challenged by Good Questions from the Bible)
‘Jesus Knows.’
John 2:25.
a) Jesus did not need information from people about other people.
b) This should meaningfully affect the way that we pray for other people.
c) Jesus knows what is in every person’s:-
1- Body.
2- Spirit.
3- Mind.
4- Will.
5- Emotions.
(Through this Second one I am convinced that Jesus Knows)
People. This World is full of people that God has Created and placed here. Every person on this globe is put here by God, there are no Created mistakes. Whatever religion or belief, whatever health condition, whatever handicap, whatever status, whatever gender – all are placed by God and all have the right to know the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Never Return Evil For Good!
‘Never Return Evil For Good.’
a) Proverbs 17:13. If we do, evil will never depart from out house.
b) Psalm 7:4-5. We will lose our honour.
c) Psalm 35:12-15. Especially by slander.
d) Psalm 109:5-8. It can bring disaster on our life.
(Through this QT I know that I should Never Return Evil For Good)
‘Loved Spiritual Children.’
a) John 13:33. Have a work to do on this Earth before they can go to be with Jesus in Heaven.
b) Galatians 4:19. Sometimes cause pain to their spiritual leaders until Christ is fully formed in them.
c) 1 John 2:1. Should not sin but if they do sin they can come to Jesus Who can restore their relationship with Father God.
d) 1 John 4:4. Can win the victory over false prophets because they have the indwelling Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is greater than the spirit of the World.
e) 1 John 5:21. Should keep away from every type of idol.
(This Second one shows me something of the life God intends for Loved Spiritual Children)
We should never forget that it is the Lord Who determines the time of our departure to Heaven and not we ourselves. This is why we need to concentrate rather on the Work that God has for us to do on this Earth.
Saturday, September 18, 2010
The Answer Is The Same Today!
‘The Answer Is The Same Today.’
Acts 1:6-8.
a) Acts 1:6. The Disciples were misled into wanting to know about “times” and “prophecy”.
b) Acts 1:7. Jesus told His Disciples that these things were not their business. Heavenly Father had and has all things in control.
c) Acts 1:8. The correct priority for the Disciples:-
1- Be filled with the Holy Spirit and God’s Power.
2- Be witnesses for the Lord.
3- Have a planned missions strategy that is practical.
(This QT reminds me that in all the hubbub of the attraction of false religion that seems to have been parallel with the Church since the earliest days, The Answer Is The Same Today)
‘Christ’s Pathway To Glorification.’
John 12:23-27.
a) John 12:23. Jesus Christ knew that the time for His Glorification had come.
b) John 12:24. To produce much fruit the seed had to fall into the Earth and die first.
c) John 12:35. We are not to love this World system, if we love this world system we will die spiritually.
d) John 12:36. If we claim to serve Jesus Christ we should follow Him. Those people who purely follow Jesus Christ will be honoured by the Father.
e) John 12:37. There was pain and turmoil in His Soul nevertheless Jesus Christ committed Himself to God’s Plan, He was Glorified and God the Father was Glorified too.
(This Second one teaches me Christ’s Pathway To Glorification)
If we claim to serve Jesus Christ we should follow Him. The primary way to follow Him is obedience to His Word. We do not need some “special” spiritual experience in order to follow Him, simple obedience is enough. During the journey He may give us confirmations and times of waiting. Whatever the situation … Trust and Obey Him, keep following.
Friday, September 17, 2010
Pure Believers Make The Church Pure!
‘Pure Believers Make The Church Pure.’
1 Corinthians 15:33-34.
Apostle Paul was not writing this Epistle to individuals in Corinth, he was writing to the whole Church at Corinth.
a) They were not to be deceived. Bad companionship corrupts good morals.
b) They needed to wake up to sober reality.
c) They needed to live righteously and stop sinning.
d) The shameful situation was that there were some people in the Church who did not know God. To be a part of the Church we have to know God, otherwise we are just “outsiders” or visitors.
(Through this QT I understand that Pure Believers Make The Whole Church Pure)
‘Jesus Is The Way.’
John 14:5-6.
a) Thomas was confused and he was speaking on behalf of the other Disciples too.
b) They did not know the way.
c) Jesus answered very clearly and this answer applies to us all today:-
1- Jesus is The Way.
2- Jesus is The Truth.
3- Jesus is The Life.
4- No person can have access to Father God except through Jesus.
(Through this Second one I am convinced that Jesus Is The Way)
Jesus is still the Way today, especially the Way to follow. He is the Good Shepherd and He leads His sheep. Also Jesus is the Way to Father God. Any idea that God can be approached in prayer without praying in the Name of Jesus is an incorrect idea. Any idea that we can somehow receive the Love of Father God without coming to Him through Jesus is also an incorrect idea. The major focus of the Bible about the Way to God is the focus on Jesus Christ.
A Fool!
‘A Fool.’
a) Proverbs 17:12; 1 Samuel 28:21. May be a violent person.
b) Judges 16:10 & 13; Proverbs 10:18. When we tell lies to people we make them look like fools. We also are fools to tell lies.
c) 2 Chronicles 16:9. Forgets the Eyes of the Lord.
d) Job 2:10. Applies to “Blessings only” people.
e) Job 11:12. It is hard to make them wise.
f) Psalm 14:1; 53:1. Says that there is no God.
g) Proverbs 1:7. Rejects Wisdom and good advice.
h) Proverbs 10:14. Has a mouth that brings ruin nearer.
i) Proverbs 10:20. Has a worthless heart.
j) Proverbs 10:23. Does wrong for fun.
k) Proverbs 12:16; 29:11; Ecclesiastes 7:9. Is often a quick tempered person.
l) Proverbs 13:18. Displays stupidity.
m) Proverbs 14:16. Is reckless and careless.
n) Proverbs 15:5. Despises their parents.
o) Proverbs 17:16. Has no heart to learn.
p) Proverbs 18:2. Does not find joy in understanding, the fool only expresses their own opinion.
q) Proverbs 18:7. Has lips that are a snare to their soul.
r) Proverbs 20:1. Is made through alcohol consumption.
s) Proverbs 26:8. Should not be honoured.
t) Proverbs 28:26. Trusts in their own mind.
(Through this QT I really want to avoid being A Fool)
‘The Lord Has Done It.’
Malachi 2:115.
a) He makes husband and wife one.
b) The married couple’s body and spirit belong to the Lord.
c) The Lord wants them to have godly children.
d) Husbands especially are to guard themselves and be loyal to their wife and children.
(Through this Second one I thank God that I know that The Lord Has Done It.
What a wonderful bridge the Book of Malachi is from the Old Testament into the New. We do well to learn from the many lessons in the Book of Malachi – God reveals His Heart and Grace here is a special way.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Not Just Laws, But A Lifestyle!
‘Not Just Laws, But A Lifestyle.’
Exodus 20:14-17.
Through His Laws in the Old Testament God was, and still is, showing His People how He wants them to live.
a) Exodus 20:4. We are not to commit adultery.
b) Exodus 20:5. We are not to steal.
c) Exodus 20:6. We are not to tell lies or give false witness about our neighbour.
d) Exodus 20:7. We are not to covet the things belonging to our neighbour:-
1- His house.
2- His wife.
3- His male or female servant.
4- His donkey (or car).
5- Anything he possesses.
((Through this QT I find Not Just Laws, But A Lifestyle)
Husbands Give Place For Your Wives.’
Proverb 5:18.
a) God’s Word says “let” meaning “allow”. Some wives are so dominated and controlled by their husbands that they cannot function in the way that God intends them to function. They are not free to be the wives that God intends them to be.
b) If she is free, the wife can be a fountain of blessing to her husband.
c) Then the husband can rejoice in his wife. Husbands have a key for a happy marriage. It is giving his wife freedom to be who God wants her to be and to be herself in God.
(This Second one gives me a good reminder: Husbands Give Place For Your Wives)
God has a plan for every marriage of His People that is very sure. Also God has a plan for every husband and every wife. So often our marriages suffer because of wrong patterns we may have learned from other sources, wrong concepts, or just plain ignorance. As True Believers we have God’s Word and He tells us how we can improve our marriage and have a Blessed and good marriage.
Apostle Paul's Bold Confidence!
‘Apostle Paul’s Bold Confidence.’
1 Corinthians 15:30-32.
Because of Apostle Paul’s firm and convinced conviction of the Resurrection of Christ and the True Believers he was not afraid of death.
a) 1 Corinthians 15:30-31Apostle Paul wax continually risking his life for the sake of the Gospel. He was facing the possibility of death frequently.
b) 1 Corinthians 15:32. Apostle Paul faced a very real battle with the people of Ephesus. That is why he wrote about spiritual weapons and armour to them.
c) 1 Corinthians 15:32. All this struggle would be to no avail, a useless pursuit, if there was no resurrection.
d) 1 Corinthians 15:32. Belief in the Resurrection surely keeps us away from a secular mind and lifestyle.
(Through this QT I am very encouraged by Apostle Paul’s Bold Confidence)
‘We Need To Stand.’
Ephesians 6:14.
a) We need to stand on our ground, not on another person’s. It means that we need to know our boundaries.
b) We need to put on the sturdy belt of Truth.
c) We need to wear the breastplate of Righteousness.
(This Second one clearly reminds me that I Need To Stand)
We need to be very careful when we talk about “spiritual warfare”. The only time that Apostle Paul wrote about this subject in his letters were those written to Ephesus and Corinth. In both of these cities the Church was experiencing extreme persecution. Paul encouraged them to stand fast in the battles that they were facing. Today amongst Church people there is too much glib talk about “spiritual warfare”.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
a) Proverbs 17:11. Is sought by evil people.
b) Leviticus 16:21; Numbers 14:18; Psalm 32:5. Needs to be confessed to God as sin.
c) Numbers 16:2; 2 Samuel 15:10; Esther 6:2. Is sometimes incited against leaders.
d) Deuteronomy 13:5; Psalm 89:32. Deserves punishment.
e) 1 Samuel 15:23. Is as the sin of witchcraft.
f) Psalm 36:1. People in it have no Fear of God.
g) Psalm 39:8. We need to be rescued from it.
h) Psalm 51:3. Haunts the person who has it.
i) Isaiah 24:20. Produces heavy guilt.
j) Isaiah 53:5 & 8. Ours was punished at Calvary.
k) Isaiah 58:1. God’s People need to be told about it.
l) Jeremiah 28:16. Against the Lord should never be taught or uttered.
m) Ezekiel 2:8. We should not join those people who are in it.
n) Ezekiel 18:31. We should put it behind us – then we` can be renewed.
o) Mark 15:7. May cause the sin of murder.
p) Ephesians 5:6. Incurs the wrath of God.
q) 2 Thessalonians 2:3. Will be manifested before the Lord returns.
r) Hebrews 3:8. Causes a hard heart.
(Through this QT I really want to avoid Rebellion)
‘Truth For Us.’
John 8:32.
a) There is Truth for us.
b) We need to know this Truth. Jesus Himself is the Truth.
c) This Truth will make us free.
(Through this Second one I know that there is Truth For Me)
Every True Believer should want to avoid rebellion. Our prayers are important tools in fighting rebellion in ourselves and injustices in our environment. Any political or religious movement that is born in rebellion is surely going to be a source of many problems and eventually doomed.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
How Is The Diet Going?
‘How Is The Diet Going?’
Hebrews 5:12-14.
a) Hebrews 5:12. The Hebrew Christians:-
1- Had been Believers for a long time.
2- They should be able to teach or disciple other people – especially the new Believers.
3- But they needed to be taught again themselves the basic things of Scripture.
4- They were like babies who only drink milk and drink no strong food.
b) Hebrews 5:13. A person who is drinking only milk has not grown very much as a Believer.
c) Hebrews 5:13. A person who is drinking only milk does not know much about doing what is right.
d) Hebrews 5:14. Strong food :–
1- Is the food for mature Believers.
2- Is for people who have trained themselves to know the difference between right and wrong.
3- Then do what is right.
(This QT causes me to ask myself the question: How Is The Diet Going?)
‘It Is Time To Move On And Be Mature.’
Hebrews 6:1-3.
a) Hebrews 6:1. We need to stop going over the basics of Christianity again and again, we need to go on and become mature in our understanding.
b) Hebrews 6:1-2. Doctrines that are very basic and which we should know right now as True Believers:-
1- Repentance from evil deeds.
2- Faith in God.
3- Baptisms.
4- Laying on of hands.
5- Resurrection of the dead.
6- Eternal Judgment.
c) Hebrews 6:3. God willing, we should move forward to further understanding.
(This Second one reminds me and encourages me that It Is Time To Move On And Be Mature)
Faith in God is something that also stimulates the life of Faith. Faith without works is dead James tells us. If we say that we have Faith but we are not living the life of Faith then we are deceiving ourselves.
A Difficult Text!
‘A Difficult Text.’
1 Corinthians 15:29.
a) Apostle Paul did not condone or permit people being baptised for other people who were already dead.
b) This was a fact that this heretical baptism was taking place.
c) Even the non believers believed in a resurrection from the dead.
d) It should not be a hard thing for the intellectual Corinthian Believers to believe in the Resurrection of Christ and of True Believers, for it is what Christ Himself taught.
(This QT made me think a lot about A Difficult Text)
‘The Greatest In The Kingdom Of Heaven.’
Matthew 18:1-4.
a) Matthew 18:1. The Disciples came to Jesus wanting to know who was going to be the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven.
b) Matthew 18:2. Jesus simply called a small child over and put the child in the midst of them.
c) Matthew 18:3. Jesus assured the Disciples of three facts:-
1- They needed to turn from their sins.
2- They needed to become childlike.
3- Then they could get into the Kingdom of Heaven.
d) Matthew 18:4. Whoever is as humble as a little child is the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven.
(Through this Second one I find whom Jesus said was The Greatest In The Kingdom Of Heaven)
It does us good to ponder over the Scriptures. We sometimes need to ask ourselves the question: What does the Bible really say? Heresy begins when we take things too much for granted without searching the Scriptures for ourselves, not only searching them but pondering over them. We do not need to imagine something, or visualise anything. Just pray, read, ponder, pray and obey.
Monday, September 13, 2010
Being Of Understanding!
‘Being Of Understanding.’
a) Proverbs 17:10; 19:25. Means that we can receive rebuke well.
b) 1 Kings 4:29. Solomon was, it was given by God.
c) 1 Chronicles 27:32. Jonathan, David’s uncle, was.
d) Ezra 8:18. Sherebiah was, and he was a Blessing from the Lord for the people.
e) Proverbs 1:5. Helps us to acquire skill.
f) Proverbs 2:1. We are to set our heart on it.
g) Proverbs 10:23; 14:33; 17:24. Makes Wisdom a pleasure.
h) Proverbs 11:12; 17:28. Means that we remain silent in conflict.
i) Proverbs 14:6. Makes Knowledge easy.
j) Proverbs 15:21. Means that we will walk in a straight path.
k) Proverbs 17:27. Means that we keep a cool spirit.
l) Proverbs 20:5. Means that we will give careful and good answers.
m) Proverbs 28:2. In the Leadership means that stability can continue.
n) Colossians 2:2. Should be a part of our spiritual growth.
(Through this QT I can see the importance of Being Of Understanding)
‘Pray With Faith.’
Mark 11:22-24.
a) Mark 11:22. Jesus told His Disciples to have Faith in God.
b) Mark 11:23. When we really believe and do not doubt we can pray with more authority.
c) Mark 11:24. Prayers that may be answered by God, surely the answer is up to Him, not us, God knows His Will and the best for His Children:-
1- Pray for.
2- Ask for.
3- Believe for.
(This Second one reminds me to Pray With Faith)
Praying with authority does not mean praying loudly. Praying with authority does not mean praying and telling God what to do. Prayer with authority is founded on the Word of God and on our relationship with Him. Praying with authority means that we a praying with a clean heart.
Be Bold And Trust God!
‘Be Bold And Trust God.’
a) Daniel 6:10. When we know that some plot has been forged against us we should prevail in prayer with thanksgiving.
b) Psalm 57:4. Sometimes their tongues are so spiteful.
c) Ezekiel 3:8. God protects us - sometimes in remarkable ways.
d) Daniel 6:26. The eventual outcome will be for God’s Glory.
(This QT calls me to Be Bold And Trust God)
‘The Challenge Of Faith.’
Hebrews 11:1-6.
a) Hebrews 11:1. Faith is the confident assurance that what we hope for is going to happen.
b) Hebrews 11:1. Faith is the conviction of things not yet seen.
c) Hebrews 11:2. God gave His Approval to people in days of old because of their Faith.
d) Hebrews 11:3. Faith acknowledges God the Creator.
e) Hebrews 11:4. Faith inspires genuine Worship.
f) Hebrews 11:5-6. We need Faith to please God.
g) Hebrews 11:6. Whoever would draw near to God must believe that He exists and that He rewards those who seek Him.
(Through this Second one I realise The Challenge Of Faith)
God will be Glorified in the lives of those people who genuinely Trust Him. Sometimes it takes a while for that Glory to God to be manifested but it is promised in the Word of God. We should not give up but continue to Trust God with Prayer and Thanksgiving.
Sunday, September 12, 2010
The Ultimate Victory Belongs To Jesus Christ!
‘The Ultimate Victory Belongs To Jesus Christ.’
1 Corinthians 15:25-28.
a) 1 Corinthians 15:25. Christ must Reign until He has put all His enemies under His Feet.
b) 1 Corinthians 15:26. The last enemy to be destroyed is death.
c) 1 Corinthians 15:27. God has given to Christ authority over all things.
d) 1 Corinthians 15:28. Then, when Christ has conquered all things, He will present himself to God, so that God, who gave his Son authority over all things, will be utterly supreme over everything everywhere.
(This QT reminds me that The Ultimate Victory Belongs To Jesus Christ)
‘God Is Still There In The Storms Of Life.’
Psalm 107:24-31.
a) Psalm 107:24. In the storms of life we can see the Lord’s Power in action at the times when we are helpless to do anything.
b) Psalm 107:25. The Lord is in charge of the storms.
c) Psalm 107:26. So often, in the storms we lose our courage.
d) Psalm 107:27. Sometimes, in the storms we just do not know what to do.
e) Psalm 107:28. When we cry to the Lord He brings us out from our distress.
f) Psalm 107:29. The Lord calms the storm.
g) Psalm 107:30. God brings stillness and leads us on to our desired destination in safety.
h) Psalm 107:31. We should Praise the Lord for His Great Love and wonderful deeds.
(Through this Second one I know that God Is Still There In The Storms Of Life)
The Lord knows all about our times of distress and He is there to help us. Jesus Himself said that in this life upon the Earth we will face many trials and even sorrows – things that sometimes we just do not understand. A key point is that in these difficult times we turn to the Lord and not away from Him.
Our Love For Each Other!
‘Our Love For Each Other.’
a) Proverbs 17:9; 10:12. Disregards the other person’s faults.
b) Genesis 29:20. Is not weakened in time.
c) 1 Samuel 20:17. Should be reaffirming and committed.
d) 2 Samuel 1:26. Can be deep and real.
e) Proverbs 15:17. Has nothing to do with impressive meals.
f) Jeremiah 2:2. Should mean that we want to please each other in healthy ways.
g) Jeremiah 31:3; Hosea 11:4; Zephaniah 3:17. Has the example of the Lord’s Love for us.
(In this QT, even from the Old Testament, I learn more about what the Bible says of Our Love For Each Other)
‘Our Dependence On The Lord.’
Psalm 104:27-30.
a) Psalm 104:27. We depend on Him to give us our food when we need it. (Through whatever means He chooses to do it)
b) Psalm 104:28. Whatever God supplies, we can gather in. He opens His Hand to feed us and we are satisfied.
c) Psalm 104:29. When God hides His Face we are troubled.
d) Psalm 104:29. When God takes away our breath our body dies and returns to dust.
e) Psalm 104:30. When God sends forth His Spirit new life is Created in order to replenish all life upon the Earth.
(Through this Second one I fully realise My Dependence On The Lord)
We have enough because God has opened His Hand. What a Wonderful and Merciful God we have. There is no such thing on this planet as a “self made man”. Whether we acknowledge it or not, all that we have and are comes from God
Saturday, September 11, 2010
The Greater Power Of The Cross!
‘The Greater Power Of The Cross.’
1 Corinthians 1:18-24.
a) 1 Corinthians 1:18. The Message of the Cross is foolishness for those people who are headed for destruction.
b) 1 Corinthians 1:18. We who are being Saved know that the Message of the Cross is the very power of Salvation.
c) 1 Corinthians 1:19-20. When Apostle Paul quotes Isaiah here he is not deriding Wisdom and Intelligence, rather he is saying that the Power of the Cross is so much greater.
d) 1 Corinthians 1:21. God can never be known merely through human wisdom. The only way to come to know God is to respond to the Message of the Cross, Believe it and be Saved.
e) 1 Corinthians 1:22. For those people who seek signs from Heaven and human wisdom, the Message of the Cross is meaningless.
f) 1 Corinthians 1:23. The Message of the Cross offends those people who do not want to Believe it.
g) 1 Corinthians 1:24. To all those people called by God to Salvation, Christ is the Power of God and Christ is the Wisdom of God.
(This QT shows me, and I thank God for, The Greater Power Of The Cross)
‘When God Our Saviour Restores Us.’
Psalm 85:4-7.
a) Psalm 85:4-5. He puts away His anger against us, even though it may have been for a long time.
b) Psalm 85:6. He revives us again so that we can rejoice in Him.
c) Psalm 85:7. He shows us His unfailing Love.
d) Psalm 85:7. He grants us His Salvation.
(Through this Second one I find the Mercy and Love of God: When God My Saviour Restores Me)
When God restores us He puts away His anger against us. The anger that God has is Righteous Anger. His anger is not unjust, scolding, fierce , violent or cursing. When God is angry with us the first person who knows it is us ourselves, for in His Mercy God is speaking to our hearts, telling us to repent of the things that have offended Him or made Him angry.
A Glorious Hope!
‘A Glorious Hope.’
1 Corinthians 15:19-23.
a) 1 Corinthians 15:19. If we have hope in Christ only for this world we are the most miserable people.
b) 1 Corinthians 15:20. The fact is that Christ has been raised from the dead. He is the First of a great harvest of those people who will be raised to life again. We Hope in the Resurrection.
c) 1 Corinthians 15:21. Just as death came into the World through one man – Adam, now the Resurrection from the dead has begun through another man, Jesus Christ, God the Son.
d) 1 Corinthians 15:22. Everyone dies because all of us are related to Adam. The first man. All people who are related to the other man, Jesus Christ, will be given New Life.
e) 1 Corinthians 15:23-24. There is an order of events in this Resurrection:-
1- Christ was raised first.
2- Christ will come back.
3- Then all those people who belong to Him will be raised.
4- After that, the end will come.
5- Christ will put down all enemies of every kind.
6- Then He will hand over the Kingdom to God the Father.
(Through this QT I have A Glorious Hope)
‘Our God Rewards Us.’
a) Colossians 3:23-24. Whatever we do, we are to do our work heartily, as for the Lord rather than as for other people, knowing that from the Lord we will receive the reward of the Inheritance. It is the Lord Christ Whom we serve.
b) Ephesians 6:7-8. We should render our service to other people with a good will as to the Lord and not to people, knowing that whatever good anyone does, this they will receive back from the Lord, whatever their status in life.
c) Acts 20:32. The Word of God’s Grace can build us up and give us an Inheritance among all those people who are sanctified.
d) 1 Peter 1:4-5. There is an Inheritance incorruptible, undefiled and that fades not away reserved in Heaven for us who are kept by the Power of God through Faith unto Salvation which is ready to be revealed at the last time.
(I am truly amazed by this Second one: My God Rewards Me)
We serve the Lord Jesus Christ that should be our concept for every part of our lives. If we departmentalise our lives into God’s part, other people’s part and our part we are going to have many unneeded struggles because every part of our life belongs to the Triune God.
Friday, September 10, 2010
a) Proverbs 17:8. Is a sin that can bring us seeming “success”.
b) Proverbs 17:23. The wicked people accept bribes to pervert Justice.
c) Exodus 23:8. A bribe always hurts the cause of the people who are in the right.
d) Deuteronomy 16:19. Bribes blind the eyes of the wise people and corrupt the decisions of godly people.
e) Exodus 18:21. Honest men fear God and hate bribes.
f) Deuteronomy 10:17; 2 Chronicles 19:7, God accepts no bribes.
g) Job 15:27. A life built up on bribes goes up in smoke.
h) Job 15:34. Fire will consume the home of those people who live bribes.
i) Psalm 26:10. People involved in bribery are not clever, they are wicked and bloodthirsty.
j) Proverbs 15:27. If we hate it we will live.
k) Proverbs 29:4. People who are greedy for bribes tear the stability of the country down.
l) Ecclesiastes 7:7. Corrupts the heart.
m) Isaiah 1:23. Unrighteous leaders love bribes.
n) Isaiah 33:5. Honest and fair people stay away from bribes.
o) Micah 3:11. Some leaders make decisions based on bribes.
(This QT reminds me that Bribery is a sin that is obnoxious to God and harmful to people)
‘Be Vigilant.’
1 Peter 1:25.
a) Be sober.
b) Be vigilant.
c) Our enemy the Devil is as a roaring lion.
d) He walks about seeking whom he may devour.
(Through this Second one I heed the Biblical injunction to Be Vigilant)
It is necessary for every True Believer to be vigilant. This is not simply “good advice” for the new Believer, it is vitally important for all of us, leaders and ministers included. Be vigilant!
Church Services Are Important!
‘Church Services Are Important.’
Hebrews 10:25.
a) We are not to neglect our meeting together as True Believers.
b) Some people do make this mistake.
c) We are to encourage one another.
d) This is important because we are near the day of Christ’s return.
(Through this QT I know that Church Services Are Important)
‘The Church As A Harmonious Body.’
1 Corinthians 12:18-25.
a) 1 Corinthians 12:18. God has placed every member in the Body just where He wants that member to be.
b) 1 Corinthians 12:19. The Body has and needs many parts.
c) 1 Corinthians 12:20. There are many parts, but just one Body.
d) 1 Corinthians 12:21-23. Every part of the Body is very necessary.
e) 1 Corinthians 12:24. It is God that composes the Body and puts it together.
f) 1 Corinthians 12:25. There should be harmony in the Body with the members of the Body caring for each other.
(This Second one reminds me that the Lord Created The Church As A Harmonious Body)
Necessary is a very meaningful word. If something is necessary it means we cannot really do without it. The Bible tells us that every member of the Church, the Body of Christ, is necessary. This is another reason why we should love each other and care about each other in Church. It is God’s Church – not ours.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
It Is Believing That Is Important!
‘It Is Believing That Is Important.’
1 Corinthians 15:11-18.
a) 1 Corinthians 15:11. It does not matter who the preacher is, the important thing is that we Believe the Message that is preached.
b) 1 Corinthians 15:12. Apostle Paul’s team preached about the resurrection of the dead but some of the Corinthians refused to believe this message.
c) 1 Corinthians 15:13. If there is no resurrection of the dead then Christ is not raised also.
d) 1 Corinthians 15:14. If Christ is not raised all preaching and “faith” is useless.
e) 1 Corinthians 15:15. The Apostolic Message was that God raised Christ from the grave. If there is no resurrection of the dead then this Apostolic Message is a lie.
f) 1 Corinthians 15:16. If there is no resurrection then Christ is not raised from the dead.
g) 1 Corinthians 15:17. If Christ is not raised from the dead then our Faith is useless – we are still dead in our sins.
h) 1 Corinthians 15:18. If this is the case, all people who died believing in Christ have perished.
(In this QT I find that It Is Believing That Is Important, especially about the Resurrection)
‘Church – Stand Together.’
Philippians 1:27.
a) Apostle Paul was far more concerned about the people he was serving than for himself – a great lesson to all Servants of the Lord.
b) Apostle Paul desired the Philippian Church to live in such a manner that was worthy of the Gospel of Christ.
c) Apostle Paul desired the Philippian Church to stand fast in one spirit and in one mind striving together for the Gospel.
(Through this Second one I would echo Apostle Paul’s Message to every True Church of Jesus Christ: Church – Stand Together)
There are Biblical standards for Servants of the Lord and the Lord expects His Servants to live up to those standards. One of the standards is caring for the people entrusted to them by the Lord as His Flock. It can sometimes be so painful in this caring ministry but we should not give up if we are Called by the Lord Jesus – the Chief Shepherd.
Do Not Tell Lies!
‘Do Not Tell Lies.’
a) Proverbs 17:7. It is not fitting for a leader to do so.
b) Leviticus 19:11. God says that we are not to.
c) Colossians 3:9. Lying is a part of our old sinful nature.
d) Proverbs 6:16-19. God hates lying.
e) Isaiah 59:2-3. It cuts us off from God.
f) John 8:44; Acts 5:3. Satan is the father of lies.
g) 1 Kings 22:22. They may be inspired by evil spirits.
h) Psalm 119:163; Proverbs 13:5. We are to hate lying.
i) Proverbs 30:8. We are to pray about not telling lies.
j) Psalm 58:3. Some people are liars from birth.
k) Psalm 52:3. Some people love lies more than Truth.
l) Psalm 62:4. Some people delight in telling lies about other people.
m) Proverbs 10:18. Some people hide their hatred by telling lies.
n) Proverbs 21:6. Wealth created by lying is a vanishing mist and a deadly trap.
o) Proverbs 12:19. They will soon be exposed.
p) Revelation 22:15. Liars are not allowed in Heaven.
q) Revelation 21:8; Psalm 120:3-4. All liars go to hell.
r) Titus 1:12. Liars are often cruel and lazy.
(This QT is a sharp reminder: Do Not Tell Lies)
‘Reconciled In One Body To God.’
Ephesians 2:14-16.
a) Ephesians 2:14. Jesus Christ s our Peace, He breaks down every wall of hostility.
b) Ephesians 2:15; Galatians 3:28. Having abolished the enmity He Creates one new man or Body, so making Peace.
c) Ephesians 2:16. As one Body we can be reconciled to God.
d) Galatians 2:14. We need to walk uprightly according to the Truth of the Gospel.
(This Second one makes me rejoice because I have been Reconciled In One Body To God and that Body is the Body of Christ)
It is not fitting for a leader to tell lies. When Church leaders tell lies it really offends God’s sheep, especially the new Believers. Telling lies is a rampant problem in the Church today. It can cause all kind of failure to come into the Church and in the end divide a Church.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Deal With The Contentions!
‘Deal With The Contentions.’
1 Corinthians 1:10-11.
a) Apostle Paul appealed to the Corinthians in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ. That is a very strong appeal.
b) He appealed to the Church to stop arguing amongst themselves.
c) He told them that there should be no divisions in the Church.
d) He told them to be of one mind.
e) He told them to be united in thought and purpose.
f) News of Church contentions always gets around. It harms the effectiveness of the Gospel.
(Through this QT I know that the Church must Deal With The Contentions)
‘The Body Should Function Well.’
Romans 12:3-5.
a) Romans 12:3. This was Apostle Paul’s warning to the Roman Church. It was written with his authority as an Apostle.
b) Romans 12:3. The Roman Christians were not to think of themselves more highly than they should think.
c) Romans 12:3. They were to think sensibly as God had distributed a measure of Faith to each one.
d) Romans 12:4. We have a human body and no part has the same function.
e) Romans 12:5. We are many, but we are one Body in Christ, each part has a different function and different work to do.
f) Romans 12:5. Because we are one Body in Christ we all belong to each other and we all need each other.
(Through this Second one I long for the fulfilment of this Biblical fact: The Body Should Function Well)
None of us has the same function in the Church, the Body of Christ. In the work place we may have the same function as others around us, the same applies to the para church organisation. Para church is such that many people have the same function. Not so the Body of Christ, none of us has the same function.
Changed By The Grace Of God!
‘Changed By The Grace Of God.’
1 Corinthians 15:9-10.
a) Apostle Paul shares some of his testimony here about his changed life.
b) He did not think of himself as being worthy of being called an apostle because formerly he had persecuted the Church of God.
c) The profound statement: “By the Grace of God I am what I am.” Paul gives all credit to God’s Grace for his changed life.
d) God’s Grace was not bestowed on him in vain – Paul worked harder than all the other apostles, yet it was not Paul trying to do something but it was God’s Grace at work in him.
(Through this QT I rejoice in a life Changed By The Grace Of God)
‘God’s Work In And Through Christ.’
Colossians 1:19-23.
a) Colossians 1:19. In all His Fullness God was pleased to live in Christ.
b) Colossians 1:20. By Christ God reconciled everything to Himself.
c) Colossians 1:20. Christ made Peace with everything in Heaven and on Earth by means of His Blood on the Cross.
d) Colossians 1:21-22. What Christ has done for us:-
1-We were God’s enemies, now we are His friends.
2-Through His Death on the Cross He brought us into the very Presence of God.
3-He has made us Holy and Blameless to stand before God without a single fault.
e) Colossians 1:23. We should continue in this Truth and stand in it firmly.
f) Colossians 1:23. We are not to drift away from the assurance we received when we heard the Good News.
g) This Good News has been preached all over the World by those people appointed by God to proclaim it.
(This Second one shows me some of God’s Work In And Through Christ)
We do not just simply try to be good if we are “Christians”. That is really a man made religion – nothing to do with the Biblical experience of being a True Believer. If we truly encounter God our life will be changed. Our World view will be changed. The nature of our relationships will be changed. All these things begin to happen and should continue happening because of the Grace of God.
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
A Lovely Family!
‘A Lovely Family.’
a) Proverbs 17:6. Children's children are the crown of old men; the glory of children are their parents.
b) Proverbs 13:22. Good people leave an inheritance to their grandchildren.
c) Psalm 109:13-15. Unresolved sin can bring many problems to the family.
d) Ephesians 6:1-4. The Bible tells us how to do it.
(Through this QT I know that I am so happy and Blessed when I see A Lovely Family)
‘Whatever We Do.’
Colossians 3:17.
a) Whether we do it in word or deed.
b) Do everything in the Name of the Lord Jesus.
c) Through the Lord Jesus we give thanks to God the Father.
(This Second one gives me a good foundation for Whatever I Do)
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe wrote:- “Nine requisites for contented living: Health enough to make work a pleasure; Wealth enough to support your needs; Strength to battle with difficulties and overcome them; Grace enough to confess your sins and forsake them; Patience enough to toil until some good is accomplished; Charity enough to see some good in your neighbour; Love enough to move you to be useful and helpful to others; Faith enough to make real the things of God; Hope enough to remove all anxious fears concerning the future.” These are things that we should be praying for and living in if we want to live a contented life. Godliness with contentment is great gain.
Keeping Ourselves Pure!
‘Keeping Ourselves Pure.’
a) Nehemiah 10:30; Nehemiah 13:23; 2 Corinthians 6:14. Our marriage and family are True Believers, no mixtures.
b) Nehemiah 10:31; 13:15. Regular Worship on the Lord’s Day.
c) Nehemiah 10:32-39. Giving to the Lord’s Work as we are able.
d) Nehemiah 12:44-47. Having responsibility and being responsible in the Body of Christ.
e) Nehemiah 13:10. We are not to forget the House of the Lord.
f) Nehemiah 13:8 & 25. Purity sometimes takes radical steps.
(Through this QT I realise that I should be Keeping Myself Pure by putting God first)
a) Romans 1:16. The Gospel of Christ is the Power of God to Salvation.
b) 1 Peter 2:2. The Word of God helps us grow in our Salvation.
c) Philippians 2:12. There needs to be an outworking of our Salvation.
d) Titus 2:9-10. As workers and employees we are to live out our Salvation.
e) 1 Corinthians 15:3. Is centred on Christ’s death for us on the Cross.
(This Second one causes me to thank God for my Salvation and to want to live it out)
The Church is the Body of Christ and it should be in the life of the Body of Christ that we can grow in Christian maturity and holiness. It is the Body of Christ that should be sending missionaries for training for the Mission fields. The life of the Body of Christ must be of paramount importance for every True Believer.
Monday, September 6, 2010
We Really Need Reminding!
‘We Really Need Reminding.’
1 Corinthians 15:1-8.
a) 1 Corinthians 15:1. Remember:-
1- The Good News.
2- Keep on welcoming it.
3- Our Faith is built on the Good News.
b) 1 Corinthians 15:2. The Good News Saves us if we firmly Believe it.
c) 1 Corinthians 15:2. We need to Believe the correct message initially. Heresy message cannot save us.
d) 1 Corinthians 15:3. This is most important. Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures.
e) 1 Corinthians 15:4. Christ was buried and raised to life three days later according to the Scriptures.
f) 1 Corinthians 15:5-8. Christ was seen by many people after His Resurrection.
(Through this QT I totally agree with Apostle Paul that I Really Need Reminding of the Good News Message, it is the foundation of my Faith)
‘Are We Ready For The Coming Of The Lord?’
James 5:8-9.
a) We need to be patient.
b) We need to take courage.
c) The Coming of the Lord is near.
d) We should not grumble about one another as True Believers or God will Judge us.
e) The Great Judge is coming.
f) He is standing at the door.
(This Second one has me examining my self – it is what the Bible tells me to do – to check: Am I Ready For The Coming Of The Lord)
The Coming of the Lord is near. We do not know when, no man knows that according to the Words of Jesus Christ. The Lord, however, gives us the signs of the last times in His Teaching and Apostle Paul gives us some more in His Teaching so we can have assurance that we are living in the last times and the Coming of the Lord is near.
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The Christian Life!
'The Christian Life.' a) Deuteronomy 7:11. Keep the Word of God. b) Deuteronomy 7:12. Listen to the Word of God. c) Deuteronomy...
‘Pharisees Always Question And Doubt.’ John 1:24-25. a) Now those who were sent were from the Pharisees. b) And they asked Him saying: c)...
'The Place Where Our Offerings Should Go.' Leviticus 3:7. a) If he offers a lamb b) For his offering, c) Then he shall offer i...
'Unusual Miracles' Acts 19:11-12. a) And God was doing b) Extraordinary miracles c) By the hands of Paul, d) So that even han...