The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Our Bethel!
‘Our Bethel.’
a) Genesis 35:1-7. Jacob was to return to Bethel and build an altar there.
b) Genesis 28:10-15. Jacob had formerly had an amazing encounter with the Lord there. A covenant was made.
c) Genesis 28:16-22. Jacob had made a big promise to God there.
d) Genesis 33:18. Jacob had been living in the Shechem area for 10 years. It seems that Jacob had forgotten his vow to God or taken it lightly.
e) Ecclesiastes 5:2-5. We should not take our vows lightly.
f) Deuteronomy 8:11-20. We are to beware of forgetting or neglecting God.
g) Genesis 35:2. Jacob’s family had already began to compromise with foreign gods.
h) 2 Timothy 4:10. Remember Demas.
i) Revelation 2:4-5. We need to repent and go back to our Bethel.
j) 1 John 1:9. We can be restored.
(This QT reminds me to always keep in mind my Bethel, even though I experienced it 43 years ago)
‘Choosing God’s Way.’
a) Proverbs 8:10. The Way of Instruction and Knowledge.
b) Luke 6:1-5. The Way of practical Christianity.
c) Luke 6:5-11. The Way of Compassion rather than religious legalism.
d) Luke 6:12-13. The Way of Prayer before beginning team ministry.
e) Matthew 10:1. The Way of being sent into ministry by Jesus Christ, rather than just going our own way.
f) Matthew 28:19. The Way of Disciple making rather than popularity seeking.
g) John 6:66. The Way of not giving up when facing challenges.
(This Second one calls me to be Choosing God’s Way)
I am always wary of people in Churches who share “their testimonies”. Jacob could have talked about his amazing encounter with God for years, but it had made no real impact on his life until he obeyed the reality of it. Even his family began to compromise with other gods! He was beginning to live the life of a back slider. We are to thank God for His Word and His Spirit, these draw us back into obedience and fellowship with Him.
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