The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Thursday, June 14, 2018
Multi-Ethnic And Multi-Lingual!
'Multi-Ethnic And Multi-Lingual.'
Genesis 31:46-49.
a) Genesis 31:46. Jacob said to his kinsmen: "Gather stones." They took stones and made a heap.
b) Genesis 31:46. And they ate there by the heap.
c) Genesis 31:47. Laban called it: "Jegar-Sahadutha."
d) Genesis 31:47. But Jacob called it: "Galeed".
e) (Both had the same meaning: Heap of Witness)
f) Genesis 31:48. Laban said: "This heap is a witness between you and me today."
g) Genesis 31:48. Therefore he named it: "Galeed",
h) Genesis 31:49. And Mizpah, for he said: "The Lord watch between you and me, when we are out of one another's sight."
(This QT reminds me of Multi-Ethnic and Multi-Lingual Ministry)
PRAYER: That Multi-Ethnic and Multi-Lingual Ministry can healthily develop in Multi-Ethnic and Multi-Lingual areas of our Towns, Cities and Nations and that multi-lingual Worship Services will flourish in our Churches, where and when we have such Services.
'Please Lord, Do It Quickly.'
Psalm 70:1.
a) Make haste, O God,
b) To deliver me!
c) O Lord,
d) Make haste to help me!
(Through this Second one we can pray Please Lord, Do It Quickly)
PRAYER: Pray to the Lord to do it quickly when we need to pray that way.
Witness is a frequently used and important word in the Bible. God is referred to as a "Witness" and people are called to be witnesses of certain things. In a court of law there are witnesses who tell the court what they have seen or heard concerning a certain trial. Jesus told the early Disciples that they were to be His witnesses.
We can go to the game, or watch it on TV - we are participating as witnesses! (I expect that all over this planet, in the coming days, there will be many witnesses of the FIFA World Cup!).
Concerning our daily lives, God wants us to be truthful Witnesses of Him first, and also truthful witnesses when necessary, of the things that we see and hear.
Finally this brings me to the people who are impaired in sight, mental health, hearing or speech. They all need our compassionate Prayer, it may be so difficult for them to be effective legal witnesses, even though they may want to be. They can however still be very effective witnesses of and to the Lord.
The Christian Life!
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