The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Saturday, June 30, 2018
Arise And Let Us Flee!
'Arise And Let Us Flee.'
2 Samuel 15:14.
a) So David said to all his servants who were with him at Jerusalem,
b) "Arise, and let us flee;
c) "Or we shall not escape from Absalom.
d) "Make haste to depart,
e) "Lest he overtake us suddenly
f) "And bring disaster upon us,
g) "And strike the city with the edge of the sword."
(This QT reminds me that there maybe times when we need to say: Arise And Let Us Flee)
PRAYER: To always be sensitive to the Lord's leading in our lives.
'Wages Or Gift.'
Romans 6:23.
a) For the wages of sin is death,
b) But the Gift of God
c) Is Eternal Life
d) In Jesus Christ our Lord.
(In this Second one I see the choice for every individual person: Wages Or Gift)
PRAYER: That we, and all of our family members and friends may understand this choice: Wages Or Gift)
History reveals the Hand of God, in various ways, upon individual people and also upon entire Nations. As we understand more about the leading of the Lord upon on lives, we realize just how much He loves us. It is tragic when Christian individuals, families or Churches fail to understand that God really does have plans for us that He wants us to follow.
i) We are not, and should not be, following fate! To follow fate inevitably brings bondage and trouble into our lives. The Bible exhorts us to be sensitive to, and led by, the Holy Spirit.
ii) We are not, and should not be, following a person who controls or dominates us in such a way that we end up doing their will and not God's Will.
iii) We are not, and should not be, like slaves whose will has been broken, enlisted to 'serve' in any environment, family, Church, mission or work. If we are serving the Lord, in any capacity, our experience should be 'good ground' in which we can develop and grow good fruit.
The Bible says that we shall know the Truth, and the Truth will make us free. Within this freedom, we should joyfully be able to find and to live in God's will, plan and purpose for our lives.
The Bible also never advocates rebellion, to rebel is a self-torturous thing to do. We should be led by the Holy Spirit and wisely conduct the affairs of our life. Holy resistance to Satan is not rebellion, it is obedience to God in every circumstance, whether it be family, Church or workplace.
There may be suffering sometimes in doing the WILL OF GOD!
A-Enduring in a dysfunctional family is not necessarily and may not be the Will of God. There is a solution to the situation.
B-Spiritually 'dying' in a 'dead' Church is not necessarily and may not be the Will of God. There is a solution to the situation.
C-Being forced into workplace situations where we are being dominated and abused are not the Will of God. There is a solution to the situation.
Submissive and passive people often become bitter and angry as they grow older simply because they realize what they have 'missed' in life. They blame the 'others' who have hurt, abused or neglected them but they do not do anything about their life choices.
D-(This tragically happens in some cultures and Churches) Being coerced or manipulated into a marriage that we did not want or choose is not the Will of God. Sometimes people may help us with 'introductions' and so forth, but we must have and do have the right (as Christian True Believers) to choose.
God's Plans, and not fate's plans, are always best. God's Plans are found through our relationship with Him.
Friday, June 29, 2018
Seeking Restoration Of Relationship!
'Seeking Restoration Of Family Relationship.'
Genesis 32:3-5.
a) Genesis 32:3. Jacob sent messengers on ahead to his brother Esau in the Land of Seir.
b) Genesis 32:3. Seir was in the region of Edom.
c) Genesis 32:4-5. Jacob told his messengers what to say:
1-"This is what your servant Jacob says" (Jacob was humble, even though he was Esau's brother, he called himself Esau's servant)
2-"I have been staying with Laban until now"
3-"I have:
4-"I have sent this message to inform my lord,
5-"So that I may find favour in your sight."
(Through this QT I find Jacob Seeking Restoration Of Family Relationship)
PRAY: For the desire for restoration of broken families in the community where we live.
'A Certain Future Promise.'
Matthew 25:34.
a) Then the King will say to those on His right:
b) "Come, you who are Blessed by My Father,
c) "Inherit the Kingdom prepared for you
d) "From the foundation of the World."
(This Second one reveals A Certain Future Promise)
PRAY: For good understanding of the Gospels as we read them. [Matthew, Mark, Luke and John]
Sheep are a part of God's Wonderful Creation. I may have mentioned this before, a long time ago, in this QT. I really like sheep! When we see sheep, we should be able to think of ourselves, because Jesus Christ is our Good Shepherd.
When left by themselves, it is easy for sheep to go their own way and go astray. This is not the sheep's fault, it is the shepherd's fault.
When sheep go astray, they are quickly exposed to danger and, very often, get themselves into all sorts of problems. Sheep have value, today, in my country, sheep stealing has become more prevalent. It has become more challenging to farm sheep and to look after them. (Cows are much easier to look after). The Lord Jesus said that He is the 'Good Shepherd' NOT the 'Good Cowherd or Cowboy'! We should learn the lesson, not to go astray in our Walk with the Lord.
At the end of this dispensation, there will be Judgment, even of Believers' works. Just how we follow our Good Shepherd now is eternally important. When our Spiritual Life is in good condition, we have Peace, Hope, and a Desire to Pray.
Sheep do not need a "vision", they need to learn to follow. (A "vision" may become evident as we follow the 'Good Shepherd'.) At certain times and in certain places, people would ask me: 'What is your vision?' QUESTION: Did people ever ask the Disciples of Jesus, or the early New Testament members: 'What is your vision?' Our priority should be following Jesus, not being pressurised or preoccupied about "vision"!
Our only desire should be to follow the Lord Jesus and to be who He wants us to be, then we can do what He wants us to do. Reading through John's Gospel, and then through Acts of the Apostles, may really help us as we prayerfully respond to what we have read.
Thursday, June 28, 2018
No Boasting In Front Of God!
'No Boasting In Front Of God.'
Romans 4:2.
a) If Abraham's good deeds
b) Had made him acceptable to God
c) He would have had something to boast about.
d) But that was not God's Way!
(This QT reminds me that there is No Boasting In Front Of God)
PRAY: For God to help us not to boast.
'Standing Before The Throne.'
Revelation 20:12.
a) And I saw the dead,
b) The great and the small
c) Standing before the Throne
d) And books were opened;
e) And another Book was opened,
f) Which is the Book of Life;
g) And the dead were judged
h) From the things that were written in the books,
i) According to their deeds.
(This Second one reminds me that one day, in the future, I will be Standing Before The Throne)
PRAY: To be ready for this Judgment - which is to do with our deeds.
We are not made acceptable to God by our good works. This is something that diligent True Believers need to remember. We are made acceptable to God only by and through what Jesus Christ has done for us. If we truly love God, then our good works are a part of expressing our love for Him. Our primary focus needs to be on loving God. If we live in such a way, we will be ready to stand before God's Throne when the Day comes.
The Believer's works that we do should be something that flows from the source of our relationship with God.
For those of us who have lovely fathers, that is fathers who love both God and us, we love to please them, we do not want to break their hearts. We really desire to have their "blessing" on our lives. We enjoy our relationship and our communication with them. We know that we are more than acceptable to them. We enjoy good fellowship with them.
If this is true of our relationship with a loving father, how much more should it be so in our relationship with our Heavenly Father.
Wednesday, June 27, 2018
Being Very Kind To A Good Leader!
'Being Very Kind To A Good Leader.'
Genesis 23:6.
a) "Sir", they said. (They were polite and kind)
b) "Listen to us". (He was a leader who was willing to listen)
c) "You are a mighty leader among us". (They respected his leadership)
d) "Bury your dead in one of our choicest burial sites". (They made a big sacrifice for their leader)
e) "None of us would deny you his burial ground". (They were united and compassionate towards their leader)
f) "For burying your dead." (This was a kindness that could not be repaid - it was a sacrifice!)
(Through this QT I find people who were Being Very Kind To A Good Leader)
PRAY: For our Leaders in Church and Mission.
'The Promise Depends On Faith.'
Romans 4:16.
a) For this reason,
b) It depends on Faith,
c) So that it may be a gift,
d) And the Promise may be guaranteed to all his descendants
e) But to those who follow the Faith of Abraham,
f) Who is the father of all of us.
(This Second one reminds me of one of Father God's Principles towards His Children: The Promise Depends On Faith)
PRAY: For Faith to Believe, and to Keep Believing, The Promises that God has given us.
In a good Church, that Glorifies God, there are many 'strengths' that keep the Church in good condition. One of these 'strengths' is the attitude of the congregation toward their leadership. When the leadership is obviously good, the congregation will respond in an appropriate way.
There are many Churches, all over the World that are not yet in good condition, or which have 'fallen' from good condition and need to be restored. The goal of these Churches should be restoration! There should be appropriate steps taken by the Church leaders in humility until the Lord grants that condition of being restored.
The Church's example to follow is set by the Life and Ministry of Christ. The restoration process is the responsibility of the Church Leaders, as they follow the example of the Lord Himself. The aim of every Believer and every Church must be Christlikeness!
There are some Churches that put "Gospel Services" as a priority over all other Church meetings. Personally, I think Prayer meetings, Bible Studies and Holy Communion Worship should be the priority. The "Gospel Service", which is commonly held on a Sunday evening, could actually be held also on other days, with different forms, at appropriate times.
God calls for different forms of "effort", prioritizing Prayer, from the Church if Restoration is going to happen. If the Church has Faith to Believe the Promises of God and is able to take the steps necessary for that Restoration, then, as the Bible says: "With Faith and Patience we inherit the Promises of God." (Maybe by reading books on the history of the Welsh Revival we can be encouraged as to the possibility of Revival and Restoration for our Churches. For further helpful reading, we can find good books or internet articles on the revivals taking place, or that have taken place, in China, South Korea, South America and other parts of the World.)
Tuesday, June 26, 2018
Genesis 32:1-2.
a) Jacob went on his way
b) And the Angels of God met him.
c) When Jacob saw them,
d) He said: "This is God's Camp."
e) And he called the name of the place Mahanaim.
(This QT teaches me about two basic essentials of life. Firstly: Encounter with God. Secondly: A Godly home to live in)
PRAYER: For our home to live in, that it be Godly.
'Receive The Holy Spirit.'
Galatians 3:2.
a) This only I want to learn from you:
b) Did you receive the Holy Spirit
c) By the works of the Law,
d) Or by the hearing of Faith?
(This Second one reminds me to Receive The Holy Spirit today)
PRAYER: To receive, and to be filled with, the Holy Spirit daily.
Through this QT I am reminded of two important parts of our Faith-life as a Believer in Jesus Christ: Firstly, our encounters with God and how we respond to them. When we encounter God, He intends for us for that to be some kind of life-changing or direction-changing time for us.
Secondly, as Believers in Jesus, we are reminded that we do, and we should, Receive the Holy Spirit. We receive the Holy Spirit by Faith, as the Gift from God. Just as Salvation is the Gift of God, so, the fulness of the Holy Spirit is also the Gift of God.
Luke's Gospel tells us that, whilst He was on this Earth, Jesus was filled with the Holy Spirit. Furthermore the Bible exhorts us all, as True Believers, to be filled with the Holy Spirit. God does not discriminate, this Gift of the Holy Spirit is for every Believer in Jesus Christ because He desires that all of us be His Witnesses in some way.
We need to understand that every True Believer, from whatever Church background, has the Holy Spirit, and that our challenge is to be filled with the Holy Spirit and keep on being filled with Him. If this fulness has taken place in our lives and continually takes place day-by-day, then our lives should produce the Fruit of the Holy Spirit.
Monday, June 25, 2018
Old Testament Lessons!
'Old Testament Lessons.'
Romans 4:1.
a) What then shall we say
b) Was gained by Abraham,
c) Our forefather
d) According to the flesh?
(Through this QT I am reminded to learn and study Old Testament Lessons)
PRAY: For our personal Bible Reading and Bible Study.
'Ask Heavenly Father For The Holy Spirit.'
Luke 11:13.
a) If you then, who are evil,
b) Know how to give good gifts to your children,
c) How much more will the Heavenly Father
d) Give the Holy Spirit
e) To those people who ask Him?
(This Second one exhorts me to Ask Heavenly Father For The Holy Spirit every day, and thank Him for The Holy Spirit too!)
PRAY DAILY: To be filled with the Holy Spirit.
The Bible always encourages us to respond to the times when we read it. Paul's question here is: "What then shall we say?" There are many such calls to response in God's Word. We need to carefully consider our response every time that we read such a call.
There is so much encouragement in God's Word calling us to follow Him, or to respond to Him. The Second part of this QT calls us to ask Heavenly Father. In our personal Bible Reading and Bible Studies we should consider how God wants us to respond to Him.
What does God say to us from our own reading of His Word today?
If we are "new" to Bible Reading, we should ask our Bible Study Leader, or our Pastor, where we should start reading our Bible. For those of us who are "new" Believers and we cannot go to Church, I suggest that Mark's Gospel, Psalms, and then John's Gospel are good Books within the Bible to read.
Sunday, June 24, 2018
Dedication And Commitment!
'Dedication And Commitment.'
Nehemiah 4:21-23.
a) Nehemiah 4:21. We worked early and late,
b) Nehemiah 4:21. From sunrise to sunset.
c) Nehemiah 4:21. Half the men were always on guard.
d) Nehemiah 4:22. I told everyone who lived outside the walls to come and live inside the City (Jerusalem).
e) Nehemiah 4:22. That way, they and their servants could help with guard duty at night and work during the day.
f) Nehemiah 4:23. During this time none of us, not:
2-My relatives.
3-My servants.
4-The guards with me.
g) Nehemiah 4:23. Even took off our clothes.
h) Nehemiah 4:23. Each one kept his weapon, even when we went for water.
(This QT teaches me about Dedication And Commitment)
PRAY: For our Dedication and Commitment.
'Knowing That God Loves Us.'
Romans 5:5.
a) This Hope will not lead to disappointment.
b) For we know how dearly God loves us
c) Because He has given us the Holy Spirit
d) To fill our hearts with His Love.
(This Second one reminds me that we can be Knowing That God Loves Us)
PRAY: For personal assurance of God's Love.
One of the Prayer requests that God puts into the heart of the True Believer is to Pray for their relatives. In many cases, we are the only people who are going to be praying for our relatives - especially for those who do not yet know the Lord Jesus Christ as their personal Saviour. We can also be praying for others in our home, work and Church as we so desire. Prayer is not meant to an emotionally tiring or painful spiritual exercise, it is meant to be a part of our communion with the Lord (Our relationship with Him). There may be something fundamentally wrong with our spiritual foundation or spiritual formation if we do not have a desire to Pray.
A 'personal relationship' with God, through knowing the Lord Jesus as our Saviour should be a vital part of our Faith life. We cannot live on someone else's experience of God. This 'personal relationship' with God is the beginning of a new life in Christ, the Bible describes it as being 'born again'! That really is a new start in life. One of the things that Jesus says 'must' about - and there are not many! - is that we must be born again. The method of how we are born again is not set, it can be anyhow and anywhere, but it involves accepting Jesus Christ as our Lord and Saviour - it may be a sudden decision or it may be a process. (He then becomes Lord of our life and the Saviour of our soul.)
There are so many ways and circumstances in and by which a person may come to accept Christ. We are not necessarily the 'instrument' to lead them to Christ, but we may be their intercessor to pray for them.
God does not manipulate people, neither should we. Manipulation is not the way to help another person into the Kingdom of God.
Saturday, June 23, 2018
A Trusted Promise!
'A Trusted Promise.'
Genesis 31:53-55.
a) Genesis 31:53. God was Witness of this Promise.
b) Genesis 31:54. The Promise was sealed with the blood of sacrifice.
c) Genesis 31:54. The Promise was celebrated with Fellowship.
d) Genesis 31:55. The Promise was trusted at the time for returning home.
e) Genesis 31:55. The Promise resulted in blessing.
(This QT teaches me about A Trusted Promise)
PRAY: That the Promises we make will result in Blessing.
'Delivered And Preserved.'
2 Timothy 4:18.
a) And the Lord shall deliver me
b) From every evil work,
c) And preserve me
d) Unto His Heavenly Kingdom:
e) To Whom be Glory
f) Forever and ever. Amen.
(Through this Second one I give thanks to the Lord that I am Delivered and Preserved)
PRAY: For Deliverance to be given to us by the Lord when it is necessary.
The Promise was sealed with the Blood of Sacrifice. This is the Biblical sign that a Promise, or Covenant is sealed, the Sign of Blood. There needs to be focus in my life, personally, continually and increasingly, on the meaning of the shed Blood of Jesus Christ. This, also, is one of the foremost activities of the Church - or at least, it should be! Sometimes we get distracted in the Church because of incorrect focus. This "focus" is usually determined by a situation within the Church or its surrounding environment. The Scripture pattern is laid out for us in Acts 2:42 and it would be good for every Church to follow that pattern, as the Bible puts it - steadfastly.
Friday, June 22, 2018
When We Have Faith!
'When We Have Faith.'
Romans 3:31.
a) Do we then cancel the Law
b) Through Faith?
c) Absolutely not.
d) On the contrary,
e) We uphold the Law.
(This QT explains to me what happens When We Have Faith)
PRAY: For our Faith.
'The Sources Of Misery.'
Romans 7:24.
a) O, what a miserable person I am!
b) Who will free me from this life?
c) It is dominated by sin and death.
(This Second one teaches me two of The Sources Of Misery)
PRAY: For the Lord to give us Faith to overcome The Sources Of Misery.
It is never good to continually live in misery. This condition of misery is not just associated in poverty or sickness, it can become a part of our lives for a host of different reasons.
We should never condemn, judge or criticize a person living in misery because we do not know all that is involved in the situation of another person's life. What we can do is Pray for them in our personal Prayers. Acceptance is something that we should learn to give to other people, only their Maker can fully understand them. This is why the Scripture enjoins us to Pray for one another and to accept one another as Christ accepted us.
It is difficult to live long-term with people who live with some kind of physical, emotional or mental disorder, these people can be a source of great emotional stress and even a damaging experience for those 'in the home'. It is sometimes right to provide the best possible environment for those people to live in outside of family home, whether temporarily or permanently. Caring families should never have to become "bitter hosts".
Regarding our Prayers, mentioned above, it seems definitely a day today to Pray for our Faith.
Thursday, June 21, 2018
These Have Power!
'These Have Power.'
a) Genesis 49:24; Exodus 31:3; Leviticus 26:45. The Mighty God.
b) Exodus 29:37; Leviticus 6:18. Holiness.
c) Leviticus 26:13. The things that hold us down.
d) Numbers 22:28. Speech.
e) Numbers 24:20; Joshua 11:10. Nations.
f) Judges 13:25; 14:6 & 19; 1 Kings 18:46. The Lord.
g) 1 Samuel 17:3. The Philistines.
h) 2 Kings 2:15. Elijah.
i) 2 Kings 5:7; Psalm 16:10. Life and Death.
j) 2 Kings 15:19. Menahem.
k) 2 Chronicles 1:1. King Solomon.
l) 2 Chronicles 32:8; Psalm 10:15. Human beings.
m) Ezra 7:28. Government officials.
n) Psalm 41:2. Enemies.
(This QT reminds me that These Have Power)
PRAY: To experience the Lord's Power in some way today.
'The Lord Is The Conqueror.'
Psalm 44:3.
a) Your people did not conquer the Land with their swords.
b) They did not win it by their own power.
c) It was by:
1-The Lord's Power.
2-The Lord's Strength.
3-The Lord's Presence.
d) This showed that the Lord loved them.
(This Second one affirms to me that The Lord Is The Conqueror)
PRAY: Trusting God that The Lord Is The Conqueror.
Human beings have power! It can be power for good or it can be power for evil. I find it so amazing that God has trusted human beings with power. Sin makes us abuse the power that God has given to us, and yet, He does not take it away from us. There are many ways in which the power that God gives to us can be manifested in our lives, we should prayerfully choose to determine, and follow, His Will for us.
Wednesday, June 20, 2018
A Sensible Boundary!
'A Sensible Boundary.'
Genesis 31:51-52.
a) This Promise was very public - it was meant to be public.
b) It was a clearly made boundary - not to be crossed over.
c) This boundary was a sign of protection - it prevented harm.
(This QT teaches me about A Sensible Boundary)
PRAY: That we will make A Sensible Boundary in our lives when we need to.
'A Generous God.'
Romans 8:32.
a) Since He did not spare
b) Even His Own Son
c) But gave Him up
d) For us all.
e) Won't He also
f) Give us everything else.
(This Second one reveals to me A Generous God)
PRAY: That God will teach us different ways in which we can be sensibly generous.
There are times in our lives, even for many years, when we need to protect ourselves from people who may harm or damage us, whether inside or outside of our own families! This can cause us much distress in our emotions and our will. God wants to restore us from such episodes and help us to make sensible boundaries in our lives. There are even books written about "Boundaries" that we can purchase in our Christian Bookstore, or over the internet. People should not cross our boundaries, and we should definitely not cross the boundaries of other people.
It is important that we learn to respect other people well, whoever they are, even though they may not yet respect us.
I try not to make friends with people who perpetually attempt to cross my boundaries. The first One that we can be 'open' to is our Lord, and He can help us and lead us in our making of friendships and boundaries in our lives.
REMEMBER: Jesus gave His Life for us, but he was never used by anyone. He was continually led by the Holy Spirit until the time on the Cross.
Tuesday, June 19, 2018
All Who Believe Are Justified!
'All Who Believe Are Justified.'
Romans 3:30.
a) There is One God,
b) God is One
c) He will Justify the circumcised by Faith
d) And the uncircumcised through Faith.
(This QT reminds me that All Who Believe Are Justified)
THANK GOD that All Who Believe Are Justified.
'God Shows His Love For Us.'
Romans 5:8.
a) God proves His Own love for us
b) In that while we were still sinners,
c) Christ died for us.
(THANK GOD that Christ died for you and your family, colleagues and Church members)
We need to be reminded that all people who Believe are justified. This is a great foundation for Biblical fellowship in the Church. If the fellowship that we have in Church is held in Biblical style, then all the problems in the Churches can be solved. The problem is that, in the Church we sometimes live and act like non-believers in the World system. This proves that the work of Grace is not continuing in our hearts.
The Bible calls us, as True Believers, to respond continually, day by day, to the Grace of God and the Word of God. If we do this, then we can live the New Life in Jesus Christ.
The Foundation for our Faith and the Foundation for the Church is the same Foundation. This Foundation is the Lord Jesus Christ. We are to build, the Bible tells us, on the good and correct Foundation. Whatever kind of Church we attend, the Foundation must be the Lord Jesus Christ. If there is any other 'foundation' the so-called 'church' will fail.
The New Testament Church grew rapidly, it was an open and attractive Church, even though there was often persecution, the numbers still grew. If it was 'scattered' to other localities, in the new localities, it grew!
Just like a building that is built today has a good foundation for it to stand as a 'multi-story' building, so the Church needs to have a good foundation if it is to grow.
Church needs to be Bible Centered, a House of Prayer, welcoming to strangers and desirous of sharing the Gospel to other people in appropriate ways. Sometimes other forms of 'spreading the Word of God' are better and more influential than knocking on the doors of peoples' homes, which most families do not like, and irritates them. (Putting a well-designed and informative invitation through the door can be far more effective.)
Some examples of 'appropriate ways' are: having a locally advertised coffee morning at the Church, a meeting for elderly people in the week-time, arranging for a certain sports activity that young people can join. Having a well-supervised activity for children during school holidays. All these, and other activities, can welcome the stranger to the Church.
To do these things probably means a lot of good preparation and training. It is good to do these things gradually and well trained people who have a heart to do them and to be properly trained to do them. Included in the training would also be a Christ-centered 'discipleship' program, to help prepare those who are desirous of serving in such a ministry.
Just as in the New Testament days, sacrifices may need to be made in order for a Church to be planted, revived, or to grow. Probably the Sacrifices of Praise and Prayer, time and money need to be made. God provides in different ways and He is please when people sacrifice in such ways.
Monday, June 18, 2018
According To God's Word And Promise!
'According To God's Word.'
Psalm 119:170.
a) Let my plea
b) Come before You, O Lord;
c) Deliver me
d) According to Your Word.
(Through this QT I want to live in Freedom: According To God's Word)
PRAY: Before the Lord, for Deliverance, According To God's Word.
'The Extent Of God's Love.'
John 3:16.
a) For God so loved the World,
b) That He gave His Only Son
c) That whoever Believes in Him
d) Should not perish
e) But have Eternal Life.
(Through this Second one I find The Extent Of God's Love)
PRAY: For the Gospel Message to be clearly preached in the Churches, so that people can clearly understand The Extent Of God's Love.
When we Pray, it is important to remember that we come before the Lord. When we come before Him, it should not be in some glib kind of way. We should come before Him with hearts and minds that are prepared to do so. Of course, God is always ready to welcome us, no matter our condition, and His Promise is to change us from Glory to Glory. Probably, the Church will not be ready to meet with God on the Lord's Day (meaning Sunday Worship) if it dispenses with the formal Prayer meeting. God helps those people who seek Him. The functions of the Church that should be open for all people to attend are: Prayer meeting; Holy Communion worship; Gospel Service and Bible Study. There is also personal private Prayer (which is important).
Whatever the condition of the Church, the Prayer meeting should never be dispensed with. The Bible study, also, should never be neglected, or treated as unimportant. To put the two meetings together (Prayer meeting and Bible study) is a sure sign that the Church is in decline and probably something is lacking in its leadership. Sunday Holy Communion Worship Service, the Gospel Worship Service, Bible Study Fellowship and Prayer Meeting are all (and should be) very basic services of the Church.
Sunday, June 17, 2018
A Caring And Righteous Father!
'A Caring And Righteous Father.'
Genesis 31:50.
a) "If you oppress my daughters,
b) "Or if you take wives besides my daughters,
c) "Although no-one else is with you, (As a secret deception)
d) "See:
e) "God is Witness between you and me."
(This QT reveals A Caring And Righteous Father)
PRAY: For the fathers in your Church to be Caring and Righteous)
'Clearly Do What Is Socially Right.'
Jeremiah 22:3.
a) This is what the Lord says:
b) Be fair-minded and just.
c) Do what is right.
d) Help those who have been robbed;
e) Rescue them from their oppressors.
f) Quit your evil deeds!
g) Do not mistreat:-
h) Stop murdering the innocent!
(This Second one reminds me to Clearly Do What Is Socially Right)
PRAY: For people who have suffered because of bad treatment by others.
Nothing is hidden from God! God is a Witness of all that we say and do, or what we do not say and do when we should. We cannot deceive God! One of the most deceptive thoughts when we do something wrong is that "no-one sees me". That is a thought that puts many people into bondage, or keeps them there. Please remember that nothing is hidden from God.
This thought should guard us when we are tempted to do wrong, it should also comfort us when we are going through some kind of difficult times. The Promise of God, that He will never leave us or forsake us is still relevant today.
God not only sees our exterior actions, He also sees into our heart. We need also to be fair-minded and just! This inner condition will help our actions to Glorify God.
Saturday, June 16, 2018
The God Of The Jews And The Gentiles!
'The God Of The Jews And The Gentiles.'
Romans 3:29.
a) Is God the God of the Jews only?
b) Is He not the God of the Gentiles also?
c) Of course He is.
(This QT reminds me that God is The God Of The Jews And The Gentiles)
PRAY: For the Jews and Gentiles whom you know to receive Christ as their Lord and Saviour.
'Confidence In The Gospel.'
Romans 1:16.
a) I am not ashamed of the Gospel,
b) Because it is the Power of God for Salvation
c) To everyone who Believes,
d) First to the Jew, then to the Greek.
(This Second one reveals why I have Confidence In The Gospel)
PRAY: For our family members, friends, and other associates to have Confidence In The Gospel.
In Biblical terms I would be classified as a Gentile Believer, simply because I am not Jewish. This is a simple definition which I am very happy to accept. If I were a Jew, I am sure that I would love Israel and I would probably be called a Jewish Believer. If I did not Believe in Jesus Christ, I think that I would probably be classified simply as a Gentile. All Gentiles have a Nation into which we were born, and it is necessary for us to be recorded as coming from our Nation. If there is any change to be made to our National status, that has to be done through various Governmental Departments. In most cases it is possible to do this if we desire to do it, even though it may take time and money to facilitate.
Most of us Gentiles have Nations, or a Nation, that we love (or like very much). It may be our own Nation or others. If there are Nations which we love, whether it is the Israeli Nation or other Nations. As Christians, we should be able to Pray for the Nation or Nations that we love and also Pray for the Nations that we are requested to Pray for through various sources.
The Lord has given us the Nations as our inheritance.
Lord, Consider My Affliction!
'Lord, Consider My Affliction.'
Psalm 119:153.
a) Consider my affliction
b) And deliver me,
c) For I do not forget
d) Your Law.
(This QT reminds me of a powerful personal Prayer)
PRAYER: When we need to: Lord, Consider My Affliction.
'Foolish Ephraim.'
Hosea 8:9.
a) They have gone up to Assyria. (They went to a bad place)
b) They were like a wild donkey alone, by itself. (They irresponsibly went alone)
c) They hired lovers. (They were alone and in bondage)
(This Second one teaches me about Foolish Ephraim)
PRAYER: Not to be foolish like Ephraim.
We should understand the Power of Personal Prayer! This kind of Prayer can be prayed in many ways and places! It can be loud or discreet, it can be a pouring out of our heart with our words, or it can be silent and without speech. We should never forget the Power of Personal Prayer. God hears those Personal Prayers whenever we cry to him and wherever we may be! It can be Prayer for ourselves or for other people. It can even be Prayer for localities and Nations. We should not neglect, or forget Personal Prayers.
Sometimes we forget that, when we Pray during our QT time, those Personal Prayers are so powerful and meaningful.
I have, rarely, been in Prayer Meetings where there have been powerful and wonderful movings of the Lord, by His Spirit in some way. The experience of those kind of meetings is unforgettable. The Holy Spirit makes some kind of deep impression in our heart. I am sure that when that happens, those people attending will be Blessed by their memories of the encounter, if it is truly a manifestation, or outpouring of the Spirit of God.
Thursday, June 14, 2018
Multi-Ethnic And Multi-Lingual!
'Multi-Ethnic And Multi-Lingual.'
Genesis 31:46-49.
a) Genesis 31:46. Jacob said to his kinsmen: "Gather stones." They took stones and made a heap.
b) Genesis 31:46. And they ate there by the heap.
c) Genesis 31:47. Laban called it: "Jegar-Sahadutha."
d) Genesis 31:47. But Jacob called it: "Galeed".
e) (Both had the same meaning: Heap of Witness)
f) Genesis 31:48. Laban said: "This heap is a witness between you and me today."
g) Genesis 31:48. Therefore he named it: "Galeed",
h) Genesis 31:49. And Mizpah, for he said: "The Lord watch between you and me, when we are out of one another's sight."
(This QT reminds me of Multi-Ethnic and Multi-Lingual Ministry)
PRAYER: That Multi-Ethnic and Multi-Lingual Ministry can healthily develop in Multi-Ethnic and Multi-Lingual areas of our Towns, Cities and Nations and that multi-lingual Worship Services will flourish in our Churches, where and when we have such Services.
'Please Lord, Do It Quickly.'
Psalm 70:1.
a) Make haste, O God,
b) To deliver me!
c) O Lord,
d) Make haste to help me!
(Through this Second one we can pray Please Lord, Do It Quickly)
PRAYER: Pray to the Lord to do it quickly when we need to pray that way.
Witness is a frequently used and important word in the Bible. God is referred to as a "Witness" and people are called to be witnesses of certain things. In a court of law there are witnesses who tell the court what they have seen or heard concerning a certain trial. Jesus told the early Disciples that they were to be His witnesses.
We can go to the game, or watch it on TV - we are participating as witnesses! (I expect that all over this planet, in the coming days, there will be many witnesses of the FIFA World Cup!).
Concerning our daily lives, God wants us to be truthful Witnesses of Him first, and also truthful witnesses when necessary, of the things that we see and hear.
Finally this brings me to the people who are impaired in sight, mental health, hearing or speech. They all need our compassionate Prayer, it may be so difficult for them to be effective legal witnesses, even though they may want to be. They can however still be very effective witnesses of and to the Lord.
Wednesday, June 13, 2018
Believe In Christ!
'Believe In Christ.'
Romans 3:28.
a) We know that
b) If a person believes in Christ,
c) God makes that person 'right' again.
d) It is not because that person has obeyed the Law.
(This QT is a call to Believe In Christ)
PRAYER: That family members and associates will Believe In Christ.
'Nothing To Do With Works.'
Ephesians 2:9.
a) (Our Salvation is...)
b) Not a result of works (Titus 3:5; 2 Timothy 1:9)
c) So that no one
d) May boast.
(This Second one reminds me that the Gift of Salvation has Nothing To Do With Works)
PRAYER: That our family, friends and Church will believe that Salvation has Nothing To Do With Works.
We know that if a person Believes in Christ, God makes that person 'right' with Himself. This is a part of the basic Message of the Gospel. This means that our Gospel Messages in Church - and outside - need to be Grace centered and focused on Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ our Lord is the One Who has power to save and redeem a person's life. He alone is the Source of Salvation and Eternal Life.
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The Christian Life!
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