The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Tuesday, June 27, 2017
Zachariah's Perfect Prophecy!
'Zachariah's Perfect Prophecy.'
Luke 1:68-79.
a) Luke 1:68. Gives Praise to the Lord for His Redemption Gift.
b) Luke 1:69. Praises the Lord for Salvation Gift.
c) Luke 1:70. Remembers Biblical Prophecy.
d) Luke 1:71. Salvation from enemies.
e) Luke 1:72. Remembering God's Mercy and Holy Covenant.
f) Luke 1:73. Remembering God's oath to Abraham.
g) Luke 1:74. Praying for Victory and for fearless Service to the Lord.
h) Luke 1:75. Praying to live in Holiness and Righteousness.
i) Luke 1:76-79. Regarding John:-
1-A prophet of the Most High.
2-Making ready the Way of the Lord.
3-Give the people the knowledge of Salvation through the Forgiveness of their sins.
4-Reminding the people of the Tender Mercy of God by which the Rising Sun will come from Heaven.
5-The Rising Sun will:
A-Shine on those people living in darkness.
B-Shine on those people living in the shadow of death.
C-Guide our feet in the Path of Peace.
(This QT reminds me about Zachariah's Perfect Prophecy)
'The Church.'
a) Matthew 16:18. Is built on the Rock, Jesus Christ.
b) Matthew 18:17. Is a place of discipline of Believers.
c) Acts 8:3. Sometimes faces persecution.
d) Acts 9:31. At times of Peace can be:-
2-Living in the Fear of the Lord.
3-Encouraged by the Holy Spirit.
e) Acts 11:26. Is a place to make Disciples.
f) Acts 12:5. Should be a place of Prayer.
g) Acts 13:1; 14:23. Should have a gifted Leadership.
h) Acts 14:27. Should be encouraged by hearing about Mission.
i) Acts 15:3 & 22. Sends out Missionaries.
j) Acts 15:4. Welcomes Missionaries.
k) Acts 20:28. Needs Shepherds.
l) Romans 16:1. Appoints its own deacons.
m) 1 Corinthians 1:2. Is:-
1-Is people that are Sanctified in Christ Jesus.
2-Called to be God's Holy People.
3-Has a World wide concept and vision.
m) 1 Corinthians 10:32. Should not be made to stumble.
n) 1 Corinthians 12:28. Has Ministers that God places in it.
o) 1 Corinthians 14:26. Should be spiritually built up.
p) 2 Corinthians 1:1; 1 Timothy 3:15. Belongs to God. (We should look after it well in every way)
q) Ephesians 1:22; 5:24; Colossians 1:18. Christ is the Head.
r) Ephesians 3:10. Should reveal the Manifest Wisdom of God.
s) Ephesians 5:27. Christ desires a Radiant Church.
t) Ephesians 5:29. Christ feeds and cares for His Church.
u) Philippians 4:15. Is sometimes mean - that is sin!
v) Colossians 1:24. Is the Body of Christ.
w) Colossians 4:15. Does not necessarily need its own building.
x) James 5:14. Its Elders should pray for the sick members.
(This Second one restores my Prayers for the Church)
The Church welcomes Missionaries! True Missionaries can bring news to the Church about the realities of God's Kingdom in other places where the Gospel is being preached. Many Churches lose their "mission vision" because they have no real relationships with, or even contact with, Missionaries. A Church with no Mission Vision is already a dying Church!
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