The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Sunday, June 4, 2017
I Want To Worship The Lord!
'I Want To Worship The Living God.'
Hebrews 9:14.
a) Just think how much more.
b) The Blood of Christ will purify our consciences.
c) From sinful deeds.
d) So that we can Worship the Living God.
e) For by the Power of the Eternal Spirit,
f) Christ offered Himself to God
g) As a perfect Sacrifice for our sins.
(By this QT I Want To Worship The Living God)
PRAYER: That our Worship will be acceptable to God.
'The Power Of Christ's Blood.'
Matthew 26:28.
a) This is My Blood
b) Of the New Testament.
c) Which is shed for many (people)
d) For the remission of sins.
(This Second one reminds me of The Power Of Christ's Blood)
PRAYER: For the Blood of Christ Jesus to be fully efficacious in our lives.
It was by the Power of the Eternal Spirit that Christ was able to offer Himself to God as the Sacrifice for our sins. After His Resurrection and before His Ascension, Christ imparted His Holy Spirit, the same Eternal Spirit, to His Disciples. When we seek God today, in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, to be filled with the Holy Spirit, we should remember that He is the same Eternal Spirit that was in Christ, without measure. Our capacity is limited but the Holy Spirit is the same. He helps us to Pray, Worship and Live in Victory.
The Christian Life!
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