The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Wednesday, June 21, 2017
The Name Is Important!
'The Name Is Important.'
Luke 1:59-64.
a) Luke 1:59. The normal, cultural way to name the son at the Circumcision ceremony.
b) Luke 1:60. The mother's intervention: "Call him John".
c) Luke 1:61. The people around the mother doubted her.
d) Luke 1:62. The people around then turned to the temporarily dumb father and asked him what the name of the son should be.
e) Luke 1:63. Father wrote on a writing tablet: "His name is John".
f) Luke 1:64. Immediately:
1-The dumb father's mouth was opened.
2-The dumb father's tongue was set free.
3-The dumb father began to speak - praising God!
(This QT teaches me that The Name Is Important)
PRAY: For prospective expecting parents in your family or community to choose well the name of their baby or babies.
'Those Who Will Inherit The Kingdom.'
Matthew 25:31-34.
a) Matthew 25:31. Jesus will come with His Holy Angels.
b) Matthew 25:31. Jesus will sit upon the Throne Of His Glory.
c) Matthew 25:32. All Nations will be gathered before Him.
d) Matthew 25:32. Jesus will separate the people from one another, like a shepherd who separates sheep from goats.
e) Matthew 25:33. He will put the sheep on His right and the goats on His left.
f) Matthew 25:34. He will say to the sheep on His right side: "Come you who are Blessed by My Father; "Come you who are Blessed by My Father; take your inheritance, the Kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the World.
(This Second one reveals to me Those Who Will Inherit The Kingdom)
PRAY: That we will be confidently aware that we are among Those Who Will Inherit The Kingdom.
The dumb father's mouth was opened when he took the action of Faith to write his son's name on the writing tablet. It was at that moment that his mouth was opened and he was no longer dumb. Sometimes we are feeling "bound" by our situation. It is often (not always) that when we take a step of Faith, just like the father in this QT did, that the sense of being "bound" is released.
The Christian Life!
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