The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Friday, May 12, 2017
a) Genesis 13:5. Lot was travelling with Abram.
b) Numbers 10:33. They were travelling led by the Ark of the Lord's Covenant ahead of them. (They were being led by the Lord)
c) Deuteronomy 2:3. You have been travelling around the hill country long enough, turn North.
d) Deuteronomy 2:14. They had travelled 38 years in the desert.
e) Judges 19:8. Travelling home.
f) 2 Kings 2:1. Elijah and Elisha were travelling from Gilgal.
g) Luke 7:11; 8:1. Jesus and His Disciples travelled.
h) Acts 8:40. Philip was travelling and Evangelising.
i) Acts 9:17. Jesus appeared to Paul when he was travelling.
j) Acts 9:32. Peter travelled from place to place.
k) Acts 19:29. Paul had travelling companions.
l) Romans 15:25. Paul was travelling to Jerusalem to serve the Saints.
(This QT reminds me that Travelling was sometimes a part of Evangelising and serving the Churches)
PRAYER: For those who travel to Serve the Lord.
a) Acts 20:4. Accompanied Paul.
b) Acts 27:2. Went overseas for the Gospel's sake.
c) Colossians 4:10. Was in prison for the Gospel's sake.
d) Philemon 1:24. Paul counted him as a co-worker.
(This Second one gives me respect for Aristarchus)
PRAYER: For those in prison for the sake of the Gospel.
Prayer for the Nations should be an important part of the Prayer life of the Church world-wide! Even in the persecuted Church in some Nations they are continuing to Pray, not just for themselves, but also for other Nations. Our Church prayer meetings should not just be limited to the matters of the Church, we should also be praying for the Nations.
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