The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Tuesday, May 9, 2017
He Went Back And Worshipped!
'He Went Back And Worshipped.'
Genesis 13:4.
a) Abram went back to the place where he first made an altar and worshipped the Lord.
b) At that place.
c) He called upon the Name of the Lord.
(This QT, He Went Back And Worshipped, teaches me that it is always good to have an historical place in our lives that we associate with Worship and Prayer)
PRAYER: That we will not forget, but give thanks to God for, our own 'Spiritual Heritage'.
'Longing For God.'
Psalm 42:1-2.
a) As the deer pants for the water brooks.
b) So my soul pants for you O God.
c) My soul thirsts for God.
d) For the Living God.
e) When shall I come and appear before God?
(Because of this Second one I am reminded of the importance of Longing For God)
PRAYER: For a new desire and Longing For God)
We should be able to treasure our spiritual heritage. There need be nothing that we should be ashamed of if we have a "Godly spiritual heritage"! If, for some reason, we are ashamed of our spiritual heritage, maybe because of our belonging to some kind of cult or extreme "church" beforehand, we do not have to go on living under that shame! We are to confess our faults and get on living for the Glory of the Lord. God can build a new and healthy spiritual foundation into our lives.
The Christian Life!
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