'Hungry People'
a) Luke 1:53. The Lord fills with good things.
b) 1 Samuel 2:5. Have ceased to hunger.
c) Job 5:5. Are desperate for food.
d) Job 22:7. Need to be fed.
e) Psalm 107:5. Their soul can faint.
f) Isaiah 29:8. Sometimes have a dream that they are eating.
g) Isaiah 44:12. Have failing strength.
h) Isaiah 58:7. We can somehow share or give food with and to them.
i) Matthew 12:1. Jesus' Disciples were hungry.
j) Matthew 12:3. David was hungry.
k) Philippians 4:12. Apostle Paul learned to live with hunger.
(This QT reminds me that sometimes we can dream about real situations in our lives)
PRAYER: For the hungry people.
'Look To Jesus.'
Hebrews 12:2.
a) He is the Author of our Faith.
b) He is the Perfecter of our Faith.
c) For the Joy set before Him, He endured the Cross.
d) He despised the shame of the Cross.
e) He is now sat down at the Right Hand of the Throne of God.
(This Second one calls me to Look To Jesus)
PRAYER: Always in the Name of Jesus.
Hungry people need to be fed. This is why the Church should be helping those people who feed the hungry and even be involved themselves in feeding hungry people when possible and where appropriate. All over the World, even today, there are hungry people, many different religious groups of different religions are feeding the hungry, the Church also need to be involved.
The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Wednesday, May 31, 2017
Tuesday, May 30, 2017
An Amazing Promise Already Fulfilled!
'An Amazing Promise Already Fulfilled.'
Genesis 13:16.
a) God said:-
b) I will make your descendants
c) As many as there are specks of dust on the Earth.
d) If anyone could count the specks of dust on the Earth,
e) Then he could also count how many descendants I am talking about.
(This QT reveals An Amazing Promise Already Fulfilled)
PRAYER: For God's Promises, that He has given to us, to be fulfilled
'A Compassionate Father.'
Psalm 103:13.
a) An earthly father expresses Love for His Children;
b) It is no different with our Heavenly Father;
c) He shows His Love for those who revere Him.
(Through this Second one I trust the Love of A Compassionate Father)
PRAYER: For the Love of our Heavenly Father to be in our lives.
It is, of course, impossible to count the specks of dust on the Earth. It is also impossible to count the specks of dust even in the streets around our home. When God gave this Promise to Abraham, humanly it must have been so very difficult to believe. Abraham did, however, believe it and it was fulfilled and the manifested fulfillment is something that continues until today.
Monday, May 29, 2017
The Hungry!
'The Hungry.'
a) Luke 1:53. The Lord fills them with good things.
b) Isaiah 58:10. The Lord's People are to give themselves to them.
c) Isaiah 32:6. We should not deprive the hungry people of their food.
d) Isaiah 44:12. Have failing strength.
e) Isaiah 58:7; Ezekiel 18:7 & 16. God wants His People to share their bread with them.
f) Isaiah 58:10. God wants His People to be concerned for them.
g) Psalm 107:5. Suffer in their soul too.
h) Proverbs 10:3. The Lord will not let a righteous soul go hungry.
i) Matthew 15:32; Mark 8:3. The had compassion on the hungry crowd.
j) Matthew 21:18; Mark 11:12; Luke 4:2. The Lord Himself experienced hunger.
k) Luke 6:3. David was hungry.
l) Philippians 4:12. Hungry people can still live with contentment.
(This QT urges me to Pray for The Hungry people)
PRAYER: For hungry people in whichever place the Lord puts on your heart to Pray for.
'Pray For Our National Leaders.'
Psalm 21:1.
a) For them to honour the Lord as their Lord.
b) For the Joy of the Lord to be their strength.
c) For them to Rejoice in the victories that the Lord gives.
(Through this Second one, at this time of General Election, I know that it is good to Pray For Our National Leaders)
PRAYER: For your present National Leaders.
Through this QT I read that the Lord cares simply about hungry people and He wants them to be filled. Whatever kind of legitimate hunger it may be, the Lord wants to fill it. It is not a sin to be hungry, the Lord Himself said that there will always be hungry people. There are different social sources in various environments that may cause hunger... I am not going to make a list. One thing is clear though, the Lord wants hungry people to be fed and helped.
Sunday, May 28, 2017
How Many?
'How Many?'
a) Mark 8:20; Matthew 15:34. Large baskets of fragments did you take up?
b) Mark 15:14; Matthew 27:13. Charges did they bring against Jesus Christ?
c) Luke 15:17. Servants have enough bread to eat?
d) Acts 21:20. Believers were there amongst the Jews in New Testament days?
e) Genesis 47:8. Are the days of the years of your life?
f) 2 Samuel 19:34. Years have I still to live?
g) 1 Kings 22:16; 2 Chronicles 18:15. Times shall I adjure you that you speak to me nothing but the Truth in the Name of the Lord?
h) Job 13:23. Are my iniquities and my sins?
i) Psalm 3:1; 25:19. Are my foes?
j) Amos 5:12. Are your transgressions!
k) Matthew 18:21. Times shall my brother sin against me and I forgive him?
(This QT reminds me of the significance of the question: How Many?)
PRAYER: For more Jewish people to respond to the Message of the Gospel)
'Our Adoption.'
a) Ephesians 1:5. Is predetermined by Jesus Christ.
b) Romans 8:23. Is the same as the Redemption of our body.
c) Galatians 4:5. Comes as a result of our redemption.
(This Second one gives me confidence about My Adoption - every True Believer has been Adopted)
PRAYER: Thank God for predetermining our Adoption by Jesus Christ)
In the days when Jesus Christ walked on this Earth, even until now, it is important that employers make sure that their workers have enough to eat. This not only means lunch-break in the canteen, it means also at home for their families. Social workers should be able to supervise the spending of a wage/salary, by the earner of that money, where necessary. This can help to alleviate poverty and hunger amongst ordinary working people.
Saturday, May 27, 2017
Lift Up Your Eyes And Look!
'Lift Up Your Eyes And Look!'
Genesis 13:14-15.
a) After Lot had separated from Abram God spoke to him. (Simple obedience can bring us into a closer relationship with God!)
b) Look from the place where you are. (Abram did not have to go somewhere else to look)
c) Look North, South, East and West.
d) God said to Abram: "I will give you and your offspring all the land that you can see.
(Through this QT I know that sometimes God wants us to Lift Up Our Eyes And Look)
PRAYER: That we will have Faith to simply obey God, no matter how challenging the situation seems ... Lift up your eyes and look.
'Full Of Grace And Truth.'
John 1:14.
a) The Word became flesh
b) And dwelt among us,
c) Full of Grace and Truth;
d) We observed His Glory,
e) The Glory as the One and Only Son.
(This Second one reminds me that the Lord Jesus Christ is Full of Grace and Truth)
PRAYER: To be a partaker of both Grace and Truth)
God said to Abram that He would give Abram the Land. God Himself said it. Someone did not say to Abram 'God says', Abram knew exactly what God was saying to Him, and the Scripture tells us that Abram believed God. When people say bluntly to us: 'God says', we should also check it out with God Himself, like this: 'God, are You really saying this to me/us?' That does not make us doubters, it simply reaffirms that we are God's Children.
Friday, May 26, 2017
Our Just And Compassionate God!
'Our Just And Compassionate God.'
Luke 1:52.
a) God puts down the mighty from their thrones.
b) Up from the Earth He raised the humble.
c) He exalted the lowly.
(This QT makes me grateful for Our Just And Compassionate God)
PRAYER: Thank God that He is Just and Compassionate.
'Our Merciful And Trustworthy High Priest.'
Hebrews 2:16-17.
a) He does not give aid to angels.
b) He does give aid to the seed of Abraham.
c) That's why He had to be like His brothers and sisters in every way.
d) So that He might become a Merciful and Trustworthy High Priest in God's Presence.
e) To make atonement for the sins of the people.
(Through this Second one I give Thanks to, and am Grateful for, Our Merciful And Trustworthy High Priest)
Prayer: Thank God that Atonement is made for our sins.
One of the ingredients of God's Amazing Grace is that He has given to us our Lord Jesus Christ. One of the functions of our Lord is as A Merciful and Trustworthy High Priest. He is always 'there' for us, He is incredibly Faithful. There are times when we cannot understand His Ways. During those times we are not to question Him but to Trust Him. As we do that, He will surely reveal His Way and His Time.
Thursday, May 25, 2017
Our Goal In Christ!
'Our Goal In Christ.'
Ephesians 4:13.
a) Until all of us.
b) Come to the Unity of the Faith.
c) And to the Knowledge of the Son of God.
d) To Maturity.
e) Attaining to the full measure of the Fulness of Christ.
(This QT reveals what Our Goal In Christ should be)
PRAYER: To fulfill our Goal In Christ.
'Jesus Tasted Death For Everyone.'
Hebrews 2:9.
a) But we do see Jesus,
b) Who was made lower than the Angels for a little while,
c) Now crowned with Glory and Honour
d) Because of the suffering of death,
e) So that by the Grace of God
f) He might taste death for everyone.
(Through this Second one I am convinced that Jesus Tasted Death For Everyone)
PRAYER: That we will understand more of, and participate more in, the Grace of God.
We have several God-given goals if we are True Believers, this QT mentions one of them. "Attaining to the full measure of the Fulness of Christ". I do not accept that every True Believer should simply be satisfied within their relationship with God. For all of us, there is more, I do not mean more experience but I mean more and more of Him in our lives. More of His Word! More of His Spirit! More of His Holiness! More of His Victory.
Wednesday, May 24, 2017
Good Or Bad Choices!
'Good Or Bad Choices.'
Genesis 13:12-13.
a) Abram settled in the land of Canaan. (A Promised Land)
b) Lot settled among the cities in the valley. (A sinful place)
c) Lot pitched his tent close to Sodom.
d) Sodom's people were wicked and very evil.
e) Sodom's people were against the Lord.
(This QT is about Good Or Bad Choices)
PRAYER: That we will make Good Choices.
'Jesus Leads Us To Salvation.'
Hebrews 2:10.
a) It was only right for God,
b) Who Creates and preserves all things,
c) Should make Jesus perfect through suffering,
d) In order to bring many children to share His Glory.
e) For Jesus is the One Who leads them to Salvation.
(Through this Second one I know that Jesus Leads Us To Salvation)
PRAYER: For Jesus to lead our family and colleagues to Salvation.
Sodom's people were against the Lord. Primarily, that was their heart issue, but eventually it clearly showed in their lives. Today, when people's hearts are against the Lord, the same thing occurs, it shows in their lives. If people turn to the Lord, the first thing that changes is their heart, then other things change too, like priorities, handling relationships, truth and honesty, caring about other people, the list is very long, too much for here. People who turn to the Lord love to Worship Him.
Tuesday, May 23, 2017
Mighty God!
'Mighty God.'
Luke 1:51.
a) Mighty God has done mighty things.
b) Mighty God has a powerful arm.
c) Mighty God has scattered those people who are proud in their deepest thoughts.
(Through this QT I affirm that our God is a Mighty God)
PRAYER: That we will experience Mighty God in our lives when we need Him.
'So That We Can Be Dead To Sin.'
1 Peter 2:24.
a) Jesus Christ Himself carried our sins
b) In His Body,
c) On the Cross.
d) So that we might die to sin.
e) So that we might live to Righteousness.
f) By His wounds we are Healed.
(This Second one teaches me So That I Can Be Dead To Sin)
PRAYER: For God's help for us to live a life that is dead to sin.
The Bible speaks frequently about Prayer. The call to Prayer is not only for times when we face life's emergencies, Prayer should be a part of our daily and regular relationship with God. Prayer should be real to us, a part of our daily walk with God. We Pray, not only when it is 'wrapped up' in our daily devotions, we can Pray at any time, as frequently as we want. We can Pray together with others or we can Pray alone.
Monday, May 22, 2017
A Timely Reminder!
'A Timely Reminder.'
Galatians 5:22-23.
a) But the Fruit of the Holy Spirit is:-
b) Against such things
c) There is no law.
(Through this QT, at times of Personal, National and Political insecurity, we have A Timely Reminder)
PRAYER: To be filled with the Holy Spirit, that we may produce an abundance of His Fruit.
'Something To Offer.'
Hebrews 8:3.
a) For every High Priest
b) Is appointed to offer both gifts and sacrifices.
c) Therefore it was necessary for this Priest (the Lord Jesus Christ)
d) Also to have something to offer.
(This Second one challenges my "priesthood" - I should have always Something To Offer, the most that I can offer is myself as a "living sacrifice")
PRAYER: To offer ourselves as "living sacrifices" to God.
Patience is one of the Fruit of the Holy Spirit. Patience is not "passivity", it is something far more meaningful and God-glorifying. When we have the Holy Spirit Fruit of Patience in our lives, Jesus will be Glorified and His Church will be built up well.
Sunday, May 21, 2017
A Choice Made Without Prayer!
'A Choice Made Without Prayer.'
Genesis 13:10-11.
a) Lot lifted up his eyes.
b) Lot beheld all the Plain of the Jordan.
c) Lot saw that it was well watered everywhere.
d) This was before the Lord destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah.
e) It was like the Garden of Jehovah.
f) It was like the land of Egypt as one goes into Zoar.
g) Lot chose for himself all the Plain of the Jordan.
h) Lot journeyed East.
i) Lot and Abram separated themselves one from the other.
(This QT reveals to me A Choice Made Without Prayer)
PRAYER: To make the right choices in the Will of God.
'Christ Knew His Purpose When He Came To This World.'
Hebrews 10:5.
a) When Christ came into this World.
b) He said: "Sacrifice and Offering You do not desire."
c) But a body You have prepared for Me.
(This Second one teaches me that Christ Knew His Purpose When He Came To This World)
PRAYER: That we will know the Purpose that Jesus Christ has for our lives.
What Lot saw was a tremendously strong temptation for him. A temptation to strong to resist! He chose the land that looked like the Garden of Jehovah, it looked as if the Lord was handing him a big "blessing" on a plate. He did not Pray or even think well, he just saw it, wanted it and took it. The "Lot" people and the "Abram" people are still in the Churches today. Surely God wants us to be "Abram" people, to Pray before we make our important life decisions.
Saturday, May 20, 2017
Merciful Lord!
'Merciful Lord.'
Luke 1:50.
a) The Lord's Mercy.
b) Is for those (people) who Fear Him.
c) From generation to generation.
(This QT reveals to me the Merciful Lord)
PRAYER: That we would fear the Lord and experience His Mercy)
'Jesus Christ - The Son Of Man.'
Luke 19:10.
a) The Son of Man came
b) To Seek the lost people.
c) To Save the lost people.
PRAYER: For the Presence of Jesus Christ - The Son of Man to be in our Churches, saving the Lost People)
The Fear of the Lord is not something that just comes automatically to us because we are "Christian" and go to Church! The Fear of the Lord is something that we are to seek Him for. If we have the Fear of the Lord our daily lives will change and our concepts will be different in positive and Godly ways.
Friday, May 19, 2017
Do And Teach!
'Do And Teach.'
Matthew 5:19.
a) Whoever disobeys even the 'least important' of the Commandments
b) And teaches others to do the same,
c) Will be least in the Kingdom of Heaven.
d) On the other hand,
e) Whoever does and teaches these Commandments,
f) Shall be called 'great' in the Kingdom of Heaven.
(This QT encourages me to Do And Teach God's Word)
PRAYER: For the Lord's Disciples today to Do And Teach what He tells them.
'Simple And Very Powerful.'
Matthew 1:21.
a) She will bring forth a Son.
b) You shall call His Name Jesus.
c) He Will Save His People from their sins.
(This Second one reveals the Gospel Message, Simple And Very Powerful)
PRAYER: That the Gospel Message in our Churches will be Simple and very Powerful)
Doing and Teaching God's Word is simply revealing the method taught to His Disciples, and to us, by the Lord Jesus Christ. The Gospels are full of this principle, Doing and Teaching God's Word. Both the 'Doing' and the 'Teaching' are of equal importance. What other people see in us is equally important to what they may hear from us!
Thursday, May 18, 2017
Abram's Selfless Generosity!
'Abram's Selfless Generosity.'
Genesis 13:9.
a) He gave a generous choice to Lot.
b) The entire land was before them.
c) He told Lot that he would go in the opposite direction to Lot's choice.
(This QT clearly sees Abram's Selfless Generosity)
PRAYER: That we can follow Abram's example of selfless generosity.
'Jesus Christ.'
Revelation 1:5.
a) Jesus Christ is the Faithful Witness.
b) Jesus Christ is the First-begotten from the dead.
c) Jesus Christ is the Prince of the kings of the Earth.
d) Jesus Christ has loved and does love us.
e) Jesus Christ has washed us from our sins in His Own Blood.
(This Second one enhances my love relationship with Jesus Christ)
PRAYER: For our genuine Love Relationship with Jesus Christ)
Jesus Christ was conceived by the Holy Spirit, God chose Mary to bring Him into this World. Jesus Christ is the theme of the Gospels, all people can know about Him if they can read the Gospels. Jesus Christ is the One Who brought Grace and Truth into this World. There is still healing power today in the Name of Jesus Christ. It is right that True Believers should love Jesus Christ. It is through His Atoning Death that we can receive Eternal Life.
Wednesday, May 17, 2017
Mary's Praise!
'Mary's Praise.'
Luke 1:49.
a) He that is Mighty.
b) Has done to me great things.
c) Has done for me great things.
d) Holy is His Name.
(This part of Mary's Praise encourages me to give Praise to Mighty God)
PRAYER: That we can learn more about Praising God and then Praise Him more.
'The Intermediary Lamb.'
Revelation 5:6.
a) The Intermediary Lamb stands in the midst of the Throne and the Four Living Creatures .
b) Stands slaughtered.
c) Has seven horns.
d) Has seven eyes.
e) These are the Seven Spirits of God, sent out into all the Earth.
(This Second one reminds me of the significance of The Intermediary Lamb)
PRAYER: Thank God for the Intermediary Lamb - Jesus Christ.
We can give Praise to Mighty God for many good things that He has done. Surely, He has done all things well! From the Coming of Jesus to this Earth in human form through the womb of Mary His mother, right through to His Resurrected and Glorious place in Heaven, when we read of our Lord Jesus Christ, we can surely give Thanks and Praise to His Mighty Father God.
Tuesday, May 16, 2017
Faith And Law!
'Faith And Law.'
Romans 3:31.
a) If we emphasize Faith.
b) Does it mean that we can forget about the Law?
c) Of course not!
d) In fact, only when we have Faith
e) Do we truly fulfill the Law.
(This QT gives me more understanding about the relationship between Faith and Law)
PRAYER: For an increase of our Faith and our Church's Faith.
'The Reason Why God Showed His Approval.'
Hebrews 11:4.
a) It was by Faith that Abel brought a more acceptable offering to God than Cain did.
b) Abel's offering gave evidence that he was a righteous man.
c) God showed His Approval of Abel's gifts and offering.
d) Although Abel is long dead,
e) He still speaks to us by his example of Faith.
(This Second one teaches me The Reason Why God Showed His Approval)
PRAYER: For our greater love for the entire Word of God.
"Legalistic" Christians can never actually fulfill the very Law and laws that they are attempting to fulfill. It is clear in the Word of God that it is only when we have Faith, not legalism, that we can fulfill the Law of God. Faith and Love should be two major emphatic messages served to the Churches today.
Monday, May 15, 2017
A Conflict That Came Because Of Blessing!
'A Conflict That Arose Because Of Blessing.'
Genesis 13:6-8.
a) Genesis 13:6. The land could not support Abram and Lot with all of their possessions, there was just too much Blessing!
b) Genesis 13:7. Quarreling began between Abram's herdsmen and Lot's herdsmen.
c) Genesis 13:7. The Canaanites and Perizzites were also living in the land at that time.
d) Genesis 13:8. Abram took the initiative to resolve the conflict. (He was a good father - not an angry and passive one)
(This QT reveals A Conflict That Arose Because Of Blessing)
PRAYER: For healthy conflict resolutions in the Church.
'Follow Christ's Amazing Love.'
Ephesians 5:2.
a) Live a life of Love.
b) Just as Christ loved us.
c) He gave Himself up for us.
d) As a fragrant offering.
e) As a sacrifice to God.
(This Second one challenges me to Follow Christ's Amazing Love)
PRAYER: For God's Grace to enable us to follow and emulate Christ's Amazing Love.
There are times in the Christian Church and Fellowship experience when a "healthy split" may be needed. Usually this is because of growth, that means more and more people are attending, certain things become difficult and unmanageable, simply because of numerical growth. It can be that a planned and negotiated "split" (a new Church or Fellowship plant is normal) can really be a healthy thing to do.
Sunday, May 14, 2017
When The Lord Regarded Mary!
'When The Lord Regarded Mary.'
Luke 1:48.
a) He clearly regarded her.
b) She was in a lowly state.
c) She called herself "the Lord's maidservant".
d) She knew that all future generations.
e) Would call her "Blessed".
(This QT teaches me what happened When The Lord Regarded Mary)
PRAYER: For us today, to see the people around us as the Lord sees them.
'God's Law Can Never Do It.'
Hebrews 10:1.
a) The Law has only a shadow of the good things to come.
b) The Law is not the very image of the good things to come.
c) The Law, with the same sacrifices which they offer year by year,
d) Cannot make those people who approach God perfect.
(Through this Second one I understand that God's Law Can Never Do It)
PRAYER: To thank God that we are now living in the Dispensation of Grace.
The reason why the future generations were going to call Mary "blessed" was simply because she was blessed! There was and is nothing more than that. Having the very special privilege that she had did not make her more than she really was, a simple young wife. I thank God that He chose her to bring Jesus Christ, the Son of God, into this World, but there is really nothing more than that!
Saturday, May 13, 2017
a) Exodus 23:2. Do not turn aside after many people to pervert justice.
b) Exodus 32:8. Do not turn aside quickly from the Way which God Commands us.
c) Numbers 20:17. Do not turn aside but pass through.
d) Numbers 21:22. Do not turn aside but go by the King's Highway.
e) Deuteronomy 5:32; Mark 7:8. Do what the Lord wants and do not turn aside.
f) Deuteronomy 11:16 & 28. Take heed to yourself, do not be deceived, do not turn aside and serve other gods.
g) Deuteronomy 26:12. Put aside your tithe for God, and serve the needy with it.
h) Deuteronomy 28:14. Do not turn aside from the Lord's Commands.
i) Joshua 23:6. Be courageous and do not turn aside from obeying God.
j) 1 Samuel 8:3. Samuel's sons did not walk in his ways. They:
1-Turned aside after dishonest gain.
2-Took bribes.
3-Perverted justice.
k) Isaiah 29:21. We should not turn aside the just people with empty words.
l) Mark 6:31. Jesus asked His Disciples to turn aside and take a rest.
m) Mark 7:33. Jesus took the man aside from the multitude to heal him.
n) Luke 9:10; 18:31. Jesus took the Disciples aside to have time with them.
o) 1 Corinthians 16:2. Church offerings should be laid aside and prepared for worshipful giving.
p) Galatians 2:21. Do not set aside the Grace of God.
q) 1 Timothy 1:6; 2 Timothy 4:4. Do not turn aside to idle talk.
r) 1 Timothy 5:15. Do not turn aside after Satan.
s) Hebrews 12:1. We are to lay aside every weight (burden).
t) 1 Peter 2:1. We are to lay aside all malice.
(This QT causes me to pay attention to the word: "Aside")
PRAYER: To ask the Lord's help so that we can make time to turn aside to be with Him.
'No Swerving.'
a) Psalm 119:51. Do not swerve away from the Law of the Lord.
b) Psalm 119:157. From the Lord's Testimonies.
c) 1 Timothy 1:5-6. From:-
1-Pure heart.
2-Good conscience.
3-Faith unfeigned.
Vain talking.
(This Second one reminds me: No Swerving)
PRAYER: For no swerving but to purely follow the Lord)
Jesus took the Disciples aside to have time with them. For those people who are actively serving the Lord in some way it is good to observe this fact about Jesus and His Disciple. I am sure that He wanted them to work hard but not to burn out. They learned this lesson which still needs to be applied to Servants of the Lord today: Take Time To Be With The Lord.
Friday, May 12, 2017
a) Genesis 13:5. Lot was travelling with Abram.
b) Numbers 10:33. They were travelling led by the Ark of the Lord's Covenant ahead of them. (They were being led by the Lord)
c) Deuteronomy 2:3. You have been travelling around the hill country long enough, turn North.
d) Deuteronomy 2:14. They had travelled 38 years in the desert.
e) Judges 19:8. Travelling home.
f) 2 Kings 2:1. Elijah and Elisha were travelling from Gilgal.
g) Luke 7:11; 8:1. Jesus and His Disciples travelled.
h) Acts 8:40. Philip was travelling and Evangelising.
i) Acts 9:17. Jesus appeared to Paul when he was travelling.
j) Acts 9:32. Peter travelled from place to place.
k) Acts 19:29. Paul had travelling companions.
l) Romans 15:25. Paul was travelling to Jerusalem to serve the Saints.
(This QT reminds me that Travelling was sometimes a part of Evangelising and serving the Churches)
PRAYER: For those who travel to Serve the Lord.
a) Acts 20:4. Accompanied Paul.
b) Acts 27:2. Went overseas for the Gospel's sake.
c) Colossians 4:10. Was in prison for the Gospel's sake.
d) Philemon 1:24. Paul counted him as a co-worker.
(This Second one gives me respect for Aristarchus)
PRAYER: For those in prison for the sake of the Gospel.
Prayer for the Nations should be an important part of the Prayer life of the Church world-wide! Even in the persecuted Church in some Nations they are continuing to Pray, not just for themselves, but also for other Nations. Our Church prayer meetings should not just be limited to the matters of the Church, we should also be praying for the Nations.
Thursday, May 11, 2017
Blessed Soul And Spirit!
'Blessed Soul And Spirit.'
Luke 1:46-47.
a) This was the Proclamation of Mary, made in her Joy.
b) My soul Praises the Lord's Greatness.
c) My soul Magnifies the Lord.
d) My spirit finds its joy in God my Saviour.
(This QT simply reveals Mary's Blessed Soul And Spirit)
'The Beloved.'
a) Colossians 4:14. A beloved Physician.
b) 1 Thessalonians 1:4; 2 Thessalonians 2:13; Philemon 1:16. Beloved brethren.
c) Philemon 1:1. Beloved friend and fellow labourer.
d) Philemon 1:2. Beloved Apphia.
e) 1 Peter 2:11. Beloved sojourners and pilgrims.
f) 2 Peter 1:17; Matthew 3:17; 17:5. God's Beloved Son. (Jesus Christ)
g) 3 John 1:1. Beloved Gaius.
h) Revelation 20:9. Beloved city.
i) Deuteronomy 33:12. Beloved of the Lord.
j) 2 Samuel 1:23. Beloved Saul and Jonathan.
k) Song of Solomon 6:3. I am my Beloved's and my Beloved is mine.
l) Daniel 9:23; 10:11 & 19. You are greatly Beloved.
(Through this Second one I thank God for The Beloved)
One of the aspects of our personal Walk with the Lord is our time with Him in devotion. We should be able, as Mary did, to Praise the Lord's Greatness. Every True Believer has their own Faith, Walk and Experience of God. These matters should stimulate us to Praise His Greatness, for truly, our Lord and God is Great.
Wednesday, May 10, 2017
Free To Obey God!
'Free To Obey God. '
Exodus 20:5.
a) You shall not bow down to idols.
b) You shall not serve idols.
c) I, the Lord your God am a Jealous God.
d) Visiting the iniquity of the fathers
e) On the children to the third and fourth generation.
f) Of those who hate Me.
(This QT challenges me to be Free To Obey God)
PRAYER: To commit ourselves to obey God.
'Take Time To Turn Aside.'
Exodus 3:2-4.
a) Exodus 3:2. The Angel of the Lord appeared to Moses in a flame of fire, out of the midst of a bush.
b) Exodus 3:2. Moses looked; the bush was burning but it was not consumed.
c) Exodus 3:3. Moses said: "I will turn aside to see this great sight, why the bush is not burned.
d) Exodus 3:4. When the Lord saw that Moses turned aside to see.
e) Exodus 3:4. God called him out of the bush: "Moses, Moses."
f) Exodus 3:4. Moses then said: "Here I am!"
(This Second one encourages me to Take Time To Turn Aside)
PRAYER: To understand and appreciate what God says to us in different ways.
Children can suffer in different ways if they live in a dysfunctional family. This problem of dysfunction can be manifested in several ways. Basically it is the fruit of iniquity in the family that may be like a stream that goes back through the generations. I do not want to list specific iniquities here but I want to give positive Hope! If we have suffered from a dysfunctional family we can be healed and helped in positive ways by the Lord. If we are humble and open before Him, surely He will heal and help us.
Tuesday, May 9, 2017
He Went Back And Worshipped!
'He Went Back And Worshipped.'
Genesis 13:4.
a) Abram went back to the place where he first made an altar and worshipped the Lord.
b) At that place.
c) He called upon the Name of the Lord.
(This QT, He Went Back And Worshipped, teaches me that it is always good to have an historical place in our lives that we associate with Worship and Prayer)
PRAYER: That we will not forget, but give thanks to God for, our own 'Spiritual Heritage'.
'Longing For God.'
Psalm 42:1-2.
a) As the deer pants for the water brooks.
b) So my soul pants for you O God.
c) My soul thirsts for God.
d) For the Living God.
e) When shall I come and appear before God?
(Because of this Second one I am reminded of the importance of Longing For God)
PRAYER: For a new desire and Longing For God)
We should be able to treasure our spiritual heritage. There need be nothing that we should be ashamed of if we have a "Godly spiritual heritage"! If, for some reason, we are ashamed of our spiritual heritage, maybe because of our belonging to some kind of cult or extreme "church" beforehand, we do not have to go on living under that shame! We are to confess our faults and get on living for the Glory of the Lord. God can build a new and healthy spiritual foundation into our lives.
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The Christian Life!
'The Christian Life.' a) Deuteronomy 7:11. Keep the Word of God. b) Deuteronomy 7:12. Listen to the Word of God. c) Deuteronomy...

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