The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Thursday, October 2, 2014
It Is Not Just A Misunderstanding!
'It Is Not Just A Misunderstanding.'
2 Timothy 2:24-26.
a) 2 Timothy 2:24. The Lord's Servant should not be quarrelsome.
b) 2 Timothy 2:24. The Lord's Servant should be:-
1-Kind to everyone.
2-Able to Teach.
3-Not resentful.
c) 2 Timothy 2:25. Their opponents should be corrected with gentleness.
d) 2 Timothy 2:25. We hope that these opponents will be granted repentance.
e) 2 Timothy 2:25. Then they can come to the Knowledge of the Truth.
f) 2 Timothy 2:26. They can and will come to their senses.
g) 2 Timothy 2:26. They can then escape from the trap of the Devil.
h) 2 Timothy 2:26. The Devil has taken them captive to do his will.
(This QT seriously reminds me that It Is Not Just A Misunderstanding)
'Jesus Is Waiting.'
Hebrews 10:10-13.
a) Hebrews 10:10. Through the Will of God that Jesus Christ accomplished.
b) Hebrews 10:10. We have been made Holy through the Sacrifice of the Body of Jesus Christ at Calvary, once for all time.
c) Hebrews 10:11. The Jewish priests daily:-
1-Stood to perform their religious duties.
2-Repeatedly offering the same sacrifices.
3-Sacrifices which could never take away sins.
d) Hebrews 10:12. When this Priest, Jesus Christ, had offered one Sacrifice for sins for all time.
e) Hebrews 10:12. He then sat down at the Right Hand of God.
f) Hebrews 10:13. Since that time.
g) Hebrews 10:13. Jesus is waiting.
h) Hebrews 10:13. For His enemies to be made His Footstool.
(This Second one teaches me that Jesus Is Waiting)
It is after sincere repentance that people can come to the Knowledge of the Truth. This is specifically true in the Fellowship of True Believers. If we need to repent, and especially if we know that we need to repent, we cannot come to the Knowledge of the Truth as God wants us to have it, until we come to the place of repentance first.
The Christian Life!
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