The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Friday, October 31, 2014
The Folly Of Man-Made Light!
'The Folly Of Man-Made Light.'
Isaiah 50:11.
a) The people claimed to Trust in the Lord.
b) But they kindled their own torch fires instead of Trusting in Him.
c) They were walking in their own light - the torch fires.
d) God said that, because of this.
e) They were going to be tormented.
(This QT reminds me of The Folly Of Man-Made Light for guidance)
'Don't Let Go.'
Proverbs 3:3.
a) Around our necks.
b) On the tablets of our hearts.
c) Needs to be:-
(This Second one urges me: Don't Let Go of what God has put in my heart)
The future of the people who made their own light and followed their own way was not good. They were going to be eternally tormented unless they changed their ways. Frankly, when people live like this it is difficult for them to change their ways without a miracle from God. I thank God that He specialises in miracles, this means that the changing of our lives and ways is possible in God.
Suffering Is Not Our Eternal Destiny!
'Suffering Is Not Our Eternal Destiny.'
Revelation 7:14-17.
a) Revelation 7:14. These people in Eternity are True Believers who:-
1-Have come out of terrible suffering.
2-Washed their robes.
3-Made their robes white in the Blood of the Lamb.
b) Revelation 7:15. These True Believers are:-
1-In front of the Throne of God.
2-Serving Him day and night in His Temple.
3-Dwelling with the Lord.
c) Revelation 7:16. They shall not:-
1-Be hungry.
2-Be thirsty.
3-Be struck by heat.
d) The Lamb of God will:-
1-Shepherd them.
2-Lead them to fountains of waters.
3-Ensure that every tear is wiped away from their eyes.
(This QT encourages me in that Suffering Is Not My Eternal Destiny)
'Three Basic Facts.'
Psalm 111:10.
a) The Fear of the Lord is the beginning of Wisdom.
b) A good understanding have all those people who do the Lord's Commands.
c) Good sense is shown by everyone who follows God's Guiding Principles. We should keep on Praising Him.
(This Second one reveals Three Basic Facts)
They made their robes white in the Blood of the Lamb. There are no white robes of self-righteousness. Only the washing of the Blood of Jesus can give us spotlessly white robes for our wear in Eternity. The painful and difficult experiences we may have suffered on the Earth will not be remembered any more. Our only responsibility now is to ensure that we are True Believers. This is fitting us for Eternity.
Thursday, October 30, 2014
Summing It Up!
'Summing It Up.'
1 John 5:21.
a) Father John finishes off his letter to the Church here.
b) A very clear and important reminder.
c) Little children. (he does not say MY little children, they are God's People)
d) Keep yourselves.
e) From idols. (Whatever the idols may be)
f) The word 'idol' in the Bible is associated with something in the human mind. It can be summed up as what or who we are thinking about.
(This QT is Apostle John's Summing It Up)
'A Wise And Understanding Person.'
Proverbs 1:5.
a) A wise person will hear.
b) A wise person will increase in learning.
c) A person of understanding.
d) Will attain wise counsel.
(This Second one tells me about A Wise And Understanding Person)
Idols can really get in the way of our Spiritual Life and Growth. This is why Father John ends his letter in this way. As True Believers we no longer worship man-made idols that are expressly made to be worshipped in the temple, in the home, or in the business. We can clearly understand that. Apostle Paul is writing not only about those idols but also idols in our mind. Things that we think much about, or even control our thinking mind. Let us keep ourselves from idols in every way.
Fearing The Lord And Trusting In Him!
'Fearing The Lord And Trusting In Him.'
Isaiah 50:10.
a) Who among us Fears the Lord?
b) Who obeys the Voice of His Servant? (Jesus Christ)
c) If we are walking in darkness and have no light.
d) We should:-
1-Trust in the Name of the Lord.
2-Rely upon God.
3-Depend upon God.
(This QT encourages me to be Fearing The Lord And Trusting In Him)
'Concentrate On God.'
Psalm 107:43.
a) Whoever is wise.
b) These things will:-
c) They will:-
2-Think about.
d) The Lord's:-
2-Loving kindness.
(This Second one urges me to Concentrate On God)
Trust in the Name of the Lord. Whatever our situation or experience. However our life history may have been. Whatever our thoughts about the future may be. We really need to Trust in the Name of the Lord. When we Trust Him like this our Prayers are empowered and our Faith can come into active reality.
Wednesday, October 29, 2014
Hear And Understand The Gospel!
'Hear And Understand The Gospel.'
Colossians 1:6.
a) The Gospel has come to us.
b) Colossians 1:23; Psalm 98:3; Matthew 24:14. The Gospel has come to the whole World.
c) John 15:5 & 16. The Gospel is bearing Fruit.
d) The Gospel is growing.
e) The Gospel works in us since the day we heard it.
f) That is when we understood and then knew the Grace of God in Truth.
(This QT urges me to encourage other people to Hear And Understand The Gospel)
'Wisdom Makes Our Face Shine.'
Ecclesiastes 8:1.
a) A wise person is unique.
b) A wise person knows how to interpret things.
c) A wise person has a shining face.
d) A wise person has no hard face.
e) A wise person has no stern face.
(This Second one reminds me that Wisdom Makes My Face Shine)
The Gospel is growing! There is nothing that can prevent the World wide growth of the Gospel. There are many days when we can read or hear about the growth of the Gospel in the Nations. This is not the place for stories or testimonies, but there are many. We should continue in Prayer. We should continue to be living Witnesses of Jesus Christ. Move forward with God - The Gospel is growing!
Knowing The True God!
'Knowing The True God!
1 John 5:20.
a) We know that the Son of God has come.
b) We know that the Son of God has given us an understanding.
c) Now we can know Him Who is True.
d) Now we are in Him Who is True.
e) We are in God's Son Jesus Christ.
f) He is the True God and Eternal Life.
(This QT reveals to me the meaning of Knowing The True God)
'Consider Our Latter End.'
Deuteronomy 32:29.
a) God wants us to be wise.
b) God wants us to understand.
c) God wants us to consider our latter end.
d) God wants us to discern our latter end.
(Because of this Second one I Consider My Latter End)
We are in God's Son Jesus Christ. This is Grace! We have done nothing to qualify ourselves for this great privilege of being in God's Son Jesus Christ. All that we have done is to Believe the Gospel Message that we have heard about Him. The Holy Spirit did His Work in our hearts and now we are in God's Son Jesus Christ! Amazing Grace!
Tuesday, October 28, 2014
The Reality Of The Lord's Help!
'The Reality Of The Lord's Help.'
Isaiah 50:7-9.
a) Isaiah 50:7. The Lord God will help us.
b) Isaiah 50:7. Therefore we will not be disgraced or confounded.
c) Isaiah 50:7. We can set our face like a flint.
d) Isaiah 50:7. We know that we shall not be ashamed.
e) Isaiah 50:8. He is near Who Justifies me.
f) Isaiah 50:8. So, who will contend with me.
g) Isaiah 50:8. Who is my adversary? Let them come near to me.
h) Isaiah 50:8. Let us stand together.
I) Isaiah 50:8. Let the people come near to me.
m) Isaiah 50:9. Surely the Lord God will help me.
n) Isaiah 50:9. Who is the person that will condemn me?
o) Isaiah 50:9. All my adversaries will grow old like a garment.
p) Isaiah 50:9. The moth will eat up my adversaries.
(This QT reveals to me The Reality Of The Lord's Help)
'With Wise Hearts And Sweet Lips.'
Proverbs 16:21.
a) The people who are wise in heart.
b) Shall be called prudent.
c) The people who have sweet lips.
d) Shall increase their learning.
(This Second one calls me to live With A Wise Heart And Sweet Lips)
The Lord has any adversaries that we may have totally under His Control. We need never be afraid of adversaries. We should not continually be praying about adversaries. God is the One Who Justifies this and He does this also in the presence of our adversaries. We should be "God-minded" and not "adversary minded".
In Christ Jesus!
'In Christ Jesus.'
Galatians 3:28.
a) In Christ there is no difference between Jew and Gentile.
b) In Christ there is no difference between a slave and a free person.
c) In Christ there is no discrimination between male and female.
d) In Christ Jesus we are all united.
(Through this QT I find the harmony of being In Christ Jesus)
'Only Partial Knowledge.'
Matthew 2:1-2.
a) Jesus Christ was born in Bethlehem.
b) This was during the days of Herod the king.
c) These wise men from the East, who practised astrology, came to Jerusalem.
d) They said:-
1-Where is He who has been born King of the Jews.
2-We have seen His star in the East.
3-We have come to pay Him homage.
4-We have come to Worship Him.
e) These astrologers knew nothing more than what they learned from their astrology.
f) They had only partial knowledge.
(This Second one Teaches me that I should not be unduly influenced by people who have Only Partial Knowledge and that astrology is not a 'gift' from God)
If we are truly in Christ Jesus then we can live with other Brothers and Sisters who have the same status. True Believers do not discriminate racially or nationally! True Believers want to Worship alongside other True Believers. I really like the phrase: In Christ Jesus there is no difference.
Monday, October 27, 2014
The People Of God!
'The People Of God.'
1 John 5:18-19.
a) 1 John 3:9. Are born of God and do not keep on sinning.
b) Keep themselves so as not to sin.
c) John 17:12. The wicked one does not touch the People of God.
d) We know that we are of God.
e) We also know that the entire World system lies under the power and sway of the evil one.
(This QT makes me grateful that I am amongst The People Of God)
'A Good Shepherd Leader.'
Proverbs 4:11.
a) Teaches their sheep.
b) The Way of Wisdom.
c) Leads their people in correct paths.
d) Leads their people in paths of Righteousness.
(This Second one teaches me something about A Good Shepherd Leader)
It is very obvious to every True Believer that the entire World system lies under the power and sway of the evil one. There need be no questions about that. A key word for the World system is darkness, and a key word for God's Kingdom is light. In real terms darkness cannot stand the light. When the light shines, then the darkness has to flee. It is exactly the same when the Kingdom of God begins to shine into the darkness of the World system.
Jesus Christ Suffered For Us!
'Jesus Christ Suffered For Us.'
Isaiah 50:6.
a) Isaiah 53:5; Matthew 27:26. His back was beaten and whipped.
b) His beard was plucked out of His cheeks.
c) His face suffered:-
2-Matthew 26:67. Spitting.
(This QT reminds me that Jesus Christ Suffered For Me)
'Moses' Good Intellectual Education.'
Acts 7:22.
a) Just as today, also in Bible days, there are two sources of Education. Firstly, school. Secondly, home. Both show out in our lives.
b) Moses was instructed in all the Wisdom of the Egyptians.
c) Moses learned what he was instructed.
d) Moses was mighty in his words.
e) Moses was mighty in his deeds.
(This Second one reveals to me Moses' Good Intellectual Education)
In some countries we can still see notices put up in parks and public places which tell us: "Do Not Spit". These notices are put up firstly for health reasons and secondly for the sake of good manners. Spitting is essentially wrong. Whether it is simply clearing our throat, or a rude attitude toward another person, we should not spit.
Sunday, October 26, 2014
The Body Of Christ!
'The Body Of Christ.'
1 Corinthians 12:12.
a) The Body of Christ is one Body.
b) It has many parts.
c) There are many parts.
d) But all the parts are one Body.
e) So also is Christ.
f) Christ is like this too.
(Through this QT I am so glad to be a part of The Body Of Christ)
'The Fruit Of Godly Teaching And Godly Obedience.'
Deuteronomy 4:5-6.
a) Moses taught the people what God told him to teach them.
b) Moses told the people to do what God taught them to do.
c) In the Land which God's People were to possess they needed to continue in that Teaching and lifestyle.
d) God's People were to carefully obey the Lord.
e) This would show other nations that God's people were:-
f) The Testimony of God's People would be that they were a great and wise Nation.
(This Second one teaches me The Fruit Of Godly Teaching And Godly Obedience)
I am glad to be a part of the Body of Christ. I know that in some Churches in other cultures a Pastor or Minister can be such a lonely and detached person. Deeply respected and yet despised in the same Church in which they serve. Being a part of the Body of Christ is far more real to me.
All Unrighteousness!
'All Unrighteousness.'
a) 1 John 5:17. Is sin.
b) Romans 1:29. May fill a person's life.
c) 1 John 1:9. Can be cleansed away from us.
(This QT reminds me to keep free from All Unrighteousness)
'Jason - A Man Of God.'
Acts 17:6-10.
a) Acts 17:6. Jason was taken and accused instead of Paul and Silas who could not be found at that time. Jason had given hospitality to them.
b) Acts 17:7. The Authorities accused Paul and Silas of trying to introduce another king to the people - King Jesus.
c) Acts 17:8. They were accused of making trouble for the City.
d) Acts 17:9. The Authorities took money from Jason and the other Believers, then released them.
e) Acts 17:10. The Church sent Paul and Silas away by night to Berea.
f) Acts 17:10. When they arrived in Berea they went straight to the Synagogue.
(Through this Second one I respect Jason - A Man Of God)
Release is a very significant word. It means to give freedom or free movement. This time the Release was not a pure one because it involved money - the passing of money to those holding Jason and his friends. This all was permitted by God in order for His Will to be performed.
Saturday, October 25, 2014
A Great Example For Us!
'A Great Example For Us.'
Isaiah 50:5.
a) This is prophetically written about Jesus Christ.
b) There is a great example here for us.
c) The Lord God opens our ear.
d) We will not be rebellious.
e) We will not turn away from God's Plan.
(This QT is A Great Example For Me)
'Are We Wise?'
Matthew 25:4.
a) The wise people.
b) Took oil.
c) In their vessels.
d) With their lamps.
(This Second one questions me: Am I Wise?)
Part of the lifestyle of a True Believer Disciple of Jesus Christ is not turning away from God's Plan. The words 'God's Plan' covers many parts of our lives, not just 'ministry'. Through His time on the Earth Jesus Christ in the flesh demonstrated to us what it means to live in God's Plan.
Working Out And Working In!
'Working Out And Working In.'
Philippians 2:12-13.
a) Apostle Paul loved the Philippian Church very much.
b) The Philippian Church was an obedient Church whether Apostle Paul was there or not.
c) They needed to work out their Salvation with Fear and Trembling.
d) God was working in and amongst them.
e) According to His Good Pleasure.
(This QT teaches me about Working Out And Working In)
'In Christ There Is Peace.'
John 16:33.
a) Jesus always spoke to His Disciples with intention and for them to learn.
b) Here He wanted them to have Peace.
c) Within the World system they may have tribulation.
d) Jesus told His Disciples to have good courage and cheer.
e) Because He has overcome the World system.
(Through this Second one I am Blessed because In Christ There Is Peace)
God was working in and amongst the Philippian Church people. This should surely be the Testimony of every Church, that God is working in and amongst them. If God is not working in and amongst the Church it means that the Church will be very dry spiritually, maybe having a programme but no working of the Holy Spirit.
Friday, October 24, 2014
They Are Given Eternal Life!
'They Are Given Eternal Life.'
a) 1 John 5:16. People whose sins are forgiven and cleansed away.
b) Daniel 12:2. Not all people will be given it.
c) John 12:25. If we give up living only for the World system.
(This QT teaches me that They Are Given Eternal Life)
'A Blessing From God The Father And The Lord Jesus Christ.'
Ephesians 1:2.
a) A blessing of:-
b) It comes from God our Father.
c) It also comes from the Lord Jesus Christ.
(This Second one is A Blessing From God The Father And The Lord Jesus Christ)
There are some people who do not properly understand the word 'Blessing'. These people only associate the word with the material things of life. This is a mistake and misses the whole Truth about God's Blessing and Blessings. Here we can read about Grace, Peace and Kindness being a part of God's Blessing. There are so many other things that are God's Blessing for and to our lives. There is, yes, material Blessing but there are so many other Blessings too.
An Awakened Tongue And Ear!
'An Awakened Tongue And Ear.'
Isaiah 50:4.
a) The Lord God gave me a learned and educated tongue.
b) With this tongue I know how to respond to weary people.
c) The Lord wakens my ear in the morning.
d) To hear and listen as educated people do.
(Because of this QT I desire An Awakened Tongue And Ear)
'The Power Of The Lord's Peace.'
John 14:27.
a) The Lord Jesus passes on His Peace to His Disciples.
b) This was the very same Peace that Jesus Himself had.
c) This Peace is not the same as peace in the World system.
d) Jesus did not want His Disciples to be troubled.
e) Jesus did not want His Disciples to be afraid.
(This Second one shows me The Power Of The Lord's Peace)
It is Godly and good to have the desire for an awakened tongue and ear. When we have this condition in our lives we can relate to and help other people well. This is one of the many reasons why it is good to spend some time with the Lord in the morning, it can really prepare us for our day in many ways.
Thursday, October 23, 2014
Far And Near!
'Far And Near.'
Ephesians 2:12-13.
a) Being far away from God means:-
1-Being without Christ.
2-Being aliens from the Commonwealth of Israel.
3-Being strangers from the Covenants of Promise.
4-Having no Hope.
b) These people are without God in the World.
c) Now, in Christ Jesus.
d) We who were once far off.
e) Have been brought near.
f) By the Blood of Christ.
(This QT gives me a good understanding of Far And Near)
'An Amazing Relationship With God.'
1 Peter 1:8.
a) We have not seen Him.
b) But we Love Him.
c) But we Believe in Him.
d) We Rejoice with Joy inexpressible because of Him.
e) We are full of Glory in Him.
(This Second one reveals to me An Amazing Relationship With God)
Without Christ, as we live in this World system, we end up having no hope. Most people, not all, like to be with friends when they have the opportunity. We find comfort and can forget about our personal situation when we are with friends. When we are alone, if we are without Christ, we may have many difficulties in our thoughts and emotions.
Ask According To God's Will!
'Ask According To God's Will.'
1 John 5:14-15.
a) We can now Pray boldly.
b) We can now Pray with confidence in the Lord..
c) The Lord hears us when we ask anything according to His Will.
d) If we have Assurance that He hears us.
e) Whatever we ask.
f) We know that we have the petitions that we have asked of Him.
(This QT urges me to Ask According To God's Will)
'The Nature Of God's Kingdom.'
Romans 14:17.
a) The Kingdom of God is not eating and drinking.
b) The Kingdom of God is Righteousness.
c) The Kingdom of God is Peace.
d) The Kingdom of God is Joy in the Holy Spirit.
(This Second one teaches me The Nature Of God's Kingdom)
Whatever we ask God in Prayer according to His Will, He hears us. This causes us to have great confidence. Whatever His Answer may be, He hears us. Some people see Faith in an incorrect way, they see it as getting a positive answer from God. This error is still taught today in some Churches. It is really not what God says or wants. The main and amazing point is that when we Pray in His Will He hears us.
Wednesday, October 22, 2014
Why Was There No One!
'Why Was There No One?'
Isaiah 50:2-3.
a) When the Lord came, there was no one waiting for Him.
b) When the Lord called, there was no one to answer.
c) Was the Lord's Arm too short to deliver His People?
d) Did the Lord lack the strength to deliver His People?
e) By a mere rebuke the Lord dries up the sea.
f) The Lord turns rivers into a desert. The fish from those rivers all rot and die.
g) The Lord clothes the Heavens with darkness.
h) The Lord covers the Heavens with sackcloth.
(This QT challenges me: Why Was There No One?)
'The Fruit Of The Holy Spirit.'
Galatians 5:22-23.
a) The Fruit of the Holy Spirit is:-
4-Longsuffering. (Forbearance)
8-Gentleness. (Meekness)
9-Self control. (Temperance)
b) Against these things.
c) There is no law.
(Through this Second one I desire more of The Fruit Of The Holy Spirit in my life)
Did the Lord lack the strength to deliver His People? Of course He did not! The problem was that there were none of His People who were ready to be delivered. There were none of His People who wanted to be delivered. The Lord has great Patience, waiting for His People, but that Patience does not last forever. The Lord has great Power, but His People need to desire the manifestation of that Power.
God Is Working In Us!
'God Is Working In Us.'
Philippians 2:12-13.
a) Apostle Paul is writing to his beloved Family of God in Philippi.
b) The Philippian Church people have always obeyed God.
c) Whether Apostle Paul was in Philippi or not, they continue to obey God.
d) We are to work out our own Salvation with fear and trembling.
e) It is God Who works in us.
f) He wants our plans and acts to be in keeping with His Good Purpose and Pleasure.
(This QT assures me that God Is Working In Me)
'The Day To Go And Enjoy!
Nehemiah 8:10.
a) Nehemiah spoke as the Servant of the Lord.
b) He told the people of Israel to go and have some good food and drink.
c) They were to give generously to those of their people who did not have any.
d) It was a Holy Day to the Lord.
e) God's People were not to be sad any more.
f) The Joy of the Lord makes them strong.
(This Second one reveals The Day To Go And Enjoy)
It is God Who works in us. Apostle Paul is here addressing the Church at Philippi. These Truths should be the same for every Church in every Nation. It is God Who works in us! I would suggest that if a Church rejects this Truth then it really is no part of the True Body of Christ. God working in us involves many things - not just "Blessing".
Tuesday, October 21, 2014
We Know That We Have Eternal Life!
'We Know That We Have Eternal Life.'
1 John 5:13.
a) This letter from Father John is written to those people who Believe in the Name of the Son of God.
b) They entrust their lives to the Son of God.
c) In doing so they will know that they have Eternal Life.
d) They have a realisation that Everlasting Life is already theirs.
(This QT affirms to me that I Know That I Have Eternal Life)
'Hope That Will Be Fulfilled.'
Hebrews 6:11.
a) We all need to be Faithful until the end.
b) We should continue working until the end.
c) We should be sure of what we hope for.
d) We need to realise the certainty that comes with Hope.
(This Second one teaches me about Hope That Will Be Fulfilled)
As True Believers, we have a realisation that Everlasting Life is already ours. Because of this realisation we can grow in confidence in our Christian Faith Life. This realisation should not make us presumptuous or proud. Rather we should be living with awe and the fear of God in our hearts. God gives us stability and joy as we follow the Lord's Plan for our lives.
The Folly Of Lawless Acts!
'The Folly Of Lawless Acts.'
Isaiah 50:1.
a) The Lord is speaking to His People.
b) God put His People away.
c) The only reason that God put His People away was because of their sin.
d) God's People were sold into slavery because of their sin.
(This QT teaches me about The Folly Of Lawless Acts)
'It Is Good To Remember.'
Romans 12:12.
a) When we Hope - be Joyful.
b) Rejoice in Hope.
c) When we suffer - be Patient.
d) When we Pray - be Faithful.
e) Be constant in Prayer.
(This Second one reminds me that It Is Good To Remember)
The Folly of Lawless Acts leaves behind it a negative result every time. When we commit lawless acts we do not consider the repercussions, these repercussions may be something disastrous happening. Lawless acts are usually a hindrance to the healthy Spiritual growth of God's People and also the Churches.
Monday, October 20, 2014
Train Ourselves In Godliness!
'Train Ourselves In Godliness.'
1 Timothy 4:7.
a) Do not have anything to do with:-
1-Godless stories.
2-Silly tales.
3-Silly myths.
b) Rather.
c) Train ourselves.
d) To be godly and in godliness.
(This QT urges me to Train Myself In Godliness)
'Hope And Love.'
Romans 5:5.
a) Hope will never let us down.
b) Hope does not disappoint us.
c) God has poured His Love into our hearts.
d) God did this through the Holy Spirit.
e) God has given to us the Holy Spirit.
(Through this Second one I give Thanks to God for Hope And Love)
There is always a positive choice in every situation. Sometimes this choice has simply to do with attitudes. A positive choice is a choice, just as much as a negative choice is a choice. There may be times when making a positive choice is not the easiest way, but if we make it all can be well and be made well. Apostle Paul urged Timothy with the word Rather.
Do We Know That We Have Life?
'Do We Know That We Have Life?'
1 John 5:12.
a) If we belong to the Son. (The Lord Jesus Christ)
b) We have life.
b) Those people who do not belong to the Son of God.
c) Do not have Life.
(This QT is a simple question: Do We Know That We Have Life?)
'An Apostle Of Jesus Christ.'
1 Timothy 1:1.
a) Apostle Paul wrote this letter to Timothy.
b) Paul was an Apostle of Jesus Christ.
c) His Apostleship was the Commandment of God.
d) It was also the Commandment of Jesus Christ our Hope.
(This Second one clearly states that Paul was An Apostle Of Jesus Christ)
Do we know that we have Life? This is an important question, it is talking about our Life in Christ. Jesus Christ is not only a historical representative of God. He is God the Son Himself. He is Eternal and gives the Gift of Eternal Life. In His discourses Jesus said that He Himself was the Way, the Truth and the Life. If we have Jesus Christ as our Lord and Saviour we have Life
Sunday, October 19, 2014
The Mighty One's Victory!
'The Mighty One's Victory.'
Isaiah 49:26.
a) The Lord will make those people who oppressing His People eat their own flesh.
b) They shall be drunk with their own blood as with wine.
c) Then all flesh will know.
d) The Lord is for His People:-
1-Their Saviour.
2-Their Redeemer.
3-The Mighty One of Jacob.
(This QT shows me The Mighty One's Victory)
'The God Of Hope Who Gives Hope.'
Romans 15:13.
a) He is the God of Hope Who Gives Hope.
b) He desires and is able to fill us with all Joy.
c) We can have perfect Peace as we Trust in Him.
d) It is the Power of the Holy Spirit that fills us with Hope.
(This Second one reveals The God Of Hope Who Gives Hope)
The Lord is the Saviour of every True Believer in a very real way. Factually He is the Saviour of anyone in the whole World who would turn to Him. He is the Deliverer, able to deliver us out of every difficult situation. He is our Helper, always ready to come to help us in His Perfect time. We need to put our trust in the Lord our Saviour.
Be Diligent About This!
'Be Diligent About This.'
2 Peter 1:5.
a) Be diligent to add goodness to our Faith.
b) Supply moral excellence to our Faith.
c) To goodness and moral excellence add knowledge.
(Through this QT the Lord urges me to Be Diligent About This)
'Living In The Light.'
John 3:21-22.
a) Those people who live by the Truth.
b) Those people who do what is true.
c) Come into the Light.
d) They do this so that it can be clearly seen.
e) What they have done is with God's help.
(Through this Second one I desire to be Living In The Light)
Living in the Light is truly the lifestyle the God wants every True Believer to live. Living in the Light means that we can openly and genuinely have fellowship with one another. It also means that we are in a spiritual condition whereby our sins can fully and freely be washed away by the Blood of Jesus. Let us walk and live in the Light.
Saturday, October 18, 2014
Accepting Witness And Testimony!
'Accepting Witness And Testimony.'
1 John 5:9-11.
a) 1 John 5:9. We Accept the witness of people.
b) 1 John 5:9. The Witness of God is greater and more important.
c) 1 John 5:9. God Testifies about His Son.
d) 1 John 5:10. Those people who have accepted that what God Testifies is true also believe in the Son of God.
e) 1 John 5:10. Those people who do not accept or believe God's Testimony are calling Him a liar.
f) 1 John 5:11. Here is God's Witness.
g) 1 John 5:11. God has given to us Eternal Life.
h) 1 John 5:11. This Eternal Life is found in His Son.
(Through this QT I desire to continue Accepting Witness And Testimony)
'After Baptism - Prayer.'
Luke 3:21-22.
a) All the people had been Baptised in water.
b) Jesus also was Baptised.
c) After His Baptism Jesus Prayed.
d) As Jesus was Praying Heaven was opened.
e) Then the Holy Spirit descended on Jesus in the form of a dove.
f) A Voice came from Heaven.
g) This was the Voice of the Heavenly Father. He said concerning Jesus:-
1-You are My Son.
2-I Love You.
3-I am very pleased with You.
(This Second one teaches me: After Baptism - Prayer)
What God Testifies is True is not just to be acknowledged, it is to be accepted and applied. We need to respond when God Testifies, not to ignore Him. God is all Truth. Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth and the Life. All that God speaks, wherever He speaks it, is True. As True Believers we need to have a genuine hunger for God's Truth.
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The Christian Life!
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