The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Thursday, April 12, 2012
Do Not Let Anyone Condemn Us!
‘Do Not Let Anyone Condemn Us.’
Colossians 2:16-19.
a) Colossians 2:16. Do not let anyone condemn us for:-
1- What we eat.
2- What we drink.
3- Celebration of Holy days and Sabbaths.
b) Colossians 2:17. For these rules are only shadows of the reality yet to come. Christ himself is that reality.
c) Colossians 2:18. Do not let anyone condemn us by insisting on pious self-denial.
d) Colossians 2:18. Do not let anyone condemn us about the worship of Angels.
e) Colossians 2:18. They talk about their visions, but their sinful minds have made them proud.
f) Colossians 2:19. These people are not connected to Christ.
g) Colossians 2:19. Christ is the Head of His Body the Church.
h) Colossians 2:19. Christ holds the whole Body together with its joints and ligaments.
i) Colossians 2:19. The Body grows as God nourishes it.
(Through this QT I Do Not Let Anyone Condemn Me about my spiritual life)
‘Respond To The Word Of God.’
James 1:22-24.
a) James 1:22. Do not just listen to God’s Word.
b) James 1:22. Do what God’s Word says.
c) James 1:22. If we do not respond correctly to the Word of God we are deceiving ourselves.
d) James 1:23-24. If we do not do what God’s Word says it is like glancing at our face in a mirror. We:-
1- See ourselves.
2- Walk away.
3- Forget what we look like.
(This Second one makes me realise that I Need To Respond To The Word Of God)
If and when we have ourselves in wrong perspective it is very easy to deceive ourselves. Self deception has nothing to do with Satan or some outside influence, it comes from our self – especially our pride. The Bible tells us to walk humbly with God and we really need to do that in these days.
The Christian Life!
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