The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Christ And Us!
‘Christ And Us.’
Colossians 2:9-13.
a) Colossians 2:9. In Christ lives all the Fullness of God in a human body.
b) Colossians 2:10. We are complete through our union with Christ.
c) Colossians 2:10. Christ is the Head over every Ruler and Authority.
d) Colossians 2:11. When we came to Christ, He performed a spiritual circumcision on us – the cutting away of our sinful nature.
e) Colossians 2:12. We were buried with Christ when we were Baptised.
f) Colossians 2:12. With Christ you were raised to New Life because you trusted the mighty Power of God, who raised Christ from the dead.
g) Colossians 2:13. We were dead because of our sins and our sinful nature was not yet cut away.
h) Colossians 2:13. God made us alive with Christ, He forgave us all our sins.
(Through this QT I can see the reality of the Salvation I have in Christ Jesus: Christ And Me)
‘The Church Inside And Outside.’
Hebrews 13:1-3.
a) Hebrews 13:1. Church is to keep on loving one another as brothers and sisters. There should be no rejection but rather there should be family.
b) Hebrews 13:2. We should not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for some who have done this have entertained angels without realising it.
c) Hebrews 13:3. We should remember those people in prison as if we were there ourselves.
d) Hebrews 13:3. We should also remember those people being mistreated as if we feel their pain in our own bodies.
(Through this Second one I understand that God is concerned about The Church Inside And Outside)
Prison ministry can be one of the most effective parts of Church outreach. This kind of Ministry needs someone with experience to lead it otherwise it is difficult to have any real impact. Once Prison ministry becomes an established part of a Church’s outreach it can achieve a great harvest of people for God’s Kingdom. There are established prison ministries that reach across the Body of Christ, if we are really interested in these as a Church, maybe we should contact them.
The Christian Life!
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