‘To Really Enjoy Our Meals.’
1 Corinthians 10:25-30.
a) 1 Corinthians 10:25. We should eat anything sold in the market without letting our conscience trouble us.
b) 1 Corinthians 10:26. The Earth is the Lord’s and everything it contains is His.
c) 1 Corinthians 10:27. It is very acceptable to have a meal in the house of an unbeliever.
d) 1 Corinthians 10:28-29. If someone TELLS us that the food is offered to idols then we should not eat it. This is for the sake of the person who told us.
e) 1 Corinthians 10:29. Our freedom should not be judged by another person’s conscience. It means that we are offending them.
f) 1 Corinthians 10:30. We simply give thanks to God for the food we eat.
(This QT gives me guidance as to how To Really Enjoy My Meals with a free and clear conscience)
‘Faith And Response.’
Luke 17:1-6.
a) Luke 17:1. Jesus said that situations that could cause people to lose their Faith are certain to arise.
b) Luke 17:1. It will horrible for the person who causes another to lose their Faith.
c) Luke 17:2. It would be better for the person who causes another to lose their Faith, especially if it is:-
1-A child.
2-A youth.
3-A new Believer.
d) Luke 17:2. It would be better for that offender to be thrown into the sea with a large stone around their neck.
e) Luke 17:3. If you see your Believer friends going wrong, correct them if they respond, forgive them.
f) Luke 17:4. Even if the person does wrong seven times in a day and comes back to say sorry forgive them.
g) Luke 17:5. The Apostles asked Jesus to give them more Faith. This Message was a challenge to them.
h) Luke 17:6. Jesus told them that they do not need more Faith, they simply needed real Faith.
(This Second one teaches me about Faith And Response)
Children are very sensitive and for most of them their experiences as a child are often remembered right through their adulthood. Christian parents that cause their children to lose their Faith are putting themselves in a very precarious position spiritually.