‘Apostle Paul: A Bold Beginning.’
Acts 9:20-30.
a) Acts 9:20. At the beginning of his ministry Apostle Paul immediately began to spread the Word in their synagogues that Jesus was the Son of God.
b) Acts 9:21. All Paul’s hearers were amazed. He was the one who formerly was actively persecuting Believers.
c) Acts 9:22. From the Word of God Paul was proving to the Jews that Jesus was the Christ.
d) Acts 9:23-25. Paul needed to escape from that place and he went to Jerusalem.
e) Acts 9:26. When Paul got to Jerusalem all the Disciples were afraid of him because of his past reputation.
f) Acts 9:27. Barnabas helped Paul to be accepted by the Apostolic Leadership in Jerusalem.
g) Acts 9:28. In Jerusalem Paul spoke boldly with the Power and Authority of the Lord.
h) Acts 9:29-30. Because of an attempt on his life the Believers in Jerusalem sent Paul off to Tarsus.
(Through this QT I am inspired and amazed by the Care and Wisdom of the early Believers, Apostle Paul: A Bold Beginning)
‘Apostle Paul Trusted In The Holy Spirit’s Power.’
1 Corinthians 2:3-5.
a) 1 Corinthians 2:3. When Apostle Paul came to Gentile Corinth he was:-
1- Weak.
2- Afraid.
3- Nervous.
b) 1 Corinthians 2:4. Paul did not speak his Message with persuasive intellectual arguments but with a show of Spiritual Power.
c) 1 Corinthians 2:5. Paul wanted the Corinthian’s Faith to be based on God’s Power not human wisdom.
(This Second one shows me how in Mission Apostle Paul Trusted In The Holy Spirit’s Power)
Here we see that when faced with his Mission task Apostle Paul humanly felt very weak. This is very normal and should be the attitude and reality in every True Missionary’s heart on the mission field, so, like Paul the Missionary can trust in the Holy Spirit’s Power.