The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Thursday, July 9, 2009
(The name in Hebrew means “giver”)
a) 2 Samuel 12:1. Was sent by the Lord.
b) 2 Samuel 7:2. Was a godly prophet.
c) 2 Samuel 7:3. Spoke his word as well as the Lord’s Word.
d) 2 Samuel 7:4. Was sensitive to the Lord.
e) 2 Samuel 7:17; 1 Kings 1:24. Was not afraid of the king and brought God’s Word to him.
f) 2 Samuel 12:1-5. Also spoke God’s Word in parables when appropriate.
g) 2 Samuel 12:7. Was confrontational when he needed to be.
h) 2 Samuel 12:13. Heard confession and ministered the Lord’s forgiveness.
i) 2 Samuel 12:15. Had a home to call his own.
j) 2 Samuel 12:25. Gave babies the name from the Lord.
k) 1 Kings 1:8. He stood for what was correct.
l) 1 Kings 1:11. Was wise in policy.
m) 1 Kings 1:23. Was a respectful person.
n) 1 Kings 1:34. Was a king maker.
o) 1 Chronicles 17:1. Was trustworthy.
(This QT inspires me and instructs me through the prophet Nathan)
‘Created In Our Mother’s Womb.’
Psalm 139:13-16.
a) Psalm 139:13. The Lord made all the delicate inner parts of our bodies and knit u together.
b) Psalm 139:14. We should give thanks to the Lord for Creating us.
c) Psalm 139:14. We know that we are so wonderfully complex. God’s Work is marvellous.
d) Psalm 139:15. God watched over us as we were being woven together.
e) Psalm 139:16. God saw us before we were born.
f) Psalm 139:16. In the Lord’s Book every day of my life is already recorded and every moment laid out – even before I was born.
(This Second one gives me an awareness of how awesome God is I was Created In My Mother’s Womb)
In God’s unique way He has made us so wonderfully complex and yet He wants our lives to be simple, humble and pure. Sometimes we go through experiences in our lives that are complicated and make us feel difficulty, God is still there and He Knows all things. This is why we can trust Him to restore all things in our lives.
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