Tuesday, July 28, 2009

The Person That Winks!

‘The Person That Winks.’
a) Proverbs 10:10. Causes sorrow.
b) Psalm 35:19. May have hatred in their heart.
c) Proverbs 6:13. Is:-
1-A worthless person.
2-A wicked person.
3-A frequent liar.
(This QT warns me about The Person That Winks)
‘Peter In Joppa.’
Acts 9:36-43.
a) Acts 9:36-37. The death of Dorcas – a good woman.
b) Acts 9:38. They went to Lydda and called Peter.
c) Acts 9:39. Peter went into the room where all the mourners were.
d) Acts 9:40. Peter asked all the mourners to leave the room. Then Peter spoke to Dorcas and she rose from the dead.
e) Acts 9:41. Peter helped Dorcas, stayed with her for a short time whilst the mourners were brought back into the room.
f) Acts 9:42. This miracle caused many people in Joppa to Believe in the Lord.
g) Acts 9:43. Peter stayed in Joppa for a long time.
(Through this Second one I see some good lessons for long term Mission – Peter In Joppa. He went where the need was. He did not compromise with non believers. He identified with the people he was serving a a friend. He stayed on to help the new Believers)
We are to keep away from friendship with a wicked person who wants us to enter into their wickedness. If we know a wicked person who really wants to change their life and to follow Jesus, then we can be a friend to them for Jesus. Let us be clear in the way that we relate to the wicked person and not be deceived.

The Christian Life!

'The Christian Life.' a)  Deuteronomy 7:11. Keep the Word of  God. b)  Deuteronomy  7:12. Listen to the Word of God. c)  Deuteronomy...