Tuesday, July 28, 2009

The Person That Winks!

‘The Person That Winks.’
a) Proverbs 10:10. Causes sorrow.
b) Psalm 35:19. May have hatred in their heart.
c) Proverbs 6:13. Is:-
1-A worthless person.
2-A wicked person.
3-A frequent liar.
(This QT warns me about The Person That Winks)
‘Peter In Joppa.’
Acts 9:36-43.
a) Acts 9:36-37. The death of Dorcas – a good woman.
b) Acts 9:38. They went to Lydda and called Peter.
c) Acts 9:39. Peter went into the room where all the mourners were.
d) Acts 9:40. Peter asked all the mourners to leave the room. Then Peter spoke to Dorcas and she rose from the dead.
e) Acts 9:41. Peter helped Dorcas, stayed with her for a short time whilst the mourners were brought back into the room.
f) Acts 9:42. This miracle caused many people in Joppa to Believe in the Lord.
g) Acts 9:43. Peter stayed in Joppa for a long time.
(Through this Second one I see some good lessons for long term Mission – Peter In Joppa. He went where the need was. He did not compromise with non believers. He identified with the people he was serving a a friend. He stayed on to help the new Believers)
We are to keep away from friendship with a wicked person who wants us to enter into their wickedness. If we know a wicked person who really wants to change their life and to follow Jesus, then we can be a friend to them for Jesus. Let us be clear in the way that we relate to the wicked person and not be deceived.

Unusual Miracles!

  'Unusual Miracles' Acts 19:11-12. a)  And God was doing  b)  Extraordinary miracles c)  By the hands of Paul, d)  So that even han...