The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Be A Strong And Courageous Leader!
‘Be A Strong And Courageous Leader.’
Joshua 1:6-9.
a) Joshua 1:6. Lead God’s People into their inheritance. (It’s theirs as well as yours)
b) Joshua 1:7. To obey the Word of God and not turn away from obeying it. In doing this you will be successful in God’s eyes.
c) Joshua 1:8. The Word of God should be fresh to the Leader daily. It should be influencing the Leader’s life.
d) Joshua 1:9. The Leader should not be afraid or discouraged, this will negatively affect the people that the Leader leads.
e) Joshua 1:9. The Lord God is with His chosen Leaders wherever they go.
(This QT urges me to tell spiritual Leaders to Be A Strong And Courageous Leader)
‘The Blessed Person.’
Psalm 1:1-6.
a) Psalm 1:1-2. The Blessed Person:-
1- Does not walk in the Counsel of the Wicked.
2- Does not stand in the way of sinners. (Either with them or trying to oppose them, in other words, avoids them)
3- Does not sit in the seat of mockers.
4- Delights in the Word of God.
5- Ponders in the Word frequently. (By doing so makes the Word their life standard)
b) Psalm 1:3. The Blessed Person becomes like a tree that is:-
1- Refreshed.
2- Fruitful.
3- Consistent.
4- Prosperous.
c) Psalm 1:4-6. Wicked people become as nothing, their way will perish.
d) Psalm 1:6. The Lord watches over the way of the Blessed and Righteous Person.
(Through this Second one I find the life of The Blessed Person)
It is wise to ponder in the Word of God frequently. Pondering the Word of God is a good spiritual exercise. I know some people who put a Bible verse on a paper and stick it inside their car so that when they are encountering a traffic jam or red light – they can easily think about God’s Word. Some wives also do it in their kitchen. These simple things can help us immensely, giving us Spiritual strength.
The Christian Life!
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