Friday, July 3, 2009

Living In The Light!

‘Living In The Light.’
Romans 13:11-14.
a) Romans 13:11. Because we know the critical period in which we are living.
b) Romans 13:11. We need to rouse ourselves from spiritual sleep.
c) Romans 13:11. Our Salvation is nearer to us now than when we first became True Believers.
d) Romans 13:12. The night is far advanced, and day is about to dawn.
e) Romans 13:12. We need to lay aside the deeds of darkness and clothe ourselves with the armour of Light.
f) Romans 13:13. We need to live properly as in the day.
g) Romans 13:13. As True Believers we should not indulge ourselves in:-
1- Revelry.
2- Drunkenness.
3- Lust.
4- Debauchery.
5- Quarrelling.
6- Jealousy.
h) Romans 13:14. We are to put on the Lord Jesus Christ and make no provision for gratifying our earthly cravings.
(This QT urges me to be Living In The Light)
‘How Can This?’
(God makes all things possible)
a) Luke 1:34. How can this be? Mary’s question to the Angel when she heard about her becoming the mother of Jesus Christ, because she had no husband.
b) 1 Samuel 10:27. The men of unbelief questioned Samuel’s ability and anointing as God’s Prophet. How can this man deliver us?
c) Luke 4:22. The people who knew Him humanly doubted Jesus. How can this be? They only thought of Him as a carpenter’s son and not God’s Son.
d) John 3:8-9. How can this be? Nicodemus was questioning Jesus about being spiritually reborn by the Holy Spirit.
e) John 6:52. The people could not understand the Teaching of Jesus. How can this man give us His Body to eat?
f) Acts 2:7. When the early disciples began to speak fluently in the languages of other Nations glorifying God the people asked: How can this be? Because all those disciples were from Galilee, simple everyday folk.
(Through this Second one, How Can This? My Faith in the Lord is strengthened)
There are some people today who only think of Jesus as a good man who lived a long time ago. Some people regard Him only as a hero because of His Death on the Cross. There are some people who respect Him as a prophet, yet others who acknowledge Him as one of many gods. Jesus Christ is the Son of God and He is God the Son and we can fully put our trust in Him.

Unusual Miracles!

  'Unusual Miracles' Acts 19:11-12. a)  And God was doing  b)  Extraordinary miracles c)  By the hands of Paul, d)  So that even han...