The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Friday, July 3, 2009
a) Proverbs 10:1. Comes to a father’s heart when his son is wise.
b) Numbers 10:10. Can be celebrated.
c) Deuteronomy 28:47; Psalm 100:2. Should be the motive for serving the Lord our God.
d) 1 Chronicles 16:27; Psalm 4:7; 21:6. The Lord is the source of it.
e) 1 Chronicles 29:22; 2 Chronicles 30:21. Before the Lord it can be great.
f) 2 Chronicles 29:30; Isaiah 65:14. Sing Praises with it.
g) 2 Chronicles 30:23. Holy days can be observed with it.
h) Nehemiah 12:27. Dedication services should be held with it.
i) Esther 8:16-17. Comes with honour.
j) Esther 9:17-18. Comes when celebrating Victory.
k) Esther 9:22; Jeremiah 31:13. The Lord can turn our sorrow into it.
l) Psalm 40:16; 70:4. Comes as we search for the Lord.
m) Psalm 45:15. We can be led forth with it.
n) Psalm 51:8. We can hear it.
o) Psalm 65:12. The hills can be girded with it.
p) Psalm 68:3. Righteous people Rejoice with it.
q) Psalm 97:11. Belongs to the upright in heart.
r) Psalm 106:5; Isaiah 9:3. Can be national.
s) Proverbs 10:28. Is the Hope of Righteous people.
t) Ecclesiastes 5:20. In our heart keeps us occupied.
u) Isaiah 29:19. The Lord can even give it to the afflicted people.
v) Isaiah 35:10; 51:11. Belongs to the people Ransomed by the Lord.
w) Isaiah 65:18. God’s People are created for it.
x) Joel 1:16; Acts 2:46. Should be in the House of God.
y) Hebrews 1:9. The Lord Jesus was Anointed with it.
(Through this QT I thank God for Gladness)
‘The Birth Of Jesus Christ.’
Matthew 1:18-25.
a) Matthew 1:18. Is clearly described in the Holy Bible.
b) Matthew 1:18. Mary was engaged to Joseph and they had had no sexual relationship.
c) Matthew 1:18. Mary was with Child by the Holy Spirit.
d) Matthew 1:19. Joseph was a just and religious man, he thought that the best thing to do was to hide Mary secretly because he did not want her to be disgraced.
e) Matthew 1:20. The Angel of the Lord intervened and told Joseph not to be afraid and that Mary WAS with Child by the Holy Spirit.
f) Matthew 1:21. Mary would bring forth a Son and they were to name Him Jesus – He would Save His People from their sins.
g) Matthew 1:22-23. This was the perfect fulfilment of the Prophecy of Isaiah.
h) Matthew 1:24-25. Joseph married Mary but they had no sexual relationship at first.
i) Matthew 1:25. Then Jesus was born of the Virgin Mary, afterwards she and Joseph had children together.
(Through this Second one I understand clearly The Birth Of Jesus Christ)
Preparation for marriage is a very important time when virtues need to be exercised and trust built, ready for the marriage relationship. It is a time, especially in the case of True Believers, for having good relationship with God as a priority and good communication between each other.
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