The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Friday, July 31, 2009
The Life Of God’s Kingdom!
‘The Life Of God’s Kingdom.’
Romans 14:17-18.
a) 1 Corinthians 8:8. Is not to do with religious legalism.
b) Is a life of Righteousness.
c) Is a life of Peace in every way:-
1- With God.
2- From God.
3- Between ourselves.
d) Romans 15:13. Is a life of Joy in the Holy Spirit.
e) Is a life of serving Christ with the Kingdom motivating us.
f) 2 Corinthians 8:21. Is a life that will be approved by other people.
(Through this QT I want to continually enjoy The Life Of God’s Kingdom)
‘Leading By Example.’
2 Kings 23:1-3.
a) 2 Kings 23:1. King Josiah was eager to influence the Elders, the key leaders of the Tribes of Israel.
b) 2 Kings 23:2. King Josiah took the initiative to lead all the people to God’s House.
c) 2 Kings 23:2. King Josiah’s life was focused on the Word of God and He wanted all other people to have the same focus.
d) 2 Kings 23:3. King Josiah made a Covenant with the Lord and led all his people into the same Covenant. It was a Covenant of total obedience.
(This Second one reminds me that the best way to lead other people is Leading By Example)
Peace from God. This is one of the Promises of God available to every True Believer. We can experience as a reality Peace from God. This Peace can make so many things better and easier for and in our lives. Relationships, health, family life and worship of God all are enhanced when we have Peace from God in our lives.
Fountain Of Life!
‘Fountain Of Life.’
a) Proverbs 10:11. The mouth of the Righteous Person is a Fountain of Life.
b) Psalm 36:9. With the Lord is the Fountain of Life.
c) Proverbs 13:14. The Law of the wise people is a Fountain of Life.
d) Proverbs 14:27. The Fear of the Lord is a Fountain of Life.
(Through this QT I want to drink from the Fountain Of Life)
A Man of God whom we can learn from, his Name means: God is my portion.
a) 2 Kings 22:4. He could be trusted with money.
b) 2 Kings 22:8. He found the Word of God and sent it first to the king.
c) 2 Kings 22:12. He was obedient to the governing authority.
d) 2 Kings 22:14. He was humble before a woman prophet of God.
e) 2 Kings 23:4. Had a part in the Restoration of the Temple of the Lord.
f) 2 Chronicles 35:8. Was a ruler of the House of God.
(This Second one, Hilkiah, is such a Blessing to me as a good example of a Man of God)
The mouth of a Righteous Person is certainly a great Blessing to the Church. The mouth of a Righteous Person will bring life into the Fellowship. The mouth of a Righteous Person will be positive in a Biblical way. The mouth of a Righteous Person will give Praise and make Prayer to God. The mouth of a Righteous Person will not gossip.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
1 Corinthians 16:15-18.
a) 1 Corinthians 16:15. He and his family were the first Believers in Greece and spent their lives in service for other Believers.
b) 1 Corinthians 16:15-16. He was to be fully respected because he served with such devotion.
c) 1 Corinthians 16:17. He came to Turkey with a team to help Apostle Paul.
d) 1 Corinthians 16:18. He was an Encourager and worthy of the proper honour.
(Through this QT I respect, honour and pray for such people as Stephanas)
‘Sincere Life In The Body Of Christ.’
Romans 12:9-13.
a) Romans 12:9. Do not pretend to love other people in the Church, really love them.
b) Romans 12:9. Hate what is wrong.
c) Romans 12:9. Stand on the side of the good.
d) Romans 12:10. Love each other with genuine affection.
e) Romans 12:10. Take delight in honouring each other.
f) Romans 12:11. Never be lazy in our work.
g) Romans 12:11. Serve the Lord enthusiastically.
h) Romans 12:12. Be glad for all that God is planning for us.
i) Romans 12:12. Be patient in trouble.
j) Romans 12:12. Always be prayerful.
k) Romans 12:13. Help God’s Children in need.
l) Romans 12:13. Get into the hospitality habit.
(Through this Second one I want to participate in Sincere Life In The Body Of Christ)
Three good habits to get into are; firstly, Respect. We should learn to respect other members of the Body of Christ. This makes a good testimony for those people who are yet to be converted. Secondly, the habit of honouring is a very safe one to get into. We should learn to honour those people whom the Bible tells us to honour. Thirdly, the habit of Prayer, this is a must for every True Believer.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
We Shall Not Be Condemned!
‘We Shall Not Be Condemned.’
a) Romans 14:16. If we consider the conscience of other people if we are eating a meal with them.
b) Luke 6:37. If we do not judge and condemn other people.
c) 1 Corinthians 11:32. If we take Holy Communion in a worthy manner.
d) Titus 2:8. If we speak with sound speech.
(Through this QT I have confidence that I Shall Not Be Condemned)
‘A Lesson For All Of Us.’
Matthew 20:20-28.
a) Matthew 20:20. The mother of James and John and the wife of Zebedee came to Jesus respectfully to ask Him a favour.
b) Matthew 20:21. Jesus wanted to know her request.
c) Matthew 20:21. She wanted her two sons to sit next to Jesus in the Eternal Kingdom.
d) Matthew 20:22. Jesus knew that this request was wrong and asked for the wrong motive so he asked the two disciples if they could drink from the same bitter cup of sorrow that He was to drink from. They claimed that they were able.
e) Matthew 20:23. Jesus affirmed their coming suffering and told them that only Father God could nominate who was to sit on either side of Jesus in the Eternal Kingdom.
f) Matthew 20:24. The other disciples were offended by the behaviour of James and John and their mother.
g) Matthew 20:25-28. Jesus called them all together and taught them about true authority and leadership.
(This Second one is A Lesson For All Of Us)
Every True Believer needs to live with God given Confidence. We should have Confidence that we are not going to be condemned. We should have Confidence in the Promises that God gives to us. We should have Confidence in our Salvation. This Confidence is not something that we try to work up. It is given to us by the Word of God and by the Holy Spirit.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
The Person That Winks!
‘The Person That Winks.’
a) Proverbs 10:10. Causes sorrow.
b) Psalm 35:19. May have hatred in their heart.
c) Proverbs 6:13. Is:-
1-A worthless person.
2-A wicked person.
3-A frequent liar.
(This QT warns me about The Person That Winks)
‘Peter In Joppa.’
Acts 9:36-43.
a) Acts 9:36-37. The death of Dorcas – a good woman.
b) Acts 9:38. They went to Lydda and called Peter.
c) Acts 9:39. Peter went into the room where all the mourners were.
d) Acts 9:40. Peter asked all the mourners to leave the room. Then Peter spoke to Dorcas and she rose from the dead.
e) Acts 9:41. Peter helped Dorcas, stayed with her for a short time whilst the mourners were brought back into the room.
f) Acts 9:42. This miracle caused many people in Joppa to Believe in the Lord.
g) Acts 9:43. Peter stayed in Joppa for a long time.
(Through this Second one I see some good lessons for long term Mission – Peter In Joppa. He went where the need was. He did not compromise with non believers. He identified with the people he was serving a a friend. He stayed on to help the new Believers)
We are to keep away from friendship with a wicked person who wants us to enter into their wickedness. If we know a wicked person who really wants to change their life and to follow Jesus, then we can be a friend to them for Jesus. Let us be clear in the way that we relate to the wicked person and not be deceived.
Sunday, July 26, 2009
He Is The Lord!
‘He Is The Lord.’
a) Malachi 3:6. He does not change.
b) Genesis 15:7; 28:13. Who gives us a new land to inherit,
c) Exodus 6:6; 29:46. Who sets us free from bondage.
d) Exodus 10:2. Tell the following generations what He has done.
e) Exodus 15:26. Who heals us.
f) Exodus 31:13. Who sanctifies us.
g) Leviticus 11:44. We should consecrate ourselves and be Holy.
h) Leviticus 18:4. Obey Him.
i) Isaiah 41:13. Who:-
1- Takes hold of our right hand.
2- Says to us that we are not to fear.
3- Helps us.
j) Isaiah 42:6. Who:-
1- Has called us in Righteousness.
2- Will hold us by the hand.
3- Will watch over us.
4- Will trust us with a ministry
k) Isaiah 42:8. Who will not give His Glory to another.
l) Isaiah 43:11; 45:5-6 & 18. The only Saviour.
m) Isaiah 43:15. Our:-
1- Holy One.
2- Creator.
3- King.
n) Isaiah 51:15. Who churns up the sea.
o) Jeremiah 9:24. Who delights in:-
1- Kindness.
2- Justice.
3- Righteousness.
p) Jeremiah 24:7. Who gives people a heart to know Him.
q) Jeremiah 32:27. The God of all mankind, there is nothing too hard for Him.
r) Ezekiel 25:17; Romans 12:19. Who takes vengeance on His enemies.
(Through this QT I proclaim about Jehovah, He Is The Lord)
‘Preparing To Give To God.’
1 Corinthians 16:2.
a) We are to regularly put aside and save money for God.
b) We do this according to how God has prospered us.
c) There should be no emotional appeals or rashly convened collections for money in the Church.
(Through this Second one I find out about Preparing To Give To God)
It is all about Him. Christianity, if practised in a Biblical way is firstly and fore mostly all about about Jehovah God. Church and all of its ministries and functions is important but firstly Christianity is not about Church, it is about Him.
Food - Be Careful Not To Offend Other People!
‘Food - Be Careful Not To Offend Other People.’
a) Romans 14:15. We should not:-
1- Hurt our fellow Believer by what we eat.
2- Confuse our fellow Believer by what we eat.
3- Destroy with our choices of food the person for whom Christ died.
b) Romans 14:15; Ephesians 5:2. If we are offending other people because of food, we are not walking in love.
c) Romans 14:20. Do not tear down the work of God for the sake of food.
d) 1 Corinthians 8:11. Let us not ruin the weak person’s Faith because Christ died for them.
(Through this QT I know that I must be careful through my Food – Be Careful Not To Offend Other People)
‘Two Small Copper Coins.’
Mark 12:41-44.
a) Mark 12:41. Jesus was sitting near the temple offertory box and He was watching the people put money into the box. The rich people were putting their offerings in very noticeably.
b) Mark 12:42. A poor widow came and put in two small copper coins.
c) Mark 12:43. Jesus called His Disciples to Himself and told them a very mysterious thing. He told them that this widow had put in more than all the other people that had contributed.
d) Mark 12:44. All the other people had put into the offering out of their surplus. This widow, from her great poverty put in all that she owned, all that she had to live on.
(This Second one shows me how Jesus saw and still sees Two Small Copper Coins)
This is the season for outreach teams to go out to other countries and do some form of outreach. Whether or not these outreaches are effective is a matter for debate amongst Christian leaders with different viewpoints. We can choose which way we think. Short term outreaches were never a part of New Testament Christianity. In the Bible all Mission was long term. Especially in the area of food short term missions often fail, wasting so much of God’s and Church’s money. Western teams hunting for “Macdonalds”. Korean teams loosing out because of not having Kim Chi. How do the people we have gone out to serve feel when they cannot serve us the food we want, even when they do their best for us? We are offending those people through our complaining. It is better to train and send out long term missionaries correctly. Let the short term teams serve in their own nation’s ghettoes or countryside.
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Ruin Comes!
‘Ruin Comes.’
a) Proverbs 10:10 & 14; 13:3; 18:7. To a babbling fool.
b) Isaiah 6:5. Because of unclean lips.
c) Jeremiah 12:10. Because of careless shepherds.
d) Jeremiah 48:8; 44:6; Deuteronomy 13:16. Because the Lord says it will happen.
e) Hosea 4:14. Because the people have no understanding.
f) Matthew 9:17. To old wineskins when new wine is put in.
g) 2 Chronicles 34:11. Because of neglect.
h) Proverbs 10:15. Because of poverty.
i) Proverbs 10:29. To the workers of iniquity.
j) Proverbs 18:24. Because of having too many friends.
k) Proverbs 26:28. Because of flattery.
l) Jeremiah 7:6. Through following other gods.
m) Luke 6:49. To a house that has a bad foundation.
n) 1 Timothy 6:9. Because of harmful and foolish desires.
o) 2 Timothy 2:14. Because of wrangling about words.
(This QT shows me how Ruin Comes)
‘To A Young Minister.’
2 Timothy 2:14-16.
a) 2 Timothy 2:14. Is to remind people of the Word of God and solemnly charge them in the Presence of God not to wrangle about words which is a useless Pursuit. This wrangling will lead to the ruin of the hearers.
b) 2 Timothy 2:15. Is to be diligent to present themselves approved to God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed, accurately handling the Word of Truth.
c) 2 Timothy 2:16. Is to avoid worldly and empty chatter for it will lead to further ungodliness.
(This Second one reveals very good counsel To A Young Minister)
Workers of iniquity will bring ruin on themselves. This is what God states. This is also why it is necessary to turn from our sins and iniquities to God and to seek His Forgiveness. Only God can save us from total ruin.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Be A Strong And Courageous Leader!
‘Be A Strong And Courageous Leader.’
Joshua 1:6-9.
a) Joshua 1:6. Lead God’s People into their inheritance. (It’s theirs as well as yours)
b) Joshua 1:7. To obey the Word of God and not turn away from obeying it. In doing this you will be successful in God’s eyes.
c) Joshua 1:8. The Word of God should be fresh to the Leader daily. It should be influencing the Leader’s life.
d) Joshua 1:9. The Leader should not be afraid or discouraged, this will negatively affect the people that the Leader leads.
e) Joshua 1:9. The Lord God is with His chosen Leaders wherever they go.
(This QT urges me to tell spiritual Leaders to Be A Strong And Courageous Leader)
‘The Blessed Person.’
Psalm 1:1-6.
a) Psalm 1:1-2. The Blessed Person:-
1- Does not walk in the Counsel of the Wicked.
2- Does not stand in the way of sinners. (Either with them or trying to oppose them, in other words, avoids them)
3- Does not sit in the seat of mockers.
4- Delights in the Word of God.
5- Ponders in the Word frequently. (By doing so makes the Word their life standard)
b) Psalm 1:3. The Blessed Person becomes like a tree that is:-
1- Refreshed.
2- Fruitful.
3- Consistent.
4- Prosperous.
c) Psalm 1:4-6. Wicked people become as nothing, their way will perish.
d) Psalm 1:6. The Lord watches over the way of the Blessed and Righteous Person.
(Through this Second one I find the life of The Blessed Person)
It is wise to ponder in the Word of God frequently. Pondering the Word of God is a good spiritual exercise. I know some people who put a Bible verse on a paper and stick it inside their car so that when they are encountering a traffic jam or red light – they can easily think about God’s Word. Some wives also do it in their kitchen. These simple things can help us immensely, giving us Spiritual strength.
I Am Convinced!
‘I Am Convinced.’
a) Romans 14:14. Being persuaded in the Lord Jesus that no food or drink is unclean in itself.
b) Genesis 45:28. By the evidence of the true situation.
c) Exodus 4:31. That God has given my leaders to me.
d) Acts 19:26; 28:24. That the Gospel is true.
e) Romans 4:21. That God is able to do whatever He promised.
f) Romans 8:38. That nothing can separate us from the Love of God.
g) Romans 14:5. We should be fully convinced in our own minds of what is right.
h) Romans 15:14; Hebrews 6:9. Of the good character and abilities of other people.
i) Romans 15:19. By the manifested Power of God’s Spirit.
j) 2 Corinthians 5:14. Of Christ’s Love and Death.
k) Philippians 1:25. That I will stay alive as long as God needs me to be alive.
l) 2 Timothy 1:12. That God is able to guard what I have entrusted to Him until that day.
m) 2 Timothy 3:14. By the Word of God.
(Through this QT I Am Convinced about the things that I have been convinced about and therefore I continue to be convinced)
‘The Good News.’
a) Acts 8:12; Matthew 24:14; Luke 8:1. Concerns the Kingdom of God and the Name of Jesus Christ.
b) 1 Kings 1:42. Is brought by good people.
c) 2 Kings 7:9; Psalm 40:10. Needs to be shared with other people.
d) 1 Chronicles 16:23; Psalm 96:2. Is that the Lord Saves.
e) Psalm 68:11. Can be brought by a great army of people – no one has a monopoly on it.
f) Proverbs 15:30. Gives good health to the bones.
g) Isaiah 40:9; 41:27; Nahum 1:15. Needs messengers.
h) Isaiah 52:7. Good news is:-
1- Peace.
2- Salvation.
3- God reigns.
i) Isaiah 61:1; Matthew 4:23; 9:35. Is brought by Jesus Christ.
j) Matthew 11:5; Luke 7:22. Is for the poor people.
k) Mark 1:1. Is about Jesus the Messiah, the Son of God.
l) Mark 1:14. Is about God.
m) Mark 1:15. Has to be Believed to become effective in our lives.
n) Mark 8:35. Is something that we can live for.
o) Mark 13:10; 16:15; Luke 4:43. Must be preached to all Nations.
p) Luke 2:10. If received, can bring Joy to all people.
q) Luke 9:6. Is for the village people too.
r) Luke 22:35. Does not have to cost a lot of money to proclaim.
s) Acts 10:36. Is that there is Peace with God through Jesus Christ Who is Lord of all.
t) Acts 13:32; Romans 1:2. Was first revealed in the Old Testament.
u) Acts 14:15. If responded to means that we turn from worthless things to the Living God.
v) Acts 16:10. God calls Preachers of it.
w) Romans 1:16. Is the Power of God at work, Saving everyone who Believes it.
x) Romans 1:17. Tells us how God makes us right in His sight by Faith.
y) Romans 10:16; 11:28. Is not welcomed by everyone.
z) Romans 15:19. Needs to be fully presented.
aa) Romans 16:25. Is able to make us strong in God.
bb) Galatians 1:6. Is unique and exclusive.
cc) Galatians 3:8. God proclaimed it to Abraham.
dd) Ephesians 3:6. If we believe is causes us to inherit the riches inherited by God’s Children.
ee) Philippians 1:7 & 16. Needs sometimes to be defended and confirmed.
ff) Philippians 1:27. Calls us to live in a good manner.
gg) 1 Thessalonians 2:2. Should be declared boldly.
hh) 1 Thessalonians 2:4. Is something that God trusts us with.
ii) 1 Peter 4:17. Should be obeyed.
(Through this Second one I thank God for The Good News)
The Good News is able to make us strong in God. This is something we should always remember. If we try other things to make ourselves strong in God, they are secondary or may even be incorrect. The first and foremost way in which we become strong in God is the Good News – the Gospel of His Grace.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
a) Proverbs 10:9. A person of integrity walks securely.
b) 1 Kings 9:4. We should walk before the Lord with integrity of heart.
c) 1 Chronicles 29:17. God is pleased with it.
d) Nehemiah 7:2. People with it can be trusted.
e) Job 2:3. The Lord acknowledges it.
f) Job 2:9. It is something to be held on to in difficult times.
g) Psalm 7:8. Stands God’s Judgment.
h) Psalm 25:21. Protects us.
i) Psalm 41:12. Causes us to be in God’s Presence.
j) Psalm 78:72. Leaders should have it in their hearts.
k) Proverbs 11:3. May guide us.
l) Proverbs 29:10. People with it are hated by bloodthirsty people.
m) Matthew 22:16. Jesus had it.
n) Titus 2:7. Should be shown in the Teaching of God’s Word.
(This QT reminds me of the importance of Integrity)
‘Learn The Scriptures.’
2 Timothy 3:14-17.
a) 2 Timothy 3:14. Learn them.
b) 2 Timothy 3:14. Continue in them. To
c) 2 Timothy 3:14. Be convinced of them.
d) 2 Timothy 3:14. Respect those people who teach them.
e) 2 Timothy 3:15. Know them.
f) 2 Timothy 3:15. Be made wise for Salvation through Faith in Christ Jesus through them.
g) 2 Timothy 3:16. They are God-breathed or inspired and are useful for:-
1- Teaching.
2- Rebuking.
3- Correcting.
4- Training in Righteousness.
h) 2 Timothy 3:17. They thoroughly equip us for every good work.
(This Second one calls me to Learn The Scriptures until I die)
We should respect the people who teach us the Scriptures. This is a most important attitude. If we do not respect our Bible Teachers, we will learn nothing. The Word of God is not simply to be treated as words – it is Life. The Word of God should stimulate our thinking and lead our praying.
Monday, July 20, 2009
Timothy Was Ready!
‘Timothy Was Ready.’
Acts 16:1-3.
a) Acts 16:1. Timothy was already a Disciple of the Lord.
b) Acts 16:1. He had a Jewish Believer mother.
c) Acts 16:1. His family and home was multi ethnic.
d) Acts 16:2. Timothy had a good reputation amongst the Believers.
e) Acts 16:3. Apostle Paul wanted him in the team.
f) Acts 16:3. For wisdom’s sake in front of the Jews Paul arranged for Timothy to be circumcised before he joined the Apostolic team.
(This QT shows me how Timothy Was Ready and teaches me that before people can join a ministry team they should be ready)
‘The Impression Timothy Created.’
2 Timothy 1:1-5.
a) 2 Timothy 1:1. This impression was created in the heart of Apostle Paul.
b) 2 Timothy 1:2. Timothy had become a dear spiritual son. (Timothy’s own father was a non-believer)
c) 2 Timothy 1:2. Paul blessed Timothy to receive:-
1- Grace.
2- Mercy.
3- Peace.
d) 2 Timothy 1:3. Paul thanked God for Timothy.
e) 2 Timothy 1:3. Paul constantly remembered Timothy in his Prayers.
f) 2 Timothy 1:4. Paul longed to be together with Timothy again and that they would have godly Joy together.
g) 2 Timothy 1:5. Paul remembered Timothy’s genuine Faith.
(Through this Second one I am challenged by The Impression Timothy Created)
We are often called to be committed and to join in a ministry. This can happen in both Church and para-church organisations. There is so much pressure in these days to “get involved”. My question is: ‘Are we ready?’ The fact that Timothy was deemed as being ready should help us to realise first, that as participants in ministry we need to be ready. Secondly, as leaders of ministries, we are not just inviting anyone to join. The participants should be ready.
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Believers Do Not Judge Other Believers!
‘Believers Do Not Judge Other Believers.’
Romans 14:10-13.
a) Romans 14:10. To judge another Believer is pride.
b) Romans 14:10. To judge another Believer is looking down on them, it is wrong.
c) Romans 14:10. We will all stand in God’s courtroom to be Judged.
d) Romans 14:11; Isaiah 45:23. We can be sure that:-
1- The Lord lives.
2- Every knee will bow down in front of the Lord.
3- Every tongue will tell the Truth to God.
e) Romans 14:12. We will all have to explain to God the things we have done.
f) Romans 14:13. Let us stop judging one another.
g) Romans 14:13. Be positive. Make up our minds not to put anything in our brother or sister's way that would make them trip and fall.
(This QT reminds me strongly that Believers Do Not Judge Other Believers)
‘Three Keys To A Normal Christian Life.’
(These things should be a part of our lives in daily normal circumstances)
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18.
a) 1 Thessalonians 5:16. Always be joyful.
b) 1 Thessalonians 5:17. Never stop praying.
c) 1 Thessalonians 5:18. Give thanks no matter what happens. God wants us to thank Him because we Believe in Christ Jesus.
(This Second one reminds me of Three Keys To A Normal Christian Life)
The Lord lives. We are so Blessed because of this fact. We have a God Who is alive today. Let us Trust Him and learn to follow Him because He is alive. God is a living reality for all of us and for True Believers, we have the assurance of our sins being forgiven because the Lord lives.
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Give Me A Wise Heart!
‘Give Me A Wise Heart.’
a) Proverbs 10:8. I will then accept commands.
b) Proverbs 16:21. Then I can be a discerning person.
c) Proverbs 16:23. It will instruct my mouth well.
d) Ecclesiastes 8:5. It will know the right time and procedure.
(Through this QT my prayer is for the Lord to Give Me A Wise Heart)
‘Humility In Front Of God.’
Ezra 8:21-23.
a) Ezra 8:21. It was the time for an important journey in the Will of God, an act of Faith and Obedience.
b) Ezra 8:21. The journey did not only involve Ezra but many people.
c) Ezra 8:21. Ezra proclaimed a fast that the people might humble themselves in unity before God.
d) Ezra 8:21. Ezra asked God for a safe journey for:-
1- The people.
2- Their children.
3- Their possessions.
e) Ezra 8:22. Ezra led the people this way because he was ashamed to ask the king for protection. Ezra had already proclaimed that the hand of our God is gracious to all who seek Him, but His great anger is against all who abandon Him.
f) Ezra 8:23. Ezra and the people fasted and pleaded with God about this matter and God granted their request.
(This QT reminds me to have Humility In Front Of God)
Humility in front of God is a very real necessity for every True Believer. This should be at all times but especially so at the times of making big decisions and carrying them out. God is surely a Living God whose ears are not deaf to the prayers of His People.
Friday, July 17, 2009
Obadiah, The King’s Servant!
‘Obadiah, The King’s Servant.’
(Obadiah means – ‘A servant of Jehovah)
1 Kings 18:3-16.
a) 1 Kings 18:3. He was a good chief servant in a wicked king’s home.
b) 1 Kings 18:3. He feared the Lord greatly.
c) 1 Kings 18:4. He rescued and hid the prophets of the Lord.
d) 1 Kings 18:5. He was given a difficult task by the king Ahab in the time of famine. The hard job turned out to be clearly the Will of God.
e) 1 Kings 18:6. He was obedient to his master.
f) 1 Kings 18:7. He met Elijah the Prophet.
g) 1 Kings 18:8. Elijah asked Obadiah to do something even more difficult.
h) 1 Kings 18:9-14. Obadiah’s fear caused him to have a ‘roller coaster’ of negative thoughts.
i) 1 Kings 18:15. Elijah promised to meet King Ahab.
j) 1 Kings 18:16. Obadiah obeyed and the meeting occurred.
(This QT teaches me about Obadiah, The King’s Servant who was truly a servant of Jehovah)
‘Praying For Believers In Their Time Of Need.’
James 5:13-18.
a) James 5:13. The person requesting prayers should also pray for themselves.
b) James 5:14. Should be done by the Church Elders.
c) James 5:15. The Elders should pray in Faith – being men of active Faith.
d) James 5:15. The needing Believer should confess their sins to God –specifically.
e) James 5:16. If the needing Believer has some extreme burden of guilt because of sin, they may need to confess their sin to an Elder.
f) James 5:16:18. The Elder should pray fervently and consistently for the needing Believer, because this Prayer of the Righteous Elder has much power.
(This Second one reveals to me the real meaning of Praying For Believers In Their Time Of Need)
Fear may easily cause us to have roller coasters of negative thoughts. In fear we can imagine all kinds of things that are not. Let us not be controlled by fear in our relationships with other people – this can cause many relationship difficulties because of our imagining things.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Christ Died!
‘Christ Died.’
a) Romans 14:9. To be Lord of all people – living and dead.
b) Romans 5:6. For the ungodly people.
c) Romans 5:8; 1 Thessalonians 5:10. For us.
d) Romans 14:15. For our brother or sister in Christ.
e) 1 Corinthians 8:11. For the weak Believer.
f) 1 Corinthians 15:3. For our sins according to the Scriptures.
g) 2 Corinthians 15:4. For all people.
h) Hebrews 9:15. To set us free from the penalty of sins which we have committed.
i) Hebrews 9:28. Once for all time.
(This QT causes me to muse upon the fact that Christ Died)
‘Elijah The Prophet.’
1 Kings 17:1.
a) He was an ordinary man.
b) He was not afraid to speak to whom the Lord wanted him to speak.
c) He knew the Living God.
d) He had Faith to stand before God.
e) He had the Word from the Lord to speak.
(This Second one greatly encourages me, Elijah The Prophet)
We should not be yoked together with ungodly people in some special relationship or business together relationship. This is clearly taught in the Word of God. Rather, we should be reaching out to ungodly people with demonstrations of God’s Love coming from our hearts and not just our actions.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
The Godly And The Wicked People!
‘The Godly And The Wicked People.’
Proverbs 10:6-7.
a) Godly people are showered with Blessings.
b) Wicked people have hidden violent intentions.
c) Godly people create happy memories.
d) Wicked people have a name that will rot away.
(This QT teaches me very clearly about The Godly And The Wicked People)
‘God Knew Hannah.’
1 Samuel 1 1-27.
a) 1 Samuel 1:1. Her husband was a Believer in God.
b) 1 Samuel 1:2. Hannah was in the culturally and emotionally difficult position of being one of two wives but bearing no children.
c) 1 Samuel 1:3. Elkanah, her husband, was a Worshipper of God.
d) 1 Samuel 1:4-5. Elkanah blessed his wives and children on the Day of Sacrifice. This must have caused more pain to Hannah because she had no children.
e) 1 Samuel 1:6-7. Peninah, the other wife would taunt Hannah because she had no children.
f) 1 Samuel 1:8. Elkanah could not understand Hannah’s pain. Even her own husband could not understand her.
g) 1 Samuel 1:9-16. Even her desperate prayer was misunderstood by the priest.
h) 1 Samuel 1:17-18. Eventually she was understood and Blessed.
i) 1 Samuel 1:19-20. God answered her Prayer.
j) 1 Samuel 1:21-22. She became a good mother. (In the Blessing the other wife faded out of the picture)
k) 1 Samuel 1:24-27. Hannah became a Worshipper of God through all that she went through. (The end result was sweetness not bitterness)
(This Second one reminds me that God Knew Hannah and that He knows us all too)
Hannah’s situation became more desperate when even her own prayer was misunderstood by Eli the priest. One of the most potentially painful episodes is when we have misunderstandings with spiritual authorities. This can leave us in fear and spiritually orphaned. All of us who have any position of spiritual authority should be open to the revision of our opinions – especially presumptive ones. This can cause the healing and Blessing of God’s people.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Coming Into God’s Presence As A Church!
‘Coming Into God’s Presence As A Church.’
Psalm 95:1-7.
a) Psalm 95:1. Singing and making a joyful noise to Him.
b) Psalm 95:2. Coming with Thanksgiving and making a joyful noise to Him.
c) Psalm 95:3. Appreciating His Greatness.
d) Psalm 95:4-6. Bowing down and Worshipping Him as our Creator.
e) Psalm 95:7. Realising that He is our Shepherd.
f) Psalm 95:7. Wanting to hear Him speak to us.
(This QT reminds me of the way to be Coming Into God’s Presence As A Church)
‘The Foundation Of Participation In Church.’
Hebrews 10:19-25.
a) Hebrews 10:19. Boldness to enter the Holiest Place because of the Blood of Jesus. (Freedom from guilt and shame)
b) Hebrews 10:20. By the Way of the New Covenant and not the letter of the Law. This way is Consecrated for us by Jesus Christ.
c) Hebrews 10:21. Having Jesus as our High Priest. (Pastors and all other leaders are servants and His Royal Priesthood – Jesus is the High Priest of the Church)
d) Hebrews 10:22. Draw near with a true heart in full Assurance of Faith.
e) Hebrews 10:22. Having our hearts washed from an evil conscience.
f) Hebrews 10:22. Being clean from our physical sins.
g) Hebrews 10:23. Holding fast to our profession of Faith without wavering and trusting in the Faithfulness of God.
h) Hebrews 10:24. Considering other people by encouraging them and encouraging them to join in with their abilities – doing good works.
i) Hebrews 10:25. Being consistent in gathering fellowship.
j) Hebrews 10:25. Exhorting one another positively in the Light of the Lord’s Second Coming.
(This Second one clearly shows me The Foundation Of Participation In Church)
If we are truly going to desire and enjoy God we need to be free from our physical sins. If we are going to serve God in a way that is acceptable to Him we need to be free from our physical sins. If we are going to be a source of Blessing to other people in the Church we need to be free from our physical sins. If we are meaningfully going to take Holy Communion and stay healthy we need to be free from our physical sins.
Monday, July 13, 2009
Be Biblically Sensible Not Legalistic!
‘Be Biblically Sensible Not Legalistic.’
Romans 14:6-8.
a) Romans 14:6. Doing it for the Lord with a pure motive:-
1- Thinking one day is more important than other days.
2- Eating all kinds of food.
3- Refusing to eat some foods.
b) Romans 14:7. We do not live or die for ourselves.
c) Romans 14:8. We are doing it for the Lord:-
1- Living.
2- Dying.
3- Belonging to Him.
(This QT urges me to Be Biblically Sensible Not Legalistic)
‘Praise Leaders’
1 Chronicles 16:4-7.
a) 1 Chronicles 16:4. Are appointed in the Church and do not appoint themselves.
b) 1 Chronicles 16:4. Serve in the Presence of the Lord.
c) 1 Chronicles 16:4. They lead:-
1- Worship.
2- Thanksgiving.
3- Praise.
d) 1 Chronicles 16:5. Have a leader who leads them.
e) 1 Chronicles 16:6. Are consistent in conduct and availability in the Presence of God.
f) 1 Chronicles 16:7. Should be limited to only Praise Ministry in the Church whilst they are responsible for that Ministry.
(This Second one stimulates me to pray for Biblical Praise Leaders)
We are living for and to the Lord if we are True Believers. This has to be the highest motive in our lives, everything else becomes second. If this priority is missing then many problems will be evidenced unnecessarily in our lives, families, churches and businesses. Let us maintain living for the Lord as our top priority.
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Harvest Time!
‘Harvest Time.’
a) Proverbs 10:5. Is not a time to sleep.
b) Genesis 8:22. Shall not cease while the Earth remains.
c) Genesis 47:24; 2 Samuel 9:10. Is a time of provision for family and government.
d) Leviticus 19:9; 23:10 & 22, Deuteronomy 24:19. Should be a time of generosity.
e) Leviticus 25:5. Should follow the Sabbatical principle.
f) Ruth 2:21-23. Is a time for building relationships.
g) 1 Samuel 8:12. Is the work of appointed harvesters.
h) 1 Samuel 12:7; Isaiah 18:5; Jeremiah 5:17. Can be destroyed by the Lord.
i) 2 Chronicles 32:28. Storehouses are needed.
j) Psalm 107:37; Joel 3:13. The hard worker can have a fruitful one.
k) Proverbs 20:4. Is a time of begging for the lazy person.
l) Isaiah 9:3. Should be a time of Joy.
m) Jeremiah 8:20. Passes by.
n) Hosea 6:11. Is appointed by the Lord.
o) Matthew 9:37-38; John 4:35. The harvest is plentiful.
p) Matthew 13:30; Revelation 14:15. Is a time of eternal separation.
(Through this QT I am reminded that it is Harvest Time)
‘Carrying The Presence Of The Lord In Christian Ministry.’
1 Chronicles 15:2-4.
a) 1 Chronicles 15:2. Only the Priests whom the Lord has chosen can serve in this way. (The Priesthood of True Believers)
b) 1 Chronicles 15:2. There is no retirement.
c) 1 Chronicles 15:3. Christian ministry should begin at the Place of Worship.
d) 1 Chronicles 15:4. There should be a clear leadership structure amongst Christian ministers.
(This Second one teaches me more about Carrying The Presence Of The Lord In Christian Ministry)
True Believers are God’s Royal Priesthood according to the Scriptures, so we should live and serve as such. God’s calling is never taken back. We need to follow His Calling in a very real and clear way. The Church, not Mission or Mission field, is the place where training for Ministry should begin. Certain people may be called to Seminary or to Mission but it all begins in the Church. Leadership structure that is clearly established by God is important amongst those people who are God’s Royal Priesthood, then everything can be done orderly and well.
Ziba - A Cunning Servant!
‘Ziba – A Cunning Servant.’
a) 2 Samuel 9:2. Was a servant of Saul’s family.
b) 2 Samuel 9:3. Told the Truth to David, but saw it also as a chance to better himself.
c) 2 Samuel 9:4. Directed David to Mephibosheth.
d) 2 Samuel 9:9-11. He was given a new position, having to serve Mephibosheth’s family. This obviously gave thoughts to Ziba of deceiving Mephibosheth, taking advantage of him because he was a handicapped man.
e) 2 Samuel 16:1-4. Ziba lies to David about Mephibosheth and corrupts David with gifts.
f) 2 Samuel 19:17. Came with his men to welcome back King David. Ziba was already enjoying his ill gotten gains.
g) 2 Samuel 19:26-30. David finds out the True story of Mephibosheth and immediately divides what he originally gave to Ziba. He could not take all away from Ziba because Ziba had deceived David into giving the land to him with the Lord’s Blessing. Ziba kept half and Mephibosheth had half.
(This QT causes me to pray for Christian businesspeople, men and women, that they will live honest lives before God and not be cunning like Ziba)
‘Come Out Of Hiding.’
a) 1 Samuel 26:3; 10:22-23; 22:4. David came out eventually, in God’s time and way, and became the King of God’s People.
b) Deuteronomy 7:20; 2 Chronicles 22:9. Enemies of the Lord and be exterminated.
c) Deuteronomy 33:27; Joshua 8:13-19; 1 Samuel 14:11 & 22. And destroy your enemies. Do not be afraid.
d) Joshua 8:7; Habakkuk 3:14; Judges 7:19-22. The Lord our God will help you.
e) 1 Samuel 23:23. Some people have many places of hiding.
f) Psalm 32:7. And Praise the Lord.
g) Proverbs 26:23. Hateful thoughts and go away.
h) Song of Solomon 2:14. And begin a good relationship that leads to marriage.
i) Jeremiah 36:19. When it is safe to do so.
(Through this Second one I want to encourage God’s People to come out of hiding)
The Lord our God is always ready to help us as we step out in His Will. There is a necessity for us all to be confident about God’s Will for our lives. As we put God first and endeavour to do His Will we can really be assured of His Help and Strength.
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Be Convinced!
‘Be Convinced.’
a) Romans 14:5. Of our conscience and Faith.
b) Luke 16:31; Acts 28:24. In the reality of the Gospel only by hearing the Word of God.
c) Luke 20:6. That real men of God are men of God.
d) Acts 26:9. In the right way and not the wrong way.
e) Romans 4:21; 2 Timothy 1:12. That God is able to do what He has promised.
f) Philippians 1:25. Of the Will of God.
(This QT reminds me to Be Convinced)
a) 2 Samuel 4:4. Had a serious childhood accident that crippled him for life.
b) 2 Samuel 9:1-7 & 10-11. Was shown great kindness by King David.
c) 2 Samuel 9:12. He had his own family.
d) 2 Samuel 16:1-4. Was betrayed by Ziba and misunderstood by King David.
e) 2 Samuel 19:24-30. Sought reconciliation with King David after Ziba broke their relationship. (Sometimes a manipulative third party can break our relationship with another person, especially if we are some distance away from that person)
f) 2 Samuel 21:7. Was spared by King David because of the Lord’s Word.
(I learn many things through this Second one, Mephibosheth)
God is able to do what He has promised. We need to trust the Promises God gives to us rather than the prophecies God gives to us. God’s Promises are found in His infallible Word. Prophecies are given by fallible human beings and are open to judgment. We are Biblically exhorted to test and judge prophecies.
Friday, July 10, 2009
Lazy People!
‘Lazy People.’
a) Proverbs 10:4. Soon get poor.
b) Proverbs 10:26. Irritate their employers.
c) Proverbs 12:27. Do not even cook the game they catch.
d) Proverbs 13:4. Want much but get little.
e) Proverbs 19:15; 6:9-11. Sleep soundly but they get hungry.
f) Proverbs 19:24; 26:15. Take food with their hand but do not even put it in their mouth.
g) Proverbs 26:16. Are often proud.
(This QT reminds me not to be in fellowship with Lazy People)
‘Pathway To Failure.’
2 Samuel 11:1-4.
a) 2 Samuel 11:1. Solo independence.
b) 2 Samuel 11:2. Lustful eyes.
c) 2 Samuel 11:3. Making enquiries into a possible sin situation.
d) 2 Samuel 11:4. Failure of will and entry into temptation.
(This Second one shows me a Pathway To Failure)
Lazy people cannot look after themselves properly when they have to or need to. They generally sit around doing nothing or doing meaningless things to “pass the time”. Lazy people need to be disciples of the Lord Jesus and trained in the proper way how to live a meaningful life.
Thursday, July 9, 2009
(The name in Hebrew means “giver”)
a) 2 Samuel 12:1. Was sent by the Lord.
b) 2 Samuel 7:2. Was a godly prophet.
c) 2 Samuel 7:3. Spoke his word as well as the Lord’s Word.
d) 2 Samuel 7:4. Was sensitive to the Lord.
e) 2 Samuel 7:17; 1 Kings 1:24. Was not afraid of the king and brought God’s Word to him.
f) 2 Samuel 12:1-5. Also spoke God’s Word in parables when appropriate.
g) 2 Samuel 12:7. Was confrontational when he needed to be.
h) 2 Samuel 12:13. Heard confession and ministered the Lord’s forgiveness.
i) 2 Samuel 12:15. Had a home to call his own.
j) 2 Samuel 12:25. Gave babies the name from the Lord.
k) 1 Kings 1:8. He stood for what was correct.
l) 1 Kings 1:11. Was wise in policy.
m) 1 Kings 1:23. Was a respectful person.
n) 1 Kings 1:34. Was a king maker.
o) 1 Chronicles 17:1. Was trustworthy.
(This QT inspires me and instructs me through the prophet Nathan)
‘Created In Our Mother’s Womb.’
Psalm 139:13-16.
a) Psalm 139:13. The Lord made all the delicate inner parts of our bodies and knit u together.
b) Psalm 139:14. We should give thanks to the Lord for Creating us.
c) Psalm 139:14. We know that we are so wonderfully complex. God’s Work is marvellous.
d) Psalm 139:15. God watched over us as we were being woven together.
e) Psalm 139:16. God saw us before we were born.
f) Psalm 139:16. In the Lord’s Book every day of my life is already recorded and every moment laid out – even before I was born.
(This Second one gives me an awareness of how awesome God is I was Created In My Mother’s Womb)
In God’s unique way He has made us so wonderfully complex and yet He wants our lives to be simple, humble and pure. Sometimes we go through experiences in our lives that are complicated and make us feel difficulty, God is still there and He Knows all things. This is why we can trust Him to restore all things in our lives.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Who Are We?
‘Who Are We?’
a) Romans 14:4. To judge another person’s servant.
b) Romans 9:20. To answer back to God.
c) James 4:12. To judge our neighbour.
(Through this QT, Who Are We? God helps me to keep a correct attitude)
‘The Lord Be With You.’
a) 1 Samuel 20:13. In lasting Faithfulness.
b) Exodus 10:10. Spoken as an unintentional blessing and prophecy.
c) Ruth 2:4. As a greeting from the master to his workers.
d) 1 Samuel 17:37. In your battle against the giant.
e) 1 Chronicles 22:11 & 16. And give you success in God’s Work.
f) 2 Thessalonians 3:16. As a Church.
(This Second one teaches me the great significance of the Blessing: The Lord Be With You)
We should mind our own business if we are True Believers. “Minding our own business” is a Biblical Phrase that Paul instructs the Church with. Some Believers do not mind their own business and become gossips and interferers in other people’s lives. God speaks strongly against such behaviour. The Church has lost its power and effectiveness greatly today because it is blown by the wind of compromise.
Things The Lord Will Not Do!
‘Things The Lord Will Not Do.’
a) Proverbs 10:3. Allow the Righteous People to hunger.
b) Exodus 20:7; Deuteronomy 5:11. The LORD will not leave him unpunished who takes His name in vain.
c) Numbers 14:43. Be with us if we turn back from following Him.
d) Numbers 27:17. Allow the congregation to be like sheep who have no Shepherd.
e) 1 Samuel 8:18; Psalm 66:18. Answer our Prayer if we are in sin.
f) 1 Samuel 12:22; Psalm 94:14. Abandon His People.
g) Psalm 37:33. Leave the Righteous People in the hand of the wicked.
h) Psalm 40:11. Withhold His Compassion from us.
i) Jeremiah 23:20; 30:24. Turn back His anger until He has performed and carried out the purposes of His Heart.
j) Lamentations 3:31. Reject forever.
k) Romans 4:8. Take into account the sin of the person who is Blessed (with Salvation).
(I am encouraged through this QT, Things The Lord Will Not Do)
‘Building A Real Friendship.’
1 Samuel 18:1-4.
a) 1 Samuel 18:1. Begins with receiving a right impression.
b) 1 Samuel 18:1. Friendship is a bond.
c) 1 Samuel 18:1. Friendship means commitment.
d) 1 Samuel 18:1. Friendship means that you speak up for your friend.
e) 1 Samuel 18:2. Friendship opens families’ doors. (It should never be a secretive thing)
f) 1 Samuel 18:3. Friendship is a covenant relationship.
g) 1 Samuel 18:4. Within friendship – not trying to make friends – is the giving of kindness and gifts.
(This Second one teaches me about Building A Real Friendship)
Friendship is a bond, not a legally binding one, but one in which we can be proven as a reliable and consistent friend. In friendship the bond must work both ways. Many people today are lonely because of broken friendships. Friendships often break because we do not understand the meaning of Friendship and so really we do not fulfil what the term “friend” really means.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Go Out!
‘Go Out.’
a) 1 Samuel 17:34-35. And rescue the sheep from imminent danger.
b) Ruth 1:21. In obedience to God and trust Him for the future – we do not know the Plans He has for us but we are to trust Him.
c) Nehemiah 2:13. And discreetly see what has to be done.
d) Job 29:7. And take our place of Authority. Firstly spiritually and then with any other responsibility we may have been given.
e) Ezekiel 12:7. In doing what God wants us to do that His Word may be fulfilled.
(This QT encourages me to Go Out when God wants me to)
‘Signs Of Weakness.’
1 Samuel 14:47-52.
a) 1 Samuel 14:47. He fought and he punished his enemies in his own strength.
b) 1 Samuel 14:48. He was acting valiantly without the Lord’s direction.
c) 1 Samuel 14:49. Most of his children (after Jonathan) had names given out of pride. Ishvi means you are like me!
d) 1 Samuel 14:50-51. There was nothing about God – only about his family and army.
e) 1 Samuel 14:52. He built his army in a fleshly way.
(In this Second one we find Saul’s Signs Of Weakness, in the next chapter things really go wrong. When there are Signs Of Weakness we need to stop and come to God)
Simple obedience to God is not first for our benefit, rather it is for His Glory. It should be a normal thing for us, as True Believers, to obey God. When God wants us to do something it is always first for His Glory and then for any other purpose. Let us be a people who give simple obedience to God.
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Do Not Look Down On Them!
‘Do Not Look Down On Them.’
Romans 14:1-3.
a) Romans 14:1. Accept him whose faith is weak, without passing judgment on disputable matters.
b) Romans 14:2. One man's faith allows him to eat everything, but another man, whose faith is weak, eats only vegetables.
c) Romans 14:3. The person who eats everything must not look down on the person who does not eat everything.
d) Romans 14:3. The person who does not eat everything must not condemn the person who does eat everything, for God has accepted that person.
(This QT reminds me very clearly Do Not Look Down On Them)
‘The Spirit Of The Lord.’
a) 1 Samuel 16:13; Judges 3:10; 6:34. Came upon David in Power.
b) 1 Samuel 16:14. Departed from Saul.
c) Judges 13:25. Began to stir Samson.
d) 2 Samuel 23:2. Spoke though me.
e) 1 Kings 18:12. May carry you.
f) 2 Kings 2:16; Acts 8:39. Picks him up and sets him down.
g) Isaiah 11:2. Rests on Him.
h) Isaiah 63:14. Gives rest.
i) Ezekiel 37:1. Brought me out.
j) Micah 3:8. Fills with Power.
k) 2 Corinthians 3:17. Manifests freedom.
(This Second one causes me to value immensely The Spirit Of The Lord)
I hope that for the rest of my life on this Earth I can experience the Leading of the Holy Spirit in His gentle and positive way in my life. I want to be carried along by the Holy Spirit and experience His necessary promptings in my life. To be led by the Holy Spirit is the portion of all God’s Children.
The Power Of Righteousness!
‘The Power Of Righteousness.’
a) Proverbs 10:2; 11:4. It delivers from death.
b) Isaiah 45:8. It pours down from the skies and springs up from the Earth.
c) Isaiah 51:1. Is to be followed after.
d) Daniel 9:7. It belongs to the Lord.
e) Proverbs 13:6. It is keeping Power.
f) 1 John 3:7; Jeremiah 33:15. Is to be executed.
g) Matthew 5:6. It imparts Blessing.
h) Psalm 71:2. It is able to deliver.
i) Ezekiel 3:20. Is not to be turned from.
j) Proverbs 16:8. It leads us a better way.
k) Psalm 112:3. Endures forever.
l) Psalm 72:2; 35:24. Works in Judgment.
m) Isaiah 32:1. Helps a ruler to reign.
n) Proverbs 8:8. Can affect the way we speak.
o) Isaiah 61:3. Makes us like trees which Glorify God.
p) Psalm 85:10. Works together with Peace.
(Through this QT I appreciate The Power Of Righteousness)
‘We Believe On.’
a) John 1:12. Jesus Christ as the Way to Salvation.
b) Acts 16:31. Jesus Christ as the One Who can keep our family safe.
c) Acts 19:4. People should Believe on Jesus Christ.
d) Acts 22:19. The Lord, we may get persecuted.
e) 1 Timothy 1:16. Jesus Christ as the One Who gives Eternal Life.
f) 1 John 3:23. We are commanded to Believe on the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ and to Love each other.
(Through this Second one I affirm that I Believe On the Lord Jesus Christ)
To Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ is the right and good thing to do. Only He can take away human guilt through forgiveness of our sins. Only He can give Salvation to a lost World. Only He can give Assurance of Eternal Life. Let us do as the Scripture exhorts us to and Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ.
Saturday, July 4, 2009
The Supplier!
‘The Supplier.’
2 Corinthians 9:10.
a) Supplies seed to the sower.
b) Supplies bread for the hungry.
c) Supplies and multiplies our seed for sowing.
d) Increases the fruit of our Righteousness.
(Through this QT I thank God for the Lord The Supplier)
‘Christ The Lord Unto Us.’
a) Luke 2:11. Was born humanly as a baby in Bethlehem.
b) Luke 1:69. Is sent a Mighty Saviour.
c) Isaiah 9:6. A Child is born and a Son is given:-
1- The Government will rest on His Shoulders.
2- He is Wonderful Counsellor.
3- He is Mighty God.
4- He is Everlasting Father.
5- He is Prince of Peace.
d) Matthew 1:21. Will save His People from their sins.
e) Galatians 4:4. Came at the right time.
f) Galatians 4:5. Came to buy Freedom for us and to adopt us as His Own children.
g) 2 Timothy 1:9-10. Came:-
1- To save us.
2- To enable us to live a Holy life.
3- To show the Love and Kindness of God to us.
4- To break the power of death for us.
5- To show us the Way to Everlasting Life through the Good News.
h) Titus 3:4-7. To:-
1-3:4. Show to us the Kindness and Love of God.
2-3:5. Save us because of His Mercy.
3-3:5. Wash away our sins.
4-3:5. Give us New Life through the Holy Spirit.
5-3:6. Generously pour out the Holy Spirit on us.
6-3:7. Declare us not guilty because of His Kindness.
7-3:7. Give us confidence of Eternal Life.
i) 1 John 4:14. To give us His Testimony.
(Through this Second one I am so grateful to God that Christ The Lord Unto Us is given)
Apostle Paul was never a “one man band Minister”. He was always considering, training and encouraging his fellow leaders and the future leaders. Part of the ministry of Senior Pastors and leaders today must surely be doing the same thing. Let us learn from the ministry style of Apostle Paul as well as his written Teachings.
Friday, July 3, 2009
Living In The Light!
‘Living In The Light.’
Romans 13:11-14.
a) Romans 13:11. Because we know the critical period in which we are living.
b) Romans 13:11. We need to rouse ourselves from spiritual sleep.
c) Romans 13:11. Our Salvation is nearer to us now than when we first became True Believers.
d) Romans 13:12. The night is far advanced, and day is about to dawn.
e) Romans 13:12. We need to lay aside the deeds of darkness and clothe ourselves with the armour of Light.
f) Romans 13:13. We need to live properly as in the day.
g) Romans 13:13. As True Believers we should not indulge ourselves in:-
1- Revelry.
2- Drunkenness.
3- Lust.
4- Debauchery.
5- Quarrelling.
6- Jealousy.
h) Romans 13:14. We are to put on the Lord Jesus Christ and make no provision for gratifying our earthly cravings.
(This QT urges me to be Living In The Light)
‘How Can This?’
(God makes all things possible)
a) Luke 1:34. How can this be? Mary’s question to the Angel when she heard about her becoming the mother of Jesus Christ, because she had no husband.
b) 1 Samuel 10:27. The men of unbelief questioned Samuel’s ability and anointing as God’s Prophet. How can this man deliver us?
c) Luke 4:22. The people who knew Him humanly doubted Jesus. How can this be? They only thought of Him as a carpenter’s son and not God’s Son.
d) John 3:8-9. How can this be? Nicodemus was questioning Jesus about being spiritually reborn by the Holy Spirit.
e) John 6:52. The people could not understand the Teaching of Jesus. How can this man give us His Body to eat?
f) Acts 2:7. When the early disciples began to speak fluently in the languages of other Nations glorifying God the people asked: How can this be? Because all those disciples were from Galilee, simple everyday folk.
(Through this Second one, How Can This? My Faith in the Lord is strengthened)
There are some people today who only think of Jesus as a good man who lived a long time ago. Some people regard Him only as a hero because of His Death on the Cross. There are some people who respect Him as a prophet, yet others who acknowledge Him as one of many gods. Jesus Christ is the Son of God and He is God the Son and we can fully put our trust in Him.
a) Proverbs 10:1. Comes to a father’s heart when his son is wise.
b) Numbers 10:10. Can be celebrated.
c) Deuteronomy 28:47; Psalm 100:2. Should be the motive for serving the Lord our God.
d) 1 Chronicles 16:27; Psalm 4:7; 21:6. The Lord is the source of it.
e) 1 Chronicles 29:22; 2 Chronicles 30:21. Before the Lord it can be great.
f) 2 Chronicles 29:30; Isaiah 65:14. Sing Praises with it.
g) 2 Chronicles 30:23. Holy days can be observed with it.
h) Nehemiah 12:27. Dedication services should be held with it.
i) Esther 8:16-17. Comes with honour.
j) Esther 9:17-18. Comes when celebrating Victory.
k) Esther 9:22; Jeremiah 31:13. The Lord can turn our sorrow into it.
l) Psalm 40:16; 70:4. Comes as we search for the Lord.
m) Psalm 45:15. We can be led forth with it.
n) Psalm 51:8. We can hear it.
o) Psalm 65:12. The hills can be girded with it.
p) Psalm 68:3. Righteous people Rejoice with it.
q) Psalm 97:11. Belongs to the upright in heart.
r) Psalm 106:5; Isaiah 9:3. Can be national.
s) Proverbs 10:28. Is the Hope of Righteous people.
t) Ecclesiastes 5:20. In our heart keeps us occupied.
u) Isaiah 29:19. The Lord can even give it to the afflicted people.
v) Isaiah 35:10; 51:11. Belongs to the people Ransomed by the Lord.
w) Isaiah 65:18. God’s People are created for it.
x) Joel 1:16; Acts 2:46. Should be in the House of God.
y) Hebrews 1:9. The Lord Jesus was Anointed with it.
(Through this QT I thank God for Gladness)
‘The Birth Of Jesus Christ.’
Matthew 1:18-25.
a) Matthew 1:18. Is clearly described in the Holy Bible.
b) Matthew 1:18. Mary was engaged to Joseph and they had had no sexual relationship.
c) Matthew 1:18. Mary was with Child by the Holy Spirit.
d) Matthew 1:19. Joseph was a just and religious man, he thought that the best thing to do was to hide Mary secretly because he did not want her to be disgraced.
e) Matthew 1:20. The Angel of the Lord intervened and told Joseph not to be afraid and that Mary WAS with Child by the Holy Spirit.
f) Matthew 1:21. Mary would bring forth a Son and they were to name Him Jesus – He would Save His People from their sins.
g) Matthew 1:22-23. This was the perfect fulfilment of the Prophecy of Isaiah.
h) Matthew 1:24-25. Joseph married Mary but they had no sexual relationship at first.
i) Matthew 1:25. Then Jesus was born of the Virgin Mary, afterwards she and Joseph had children together.
(Through this Second one I understand clearly The Birth Of Jesus Christ)
Preparation for marriage is a very important time when virtues need to be exercised and trust built, ready for the marriage relationship. It is a time, especially in the case of True Believers, for having good relationship with God as a priority and good communication between each other.
Characteristics Of Jesus!
‘Characteristics Of Jesus.’
Isaiah 11:1-5.
a) Isaiah 11:1. A Life giving Branch.
b) Isaiah 11:2. Filled with the Holy Spirit, giving Him:-
1- Wisdom.
2- Understanding.
3- Counsel.
4- Might.
5- Knowledge.
6- The Fear of the Lord.
c) Isaiah 11:3. Quick understanding in the Fear of the Lord.
d) Isaiah 11:3. He does not judge by what His eyes see.
e) Isaiah 11:3. He does not make any decision by what His ears hear.
f) Isaiah 11:4. He Judges the poor people with Righteousness.
g) Isaiah 11:4. He decides with fairness for the afflicted people of the Earth.
h) Isaiah 11:4. He will strike the Earth with the rod of His Mouth and with the Breath of His lips He will slay the wicked.
i) Isaiah 11:5. His Character is Righteousness and Faithfulness.
(Through this QT I find the Characteristics Of Jesus)
a) 2 Corinthians 8:8. Of Love.
b) Joshua 24:14. In serving the Lord.
c) Isaiah 33:15. In speech.
d) Acts 2:46; Ephesians 6:5; Colossians 3:22. Of heart.
e) 1 Corinthians 5:7-8. Of the Church.
f) 2 Corinthians 1:12. That is godly in our Ministry.
g) 2 Corinthians 2:17. In speaking the Word of God.
(This Second one show me the importance of Sincerity)
The Holy Spirit will give us all the Might we need for what we need that Might for. True Believers should not be people who give up. We need to live with and in the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit will equip us to do God’s Will.
Thursday, July 2, 2009
The Amazing Power Of Love!
‘The Amazing Power Of Love.’
Romans 13:8-10.
a) Romans 13:8. To be free to love other people we should not be in debt.
b) Romans 13:9. If we truly love our neighbour:-
1- We do not commit adultery.
2- We do not kill.
3- We do not steal.
4- We do not lie.
5- We do not covet.
c) Romans 13:10. Love never works any evil.
d) Romans 13:10. Love is the fulfilling of God’s Law.
(Through this QT I find The Amazing Power Of Love)
‘Who Is Jesus?’
Isaiah 9:6-7.
a) He was born after human fashion.
b) He is God’s Gift, God so loved us that He sent His Son.
c) He is the ultimate Ruler, the Government is on His shoulders.
d) His Name is called Wonderful.
e) His Name is called Counsellor.
f) His Name is Mighty God.
g) His Name is Eternal Father.
h) His Name is Prince of Peace.
i) There will be no end to the increase of His Government, He governs through the Church.
j) He establishes Peace. God does not start wars, he ends them.
k) He sits on David’s throne, Reigning over the Kingdom of God.
l) He establishes and upholds the Kingdom of God with Justice and Righteousness.
m) He acts with the zeal of the Lord of Hosts.
(This QT helps to answer my question: Who Is Jesus)
Love is the fulfilling of the Law. This teaches us that God really intended the Law for His People’s good and benefit.
Love is the fulfilling of God’s Law. Let us take time to read the Law of God, understand it and understand God’s Motive in it.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Do Not Listen To Her!
‘Do Not Listen To Her.’
Proverbs 9:13-18.
a) Proverbs 9:13. To the foolish woman who is:-
1- Clamorous.
2- Stupid.
3- Knowing nothing.
b) Proverbs 9:14. She sits at the door of her house, it is in the idol worshipping part of the city, the high place. The True Believer should not be casually in that vicinity.
c) Proverbs 9:15. She calls and tempts passers by.
d) Proverbs 9:16. The simple person is sometimes duped by her.
e) Proverbs 9:16-17. She calls out to the person who is void of understanding and calls them to come and enjoy sin.
f) Proverbs 9:18. Her house is a place of death and hell.
(This QT gives me a message to all vulnerable people:- Do Not Listen To Her)
‘Our God Is.’
a) Isaiah 7:14. Immanuel.
b) 1 John 4:16. Love.
c) Psalm 16:10. The Holy One.
d) Revelation 1:8. The Alpha and Omega.
e) Exodus 6:3. God Almighty.
f) John 1:3. Creator of the World.
g) Jeremiah 32:17 & 27. All Powerful.
h) 1 John 3:20. All knowing.
i) Psalm 139:1 & 13. Ever present.
j) Numbers 23:19. Unchangeable.
k) Hebrews 10:16. A Covenant making God.
l) Isaiah 9:6. The Everlasting Father and Prince of Peace.
m) Hebrews 2:10. The Author of Salvation.
n) Romans 13:1. Full of Power.
o) Isaiah 63:1. Mighty to Save.
p) Isaiah 54:5. Our Maker.
q) John 14:6. The:-
1- Way.
2- Truth.
3- Life.
r) Revelation 17:14. King of kings and Lord of lords.
s) Revelation 5:6. The Lamb of God.
t) John 8:12. The Light of the World.
u) Hebrews 13:8. The same:-
1- Yesterday.
2- Today.
3- Forever.
v) 2 Corinthians 6:16. Dwelling in us.
w) Revelation 19:11. Faithful and True.
x) Acts 10:34. No respecter of persons.
y) Hebrews 12:2. The Author and Finisher of our Faith.
z) Hebrews 13:5. Never leaving us or forsaking us.
(Through this Second one I ponder in amazement on how amazing Our God Is)
Jesus is the Way. He is not a way to God but the Way to God. We can only come to God through Jesus Christ and in His Name – there is no other way to God. It is important to value our personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ.
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The Christian Life!
'The Christian Life.' a) Deuteronomy 7:11. Keep the Word of God. b) Deuteronomy 7:12. Listen to the Word of God. c) Deuteronomy...
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