'No More Excuse.'
John 15:22.
a) If I had not come and spoken to them,
b) They would have no sin,
c) But now
d) They have no excuse for their sin.
(This QT teaches me that there was No More Excuse)
PRAY: Not to make excuses for sin.
'Receive Rest From The Lord.'
Matthew 11:28-29.
a) Come to Me
b) All you who are weary and burdened,
c) And I will give you rest.
d) Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me,
e) For I am gentle and humble in heart,
f) And you will find rest for your souls.
(Through this Second one I know that we can Receive Rest From The Lord)
PRAY: Coming to the Lord.
The invitation from the Lord to us is simple and clear! He says: "Come to Me". This should be the first step and major focus of our Prayer Life, coming to the Lord. We first come as His guest, not demanding or assuming anything, but in simple humility. He remains both gentle and humble in heart. When we find this rest for our souls, then we can pray effectively.